The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 148: Shura Heritage, God of Killing Domain

Looking at the giant sword that had grown countless times larger, Yu Tianming thought to himself: In the legend of the Haotian Sect, only gods can perfectly perform the unique skill of the Great Sumeru Hammer. I didn't expect that Tang Hao had already used it on the Shura Sword.

The Great Sumeru Hammer is not a useless move like the Wind Hammer Method. It is not only extremely difficult to practice, but also extremely powerful. It is the secret of every Haotian Douluo.

Its theory is very simple, that is, to condense all soul rings into one, forcibly break through all constraints, inject them into the Haotian Hammer, and transform them into the purest power and attack power. This move can exert a powerful strength beyond one's own cultivation. It takes the route of one force defeating ten skills. It is a powerful move for fighting across levels.

Feeling that the surrounding space has been locked by Tang Chen, Yu Tianming's expression gradually became serious.

He did not choose to break through the constraints and use space teleportation to avoid Tang Chen's attack, because as long as he did not leave the range of the Killing City, Tang Chen could use the Wind Hammer Method to charge again and catch up with him.

"King of Slaughter, you seem to be happy too early." Yu Tianming sighed and injected a large amount of soul power into the ninth soul ring, condensing a transparent space barrier to isolate the two.

Tang Chen was like a towering mountain, his expression did not change at all, condensing all his soul power, the Shura Sword transformed by the Clear Sky Hammer was even faster, and instantly chopped in front of Yu Tianming.

Looking at this sword, Yu Tianming's eyes revealed a look of reminiscence. At the end of the Dragon God inheritance screen, there was a blood-red giant sword that seemed to connect the sky and the earth, slashing towards him. At the end of the Dragon God's memory, everything turned blood red under the giant sword, and the Dragon God's body was instantly cut into two parts, turning into the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King respectively.

Tang Chen is the inheritor of the Shura God, and Yu Tianming is the inheritor of the Dragon God. But Tang Chen's slashing with all his strength finally stopped above Yu Tianming's eyebrows, and could not advance an inch.

Yu Tianming's mouth curled up slightly: Tang Chen could forcibly break the space blade he casually threw, but this space barrier was infused with a lot of soul power, and the stability was definitely not something that Tang Chen, a demigod, could break.

Time is supreme, space is king, strength is supreme, and cause and effect are king.

The only attribute of the Clear Sky Hammer is its great weight. Tang Chen has been practicing for many years and has only focused on the use of strength, but his realm is still too far away from breaking all laws with one force. It is absolutely impossible for Tang Chen to break the space barrier created by Yu Tianming.

After a stalemate, the state of the Great Sumeru Hammer could no longer be maintained. Tang Chen instantly retreated hundreds of meters, knelt on one knee and gasped for air. At this time, half of his originally black hair turned gray, and wrinkles appeared on his resolute face. The Shura Sword in his hand also turned into a red light and disappeared in his palm.

The biggest difficulty in inheriting the throne of God is the strength of the body. For the inheritance of the Shura God at the level of the God King, the requirement for physical strength is even more outrageous.

When Tang Chen was the King of Slaughter, although he was parasitized and controlled by the Nine-headed Bat King, he also prevented the inheritance power of the Shura God from entering his body. Now, although Tang Chen has regained his sanity, his body, which has been parasitized for decades, can no longer withstand the inheritance power of the Shura God. It can be said that when the Nine-headed Bat King died, Tang Chen's life also entered the countdown.

Now Tang Chen forcibly used the Great Xumi Hammer with serious side effects. With his current state of almost running out of energy, he may face death at any time.

Yu Tianming's feet left the ground, suspended in the air, and flew in front of the half-dead Tang Chen, and slowly said: "I didn't expect the King of Slaughter to be so powerful, and the heavy sword moves are so exquisite that people can't find any flaws. It's a pity that no matter how powerful the moves are, they can't compare to my control of space."

The dying Tang Chen did not respond. He looked at the lofty Yu Tianming, his eyes flashing, and thought to himself: I didn't expect that in these decades, the mainland would be able to have such a young strong man. With him here, even if I leave the inheritance of the Shura God to Hao'er, I'm afraid it will be obstructed and the inheritance of the Shura God will be snatched away.

"This child must not be left."

When Yu Tianming was off guard, the old guy Tang Chen suddenly jumped up, and a Shura God Sword like a dagger condensed in his hand, stabbing straight at Yu Tianming's neck.

With one move, Tang Chen immediately burned with blood and turned into a scarlet blood light and flew towards the west of the Tiandou Empire. The direction of Tang Chen's flight seemed to be Hanhai City, or was it the Sea God Island?

If the attack fails, he will flee thousands of miles away. Tang Chen has run out of energy. Regardless of whether the sneak attack can be successful, he must escape immediately. But when Tang Chen flew outside the Killing City, he felt that the dagger he stabbed seemed to have hit an inexplicable barrier, and he could not break through the opponent's defense at all. He couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: spatial ability, so terrifying.

But what he didn't know was that Yu Tianming didn't use the ninth soul skill, Command the Realm to Return to the Origin, but used his body to resist Tang Chen's sneak attack. Yu Tianming's body was connected to the water world brought by the Mountain Dragon King's soul bone. How could Tang Chen's sneak attack shake the water world?

Yu Tianming looked at the blood shadow in the distance and laughed softly, "Is he going to find his old lover, Poseidon? The last time Tang Chen saw him before his death, he didn't go to the Haotian Sect. Was he afraid that I would investigate the Haotian Sect?"

Yu Tianming didn't choose to chase Tang Chen. He was only at level 90 and couldn't condense Tang Chen's Shura Divine Test. It's better to wait until Tang Chen took the initiative to hand over the Shura Divine Sword containing the Shura 8 Test to Poseidon, and then let himself reap the benefits.

After thinking clearly about the inheritance of the Shura God, Yu Tianming casually drew a space channel connecting the Killing Arena to the Hell Road in front of him. Yu Tianming smiled slightly and flashed into the Hell Road.

The Hell Road is located underground in the Killing City. In Yu Tianming's sight, the long river of blood under his feet, like magma, emits a faint red light, illuminating the entire Hell Road. Above his head is a reddish-brown rock wall, which seems to be stained with the blood of countless people and constantly emits the smell of rust.

The space of the Hell Road is not large. Under electromagnetic induction, Yu Tian quickly found the location of Dugu Yan.

Dugu Yan is surrounded by endless blood-colored bats like big birds. The number of these bats far exceeds what Yu Tianming encountered that year. The bats constantly make harsh noises and fly around Dugu Yan.

In Yu Tianming's perspective, three extremely huge dark gold three-headed bat kings are stranded at the outermost edge of the bat group, seemingly directing the actions of the blood bats.

Although Duguyan's poison attack was fatal to these bats, some bats still launched a suicidal charge towards Duguyan without fear of death, forcing Duguyan to resist with the evil god's tail thorn behind him, or attack with poison arrows, constantly consuming his physical strength and soul power.

Although the battle did not last long, the blood-colored bats' powerful attack had consumed more than half of Duguyan's soul power, and the black clothes he was wearing were dyed red by the bats' blood. Duguyan was not afraid of the poison in the bats' blood, but this black clothes had been corroded with many spots. As long as he pulled hard, this corroded black clothes would turn into powder.

Surrounded by so many bats, Duguyan was like a leaf in a whirlwind, looking extremely small.

Yu Tianming did not hesitate and appeared behind Duguyan in an instant. While holding her in his arms, the divine power around him surged in all directions. The bodies of countless blood-colored bats could not bear Yu Tianming's divine power at all. Just a little breath vibration made them bleed from all seven orifices and fall into the blood pool below the road to hell.

Dugu Yan turned her head to look at Yu Tianming behind her, and then looked at the blood-colored bats falling like raindrops around her. She breathed a long sigh of relief, and her chest, which had been panting heavily, slowly calmed down. She said thankfully: "Fortunately, Tianming, you arrived in time, otherwise I would have been exhausted to death here by these countless bats."

"Don't worry, I just had some things to deal with, but I left a mark on you and have been paying attention to your condition. If you can't stand it, I will definitely teleport over and save you first." Yu Tianming patted her shoulder and comforted her softly.

At this time, all the little bats had fallen into the blood-colored river. Only three dark gold three-headed bat kings were left in the air around the two of them, constantly circling and making harsh chirping sounds.

Looking at these three monsters, Yu Tianming thought to himself: It seems that there are many descendants of these nine-headed bat kings. Last time, I encountered a three-headed bat. I didn't expect that the King of Killing prepared three for Dugu Yan this time. If I hadn't been prepared, Dugu Yan might really be consumed by these bats.

"The nine-headed bat king is dead. If you surrender now, I can still spare your life." Yu Tianming's mind flashed, and he slowly spoke to the three monsters.

As the descendants of the nine-headed bat king, they can command so many small bats. Their intelligence is naturally extraordinary. Hearing Yu Tianming's voice, these dark gold three-headed bat kings made a piercing hiss and slowly flew in front of Yu Tianming and the others. They actually crawled on the ground like humans, showing a look of submission.

Yu Tianming's mouth curled up slightly, looking at the three monsters who bowed their heads and slowly said: "In this case, then I will spare your lives. If there are soul masters coming here in the future, you still attack with all your strength."

After that, he took Dugu Yan and flew towards the exit of the road to hell.

Duguyan looked at Yu Tianming's face and asked in confusion: "Tianming, why do you still keep these monsters? Why don't you kill them all?"

"It's easy to kill them, but it's hard to find a few more monsters. If there are more soul masters passing through the killing road, do we have to stop them ourselves?" Yu Tianming said jokingly. In this world, Yu Tianming and Duguyan have the killing god domain, and there is no need for a fifth person to obtain the killing god domain.

Dugu Yan nodded thoughtfully, as if she hadn't seen Yu Tianming for a long time. She looked at the blood-red scenery around her and asked again in confusion, "Why do I feel hot in my heart here, and feel that I can't control my reason?"

At this time, Dugu Yan's face had turned red, and her eyes were restless. Yu Tianming thought that she was going to accept the inheritance of the Shura God, and explained again:

"There are actually two gods of evil thoughts in the world. One is the Shura God who is in charge of killing, and the other is the Rakshasa God who is in charge of evil thoughts. The Fallen City is the relic left behind when they transcended this world. The Shura God controls the purest killing energy, while the Rakshasa God controls the most evil power. The two powers are mixed in the Killing City, and you are affected by the Rakshasa power."

The three difficulties on the road to hell that Tang San experienced were the dark gold three-headed bat king, the ten-headed scorching sun snake, and the influence of the Rakshasa power on the spirit. Now that the ten-headed scorching sun snake is gone, if anyone wants to experience the road to hell in the future, they will only face two difficulties.

Yu Tianming continued: "Yanyan, what you have to accept is the test of God Shura. Just increase the purity of your murderous intent. The influence of Rakshasa's divine power is just an impurity mixed in it."

While talking, the two of them had arrived at the exit of the Road to Hell, in front of an oval white light curtain.

"Go ahead, break through this light curtain, and you can obtain the Killing God Realm." After hearing Yu Tianming's words, Dugu Yan nodded, and used the Blue Silver Emperor's soul bone skill - flying, straight Crossed the end of the road to hell.

When Yu Tianming saw this light screen again, he had a different feeling: when his cultivation was low, he thought that passing through this light screen would give him the realm of the God of Death, just like being possessed by an enchantment. But now he realizes that the function of this heavy light screen is only to integrate the murderous aura in the body, and the 100-game winning streak in the Hell Killing Fields is not only a test, but also a crucial process of condensing the murderous aura.

Yu Tianming didn't stop too much, and followed Dugu Yan's footsteps and rushed out of the killing city.

There is no concept of day and night in the Killing City. There is always a red moon hanging in the sky.

Dugu Yan, who had been in the killing city for almost two years, arrived in the outside world as if he had just been released from prison. He looked directly at the dazzling sun, opened his arms, and cheered like crazy, with tears of excitement shed in his eyes. .

Yu Tianming walked to Dugu Yan's side and said with a smile: "Yan Yan, now try to use your God of Killing Domain."

When Dugu Yan heard Yu Tianming's words, he came back to his senses in a daze, and subconsciously looked at the mark of the God of Death on the palm of his hand. With a slight movement of his mind, an astonishing momentum spurted out like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, shocking Birds and beasts spread out for miles around.

Yu Tianming patted Dugu Yan on the shoulder and said slowly: "Okay, now we can try to take back the domain. Next, we will go to Tiandou City and return to the ordinary life of a soul master. By the way, we can take a look at this session. How about the Soul Master Competition?"

Dugu Yan thought that after two years of hard work on Poseidon Island and two years in the Killing City, she could finally have a good rest. The corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly, and she nodded heavily.

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