The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 149 Shura Field? Return to Tiandou City

A few days later, Duguyan and Yu Tianming slowly walked into Lanba Academy.

Although Lanba Academy was established only a dozen years ago, Lanba Forest has existed for hundreds of years. The trees along the road are so big that several people can hug them. They are lush and the leaves are lush. The lush shade covers the entire main road of Lanba Academy.

At this afternoon, the sun is shining, but the hot breath is completely blocked by these dense shades, forming a beautiful green curtain.

Walking on the main road of Lanba Forest, Duguyan's black hair swayed with the breeze. She pushed a few scattered hairs in front of her eyes behind her ears and said slowly: "Remember ten years ago, I was only six years old at that time. You are the first person of the same age I have seen."

Yu Tianming looked at Duguyan, who was dressed in black and tall, and a little smile appeared on his face. At that time, Duguyan had just awakened. She was 6 years old and not tall. She had never seen outsiders before, and she was extremely shy and blushed at every turn. After nearly ten years of hard work, she has become a tall and heroic woman. The two years in the City of Slaughter have given her an extra layer of cold murderous intent.

"Yanyan, I didn't expect that after so many years, you can still remember the situation back then."

Duguyan sighed, shook her head, and said slowly: "I just remember coming here with you ten years ago, and the other impressions are already very vague. In fact, although we lived here during the last Soul Master Competition, after four years of Sea God Island and the City of Slaughter, I almost forgot what Blue Tyrant Academy looked like."

Yu Tianming patted Duguyan on the shoulder, with a trace of heartache in his eyes, "Yanyan, there won't be so many things in the future. In the next period of time, you just need to slowly cultivate your soul power and enjoy the life in Tiandou City."

Duguyan's mouth curled up slightly, but in the end she said nothing.

The two walked along the main road of Blue Tyrant Academy under the shade of trees, and soon came to the arena where the Soul Master Competition team members were training.

At this time, on the stage, Huang Yuan, who was originally a substitute for Shrek Academy, was fighting with Dai Mubai and Jiang Zhu with Ning Rongrong, the strongest assistant. Because Dai Mubai did not take Qirong Tongtianju, and Jiang Zhu's auxiliary effect was far inferior to Ning Rongrong, he was suppressed by Huang Yuan, who was relatively weak, and completely lost the momentum of the evil-eyed white tiger.

Amid the cheers of the spectators, Yu Tianming led Dugu Yan through the bustling crowd and came to the empty seats reserved in the front row.

This place is very close to the central stage, and every move of the fighters on the stage can be clearly seen. Of course, the people on the stage can also clearly see every audience sitting in the first row.

Ning Rongrong, who was assisting Huang Yuan, noticed Dugu Yan holding hands with Yu Tianming.

As a mutant soul master of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, Yu Tianming is extremely tall and strong, and his aura as a strong man is even more awe-inspiring. Duguyan also inherited Dugubo's tall and thin figure. She has lived in the City of Slaughter for two years and habitually wears black clothes. Her black hair is tied into a ponytail. The killing intent that cannot be completely controlled is slightly leaked, and she looks imposing.

Ning Rongrong, who noticed the two, pouted her lips and thought to herself: Is she Duguyan? She doesn't look easy to get along with, but her aura matches that of Brother Tianming, which makes me look like an outsider.

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong didn't care about the tactics with Huang Yuan, and directly used the third soul skill of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, "Nine Treasures turn out glazed. Nine Treasures have a name, the third is: soul." The dazzling Nine Treasures Glazed Tower in her hand flashed with precious light, and a stream of light instantly injected into the body of her teammates, increasing their soul power by 40%.

Dai Mubai, who was already busy dealing with it, saw that the opponent's strength had soared again, and he no longer wanted to continue fighting. He raised his hands to admit defeat, stepped back a few steps, and jumped off the ring.

Dugu Yan looked at Ning Rongrong on the stage, tilted his head slightly towards Yu Tianming, and whispered: "Tianming, isn't this the eldest daughter of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Ning Rongrong? I saw her when Grandpa was crowned in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect. Is she interested in you?"

Yu Tianming blushed slightly and said to Dugu Yan: "Yan Yan, what do you think of Rongrong?"

At this time, Ning Rongrong had two buns on her head and was wearing a battle suit similar to a cheongsam. Under the influence of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Tower martial spirit, she had an unconventional and luxurious aura. Although she didn't have a voluptuous figure, her lovely appearance was also full of charm.

"Very cute, I saw her when Grandpa was crowned, I didn't expect that she has grown up so big in a blink of an eye, it really makes people feel a little unreal." Dugu Yan looked at Yu Tianming suspiciously, and asked puzzledly: "She didn't seem to get along with you before, why do you care about her so much, did you two get together while I was away?"

Yu Tianming has been in this world for more than ten years, but he still retains some of his previous life's concepts in his heart. Although being with Ning Rongrong was an open marriage, he was still a little embarrassed when facing Dugu Yan's question.

After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "My charm is too great, Rongrong is fascinated, so the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect are in marriage."

As he spoke, the victorious Ning Rongrong couldn't wait to jump off the ring and ran towards Yu Tianming. And Flanders's gloomy voice, like a night owl, also rang in the ears of many soul masters in the arena: "The next group, Tang San will fight Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu."

Tang San, wearing a plain blue shirt, jumped up and stood in the center of the ring.

"Xiao Wu, you fight Xiao San in the front, I will fly to the sky and keep shooting flames. Hehehe, let Xiao San see how powerful the flames of Fatty are." The red-haired fat man climbed onto the ring while talking to the bunny-eared girl beside him.

Xiao Wu ignored Ma Hongjun beside her. She glanced at Yu Tianming sitting in the audience, and stood in front of Tang San with an expressionless face, ready to fight.

At this time, Ning Rongrong also came to Yu Tianming and Dugu Yan, and wanted to say hello to Dugu Yan. But looking at the black-clothed woman in front of her with a sharp breath, Ning Rongrong still timidly sat on the seat on the other side of Yu Tianming. She pressed her body against Yu Tianming's side, only sticking out a small head to look at Dugu Yan.

One on the left and one on the right, both of them are his wings. It was their first official meeting, and Yu Tianming couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

With his powerful strength, he no longer needs to care about the women around him, and he is not afraid of the so-called Shura Field, but not all problems can be solved by force. Just like raising two pets at home, both of which he likes very much, but the two pets will fight as soon as they meet. If the two of them start to confront each other, Yu Tianming will also be a little irritated.

Unexpectedly, Dugu Yan saw that Ning Rongrong was not jealous, but slightly bent down, looked at Ning Rongrong who was a little timid, tried her best to show a kind smile, and said softly: "Hello Rongrong, I am a few years older than you, just call me Sister Yanyan."

Dugu Yan, who had just walked out of the Killing City, could not perfectly control the murderous aura. Her smile was still as scary as a real venomous snake, but Ning Rongrong could also feel her kindness from it, so she slowly leaned out and responded with a smile: "Hello, Sister Yanyan."

Yu Tianming looked at the two with doubts on his face, why the conversation between the two seemed so friendly, but seeing that the two could get along well, he no longer continued to think, but watched Tang San's battle on the ring.

When Duguyan and Ning Rongrong were talking, Tang San noticed the three people in the audience and immediately widened his eyes: Doesn't Yu Tianming have so many women, why does he want to provoke his Xiao Wu? No one cultivates the barren land, but once cultivated, people fight for it. Could it be that the relationship between men and women is similar? Will it be more attractive to have a partner?

When Tang San was distracted, Xiao Wu's eyes flashed with pink light, and her second soul skill Charm was activated. Tang San, who was originally distracted, was in a trance, and Xiao Wu used the third soul skill to teleport. In a flash, she came behind him and controlled him with her signature soul skill waist bow.

Xiao Wu's perfect combo caused a cry of surprise from the students in the audience.

The skill ratio of the soft bone charm rabbit is excellent, with control, displacement, and melee means. Hu Liena of the Spirit Hall seemed much weaker in front of Xiao Wu. It can be said that Xiao Wu is more like a seductive vixen.

After Tang San was controlled, Ma Hongjun shot out a Phoenix Fire Line.

Although Tang San had reacted and subconsciously summoned the Blue Silver Grass to resist, the Blue Silver Grass was flammable to begin with, and he absorbed the Man-Faced Demon Spider as his third soul ring, which made the Blue Silver Grass more flammable again. In just a moment, a ball of fire shot up into the sky on the ring and enveloped Tang San along the Blue Silver Grass.

The flames burst quickly and extinguished quickly. After a breath, the Blue Silver Grass on the ring turned into black dust, and Tang San, whose skin was red, emerged from it.

"Xiao San, are you okay?" Seeing that his flames had caused such strong damage, Ma Hongjun immediately ran up to ask in a panic.

"The flames burned for a short time, I was not injured, but my skin was burned. This flame is too restrained for the Blue Silver Grass. I'll give up this battle." Tang San shook his head and cast his eyes on Xiao Wu who was standing aside.

When the flames ignited, Xiao Wu teleported away from behind Tang San.

Now seeing Tang San's miserable condition, she couldn't help but cover her mouth. Glancing at Yu Tianming below the ring, Xiao Wu ignored Tang San's eyes, silently closed her eyes, and said in her heart: Third brother, I'm sorry, my life is running out, and in the last time, I don't want you to have anything to do with me.

Seeing this, Tang San didn't say much, but walked out of the arena alone with a gloomy face and went to Yu Xiaogang's office.

What everyone didn't know was that as Tang San walked forward, his injured skin actually recovered at an incredible speed, just like some kind of soul beast with extremely strong vitality.

When Tang San pushed open the door of Yu Xiaogang's office, his injuries had healed.

This room is called the master's office, but in fact it is just a shabby storage room. But now Yu Xiaogang, who has adapted to the environment, is already somewhat happy here.

Although when he was sweeping the toilet just now, Yu Xiaogang still had the nobleness of a master of martial soul theory and disdained to work in such a shabby place. But after a week of training by Yu Luomian, the master gradually adapted to this kind of life. After finishing work every morning, he would come to this storage room full of sundries, make a cup of tea in the corner, and quietly wait for his godson to come and learn martial arts knowledge with him.

Yu Xiaogang flipped through the books in his hand, glanced at Tang San who had just entered the room with a face full of resentment, and slowly said: "Xiao San, why are you so sad today? Did something happen?"

"Teacher, father, you don't know, besides Rongrong, Yu Tianming also has a fiancée. I really don't understand how these two women can live in harmony, talking and laughing." After a week, Tang San still wasn't used to Yu Tianming. Xiaogang is his godfather.

Yu Xiaogang didn't care, and continued to flip through the book in his hand, and said casually: "Children of big families are like this, and it is normal to have three wives and four concubines. Mistress, have you reviewed the knowledge I assigned you?"

Tang San didn't seem to hear the second half of Yu Xiaogang's words, his expression became ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I don't understand, why does he still want to provoke Xiao Wu when there are so many girls around him? Why did Xiao Wu come here? Still ignoring me."

Feeling Tang San's resentment, Yu Xiaogang finally raised his head and rubbed the beard on his chin.

But he didn't think about comforting Tang San. Instead, he couldn't help but think of Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong, and thought to himself: It doesn't matter that this guy Yu Tianming is very powerful, why is he so good with women? Doesn't this mean that I can't compare to him in any way?

The master just said casually: "Xiao San, you have a unique advantage and have twin martial arts souls. Are you still afraid that you will not be able to defeat Yu Tianming in the future? Under the guidance of your father, you will definitely become the strongest."

"Yeah." Tang San was already in a bad mood, and now hearing this good-for-nothing claiming to be his father made him feel as disgusted as eating a fly alive.

He subconsciously touched the sleeve arrow in his hand, and couldn't help but think: Even if Xiao Wu left him, why did I accept this loser as my godfather? Even though I recognized my godfather, he didn’t give me the method to cultivate twin martial souls. Sooner or later, I would have to let this loser meet the King of Hell.

Yu Xiaogang took a sip of tea, not caring about Tang San's thoughts. He breathed a long sigh of relief, his expression was full of contentment, and the old god said slowly: "Xiao San, don't worry, the Soul Master Competition will be held soon. . Your current task is to practice hard and show your strength well in the game.”

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