The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 151 Academic plagiarism? Acala

The center of the Tiandou City Great Soul Fighting Arena.

After the opening ceremony of the Soul Master Competition, the first battle of the Tiandou Division soon arrived, the Ba Academy vs. Tiandou Royal Team 2.

"Both sides salute, non-participants leave the arena."

All the players of Tiandou Royal Team 2 and Lan Ba ​​Academy bowed and saluted each other, and the extra substitutes left the arena one after another.

The seven players from Lan Ba ​​Academy participating in the competition this time were Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Jing Ling, Huang Yuan and Jiangzhu. Ning Rongrong, Oscar and Zhu Zhuqing all retreated to the spectator seats.

"The first round of the first game of the preliminaries officially begins."

At the signal of the referee, the first preliminaries of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition officially began, and the cheers of the tsunami-like cheers also sounded from the audience like waves.

The Soul Master Competition, the most prestigious competition in Douluo Continent, was born out of the fighting spirit in the arena. The contestants will be given one minute to open their martial spirits, and then the official battle will begin.

"Brothers, open your spirits." Tang San said coldly after hearing the referee's command. There was a faint bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes, as if he was not facing the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy, but a few delicious dishes.

When both sides released their spirits at the same time. When the form of their spirits appeared in the eyes of the audience, the sound of surprise spread in the audience.

The five people standing in front of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy were all strong attack spirit masters, and their spirits were: lion, bear, tiger, leopard, and wolf. Several ferocious beasts stood in a row with a fierce momentum. The impact of this combination was obviously very strong.

And the five beast spirit spirit masters of Lanba Academy, wolf, bird, rabbit, and bone were obviously not as fierce as the opposite side's spirits.

Not to mention that Ma Hongjun is less than level 30 now. He has no flying ability without a flying spirit ring and can only walk on the ground with his wings flapping. He is said to be a quick attack spirit master, but he is more clumsy than a defensive spirit master. Because the little fat guy had a red Mohawk hairstyle, he looked no different from a chicken, which caused a burst of laughter in the audience.

In the arena where everyone was paying attention, no matter how much the seven members of Tiandou Royal Team II wanted to maintain their image, they couldn't help laughing in this joyful atmosphere.

Although Ma Hongjun usually looked carefree, he completely lost his usual calmness in such a big scene. If he hadn't kept a little bit of rationality, he would have wanted to jump off the stage immediately after hearing the laughter of tens of thousands of people.

Tang San glanced at the embarrassed Ma Hongjun and just said coldly: "Mubai, Huang Yuan, just go ahead."

After realizing the gap between himself and Tang San, Dai Mubai also completed the transformation from Dai Boss to Mubai. After activating the bonus skill, he honestly rushed towards the opponent with Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan was supposed to be the substitute of the Shrek team, but now that Shrek has lost the fairy grass, his strength is not much inferior to that of Shrek. He and Su Yuntao's martial spirits are both lone wolves. After the transformation, his body is full of muscles and his body is only slightly weaker than Dai Mubai's.

Huang Yuan and Dai Mubai, one wolf and one tiger, are not weak in momentum.

The second team of Tiandou Royal Academy did not hesitate and directly rushed towards Dai Mubai and the others. After all, they have the advantage in numbers. The martial spirits of the five people have all reached level 35 or above. As long as they defeat the two strong attacking spirit masters of the other side first, then they will be close to victory.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Dai Mubai and Huang Yuan were no match for the five people with similar spirit power levels. As soon as they came into contact, they were beaten without any ability to fight back.

Tang San, who learned to absorb vitality, has a surge in strength, and his temper has also become much worse. When he stretched out his hand to signal, the remaining members of Lanba Academy did not dare to help, and could only watch the two get beaten.

Fortunately, the auxiliary soul master of the Blue Tyrant team, Jiangzhu, opened the martial soul healing scepter early. Although it is not as good as the Nine Heart Begonia, her healing ability can also allow Dai Mubai and the others to hold on for a few more breaths.

After a few breaths, seeing that Dai Mubai and the others were finally unable to hold on, the blue silver grass that occupied half of the arena surged towards the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy like a wave.

The movement speed of the blue silver grass itself is not very fast, but it has quietly spread over half of the arena, with a lot of numerical advantages. Combined with Tang San's Dragon Capture and Crane Control and Purple Demon Eye, these numerous blue silver grasses are like alive, easily entangled with many soul masters on the opposite side whose skills are on cooldown.

The 7 soul masters of the Tiandou Royal Team would never have thought that after being entangled by this disgusting weed, they would not only lose the victory of this battle, but also miss the next battle.

"Blue Silver Entanglement, Blue Silver Entanglement, Blue Silver Entanglement."

Tang San skillfully used his first soul skill, Blue Silver Entanglement. With the blessing of soul skills, the entanglement power of Blue Silver Grass should not be underestimated. After entangling the opponent like a nematode, countless tiny spikes easily pierced into the opponent's body.

The bloody scene is still to come. As Blue Silver Entanglement is constantly used, the black and red Blue Silver Grass also grows counterclockwise and circling along the enemy's soul master's body. Cut through the skin, cut through the flesh, and deeply squeeze into the flesh.

"Soul power absorption."

As Tang San spoke again, the Blue Silver Grass began to absorb the soul power of the Tiandou Royal Academy, and the strands of vitality were also absorbed into Tang San's body along the stems of the Blue Silver Grass. Tang San let out a long breath of comfort and slowly closed his eyes.

As long as the opponent is seriously injured, and the toxins and soul power of Bluesilver Grass are used as excellent cover, who can think that he is absorbing life force?

"Stop. We surrender." Seeing that the situation was not good, the teacher leading the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy hurriedly threw up the white flag. And quickly ran onto the stage to prevent the Shrek Academy players from continuing to fight.

The battle lasted less than a minute, and Tang San released the spirit's possession before he was done, allowing seven bloody bodies to appear in the audience's sight.

Because Dai Mubai and the other two were only beaten, the rest of the Lanba Academy teammates did not take action. From the audience's perspective, Tang San alone defeated the entire Tiandou Royal Team. The arena became Tang San's stage alone, where he completely displayed his terrifying strength, eliciting exclamations from countless spectators. Not only was he surprised by Tang San's strength, but he was also horrified by his cruelty.

Tang San's eyes swept towards the audience coldly, as if he was telling the audience who was the strong one with his eyes.

"Referee, I want to complain. They are not playing at all, but killing people. They violated the rules of the game, and I ask them to lose." Seeing his team members covered in blood, with broken bones and tendons, Tiandou The leading teacher of the Royal Academy roared angrily at the referee.

The referee had completely woken up at this time, and his stern eyes immediately looked at the Shrek Academy players.

Tang San smiled calmly and said: "Dear referee, I only ask you one question. Are they dead?"

The referee was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the seven people from the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy who had fallen to the ground. Indeed, although these seven people were all seriously injured, they were still breathing, so they should not be able to die.

Tang San pointed at Jiang Zhu at the back of the team, "The ability of our auxiliary spirit master is healing. She activated her martial spirit at the beginning and released her healing ability. This healing ability is enough to spread the game. That’s not to give treatment to us, but to give it to them. If we really want to kill people, will we give it to our opponent? It seems that they don’t need us to treat them, Jiangzhu, please stop.”

Tang San's voice was very loud, and he could use his soul power to spread his voice throughout the audience, so that everyone could hear it.

What kind of contempt is it to let your own soul master heal the opponent from the beginning? But Shrek Academy did show enough strength to despise its opponents.

The referee looked here and then there, and for a moment he didn't know how to make a decision. At this time, two more referees came up, and the three of them lowered their heads to discuss for a while. The referee on the stage had just announced loudly, "In the first game of the first round of the qualifiers, Lanba Academy won."

This was a battle that lasted less than three minutes, and it was also an absolute victory.

In the first row of the VIP seats, Emperor Xueye whispered a few words to the fat man next to him, and then the tall man hurriedly ran to the viewing platform specially provided for participating students.

"You are Yu Xiaogang, Master Yu, who has expressed the core competitiveness of martial arts." When Yu Xiaogang cheered happily, the tall man next to Emperor Xue Ye ran to him and asked respectfully.

Yu Xiaogang turned around and glanced at the man suspiciously, only to see that he was tall and fat, wearing a set of luxurious robes with complicated patterns, with the exclusive swan pattern of the Tiandou royal family tattooed on it. Yu Xiaogang, who came from a famous family, could tell at a glance that he was a member of the royal family.

"I'm Yu Xiaogang, but everyone usually calls me Master. Do you have any questions?" Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back and said rather arrogantly.

Hearing Yu Xiaogang admit his identity, the man became even more respectful, his fat body crawling to the same height as Yu Xiaogang, "Master, this powerful soul master on the stage is your disciple, right? Having cultivated such an outstanding disciple, it seems that your research on Wuhun theory is unparalleled in the world."

The master raised his chin, nodded proudly, and thought to himself: After training Xiao San for so long, the world finally understands how correct my theory of martial arts is, and it's finally time for me to reap the rewards.

The fat man felt that he had flattered the master in front of him, so he breathed a long sigh of relief and asked smoothly: "Then his martial spirit also evolved from Blue Silver Grass? It is based on your latest writing. The theory of martial soul evolution in "The Eleventh Core Competitiveness of Wuhun"?

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that the theory he had just written would gain the attention of the royal family so quickly. He no longer pretended to be serious and said directly: "I wrote the theory of martial soul evolution. On the one hand, evolution depends on the soul master's own potential, and on the other hand, it is closely related to the absorbed soul beast. This is all the knowledge I have accumulated over the years."

Immediately, Yu Xiaogang continued to talk about his understanding of the evolution of martial arts.

It is said that the inherited martial spirit of the Xue family of the Tiandou royal family was originally the Emerald Swan, which belonged to the top group of beast martial spirits. It was also because of such a powerful martial spirit that the Tiandou royal family established such a huge empire. But because the bloodline of this martial spirit was too powerful, the Tiandou royal family had all degenerated into swan martial spirits thousands of years ago.

The "Eleventh Core Competence of Wuhun" just released by the master, this article focuses on his disciple Tang San. However, due to the stereotype of a clown in the master soul master world, Emperor Xue Ye did not take it seriously and only treated it as a joke after dinner.

It wasn't until he saw Tang San's astonishing performance in the ring that Emperor Xueye was shocked to realize that the opportunity for his martial soul to evolve had come before him.

When Yu Xiaogang was talking about his martial arts theory, he didn't notice Zhao Wuji who was not far away.

Listening to Yu Xiaogang's story, Acala felt something was wrong: Didn't Yu Xiaogang's theory come out by himself? Wasn't this the theory that Yu Tianming mentioned and then summarized by himself? How come it became the result of his many years of research in Yu Xiaogang's hands? He was the first to publish it. Was he plagiarized?

Zhao Wuji felt more and more uncomfortable, thinking that Yu Xiaogang, this villain, had robbed him of his chance to become famous in the martial arts world. Zhao Wuji kept pinching the wound on his forehead that was cut by Yu Tianming, trying his best to suppress his anxiety.

Zhao Wuji looked at Flanders beside Yu Xiaogang. After weighing the pros and cons, he sighed for a long time, but finally did not have an attack on the spot. He just walked towards the exit of the audience with a gloomy face and murderous eyes.

"I heard everything the master said just now. Didn't he steal your research results? Zhao Wuji, you are Acala, and Yu Xiaogang is just a level 29 Great Spirit Master. Can you still be afraid of him? Acala, you can't run away. It's so embarrassing." Yu Tianming, who had been blocking the door early, said to Zhao Wuji who was walking towards him.

After hearing Yu Tianming's words, Zhao Wuji didn't say much, but he immediately turned around and walked back to the audience seats of the Tiandou Great Spirit Arena, which had already shown his attitude.

At this time, Ning Rongrong was leaning against Yu Tianming. Because she had been educated by Yu Xiaogang's running military training method, she had long been resentful of him. Seeing Zhao Wuji going to find Yu Xiaogang, Ning Rongrong was also watching the excitement and shouted: "Teacher Zhao, show your momentum, don't let your Acala lose its prestige."

Zhao Wuji, a rough man, was also the first time that the fruits of his wisdom were stolen. Under the pressure, his mind had long become a mess. Hearing Ning Rongrong's provocation, he didn't think much and directly released his Soul Saint aura, attracting a lot of attention from the surrounding audience seats.

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