The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 152: Old friends break up, bishop recruits


Zhao Wuji roared, threw his robe to the ground, rolled up his sleeves, rolled them behind his forearms, and strode towards Yu Xiaogang's direction.

Today is the opening ceremony of the Soul Master Competition. There is only a battle between the Lanba team and the Tiandou Royal Team 2. Nearly half of the audience in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena has left, but sensing Zhao Wuji's aura, these spectators have turned around one after another. His attention shifted to the spectator seats of the participating teams.

"Yu Xiaogang, I'll fuck your mother!"

Zhao Wuji walked up to Yu Xiaogang, who looked confused, and roared angrily: "You are a 29th level fucking great soul master. You haven't even understood it yourself. Why are you here acting as a master?! And you stole from me?" Invented theory? I tell you that if you don’t explain the matter clearly today, I will let you walk out of the Tiandou Great Soul Arena!”

Because Zhao Wuji's words contained soul power, the entire audience immediately burst into discussion.

Emperor Xue Ye, who was sitting in the first row of the VIP seats, also showed a strange expression: No wonder Yu Xiaogang, a loser, could publish the theory of martial soul evolution. It turned out that he plagiarized someone else's theory. If he could really figure out how to evolve martial souls, Will there still be this well-known waste in the soul master world?

Looking at the menacing Zhao Wuji, Yu Xiaogang took a few steps back, leaned on the edge of the spectator seats, and explained with a trembling voice: "Wuji, please listen to my explanation. The theory of martial soul evolution is indeed inspired by you, but The specific content is summarized by myself.”

What no one expected was that before Yu Xiaogang could finish his words, Zhao Wuji, a ruthless guy, would kick him out of the spectator seats and land heavily in the center of the spirit fighting arena.

The Great Soul Fighting Arena in Tiandou City was built with great style, and the lowest seat of the spectator seats was several meters higher than the arena. Yu Xiaogang was already in poor health. After receiving the blow from Zhao Wuji and falling from a height of two or three floors, he started moaning continuously. He didn't know how serious the injury was.

"Fuck, I just heard you personally express the theory I summarized, and you still want to quibble at the end of the matter?" Zhao Wuji roared again, and jumped down from the audience, came to Yu Xiaogang, and thought To take action again.

"Wuji, we are all old acquaintances. Why do you have to argue with Xiaogang about a small theory about martial arts?" Flanders, who was possessed by the martial spirit, spread his wings and swept the fallen person at an extremely fast speed. Yu Xiaogang, who was in the spirit fighting arena, was brought back to the auditorium and placed next to the healing spirit master.

Flandre's martial spirit, the four-eyed owl, is not an ordinary low-level martial spirit. Although it looks like an owl, it has a pair of compound eyes on both sides of its eyes, which greatly enhances its dynamic vision when flying at high speeds. It is precisely because of its extremely strong flying ability that it is called the flying horn in the golden iron triangle.

Flanders folded his wings and stood high on the guardrail of the auditorium, looking like a reasonable guest, which made Zhao Wuji sulky for a while, "Flanders, are you trying to persuade me to be generous now? Yu Xiaogang This loser plagiarized my theory so blatantly, why didn't you say he was generous? "

The audience attending the opening ceremony did not expect to see the farce between the two soul saints. After hearing Zhao Wuji speak again, there was another burst of boos from the audience.

Yu Xiaogang, who always valued dignity very much, covered his face in despair, thinking: Zhao Wuji, a reckless man, would actually take action openly in the Soul Fighting Competition. Hey, after so many years, I have become famous in the soul master world again.

And when Tang San heard that Yu Xiaogang, whom he recognized as his godfather, was revealed to have plagiarized his theory in front of tens of thousands of spectators, his face turned red. He didn't even go to see Yu Xiaogang's injury and left the Tiandou Spirit Arena directly.

Zao Wou-Ki is such a fool. With tens of thousands of spectators watching, he still continued to argue with Flanders without changing his expression.

"Needless to say, it seems that after our twenty years of friendship, you still don't regard me as a brother. Since you are so indifferent to right from wrong, then we will cut off our robes and sever all ties from now on!"

"Old Zhao, you"


The original opening ceremony of the Soul Fighting Competition gradually turned into a farce, which made Bishop Bai Jin, who was sitting next to Emperor Xue Ye, unable to stand it any longer. While letting out an angry roar, he instantly came to Zhao Wuji's side.

This platinum bishop was extremely tall and wrapped in red clothes. Standing next to the short and stocky Zhao Wuji, he looked like a red pillar.

He looked at Zhao Wuji and said coldly: "Fudo Mingwang, Zhao Wuji, was it you who researched the theory of martial soul evolution published by Yu Xiaogang?"

The Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace all had the strength of Contra. In front of this Contra, Zhao Wuji, who wanted to make things worse, realized that he was still a wanted criminal in Wuhun Palace. He could only Pretending to be calm, he replied: "The theory published by Yu Xiaogang was exactly what I first discovered from Tang San."

On top of the towering red collar, Bishop Bai Jin took a deep look at Zhao Wuji, and his tone became serious: "Fudo Mingwang, who killed people wantonly in the downtown area more than 20 years ago, is still a wanted criminal in Wuhun Palace. , How dare you appear in front of me, do you not want to live? "


Before Zhao Wuji could speak, he continued: "If you join the Wuhun Palace, I will not only be lenient and spare you the crimes you have committed, but if you really have research talent, you can also get the privilege of joining the Wuhun City." Lots of resources.”

Hearing Bishop Baijin's solicitation, not only Zhao Wuji was stunned, but also Flanders and Yu Xiaogang who were standing aside.

Emperor Xue Ye, who was sitting at the VIP table, pinched his thigh with regret and thought bitterly: Salas is so insidious, he actually recruited Zhao Wuji first. In this way, my God! How should the fighting spirit of the Dou Royal Family evolve? Do you want to lose the opportunity to evolve into an Emerald Swan?

The opening ceremony of the martial arts competition has long ended, and the audience only stayed here because of the two soul saints. After solving the problem between the two, Salas did not say much, and left the venue directly with Zhao Wuji, attracting the attention of Xue Wu. Emperor Ye thumped his chest again.

When the sky was filled with red clouds, Flanders took Yu Xiaogang, who had been healed by the healing soul master, and hurriedly returned to Lanba Academy.

When the two gathered the members of the combat team and prepared to hold a summary meeting, Yu Tianming led Xue Qinghe into the conference room of Lanba Academy.

Although Yu Tianming's expression remained normal, everyone in the Lanba team could read the solemn emotions in Xue Qinghe's eyes. For Prince Tiandou to show such an expression, could it be that the host committee of the Soul Master Competition is dissatisfied with them?

Tang San, who secretly absorbed the life force of his opponent, and Flanders, who had an argument in the great spirit fighting arena, both felt their hearts skip a beat.

Feeling the worried eyes of everyone, Yu Tianming smiled nonchalantly and said jokingly:

"Don't worry, you didn't commit any crime. I'm just here to tell you that the opponent in the second qualifying match is very strong and you can't defeat it. It's better to give up this game and preserve your strength. After all, as long as you If you get in the top five in the qualifiers, you will be able to enter the promotion round and the finals.”

The members of Team Lanba all looked at each other, they didn't understand, with the powerful Tang San at their command, who could easily defeat them? Today, even the second team of Emperor Dou was easily defeated by them.

Xue Qinghe, who had known Yu Tianming's intention for a long time, also explained in cooperation: "I wonder if you have heard of the Elephant Armor Sect, which ranks sixth among the seven sects. Your next opponent is the one created by the Elephant Armor Sect. Elephant Armor Academy. Moreover, the seven contestants on the other side are all direct descendants of the Elephant Armor Sect, and three of them have reached level 40. How can you defeat them?"

Elephant Armor Sect? Upon hearing these three words, Tang San's expression immediately became solemn.

Ever since he knew the identity of his disciples of the three previous sects, he had made up for his knowledge of power in Douluo Continent. Now he knew exactly what the three words Elephant Armor Sect represented. Just like the Qibao Glazed Sect is known as the strongest auxiliary sect, the Elephant Armor Sect also has its own title, which is the strongest defensive sect.

The ancestral martial spirit of the Elephant Armor Sect is called Diamond Mammoth. It is a super martial spirit with extremely high defensive power. Its characteristics are mainly reflected in strength and defense. With martial spirits of the same level, almost no soul master can break through their defenses. If it weren't for the fact that the Elephant Armor Sect didn't have a titled Douluo, I'm afraid their ranking wouldn't be only sixth among the seven major sects.

Tang San's Blue Silver Grass can only exert its full strength after piercing the opponent's skin. Ma Hongjun, who has the strongest single-target attack, has not obtained the third spirit ring. It can be said that no one in the Blue Tyrant team can break it now. Open the defense of the Elephant Armor Sect.

The group of teenagers in front of him were discouraged. Xue Qinghe looked sad again, as if he felt sorry for the Lanba team. He continued:

"With your current strength, it is impossible to break through the Diamond Mammoth's defense. What's more, seven direct-line soul masters from the Elephant Armor Sect can occupy less than half of the arena, and you have no room to dodge. Although you will directly lose one point if you avoid the battle, But at least we can retain everyone’s strength..."

"We can't avoid the battle. There are many teams behind us that are not weaker than the Elephant Armor Sect. We must take every opportunity to advance to the finals..." Yu Xiaogang, who was following Flanders, said anxiously.

He had just lost face in front of tens of thousands of spectators, and now he could only rely on Tang San's strength to prove his theoretical foundation.

Flanders glared at his good brother angrily, "Xiao Gang, you can't lose your strategic ability and have a long-term vision. If the little monsters are seriously injured in this game, it will be even more difficult for the subsequent games. It’s too much to handle.”

The members of Team Lanba also began to discuss whether they should give up the second battle directly.

Seeing the quarrel in the conference room, Yu Tianming looked at Tang San impatiently and said directly, "Xiao San, as the captain of the Lanba team, it's up to you to decide whether to participate in the battle."

Tang San glanced at the anxious Yu Xiaogang, a faint light flashed through his eyes, and a confident smile appeared on his face, "Of course we want to participate in the battle. In the competition, of course we want to win the final victory, but at the same time It’s also to hone our actual combat capabilities and adaptability. If we retreat when faced with a strong opponent, it will have a huge impact on our morale.”

As soon as he said this, Flanders said hurriedly: "Xiao San, you can't be impulsive. There are three soul sects on the opposite side, and you are just a group of soul sects. How can you defeat the opposite side?"

But the master looked at Tang San seriously, "Xiao San, you have been different from other children since you were a child. You have always been calm and steady. Have you prepared a strategy? Are you sure about the battle against the Elephant Armor Academy?"

Tang San turned his gaze to the master who was watching him, "Teacher, I do have some ideas, but I'm not sure of victory yet."

"Xiaosan, how on earth are you going to defeat the Elephant Armor Sect on the opposite side?" Flanders asked with a puzzled look on his face. Although he has traveled the mainland for many years and has the strength of the Soul Saint, he has never thought of how to defeat the powerful Elephant Armor Sect. .

A flash of red light flashed in Tang San's eyes, and his scarlet lips slowly parted, revealing his snow-white teeth. He smiled softly and said, "After today's battle, I have reached level 40. As long as I get the fourth soul ring within two days and can break a little skin of the Elephant Armor Sect, I will be sure to win."

"Level 40!!!"

Flanders and the members of the Blue Tyrant team exclaimed in surprise. If he remembered correctly, Tang San had broken through to the realm of Soul Venerable when he was just 13 years old. How come he broke through to Soul Sect again in just one year? This cultivation speed is too incredible.

As if seeing the doubts in everyone's eyes, Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang and said slowly: "Maybe it was because of the master's guidance that I absorbed the right spirit ring and successfully opened up the potential of the blue silver grass, allowing me to successfully burst out the accumulation of my previous hard work."

"Really? It seems that I have to publish the "12th Martial Soul Core Competitiveness", and the name is called "On the accumulation of strength and sudden development."

Yu Xiaogang scratched his head. Although he was not sure why Tang San improved so quickly, he believed that it was because of his guidance, and he cleverly thought that he could take this opportunity to publish a new martial soul theory to prove himself.

"Xiao San. Captain, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and prepare to get the spirit ring."

Dai Mubai, who was standing at the back of the team, said excitedly. Originally, he was still unwilling to accept Tang San's rebellion, but now after feeling his crazy training speed, he was completely convinced. Now he really hopes to defeat Davis with the help of Tang San's power.

Tang San glanced at Dai Mubai, nodded with satisfaction, turned to Flanders and said, "The closest to Tiandou City is the Sunset Forest. I'll trouble Teacher Flanders this time."

"What's the big deal? I just hope we can gain something in these three days." After saying that, Flanders took Tang San's hand and walked out of the room.

Seeing the two hurriedly leaving the meeting room, Yu Tianming showed a meaningful smile.

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