The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 153 Soul Devouring Spider, Dark Blue Silver Grass

The sunset was like blood, and the orange-red afterglow filled the sky.

The sun shone through the treetops of the Sunset Forest, projecting mottled light on the ground, forming a golden light. The trees in the forest were all coated with a layer of warm color, as if to leave the last warmth to the forest before the night was about to fall.

Tang San's eyes flickered with purple light, and he scanned the slightest movement in the forest with vigor. Obviously, today's battle with the Tiandou Royal Team II did not consume too much of his physical strength, or rather, Tang San, who absorbed the vitality, became more mentally strong.

The Sunset Forest outside Tiandou City is located in the north of the continent. The weather is cold, and the vegetation is mostly some trees. And because it is closer to the human settlement area, the soul masters in the cities around Tiandou City will choose the Sunset Forest to hunt souls. Therefore, the soul beasts here are far inferior to the Star Dou Great Forest in terms of level and density.

Normally, it is not easy to find a soul beast suitable for oneself in the Sunset Forest. The second soul master competition will be held on the third day of the opening ceremony. For Tang San, whether he can find a soul beast suitable for himself within one day and two nights is not easy.

It is because these days are the time for the high-level soul master competition across the continent, so the soul masters who come to the Sunset Forest to hunt are extremely rare compared to the past, which can give Tang San more chances to find a suitable soul ring.

As the sunset slowly sinks below the horizon, the light in the forest begins to dim. The shadows of the trees gradually lengthen, as if slowly disappearing in the night. Various soul beasts also begin to become active, shuttling through the forest, looking for food.

"Xiao San, the Sunset Forest at night is still too dangerous. Let's go here first today, and wait until tomorrow, and then we will look for the soul beast you need." Flanders looked at the gradually dimming light around him and said to Tang San seriously.

"Then let's find a place to make a fire and set up camp." Although Tang San was eager to find his fourth soul ring, he knew how dangerous the forest was at night, and immediately nodded obediently.

The trees in the Sunset Forest were not as dense as those in the Star Forest, which made it easy for Flanders and Tang San to find a clearing with higher terrain, set up the tent smoothly, and lit a blazing bonfire.

After the night fell completely, the surrounding forest became darker under the background of the bonfire. The branches and leaves swayed in the night wind, and the sounds of insects and birds intertwined to form a terrifying symphony, giving people an unusual sense of depression. Wrapped in this endless dark forest, life seems so small and fragile that even the most proud and conceited people can't help feeling helpless.

"Xiao San, you just participated in the Soul Master Competition today. In order to absorb the soul ring, you should rest early. I will keep watch tonight." Flanders said kindly. In this dark moonlight, the strength of the four-eyed cat owl can be better exerted.

Tang San nodded without hesitation. He was only level 40 now. If he encountered a high-level soul beast, he could only rely on Flanders to deal with it. It was better to sleep peacefully and save energy to better absorb soul rings.

No words all night.

The distant horizon had not yet lit up the morning light. When the Sunset Forest was still the darkest, a dark green figure slowly moved towards the tent where Tang San and the others were.

Although it was not autumn, the Sunset Forest was also full of dead branches and leaves that had been deposited for several years, but this dark green figure seemed to be a miraculous hunter. Without making a sound, it easily concealed Zhao Wuji's sight and cut open the tent where Tang San was.

"Soul Devouring Demon Spider!!"

Tang San, who had just woken up in the tent and was ready to take the opportunity to meditate for a while, suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at the dark green figure in front of him.

The Soul Devouring Demon Spider is also called the Soul Devouring Spider. Unlike other spider-like soul beasts, the Soul Devouring Demon Spider hunts with two pairs of extremely hard, spear-like forelimbs and walks with the remaining three pairs of hind limbs. It is a rare and powerful predator in the forest.

Bibi Dong's martial soul, the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor, is the emperor of the Soul Devouring Demon Spider clan and has a very strong frontal attack capability. As for Bibi Dong's other martial soul, the Death Spider Emperor, it has an incomparable poison and is more suitable for consumption and group attacks.

The spider that came to Tang San was the size of a single tent, covered with a dark green hard shell, and its sharp front claws flashed a cold light. The first time he saw the Soul Devouring Demon Spider, Tang San knew that he could never fight it head-on.

The Soul Devouring Demon Spider looked at Tang San with his eyes wide open, and it seemed that he didn't expect that his foolproof hunting action would be discovered. It stared at Tang San and was stunned for a moment, which was less than half a breath, giving Tang San a chance to escape.

Tang San shouted for help to Flanders outside, while rolling to the corner of the tent, and at the same time, a large amount of blue silver grass filled the tent, isolating the man and the spider.

As soon as the large amount of blue silver grass grew out, it was chopped into pieces by the Soul Devouring Demon Spider's forelimbs, consuming a lot of Tang San's soul power and only served to block his sight.

When the Soul Devouring Demon Spider wanted to kill Tang San, it found a big hole in the tent where Tang San was, and Tang San had already run behind Flanders, looking at the big spider opposite the tent with a serious face.

"Dean Flanders, you are not serious enough in keeping watch. If it were another student, he would probably be in the belly of the Soul Devouring Demon Spider by now." Tang San hid behind Flanders and complained with lingering fear.

Flanders seemed to have thought of something, his face was dull for a moment, and then he scratched his head and said with a smile: "Xiaosan, I can't help you this time. Now I will deal with this soul beast and help you find the third soul beast." Four Soul Rings.”

"Dean Flanders, the attack power of this soul-eating spider is extremely high. It will definitely help me obtain the fourth soul skill that can break through the defense of the diamond mammoth. It is the fourth soul ring I want." Tang San looked at it. The giant spider in front of him said solemnly.

Originally, he had already decided that for the sake of future development, the fourth soul ring would choose to absorb soul beasts such as Ghost Vine. First of all, they are both plant soul beasts like Blue Silver Grass, so they can absorb them more efficiently and will not damage their potential in the future. The second reason is because these predatory plant soul beasts like Ghost Vine are very similar to the current Blue Silver Grass. Most of them are Vineman plants that focus on poison and attack, which are extremely suitable for Tang San.

But seeing the Soul-Eating Demon Spider in front of him with its two extremely sharp forelimbs, Tang San changed his decision temporarily, thinking to himself: Just as he was about to fight against the Elephant Armor Sect, he encountered another Soul-Eating Demon Spider with such a strong defense-breaking ability. Could it be that this is God's will, that I should go all the way to the dark side of the animal soul ring?

Flanders' face gradually showed doubts, "Xiao San, I remember that your theory of martial arts is very solid. In my perception, this soul beast has at least 5,000 years of cultivation, and the limit of the fourth soul ring. It only has a lifespan of four thousand years, how can you choose it as the fourth soul ring?”

"My third spirit ring is super-year absorption. I am confident in absorbing the soul-eating spider in front of me. Dean Flanders, please do it quickly." Tang San's eyes flashed red and he said impatiently.

After hearing Tang San's urging, Flanders stopped asking and directly spread his wings to turn into a line of light and shadow that clung to the ground, passing by the waiting Soul-Eating Demon Spider.

"Xiaosan, why don't you take action quickly and kill this soul-eating spider?"

When Flanders' voice sounded, Tang San realized that several bird claw marks had appeared on the back of the Soul-Eating Demon Spider in front of him, and it was dying on the ground. He couldn't help but thought to himself: It is indeed a flying horn, and its speed is indeed unfathomable.

Tang San was also unambiguous when thinking, while summoning the Blue Silver Grass to tightly bind the half-dead Soul-Eating Demon Spider, he threw the hidden weapon far into the Soul-Eating Demon Spider's wound.

Not long after, a purple halo slowly emerged from the body of the Soul-Eating Demon Spider.

Tang San glanced at Flanders, without saying anything, walked directly in front of the Soul-Eating Demon Spider, and pulled the soul ring to himself.

With the existence of Yu Tianming, he emptied the Ice and Fire Eyes early. Because he did not absorb the fairy grass, it was very difficult for Tang San's body strength to absorb a soul ring that was more than 1,000 years old. He had just entered the state of absorbing the soul ring. He was so tired that he was sweating profusely, and his face turned the color of liver.

Flanders, who was watching on the sidelines, was startled, and subconsciously thought: Xiaosan is still too strong, and he can absorb more soul rings than his annual salary in one go. If he fails to absorb them today, should I escape secretly?

The sun gradually rose, bringing the first glimmer of light to the dark sunset forest, and the surrounding birds began to chirp noisily.

Although Tang San seemed to have reached his limit at the beginning, several hours later, he still showed no sign of failure in absorption. Just like the blue silver grass, no matter how it swayed in the wind and rain, it would not be suddenly broken by the strong wind like a big tree. .

Flanders, who was bored waiting, grabbed a skeletal rabbit that was peeping in the bushes, roasted it on the fire, and murmured to himself: "He should have failed to absorb it a long time ago. Could it be that it is a devouring animal?" The Soul Demon Spider is too powerful and difficult to absorb compared to ordinary soul rings. Is that why Xiao San looked so ugly at the beginning? "

As soon as he finished speaking, scarlet blood oozed from Tang San's skin, slowly overflowing all over his body.

Seeing this scene, Flanders quickly put aside the charcoal-roasted soft-bone rabbit in his hand, and watched Tang San absorb the spirit ring in fear, as if if he wasn't careful, Tang San would die here immediately.

Time passed minute by minute.

It wasn't until night fell and the bonfire was rekindled that Tang San slowly opened his eyes, and saw Flanders rushing towards him at the first sight.

"That's great, Xiao San, I thought you were going to fail in absorbing it this time, but I didn't expect you to survive." Flanders said with excitement on his face while holding Tang San, who was covered in blood and scabs.

Tang San looked at the stars in the sky, pushed Flanders away, and said with a serious face: "Dean Flanders, how long did it take for me to absorb this spirit ring? Why is it still night now?"

Flanders scratched his head and said with a smile: "You have been absorbing this soul ring for a whole day. I didn't expect you to persist and successfully absorb it over the years, just in time for the soul master competition against the Elephant Armor Sect tomorrow morning."

Tang San didn't speak, just looked at the cold moonlight in front of him, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Xiao San, why don't you speak? Are the soul skills you acquired not satisfactory?" Flanders looked at the silent Tang San, and his tone became a little flustered. Could it be that the little monster trained by Shrek was in the second soul battle? Is the competition about to suffer a disastrous defeat?

Tang San shook his head and said slowly: "Dean Flanders, the soul skills I obtained are quite suitable. I just remembered the time when I met the Titan Giant Ape in the Star Dou Forest. At that time Xiao Wu"

"Xiao San, I didn't mean to force Zhao Wuji away, but Xiaogang only has the strength of a great soul master and can't withstand a few attacks from Old Zhao." Flanders thought Tang San was thinking of Zhao Wuji who had already left, so he quickly explained. .

Tang San shook his head again, "I just thought of the scene when Xiao Wu was rescued. As for this guy Zhao Wuji, he was extremely cowardly when facing the Titan Giant Ape, but he became fierce when facing the teacher. It's okay for such a bully and fear of the strong to leave. Good thing.”

Before Flanders could speak, Tang San stretched out his palm, and a strange vine grew out of his palm.

I saw that the Blue Silver Grass now has the thickness of two fingers. The small thorns that were originally as big as the tip of a needle have turned into large thorns half a finger wide. The original leaves have disappeared, leaving only the stems full of sharp thorns. , twisting in Tang San's hand like a worm, looking disgusting and terrifying.

If Tang Ya, who owns the Dark Blue Silver Grass in Peerless Tang Sect, saw him, he would probably exclaim, "You are the real Dark Blue Silver Grass."

Tang San looked at the Blue Silver Grass in his hand that had changed its image again, and said slowly to Flanders: "Dean Flanders, the soul skill I obtained from the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor is called Soul-Eating Spike, and its effect can kill Blue Silver Grass." The spikes on the silver grass become extremely sharp, and when they pierce the enemy's body, they will feel severe pain."

After saying that, the bluesilver grass in Tang San's hand suddenly grew, entangled another soft bone rabbit not far away, and dragged it into Tang San's hand.

"Hahaha, Dean Flanders, the pain caused by my Bluesilver Grass was too strong. This soft-bone rabbit was pained to death before it could even make a sound." Tang San's eyes flashed red, Laughing excitedly.

Looking at the slightly crazy Tang San in front of him, Flanders swallowed slowly. Although soft-bone rabbits are widely distributed in the forest and are the food of most carnivores, how could it expect to be caught by Tang San and survive? Suffered such a serious crime? And isn't Tang San's expression a little too abnormal?

Flanders quickly adjusted his expression and said gently: "Xiaosan, I also caught a rabbit at noon and roasted it for you. You can eat it while it's hot. Let's sleep in the Sunset Forest and wait until tomorrow. Rush to participate in the soul fighting competition early in the morning."

Tang San didn't say much, looked at the moon in the distant sky covered by dark clouds, and ate the soft-bone rabbit that had been left out all day.

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