The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 155 Tang San's nightmare, Xiao Wu's prayer

As time passed, in Tang San's perception, all kinds of sounds on the street disappeared together. The scenery in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze and became blurred.

In the blurred light and shadow, a thin figure gradually became clear.

Shi Nian, dressed in white, said with a cold look: "Master Huyan is right, you are indeed a natural devil, you can actually detect the illusion I set up. Unfortunately, you found it too late."

"So you are a teacher from Canghui Academy. I wonder if you have any advice for me?"

Tang San had seen this 72nd level Soul Saint at the opening of the Soul Master Competition. At that time, Ma Hongjun even insulted him. Unexpectedly, he met him when he was leaving the Great Soul Fighting Arena. For a moment, Tang San's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"It's okay to teach you, but I just need you to disappear." A hint of coldness appeared at the corner of Shi Nian's mouth, "I have been looking for an opportunity these days, and now I finally caught you."

"You want to kill me?" Tang San's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, "My father is Clear Sky Douluo, you have to think clearly. If you kill me, don't even think about gaining a foothold in the soul master world!!"

Shi Nian's eyebrows twitched, and then he laughed excitedly, with a pair of gloomy eyes flashing coldly, "I didn't expect that I would meet a genius with twin martial spirits today, but since I decided to take action, I have already made full preparations. Look, is this really the street of Tiandou City?"

The hazy scene around him suddenly became clear, and Tang San was surprised to find that he was standing in a wilderness. Looking back, he could vaguely see the top of Tiandou City.

Tang San's reaction was so fast. After realizing that the illusion was lifted, the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, which had been equipped with a machine, suddenly clanged loudly in his hand. Sixteen sharp iron crossbow arrows had reached Shi Nian's chest in the blink of an eye.

Light and shadow flickered, and the sixteen crossbow arrows disappeared in a flash.

However, Tang San's face was extremely ugly at this moment.

There was no blood. Although the sixteen crossbow arrows sank into Shi Nian's chest, no blood flowed out. The crossbow arrows seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, without even a sound.

Shi Nian's face suddenly became fierce, "Since I let you see me, do you think I will let you go? Don't try to struggle, everything has no meaning to you. This day next year will be your memorial day."

Tang San did not speak again, but sat cross-legged on the spot, and the blue silver grass naturally took shape, arranging a layer of slowly swirling thorns around his body.

Shi Nian laughed, "Do you think you can resist my martial spirit like this? Young man, you are too naive. If my broken dream is so easy to resist, then I don't deserve the title of Soul Saint. Wait and see. You will die in extreme pain. And these pains will be given to yourself by yourself."

Shi Nian's voice gradually became softer, and everything around him became hazy again. Because he did not absorb the dew of the longing, Tang San's consciousness gradually became hazy.

Tang San sat still in the same place, quietly concentrating his soul power. Due to the constant rotation of the blue silver grass around his body, it was difficult to see the expression on his face from the outside.

Everything around him began to change, and Tang San was suddenly surprised to find that the blue silver grass that was originally hovering around him under his control seemed to have disappeared. Although they still existed in his senses, there was no trace of them in his sight.

The surrounding scenery changed, it was no longer the previous grove, it was a cliff. A cliff that Tang San was very familiar with.

Ghost-Seeing Sorrow, the Jedi of Tang Sect, the burial place of the previous life. In front of Tang San, there are more than ten white figures, and behind him is the abyss with clouds and mist.

Looking down, Tang San clearly saw that his clothes had changed, and the word Tang on his chest was clearly visible. Dream, is everything in Douluo Continent just a dream? Am I still a Tang Sect disciple who violated the sect rules?

Tang San stared blankly at the front, and the whole person became a little confused. The more than ten figures that gradually became clear blocked all his possible routes of retreat, and familiar and angry faces gradually appeared in front of him.

"Tang San, you actually stole the Xuantian Treasure Record of our sect. The crime is heinous."

"Tang San, I hope that Tang Sect raised you and learned your skills, but you actually did such a thing that is infuriating to both humans and gods..."

Voices kept amplifying in Tang San's mind, and those faces kept spreading. Soon, more than ten Tang Sect elders came to him and surrounded him.

"Elders, listen to me." Tang San couldn't help but shout out.

"There's nothing to say. Tang San, you are the sinner of Tang Sect..."

Tang San's eyes were full of tears, and the scenery in front of him became blurred. The pain in his heart kept sweeping up, making him keep muttering: "No, I am not the sinner of Tang Sect..."

When Tang San wiped away his tears, the elders of Tang Sect had disappeared, replaced by another slender figure. Long scorpion braids, cute little face, it was Xiao Wu that Tang San had been thinking about.

And behind Xiao Wu, a tall figure hugged her tightly, and his thick arms were fiercely buckled into Xiao Wu's waist. Although Xiao Wu struggled desperately, the man's strength was too great, so Xiao Wu couldn't struggle at all.

"Xiao, Xiao Wu... Yu Tianming, let Xiao Wu go quickly..."

Tang San wanted to shout loudly, but under the pressure of Yu Tianming's tyrannical strength, all his words turned into inarticulate sobs.

As if he heard Tang San's cry, the smile on Yu Tianming's face became even more arrogant. He held Xiao Wu tightly while looking at Tang San proudly. But Xiao Wu's face was full of grief, anger and unwillingness.

"Third brother, third brother, save me, save me..." Xiao Wu struggled desperately. But she couldn't break free from Yu Tianming's hand.

What made Tang San's eyes almost bleed was that Xiao Wu's clothes were being removed piece by piece in Yu Tianming's hands, revealing skin that was like mutton-fat white jade. Watching Yu Tianming's rough hands begin to roam Xiao Wu's body, watching the wild smile on his lips, Tang San could do nothing.

An extremely powerful pain suddenly surged into Tang San's heart.

"Xiao Wu, cooperate with me well, otherwise, you don't want Tang San to lose his life, hahahaha..." Yu Tianming's voice suddenly became as ugly as a night owl, every word was like a sharp needle, piercing deeply. Entered Tang San's heart.

Drops of blood began to drip from the corners of Tang San's eyes, but facing the powerful Yu Tianming, he could only watch Xiao Wu being humiliated.

No, don't -, Tang San wanted to shout, but couldn't make a sound; wanted to get up, but couldn't move an inch; even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't close his eyes, the scene he least wanted to see in his heart was in front of Tang San's eyes. Emerge one by one.

After a while, the limp Xiao Wu was thrown in front of Tang San. Their eyes met, Xiao Wu's eyes were full of humiliation and grief.

Yu Tianming pulled Xiao Wu's hair, forcing her to raise her head, and then slowly said: "Xiao Wu, you will be mine from now on, and you are not allowed to talk to Tang San again, otherwise, humph …”

Hearing this blatant threat, big tears rolled down from the corners of Xiao Wu's eyes, and she nodded reluctantly.

Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

When Tang San was tortured by nightmares, Yu Tianming was watching the Soul Master Competition with great interest. Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong, one on the left and the other on the right, kept feeding him snacks and fruits.

Sensing that Tang San was dying outside Tiandou City, Yu Tianming looked at the pink figure wearing a rabbit ear headdress behind him, "Xiao Wu, I discovered an accident. You will definitely be interested. Do you want to go? have a look?"

"What's going on?" Hearing Yu Tianming's voice, Xiao Wu immediately sat up straight, but still pretended to be calm and asked.

"Hahahahaha, you will know after just one look over there. You will definitely thank me then." As soon as she finished speaking, before Xiao Wu could respond, Yu Tianming put his big hand on her shoulder, and the next moment , the two figures disappeared in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

When Xiao Wu regained consciousness, she found that she was standing in a wilderness. Looking back, she could vaguely see the top of Tiandou City. Not far away from the two of them, Tang San was lying on the ground dying, with an old man in white standing next to him.

The dean of Canghui College looked seriously at the sudden appearance of Yu Tianming and the two men, and shouted sternly: "People from Lanba College, how come you are here without making any sound?"

Xiao Wu ignored Shi Nian's questioning, but looked anxiously at Tang San who was lying on the ground. With her hundred thousand years of experience as a spirit beast, she could see that Tang San had already half stepped into the ground. Hell. If you don’t get timely treatment...

When she thought of this, Xiao Wu knelt down in front of Yu Tianming, sobbing and crying: "Please, please take the third brother to treatment, otherwise he won't live long. When the time comes, Team Lanba will definitely It will be eliminated.”

Yu Tianming looked at Xiao Wu in front of his knees expressionlessly, and said indifferently: "I don't care about the ranking in this Soul Master Competition, this kind of thing is just a game."

"Hmph, don't you take me seriously..." Seeing that the two of them ignored him, Shi Nian looked at Yu Tianming with anger in his eyes.

But before he could finish speaking, Yu Tianming waved his hand, and Shi Nian's words came to an abrupt end - the whole person had turned into a ball of blood mist and floated into the wind, and only a soul bone glowing with colorful light fell out. , was captured by Yu Tianming.

Seeing Yu Tianming's decisive move, Xiao Wu, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly felt cold and said hurriedly: "Xiao San has no enmity with you. As long as you are willing to save him, I can do anything you want."

As Xiao Wu said this, she forcefully tore off the clothes on her chest, and half of her white body fell into Yu Tianming's eyes.

However, Yu Tianming didn't care about Xiao Wu's behavior, but said calmly, "That's not what I want. What I want is the soul ring and soul bones of a hundred thousand year old soul beast. If I want you to sacrifice , I wonder if you are willing?"

"I...I am willing. Anyway, after I fall into your hands, I am destined to die. So what if I offer a sacrifice?" Xiao Wu said with sad eyes.

Yu Tianming nodded, "Remember what you said today and get ready, I will need your dedication soon."

After saying that, Yu Tianming did not take Tang San away for treatment, but directly waved his hand, sending out streams of crystal green light, which instantly filled Tang San's body. The power full of life force caused him to die in the illusion. The body was rejuvenated, except for one small area that had been deliberately ignored.

This green light comes from the right arm bone of the azure bull python. In addition to giving him the attack skill of azure divine thunder, the azure bull python also gave him the magical skill of wood attribute control, which can not only control the decay of plants. , and has a strong therapeutic effect.

Xiao Wu, who was kneeling on the ground, seemed to have sensed Tang San's movement, and pulled up her collar in a panic.

Yu Tianming looked at Tang San who was gradually regaining his consciousness, and thought to himself: Xiao San, don't blame your brother. Those who achieve great things must have perseverance. I also want to enable you to continue on the path of being strong. ah.

He glanced at Tang San, grabbed Xiao Wu and disappeared.

After being killed in Shi Nian, Tang San, whose consciousness remained in the illusion, suddenly fainted. When he woke up, his ears were filled with buzzing noises. In his blurry vision, he could only see Xiao Wu kneeling in front of Yu Tianming, closing his clothes, and then disappeared.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu!!!"

The moment Tang San saw Xiao Wu, he suddenly woke up. When he stood up and looked around tremblingly, there were only barren weeds everywhere, and even Shi Nian had disappeared.

"Shi Nian, Tang Clan, Xiao this all a dream?" While murmuring, Tang San mentioned half of the hard wooden stick, "This is, this is the arrow shaft of Zhuge Liannu, that Where did Shi Nian go? Is the Xiao Wu I just saw real or fake?"

After pondering to no avail, Tang San no longer thought about it, and directly crossed his legs on the ground and began to use the Xuantian Technique, adjusting his body's breath.

The soul power in his body went all the way down along the Ren and Du Meridians, and when it reached the Qihai Point, it suddenly stopped and could no longer move downward.

Feeling the change in his body, Tang San's pupils shrank suddenly and murmured: "What exactly happened? Why were my meridians destroyed? I'm only fourteen years old, and I haven't had a wife in these two lives. What should Xiao Wu do? "

Thinking of Xiao Wu, Tang San suddenly fell silent - he suddenly realized that everything he saw in the illusion might have happened long ago, so Xiao Wu had been avoiding him during this period, but he didn't let him He just saw it with his own eyes.

For a moment, Tang San felt sad. He looked up at the vast wilderness outside Tiandou City and yelled unwillingly, "No—, why are you doing this to me—"

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