The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 156 Huo Wu: Cousin, you are so strong

While Tang San was still feeling the pain of his unfair fate in the wilderness outside Tiandou City, Yu Tianming had already brought Xiao Wu back to the Tiandou Great Spirit Arena.

Xiao Wu had just agreed to sacrifice herself, but her mood had not yet calmed down. There was an abnormal flush on her face, and the clothes on her chest had not been carefully arranged, so she looked extremely messy.

Seeing Xiao Wu's appearance, the eyes of everyone in Lanba Academy became strange. Zhu Zhuqing even sighed in his heart: What a crime. How sad would Tang San be if he saw this scene?

Dugu Yan was different from everyone else. She knew that there was nothing she could do in such a short period of time.

She ignored the disheveled Xiao Wu, but looked at Yu Tianming with a smile, and said seriously: "Tianming, the next game will start soon, between Thunder College and Purple Star College, and one of the participating players is Tianheng."

For unknown reasons, Yu Tianheng did not go to Tiandou Royal Academy, but entered the Thunder Academy controlled by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to compete.

Hearing that his cousin was about to appear, Yu Tianming immediately became interested. He immediately sat down next to Dugu Yan and said with interest: "I didn't expect Tianheng to appear in the qualifiers. This is a bit too cautious. ”

"After all, in the Thunder Team, only Tian Heng is far stronger than ordinary people. The other team members cannot guarantee victory in the battle."

Ning Rongrong also became interested. As the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect, she knew a lot of news about the participating teams. After hearing the words of Yu Tianming and Dugu Yan, could it be that Yu Tianheng's appearance could really surpass the current strength?

She asked doubtfully: "The team with the highest level of soul power among the teams now is only the Soul Sect. Is it possible that Yu Tianheng has the strength of the Soul King, just like the golden generation of the Wuhun Palace?"

Yu Tianming smiled and nodded, and said approvingly: "Rong Rong is right, Tian Heng does have the cultivation level of a Soul King. If there is anyone in this Soul Master Competition who can compete with the Wuhun Palace team, it can only be Our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect’s Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin.”

After listening to Yu Tianming's words, all the members of the Lanba team behind him took a breath: the later the soul masters get, the harder it becomes to practice. The three soul sects of the Elephant Armor team are already very powerful, but without them. To think that the team vying for the championship actually has a soul king in charge. These are still young people under 25 years old! !

However, what Yu Tianming did not say clearly was that the golden generation of Wuhun Palace only had the strength of a soul king, and Yu Tianheng, who had absorbed the ninth-grade Longzhi and a set of soul bones, was only one soul ring away from becoming a soul emperor. .

Seeing the members of the Lanba team looking like this, Flanders said in a deep voice: "Little monsters, most of you are in your teens. And the members of these championship-winning teams are all in their twenties. Our team this time It’s about getting a good ranking and advancing to the finals.”

"Dean Flanders is right. There are three soul sects in the Elephant Armor team, and we can easily defeat them. I will break through the soul sect soon, so why should everyone be afraid of other teams?"

Dai Mubai's evil eyes flashed on the side. Logically speaking, Davis, who was not as talented as him, would definitely not have the strength of a Soul King. And Tang San of the Blue Dominator team had such a weird blue silver grass, so he might not really be able to help. Defeat Davis himself.

Flanders looked at Dai Mubai and nodded happily: Dai Mubai, as Shrek's largest student, already had level 37 soul power when Tang San entered Shrek. One year has passed, and his cultivation level of immediately breaking through the Soul Sect is indeed normal.

Ma Hongjun on the side said excitedly: "Boss Dai, I also feel that I am going to break through level 30. Zhu Zhuqing has stayed at level 29 for half a year. When we break through, won't it be easy to advance to the finals?"

Seeing that the team's enthusiasm was mobilized, Flanders' night owl-like voice sounded again, "Okay, little guys, let's see how a strong team like Thunder Academy fights."

At this time, the seven people in the Thunder Academy were possessed by martial arts souls. Except for Yu Tianheng's blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, there were also Thunderbirds and Thunder Leopards, all of whom had soul masters with thunder attributes. The seven people just stood together, and there was a crackling sound of thunder all around them.

Seeing that everyone was possessed by martial spirits, the referee shouted: "Now, the game begins!" The seven people from Purple Star Academy rushed towards Thunder Academy.

Dai Mubai and others' eyes widened. This was one of the teams with the soul king who had the best chance of winning the soul master competition.

But unexpectedly, in the face of the seven aggressive people from the Purple Star Team, the members of the Thunder Team did not make any move. When these people came closer, Yu Tianheng suddenly burst out with a large blue thunder light. .

When the lightning dissipated, all seven members of the Purple Star team twitched and fell to the ground.

"I haven't seen Yu Tianheng take action yet, and the Purple Star team failed like this? This team is too weak." Ma Hongjun complained with disdain on his face.

But Dai Mubai next to him narrowed his eyes evilly, "Fat man, although the Purple Star Team is not a strong team, its members are all at level 30. It can only be said that they met Yu Tianheng. The higher quality of martial arts and the gap of more than twenty souls are too difficult to bridge."

After the winner was decided, Yu Tianming also stood up and said to Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan: "Yanyan, Rongrong, let's go to the seats of Thunder Academy and see Tianheng."

Dugu Yan stood up slowly, smiled and nodded.

Unlike Dugu Yan who was familiar with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Ning Rongrong was full of excitement, "I have long heard that there are many geniuses in this area of ​​the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Yu Tianxin, Yu Tianheng and Brother Tianming are also known as the Blue Lightning Three." Jie, I met Yu Tianxin when I accompanied my father to participate in Huangdou Academy activities, and now I have to get to know this last Jie. "

"Young Sect Master."×n

On the seats of Thunder Academy, many teachers and team members stood up when they saw Yu Tianming's arrival.

In this world where great power belongs to oneself, talent represents future strength. If one is strong, one can undoubtedly be superior to all living beings. Although Yu Tianming left the sect at the age of ten and practiced in the Killing City, Poseidon Island and Dragon Valley all year round, the members of the sect were very familiar with this talented young sect leader.

Yu Tianming waved his hand, signaling to the many teachers and students, and then naturally sat next to Yu Tianheng.

"Brother Tianming. Let me introduce to you. This is the captain of Blazing Fire Academy, Huo Wushuang. He is also the grandson of our fourth grandma and our cousin." Yu Tianheng pulled up the sturdy man next to him and introduced him. stand up.

Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, has four brothers and sisters. The eldest is Yu Yuanzhen, the second is Yu Luo Mian, the third is Yu Tianming’s grandfather, and the fourth is the mother of the dean of Chihuo Academy. Huo Wushuang's grandma.

Very similar to Liu Erlong, fifty years ago, her martial soul also mutated from a blue electric tyrannosaurus into a one-horned fire tyrannosaurus, so she participated in the soul master competition at Blazing Academy. After falling in love with the soul master of Blazing Academy, her son Huo Zhan inherited the martial spirit of the One-horned Fire Tyrannosaurus. Now Huo Wushuang has also awakened the one-horned Fire Tyrannosaurus, the martial spirit from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Perhaps Liu Erlong's martial soul mutation was not accidental. The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex was originally mixed with the blood of the Fire Dragon.

Yu Tianming patted Huo Wushuang's shoulder naturally, and laughed like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, "Cousin Wushuang, I heard A'Zhu talking about you, but I didn't expect to meet him here. This is me His fiancée, Du Guyan, the granddaughter of Poison Douluo, and Ning Rongrong from the Qibao Glazed Sect.”

Huo Wushuang looked at the three of them. Before he could open his mouth, a clear voice came from outside the lounge, "Cousin Tianming, you not only met cousin Wushuang, but also cousin Huowu."

A very beautiful girl walked into the lounge. She was extremely tall, even much taller than her brother Huo Wushuang. She had fair skin, silver eyes shining, and long dark red wavy hair hanging down to her waist. She was golden. The red Blazing Academy uniform matched her perfectly.

Huo Wushuang explained to everyone: "This is my biological sister Huo Wu. She is extremely talented. She has lived in an environment surrounded by stars since she was a child. She has a somewhat unruly personality. You should not be like her."

Huo Wu rolled his eyes at Huo Wushuang, then Shi Shiran sat down opposite Yu Tianming, and said with a smile: "I have long heard that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has a cousin who is several months older than me. He is extremely talented. I didn't expect that not only He’s so powerful and so handsome.”

After hearing Huo Wu's straightforward praise, Yu Tianming just laughed twice and didn't say much.

Huo Wushuang changed the subject, "Cousin Tianming, I heard that A'Zhu and A'Zi participated in the last Soul Master Competition and got a good ranking. Why are they not allowed to compete now? Send Tang San, a guy with cruel methods?"

Yu Tianming's eyes flashed with divine light, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he chuckled: "Their martial soul forms are very similar. They both have a lot of dragon blood, but their attributes are different. They are now practicing martial soul fusion skills. As for There are also Tianheng and Tianxin in the Soul Master Competition.”

Huo Wu stared at Yu Tianming with burning eyes, "I know that Tianheng has the strength of a soul king. Cousin Tianming, as the strongest of the younger generation of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, how strong are you? Why don't you participate in the soul master competition? ?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned to the direction of Yu Tianming. They all knew that the captain of Thunder Academy, Yu Tianheng, had the strength of the Soul King. This was already shocking. The young sect master was even more powerful than Yu Tianheng. How strong is it? Is it possible that he already has the cultivation level of Soul Emperor?

Yu Tianming shook his head helplessly, raised his head and leaned on the seat, laughing softly: "You can take a guess at how high my cultivation level is."

Hearing Yu Tianming's words, Huo Wushuang took the lead and asked tentatively: "Cousin Tianheng already has the strength of the Soul King. Is it possible that Tianming you have become the Soul Emperor?"

Yu Tianming shook his head.

Seeing this, Huo Wu, who had a fierce nature, pushed his brother directly, then squeezed in between Huo Wushuang and Yu Tianming, staring at Yu Tianming with burning eyes. Huo Wu pushed the red hair from her forehead behind her ears, her eyes flashed with light, and she asked excitedly: "Is it possible that cousin Tianming already has the cultivation of Soul Saint? You are only nineteen years old like me. ”

The space between the two of them was not big, and Huo Wu's figure was very tall and plump. Although Huo Wushuang had given up a lot of space, the three of them were still close to each other. Suddenly, Ning Rongrong's face, who was sitting not far away, turned gloomy.

Huo Wushuang even touched his face with his hands, as if he couldn't bear to look at his fierce sister.

Yu Tianming shook his head again and laughed jokingly, "Your guesses are too low. In fact, I am already a titled Douluo."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in confusion. The teachers and students of Thunder Academy present were all closely related to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. They knew that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect could force Yu Xiaogang, who was born at level 0.5, to level 29. class.

Yu Tianming is extremely gifted, and he is fully trained by the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan. Even if he has the strength of a Soul Saint, everyone would believe him. But Titled Douluo is the top fighting force in Douluo Continent. The four lower clans are so powerful, but they don't have a single title. Isn't Yu Tianming joking?

Huo Wu's expression clearly didn't believe it, and she said angrily: "I have heard that my cousin is extremely talented, but at our current age, we can never reach the level of Titled Douluo. Cousin, don't joke around, and tell us your true cultivation level."

Why doesn't anyone believe the truth? Yu Tianming sighed helplessly. In the original novel, Tang San was able to reach the level of Titled Douluo when he was in his early 20s. How could he not be as good as Tang San with his extraordinary talent and the advantage of foresight?

Without saying much, the nine soul rings under Yu Tianming's feet slowly emerged.

But before everyone could see clearly, his figures, Dugu Yan, and Ning Rongrong gradually blurred and disappeared in front of the teachers and students of Thunder Academy.

After a day of watching the game, Flanders led the team members back to the Blue Tyrant Academy, which was not far from the Tiandou Great Soul Arena.

Ever since Liu Erlong and Yu Tianming merged their spirits, they have been growing flowers and grass in the Blue Tyrant Forest with their father Yu Luomian, and have never taken care of the Blue Tyrant team. Therefore, all these matters fell on the head of the original Shrek Dean, Flanders.

And Flanders himself was very happy to help his goddess Liu Erlong share the pressure of the Soul Master Competition, and he was even more happy to work.

In the dormitory building of Blue Tyrant Academy.

Tang San had been lying in bed for a whole day, and the tears on the pillow dried and wet. He still couldn't figure out what happened during his coma that made all the meridians below his Qi Hai acupoint disappear. He had never been married in his two lives. Even the closest relationship with a girl was when he slept with Xiao Wu when he was in the Junior Soul Master Academy.

Although Tang San was the most talented assassin in the Tang Sect and his mind had become as hard as iron, he would cry out of grievance when he thought of Yu Tianming's smug smile.

Just as Tang San was hiding in his quilt and feeling sad, the door to the dormitory suddenly opened.

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