The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 157 Jiangzhu: You are beyond help

In the dim dormitory, two familiar figures, one tall and one short, walked in front of Tang San.

Hearing the footsteps of the two, Tang San stroked his face with his hand to cover the tears that had not yet dried in the corners of his eyes. He did not want others to know his physical defects.

"Captain, are you feeling unwell? Do you want to ask a healing spirit master to take a look?" Facing the extremely powerful Tang San, the originally unruly Dai Mubai was surprisingly kind.

Ma Hongjun, who was following behind Dai Mubai, also said like a yes-man: "Brother San, you left the Tiandou Great Fighting Spirit Arena early today. Dai Laoda and I are very worried about you. If you feel uncomfortable, just tell your brothers, but you can't bear it yourself."

Healing spirit master? Who knows if the healing spirit master can save himself. Thinking of this, Tang San was suddenly startled and put down his right hand that was covering his eyes. In excitement, his purple magic pupil automatically operated, and the sudden appearance of purple light made Dai Mubai and the others subconsciously close their eyes.

"Mubai, I'm not feeling well. Do you know where Jiangzhu is? I may need her treatment."

In Tang San's eyes, Jiangzhu is a soul master who specializes in treatment. Some diseases that ordinary doctors have no way to treat are just a matter of healing soul skills in her hands. How can a mere physical injury be difficult for her?

Dai Mubai was not angry when Tang San called it Mubai. He smiled and said, "Captain, although Jiangzhu has average talent, she is very hardworking in cultivation. It's still Youshi now. I guess she is still cultivating in the pavilion in the center of the lake of the academy."

"Mubai, thank you very much."

Tang San threw off the quilt, hurriedly stepped into his shoes, and rushed out of the dormitory.

"Boss Dai, what's wrong with Tang San? The soul master on the opposite side didn't hurt him during the battle today. How come he got injured?" Ma Hongjun asked puzzledly while stroking his cockscomb.

"Who knows? We just need to make sure he can lead us to the finals. If we defeat the Xingluo Empire team, you will be my top general in the future."

"Thank you, boss. When I get the third soul ring, hehe, as long as I have air superiority, I can attack the enemy at will, and I will definitely make it to the finals."


In the pavilion in the center of the lake of Lanba Academy, Jiangzhu closed her eyes and sat cross-legged on an exquisite cushion. Her martial soul healing scepter was placed on her legs. As she meditated, the green light around her body was constantly flickering and fluctuating.

As a civilian soul master and auxiliary soul master, she was able to reach the soul master level at the age of 20, which was the result of decades of hard practice.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Jiangzhu ended her practice and slowly opened her eyes.

"Captain, you are looking for me at this time, is there something?"

"Jiangzhu, I feel a little uncomfortable. As an auxiliary spirit master specializing in treatment, can you show me what's going on?" Tang San stood firm and looked at the gentle woman in front of him with hope.

"Captain, my healing ability can only be used for internal and external injuries. It has no effect on diseases such as illness and poisoning." After hearing Tang San's request, Jiangzhu's eyes showed a hint of difficulty.

But Tang San raised the corners of his mouth excitedly and said excitedly: "That's right, I just need the help of a healing spirit master like you."

Jiangzhu didn't say much, just picked up her martial spirit, the yellow, yellow and purple spirit rings under her feet kept flashing, and she shouted softly: "First spirit skill: healing aura; second spirit skill: healing array; third spirit skill: holy healing technique."

Jiangzhu used the three spirit skills in succession without hesitation, and the dazzling green light filled the entire lake pavilion.

When the green light faded, Tang San, who looked lost, also appeared in front of Jiangzhu. At this time, Tang San's eyes were red and full of scarlet bloodshot, as if he was going to bite someone.

"It's obviously an external injury, but why, why doesn't the healing spirit skill have any effect?"

Jiangzhu swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She already knew what was wrong with Tang San, and couldn't help but think in her heart: I, the captain, have always been cruel, and now I look crazy again. If he knows that I can see the specific injuries, will he suddenly attack?

After a few breaths of silence, Jiangzhu still couldn't resist the condemnation of her conscience, and slowly said: "Captain, some of your meridians and tissues are already damaged. Although the damage is not much, the injuries are too complicated. It's not that my healing ability is not good, but you are already hopeless, even if the strongest healing spirit master comes, it can't be saved."

As Jiangzhu spoke, Tang San's face became more and more gloomy, and a faint murderous aura began to permeate the pavilion in the center of the lake.

Jiangzhu shuddered suddenly and said tremblingly: "Captain, although I can't save you, there is still one last hope..."

"You said..."

"That is the Nine-Hearted Begonia. This martial soul is an absolute miracle. Although no matter how many soul rings are attached, there is only one healing soul skill, but this healing soul skill is absolutely powerful. It can even regenerate broken limbs. It will definitely heal the captain's injuries."

Hearing this, Tang San immediately thought of the auxiliary soul master of the Tiandou Royal Team, Ye Lingling, and his eyes, which had originally lost their luster, suddenly glowed with vitality. Knowing that he could cure it, Tang San's eyes swept away the previous ferocity, and his tone became gentle, "Jiangzhu, I hope you don't say too much about what happened today, understand?"

Jiangzhu nodded hurriedly, "Captain, the main team of Tiandou Royal Academy is guaranteed to enter the finals. I'm afraid that the holder of Nine Heart Begonia is already in Wuhun City. I'm afraid we won't meet until the finals."

"Thank you, I will meet Ye Lingling in the finals..."


A month later, the Tiandou City preliminaries are nearing the end. 26 of the 28 preliminaries have ended, and the last two will also end in a few days.

Currently, the top teams in the preliminaries are ranked as follows:

First place, Thunder Academy, with level 60 Yu Tianheng in charge, won all 26 games.

Second place, Blazing Fire Academy and Tianshui Academy tied, both won 25 out of 26 games, and both lost only to Thunder Academy.

Fourth place, Blue Tyrant Academy, won 24 out of 26 games, and under Tang San's full effort, only lost to Thunder Academy and Divine Wind Academy.

Fifth place, Divine Wind Academy, won 23 out of 26 games, not only lost to Thunder Academy and Tianshui Academy, but also lost to Blazing Fire Academy because of the dog-licking Feng Xiaotian's letting go.

These teams are basically the five qualifying places in the Tiandou Division. As for the Elephant Armor Academy supported by the Elephant Armor Sect? Because the Five Elements Academy is of the same blood, it has lost four games in a row against the other four elements academies and has no hope of advancing.

Today is the day for the Blue Tyrant team to play against the Blazing Fire Academy.

"In the first round, the center stage, Blue Tyrant Academy vs. Blazing Fire Academy." As the host loudly announced the list of players entering the arena, the players from both sides strode into the arena.

In an instant, the entire stands had become a noisy ocean, with some supporting Blazing Fire Academy and some cursing Tang San for his cruel methods. However, Tang San had excellent psychological quality. He ignored the curses from the stands, but with a cold light flashing in his eyes, he quietly observed his opponent who slowly walked onto the arena.

The Blue Tyrant Academy's appearances were Tang San, Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan, Jing Ling, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

The seven students from Blazing Fire Academy all looked to be in their early twenties.

Huo Wushuang, who was walking in the front, was of medium build and had a very ordinary appearance, but with broad shoulders and back, and a pair of eyes that flashed with a fiery glow. His martial soul, the One-horned Fire Tyrannosaurus, was similar to Liu Erlong, both of them were fire dragons. However, Liu Erlong's fire dragon was more inclined to Yin Fire, while his fire dragon was completely explosive.

Huo Wushuang, who has the strength of level 42, has a very strong frontal combat power. Although Dai Mubai has absorbed the fourth soul ring, he does not have the bonus of the Qirong Tongtianju, and his body is weaker than Huo Wushuang.

Next to Huo Wushuang is a level 38, strong attack spirit master with the spirit of Fire Leopard, whose strength is slightly stronger than Huang Yuan with the spirit of Lone Wolf.

Further behind is a pair of twins. One is called Huoyun and the other is called Huoyu. Both of them have the spirit of Fire Crane and their spirit power has reached level 39. Like Ma Hongjun, they are both fire attribute combat spirit masters of the agile attack system. Finally, there are Huo Wu and two tall male spirit masters. These two male spirit masters have a fierce face. If you only look at their appearance, you will definitely think they are strong attack spirit masters, but in fact they are auxiliary spirit masters with the spirit of Mars.

The referee walked to the center. "Both sides line up and salute."

A total of fourteen players from both sides stood in two rows and saluted each other. Dai Mubai's eyes met Huo Wushuang, and Tang San's eyes inevitably met Huo Wu. The match has not started yet, but the smell of gunpowder has already filled the air as they stare at each other.

"You can release your martial spirits now." The referee's voice sounded again.

Instantly, the strong light of the soul ring filled the entire ring. There is no doubt that both sides have the best soul ring combination. And coincidentally, both sides are led by two soul lords and five soul masters. The overall rank is equal, but the strength of the Blazing Fire Academy is slightly higher. Moreover, the seven people of the Blazing Fire Academy are all fire attribute soul masters. Under the influence of each other, the temperature of the ring has risen a lot.

"The game begins." With the referee's order. The players of both sides moved at the same time at the first time.

Dai Mubai suddenly stepped forward, and the whole ring shook. Lone Wolf Huang Yuan followed closely behind him. One tiger and one wolf faced the Fire Dragon and Fire Leopard of the Blazing Fire Academy.

At the same time, the actions of the Blazing Fire Academy were not slow.

A loud dragon roar burst out from Huo Wushuang's mouth. The martial spirit possession made his body swell up a circle. A layer of hot dark red scales was attached to the surface of his skin. A white horn grew on his head, and a tail with flames appeared behind him. The whole person's appearance was very similar to that of Liu Erlong, who was possessed by the martial spirit.

The two auxiliary spirit masters of Blazing Academy continuously condensed sparks and injected them into their teammates' bodies. Every spark injected would make the flames on the students of Blazing Academy more intense.

At the beginning of the battle, the players of Blue Tyrant Academy fell into a disadvantage. Although Dai Mubai and Huang Yuan could withstand the opponent's strong attack, their palms were stained with flames, and there was a smell of burnt hair. Jing Ling and Xiao Wu, who had eaten flying mushroom sausages, were not flying spirit masters after all, and it was very difficult for them to deal with the two fire cranes of Blazing Academy.

The ratios of the two teams were very similar, with one control, two strong attacks, two agile attacks, and two auxiliary. The battle was very ornamental and constantly attracted cheers from the audience.

When the battle fell into a quagmire, Ning Rongrong, who had been watching, suddenly took action.

Her martial soul had long been promoted to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower. Not only did the bonus increase, but the soul power consumed by releasing skills was also much less. In just a moment, several rays of light poured into the bodies of everyone in Blue Tyrant Academy.

The people of Blue Tyrant Academy, who were originally retreating step by step, used their greatest strength within the bonus time, and actually beat the Blazing Fire Academy to retreat step by step. At this time, Tang San, who had been silent for a long time, also suddenly made a move. Countless black, red, blue and silver grasses with thick ashes and full of thorns rushed towards the people of Blazing Fire Academy like worms.

For a while, the audience was full of curses.

"What a garbage plant, it looks so ugly, like a stool, it's disgusting every time you see it."

"Tang San is like a soul beast, with a cruel heart. If we don't dodge in time, the students of Blazing Fire Academy will probably suffer."

"Hey, this cruel soul master should be captured directly by the Spirit Hall. How can he be allowed to participate in the Soul Master Competition?"

However, unlike what the audience thought, Huo Wu saw Tang San finally made a move. She had been prepared for a long time and slowly raised her hands. Two balls of orange-red flames began to rise in her palms, rising more than one meter high.

This seemed to be a signal. The two auxiliary soul masters of Blazing Fire Academy also instantly burst into flames. They released their third soul skills again without hesitation, and blessed Huo Wu together. As the solid fire balls were injected into Huo Wu's body, the orange-red flames on her palms became brighter and brighter, from orange-red to orchid, and then from orchid to incandescent.

"Fire-Wu-, Yao-Yang-." A huge white fire ball had condensed above Huo Wu's head, shining like a sun.

In the VIP seats, Ning Fengzhi's expression was slightly moved: "The heat is completely restrained, not released at all. The girl from Huo Chi Academy is quite terrifying in martial spirit control. This move gathers the spirit power of three people. Now Lan Ba ​​Academy is in danger."

Tang San's face became slightly more solemn. His Blue Silver Grass is not fire-resistant. He felt unprecedented pressure before Huo Wu's skills were released, and hurriedly increased the speed of the Blue Silver Grass.

But at this moment, Huo Wu's skills were ready, and a ball of white fire directly hit the place with the most Blue Silver Grass - where Tang San was standing.

Feeling the power of this ball of fire, the referee off the field couldn't help but exclaimed: "Killing is not allowed in the Soul Master Competition!!!"

Tomorrow's explosive update

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