The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 158 Sailor Moon, invitation from Poseidon Island

After saying that, the referee mobilized his soul power, preparing to save Tang San from Huo Wu's attack.

But unexpectedly, before hitting Tang San, this fireball scattered into countless tiny sparks, falling around Tang San, burning small holes on the ground of the arena.

Although these sparks did not hit Tang San directly, the blue silver grass was not fire-resistant at all, and was instantly burned into fly ash in front of these sparks. The flames that spread rapidly on the blue silver grass even burned Tang San's eyebrows and hair. Burnt to the ground.

"We admit defeat..." Seeing behind Blazing Fire Academy, Huo Wu still looked energetic after releasing his ultimate move, Tang San did not delay and simply raised his hands to admit defeat.

On the preparation table.

The crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe, turned his head to look at the enthusiastic Yu Tianming, and said softly: "It seems that the Lanba team can only defeat the Elephant Academy of the Five Elements Academy, even though Tang San is powerful and has weird moves. , but the four major academies of wind, thunder, water, and fire are either able to restrain Tang San or have strength that is difficult for Tang San to defeat. It is estimated that the final battle with Tianshui Academy will be difficult to win. "

"Perhaps the battle with the ordinary academy gave Tang San confidence, so he dared to fight against the Blazing Academy despite attribute suppression." Yu Tianming said indifferently, obviously not caring about this kind of thing.

Qian Renxue watched the bald Tang San walk down the ring, and her tone gradually became doubtful, "Although Tang San was born with full soul power, he improved his cultivation too quickly. How long has the Soul Master Competition been held?" In time, his aura is comparable to that of the powerful Soul Sect..."

"Oh? Do you think there is something wrong with Tang San?"

Qian Renxue frowned slightly, "Tang San has a bloody smell on his body, which makes me very sick. This smell can only be found on evil soul masters who absorb life force. But Tang San is usually cruel, and often kills his opponents. Seriously injured, I’m not sure if this bloody smell was acquired during the battle.”

Qian Renxue possesses the purest angel martial spirit, and is naturally the evil soul master's mortal enemy. Although Tang San was deeply hidden, she was still vaguely aware of the evil soul master's identity.

Hearing this, Yu Tianming sat up straight and said to Qian Renxue beside him: "Your feeling is correct. Tang San did absorb the opponent's life force when fighting, but because the amount absorbed was not large, In addition, he severely injured his opponent every time he shot, so no one noticed the missing vitality. "

"Then why don't you report Tang San directly?" Qian Renxue, who was upright by nature, immediately became excited, but still tried her best to lower her voice and said: "How much damage will it cause to these soul masters if Tang San is allowed to absorb the life force? Can you just take the post? Absorb life force from Tang San and grow?"

"Brother Xue, don't worry, I will naturally take care of Tang San, but it's not time to take care of him yet." Yu Tianming said calmly.

Qian Renxue's eyebrows furrowed even more tightly, "Tianming, you have reached the realm of a god and have absolute strength in the mortal world. Is there anything else you can't do? Why are you still plotting against this guy Tang San? "

Yu Tianming leaned on the seat and said in a serious tone: "Whether it is Tang San or the Haotian Sect behind him, I can easily destroy it, but is this too easy for them? I want Tang San to bear it The eyes of the world and endless suffering are the destiny of this bastard Tang San."

Thinking that Tang San was the son of Blue Silver Emperor and Tang Hao, Qian Renxue, who had a grudge against him, no longer doubted it. She said calmly: "You are right, Tang San, as the child of a spirit beast, is the same as the wolf thief." A bastard who is born evil, only by giving him the most painful ending can people be satisfied.”

Three days later, the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena ushered in the final round of qualifying for the Soul Master Competition.

As the audience gradually entered the arena, the spectator seats were filled, and the Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena became more lively than ever.

"The final round of this year's qualifiers is about to begin... In the main arena in the center, Team Lanba will play against Tianshui Academy. Both of these colleges are teams that have already qualified from the qualifiers. Today they will perform this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Let’s wait and see who will win the final of the Tiandou City Qualifiers of the Teachers College Elite Competition.”

As the host announced that the battle had begun, Lanba College and Tianshui College entered the main arena of the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

Five Elements College admissions have their own special requirements. The enrollment criteria for the Elephant Armor Academy are first of all, a weight of more than three hundred kilograms, and secondly, the requirements for martial arts. The requirements of other four-element academies are mainly based on the characteristics of martial arts. For example, Blazing Fire Academy requires that registered students must have fire-attribute martial arts, while Divine Wind Academy requires students to have wind-attributed martial arts spirits.

Tianshui Academy's application requirements are the most stringent, because in addition to requiring water-attribute martial arts, they also require that the applicants be female and must be beautiful. Because among the five elemental colleges, Tianshui College is the only one open to civilians, she can only receive enough students, otherwise she would have closed down long ago.

Not only are all the team members from Tianshui Academy participating in the competition composed of female students, but they are also all beauties. As soon as these seven people appeared on the stage, the audience turned into a sea of ​​cheers.

Because Tang San repeatedly hurt people and his martial spirit was extremely disgusting, which implicated Dai Mubai, the evil-eyed white tiger, the female soul master of Tianshui Academy did not look at the good-looking Dai Mubai in a different light. Instead, her eyes were full of disgust and disdain. disgust.

After boarding the main arena in the center, Shui Bing'er couldn't help but frown when she saw Tang San up close.

Tang San originally had an average appearance, because he had high brow bones and deep-set eye sockets, making him look a bit clown. Now his hair and eyebrows were completely burned off, and the evil look on his face was even more vivid, making people look at him. nausea.

"Captain of Team Shrek, Tang San, a level 43 control type battle spirit master." Because the opponents were all girls, Tang San was obviously much more polite than when he faced other teams in the past, but he just hid the level 46 Soul power cultivation.

Although Shui Bing'er was disgusted, she didn't show it at all on the surface. Seeing that Tang San was so docile, she immediately reported her situation, "Captain of the Tianshui Academy team, Shui Bing'er, a level 43 control system battle soul master. "

"Both sides are ready. Release their martial spirits." As the referee announced the start of the game, the soul masters of both teams released their martial spirits.

The colors of the martial spirits of the seven Tianshui Academy members were exactly the same, all blue like the sea.

The three attack-type war soul masters standing at the front all have some fine scales on certain parts of their bodies. These scales are not dragon scales, but some kind of fish scales. Among the two agility and attack system war spirit masters, Shui Bing'er's sister, Shui Yue'er's martial spirit gave her skin an extra layer of bright enamel, while the skin of the other agility and attack system war spirit master completely turned into blue.

Only Shui Bing'er stood in the middle of the team, her whole body shrouded in a hazy blue light, exuding a hazy halo that made people look down on what kind of martial spirit she was.

Only Yu Tianming, who was sitting in the audience seat, murmured to himself, "Fish soul masters, dolphins, and some kind of soft creatures in the water? Tianshui student's martial soul is really strange, and this Shui Bing'er's ice crystal phoenix, This may be the only martial spirit that is not in the water."

As the battle began, Shui Bing'er gave a soft drink, and as soon as the first spirit ring under his feet flashed, a layer of solid ice appeared out of thin air on Tang San and others' bodies, and they were trapped in the cold ice.

Similar to Tang San's Blue Silver Coil, Shui Bing'er's first soul skill is also a basic control soul skill, but the difference is that Shui Bing'er's soul skill is instant and has stronger control power than Blue Silver Grass. , and it can't be resisted at all, it can be regarded as a small magical skill.

After trapping Tang San and others in the ice, Shui Bing'er's second spirit ring flickered under her feet. She first calmly added a layer of ice armor to herself, and then put on armor for her teammates as well.

The black-haired girl at the back of the Tianshui Academy team also started to move. The strange thing is that she didn't attack, but just danced on the spot. Her black hair fluttered and she danced gracefully. The four soul rings on her body shone alternately, and circles of blue halo spread as she danced. As she danced, a dark cloud appeared directly above the main arena in the center, completely covering the arena. Immediately afterwards, huge raindrops began to fall from the sky, turning into a large curtain of water.

After all, the control ability of the first soul skill was not enough. With the sound of ice cubes breaking, ice fog instantly filled the entire arena, and Tang San and several other physically stronger soul masters had also escaped from the trap.

But the next moment, Shui Bing'er raised her hand and another ice move fell on them.

These soul masters who had just escaped from the predicament were trapped in the ice again. Only Dai Mubai, who activated the White Tiger Protective Barrier and the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, was completely uncontrolled by the ice and rushed directly towards the three attack system soul masters in front of Tianshui Academy. .

The third soul ring under Shui Bing'er's feet flashed, and she used a move similar to Huo Wu's to resist the ice ring in an instant. Dai Mubai, who was running rampant, was instantly ejected to the edge of the ring.

"Xue Wu, let's start."

Shui Bing'er looked at Tang San who was about to break free from the ice again, and the disgusting worm-like bluesilver grass under his feet. She couldn't help but feel nauseous, and was about to use the spirit fusion skill.

The bodies of blue-haired Shui Bing'er and black-haired Xue Wu disappeared at the same time, turning into a dazzling blue-white light beam that rushed into the dark clouds in the sky, and their martial soul fusion skills exploded instantly.

The rain summoned by Xue Wu in the sky turned into fine snowflakes, dancing rapidly on the arena, but each piece of snow was as sharp as a sharp blade, floating down in the rotation, turning into a whirlpool of ice and snow, swirling around Tang San. A whirlpool of ice and snow condensed around him.

"If you can't hold on, just give up and we will stop." Shui Bing'er's words came from high in the sky.

"Martial soul fusion skill?" Yu Tianming, who was sitting in the audience seat, said slowly: "This Shui Bing'er's second soul skill is not a simple ice armor, it should also have the function of enhancing the intimacy of the martial soul, so Only then can she fuse martial arts with Xue Wu, and have a martial soul connection with her sister Shui Yue'er."

Dugu Yan said with a smile: "I thought that Shui Bing'er, as a control soul master, having a soul skill like frost armor was a waste of soul ring position. I didn't expect that it also has the function of increasing the intimacy with the soul of teammates. It's really magical. skills.”

Yu Tianming nodded and said with a smile: "What do you think about recruiting Shui Bing'er to Poseidon Island? Tianshui Academy is the base camp of water attribute soul masters, and Shui Bing'er is one of the best. I think Poseidon Island will be very good. Suitable for her.”

"You mean..." Dugu Yan had already guessed what Yu Tianming was thinking.

"That's right, A'Zi is already the descendant of Poseidon. When she gradually accepts the divine examination, the soul masters who join Poseidon Island will be our force. This Shui Bing'er's strength is quite good. I'm attracted by her potential. " Yu Tianming said slowly while looking at Shui Bing'er who was showing off his power on the field.

Duguyan looked at Shuiyueer in the Tianshui Academy team and said softly: "Shuibinger's sister, although her soul power is only over 30, not as good as Xuewu's level 40, but her intimacy with Shuibinger's martial spirit must be strong, and she is more suitable for the Sea God Island with her martial spirit dolphin. Why not recruit her as well?"

Yu Tianming nodded slowly. The main function of the Soul Master Competition is for students to show their strength and provide selection for various forces in Douluo Continent. If he can recruit Shuibingyue, it will be worth it to watch the competition for so long.

On the Soul Fighting Stage, facing Xuewu's martial spirit fusion skills, the members of Lanba Academy jumped off the stage one after another.

Only Tang San still stood on the stage, muttering: "Why, I am so strong, and among the five elements, I can only defeat the Elephant Armor Team. Facing these elemental soul masters, I have no power to fight back at all?"

In the ice and snow storm, the few people on the stage couldn't hear what Tang San said at all. They only saw his bloodshot eyes and his crazy expression.

Shui Yue'er couldn't help but shudder, and slowly said: "Isn't it just a battle? How can this Tang San be so angry, as if he wants to kill someone. With such a twisted mentality, it's no wonder that he used heavy hands on other teams before."

As the ice storm took shape, the Blue Silver Entanglement skill was activated, but this time it was himself who was entangled.

Countless layers of Blue Silver Grass tightly wrapped him up, and several spider webs were mixed in it, forming an extremely solid fortress on the ring. Blue Silver Grass is indeed tough, especially the Blue Silver Grass bound by spider webs, which is even more resilient, protecting Tang San's body without leaks.

However, no matter how tough the Blue Silver Grass is, it is just a weed that has transformed into a vine. Facing Shui Bing'er's killer move, its protective effect is very limited. Can Tang San's soul skills block this martial soul fusion skill, Ice and Snow Drifting? In the snow, all this became a mystery. The audience didn't know, and even the strong men in the VIP seats couldn't make a definite assertion.

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