The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 159 Master: My son Tang San

Knowing that at least three teams in this martial arts competition had soul kings, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu did not choose to hide this martial arts fusion skill. Facing Tang San, who had strange and terrifying moves and an extremely sinister appearance, they just wanted to end the game as soon as possible, and used a fatal killing move soon after the battle began.

Ice and snow drifting, a beautiful name, but in this beauty, it contains endless murderous intent. How powerful is the martial arts fusion skill performed by two soul masters above level 40?

The audience saw the snow dance tornado, while the members of the Tianshui team heard the teeth-grinding cutting and friction sounds.

Because there was no ice and fire Yin-Yang eyes and the blue silver cage soul skill, the blue silver grass around Tang San was like a sand castle in the wind, turning into bits of ice crystals and debris and being swept into the ice and snow storm.

Not long after, a touch of blood red appeared in the ice and snow storm, and as the storm turned, it turned into a thin pink line, which looked extremely beautiful.

Seeing this, Shui Bing'er also released her martial soul fusion skills, and the seriously injured Tang San appeared in front of the audience. Facing the frost storm like a steel knife, Tang San, as a weapon soul master, was weak and naturally unable to resist. In just a few breaths, most of his skin was scraped off, and his body covered by frost showed a terrifying blood red.

Nearly 100,000 spectators in the spectator seats fell into silence when they saw this scene.

Although the referee was a soul king of more than 50 levels and had seen many tragic scenes in the world, he was shocked to see Tang San being peeled off a layer of skin. After a few seconds, he announced: "The last battle of the preliminaries, Tianshui Academy won!!"

The referee's voice awakened the audience. In an instant, the entire Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena was filled with cheers, screams, and abuse of Tang San.

"Jiangzhu, Xiao San is still alive, hurry up and treat my son!!" The master in the audience hurriedly pushed Jiangzhu to the ring.

Jiangzhu was also not vague. The three soul rings under his feet flashed one after another. In a short time, Tang San, who was seriously injured, actually grew a thin layer of blood scab all over his body and woke up slowly.

Because he had practiced Xuantian Gong, Tang San's five senses were extremely sharp. In the noisy fighting arena, he clearly heard the audience cheering for his serious injury.

The four soul rings absorbed by Tang San were poisonous snakes, bats and two spiders, all of which were very evil and strange soul beasts. These four soul rings affected the form of blue silver grass and also subtly affected his mentality. In addition, they absorbed a lot of vitality, which made his conscience, which was not much, disappear for the most part.

Hearing the insults from the audience, Tang San couldn't help but said fiercely: "You all have the way to die."

Jiangzhu, who was being treated, took in this sentence and was instantly filled with deep fear.


The preliminaries on the Tiandou City side have all ended.

According to the process, the award ceremony will be held soon to issue the qualification certificates for the top five teams in the preliminaries. However, since the main arena in the center was destroyed in the previous competition, the process was simplified, and only the top five teams came to the VIP podium to receive the qualification certificates.

Under the announcement of the host, the captains and vice-captains of the top five teams walked onto the podium. The magical thing is that Tang San, who was originally seriously injured, also walked onto the podium alive and well, which attracted the attention of countless audiences for a while: Is this kind of recovery ability something that humans should have?

"Next, your majesty, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect Master Ning, and the Platinum Bishop of Saras will personally issue the qualification certificates and bonuses for the five teams that entered the promotion match."

After the awards were issued, the host handed the right to speak to the most honorable Emperor Xue Ye.

Emperor Xue Ye looked over the student representatives of the five academies in front of him, and stayed on Tang San for a few seconds, then smiled and said: "First of all, children, I want to congratulate you."

"You have successfully obtained the qualification to advance to this session of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. As the supreme ruler of the Tiandou Empire, I am proud of you. You are all the hope of the future of the empire. I have decided to confer the title of Viscount on ten of you, and the title of Baron on the other participating team members. The door of the imperial family will be open to you at any time."

"The next promotion match will still be held in the empire. But the venue will be changed from the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena to the Royal Paddock. At that time, the ten teams from the five principalities and kingdoms that passed the preliminaries will come to compete with you in the promotion match. I hope that your five academies can rank among the top in the promotion match, so that you can have the upper hand in the finals."

After the ceremony, Tang San and others returned to Lanba Academy.

But not long after, a group of more than ten people walked into Lanba Academy in a hurry.

It turned out that many viewers protested to the organizing committee of the competition because of Tang San's brutal attack, demanding severe punishment for the murderer. For this reason, after the preliminaries, the Tiandou Empire and the Spirit Hall hastily set up a special investigation team and came to Lanba Academy to investigate Tang San.

The organizing committee of the Tiandou City preliminaries was composed of the Spirit Hall and the royal family of the Tiandou Empire. The two teams were naturally from the two forces, but surprisingly, the one who represented the Spirit Hall was the Platinum Bishop Saras, the master of the Tiandou City Spirit Hall, and the one who represented the Tiandou Empire was Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Because Ning Fengzhi was the prince's teacher, he could barely be considered a member of the royal family of the Tiandou Empire.

Although Tang San was indeed ruthless in his attacks, it was never to the extent that he could alarm the two big bosses, Ning Fengzhi and Salas. The reason why the two of them came to Lanba Academy together was actually because they were curious about the soul master theory published by Yu Xiaogang and Tang San's exaggerated training speed.

Now that the affairs of Lanba Academy have been handed over to Flanders, when he heard the two big shots coming, he took the master and hurried over to greet them.

"Teacher Flanders, I take the liberty of interrupting you." Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded to Flanders.

Although their soul power levels are almost the same, their status in the soul master world is vastly different. Flender hurriedly returned the gift, "Sect Master Ning, you're so polite. You can come to this hospital and make Lanba Pengpi shine!"

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, gave up half of his body, and introduced Flanders: "This is the master of the Spirit Temple of Tiandou City, His Excellency Bishop Salas Platinum."

Flanders was so tactful, the look on his face did not change at all. He saluted again, "It turns out to be Bishop Salas. I'm so polite to you, Flanders. Please come in quickly."

Salas nodded lightly to Flanders, and a group of more than ten people walked into Lanba Academy under the leadership of Flanders.

Ning Fengzhi only brought Bone Douluo Gu Rong with him, but the platinum bishop Salas brought twelve people with him. Among them were two cardinals wearing red robes, and ten templars wearing silver attire.

Flender led everyone to the first conference room in the teaching building. The two parties took their seats respectively, and Flanders gave up the first place to Salas and Ning Fengzhi, while he and the master took the last seat.

But unexpectedly, Yu Tianming, Ning Rongrong and Xue Qinghe also came to this room.

Ning Fengzhi glanced at his daughter, son-in-law and his apprentice, but said nothing. After Salas received Xue Qinghe's hint, he pretended not to see these three people and sat on the main seat as if no one else was around.

"Dean Flanders. You should know the purpose of our trip." Salas picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip of tea, and said slowly.

Flanders looked at Salas with a blank look on his face and said, "I haven't had time to ask yet. Bishop Platinum, you and Sect Master Ning came to our academy together. What is it about?"

Salas frowned slightly. "In the previous competition, Tang San from your college repeatedly dealt cruel blows, causing many participating team members to be seriously injured. Although not fatal, it also greatly delayed their training. Now many colleges and audiences have raised serious protests. Therefore, the competition The organizing committee formed a task force to investigate.”

"Although these injured students look very miserable, they all suffered flesh and blood wounds. In battles between soul masters, minor injuries are very common. Is it necessary to make such a big deal?" Flanders looked innocent. looked at Salas.

Salas snorted coldly, "The good students you taught are young, but they are so ruthless. How come there are no such serious injuries in other academies' battles, but this happened to the students you taught?" ?”

"It's unjust, sir." Flanders made an aggrieved look, as if he was about to cry, "The competition is fair and just. The judges should have clearly seen the situation at that time. Xiaosan's vine-like martial spirit, If you want to defeat your opponent, you can only attack with the spikes on it, and causing this kind of injury can only be caused by the limitations of the martial spirit."

Seeing Flanders acting so shamelessly, Salas's eyes flashed with cold light, and he said angrily: "I only saw that when Tang San lost his opponent's ability to attack, he still continued to attack him, instructing dozens of team members. Seriously injured, this is simply contempt for the Soul Master Competition..."

Before Salas could finish speaking, a voice interrupted him, "Salas, look what this is." The master flicked his wrist, and something flew out of his palm and went straight to Salas.

Salas took the piece of iron casually. He didn't even use his eyes to look at it. He knew what was falling into his hands. For a moment, the expression on his face visibly softened. Although he was extremely reluctant, he still According to the rules, he bowed and gave a slight salute to the master, "I have met the elder."

The master glanced at him lightly and said arrogantly: "Salas, don't stick to these etiquettes, sit down and talk."

With the eyesight of everyone present, of course they could clearly see what the sign was. It was the highest token issued by Wuhun Hall to non-Whundian personnel, and it could have six patterns. This sign also has another name: Pope's Order. Anyone who holds this sign has the dignity of the elders of Wuhun Palace, and it is more like the Pope's presence.

Although Salas vaguely knew about the ambiguous relationship between the master and the Holy See, he did not expect that he would have a papal decree in his hands. You must know that Wuhun Palace only has three papal decrees in total, which were given to the top three of the seven major sects. Even Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Qibao Glazed Sect next to him, would not casually wear this token symbolizing the authority of the Pope. But who would have thought that the master would have such a thing?

But after Salas carefully felt the items in his hands, a meaningful smile slowly appeared on his lips, and he handed the token to the master again.

The hammer pattern on this papal order is very thick, and it seems to be a token that should have been left in the Haotian Sect. Although the upper three sects among the seven sects are closely connected, they also have a lot of dissatisfaction. How Yu Xiaogang got this papal decree is worth pondering.

The master took the Pope's Order and did not take it back. He just put it in front of himself and glanced at Sarath calmly, "I think these injured soul masters have recovered. I will ask Xiao San to show mercy in future competitions. Is that okay?"

Sarath did not come here to punish Lan Ba ​​Academy. Seeing the master showing the Pope's Order, he no longer entangled in Tang San's cruel methods, but said with a smile on his face: "Since the elders have said so, let's stop here. But I have a doubt, that is, what method did you use to make Tang San's strength improve so quickly?"

Knowledge is wealth, and knowledge on martial spirits is even more priceless. Ning Fengzhi quickly pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

The master straightened his body, acted like a master, and said slowly: "I have been learning the theory of martial spirit since I was young, and it has been thirty years since then. Tang San is my apprentice and my adopted son. His current strength is indeed the result of my hard work and full training, but the matters of martial spirit training are private, so I can't tell the bishop more."

Yu Tianming, who was very familiar with Yu Xiaogang's character, immediately understood that this guy really regarded Tang San's level improvement as his good teaching. With Yu Xiaogang's character of liking to show off, not telling Sarath was just because he didn't know, so he was just being mysterious.

Ning Fengzhi noticed his son-in-law's expression and secretly remembered it in his heart, but he didn't say much in person, but turned to look at Sarath and others.

After asking about the cultivation method to no avail, Saras continued to ask: "I have read the master's theory, and these latest research on martial soul knowledge really inspired me a lot, but there is one thing I don't understand about the martial soul evolution theory you wrote, why does Tang San's blue silver grass have such a strong evolutionary potential?"

"Xiao San's martial soul is not an ordinary blue silver grass, it has the potential to become the king of blue silver grass, naturally extraordinary..."

"Master, do you mean the Blue Silver Emperor?"

"No, I mean the Blue Silver King. Xiao San's martial soul has the potential of the Blue Silver King. As for the Blue Silver Emperor, it is still too far away for him." The master's smile froze, but soon changed to a calm look.

However, how could this slight change in expression be hidden from Soul Douluo Saras?

I will try my best to add more chapters in the future, and at the same time greatly increase the role of the protagonist.

I have been fully present at Qidian for three months, and this book has been fully present for two months. It is expected to be completed with one million words. I will try my best to complete it within two months.

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