The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 162 Mandarin Duck Immortal Grass, Eight-petal Immortal Orchid

The promotion round was just a ranking competition among 15 teams, so the event went very quickly. This stage of the event was completed in less than half a month.

After some repairs, the 5 teams from the Tiandou City division and the 10 teams from the 5 principalities merged into a huge convoy of hundreds of people and headed for Tiandou City in a mighty manner.

As an emperor, Emperor Xueye of course cannot leave Tiandou City without permission. Therefore, in the finals of this Soul Master Competition, Prince Xue Qinghe will represent the Tiandou Empire and participate in the final judging process. The fifteen teams from the Tiandou Empire will also be led by him personally to Wuhun City at the junction of the two empires.

There is a quarter of a Douluo Continent between Tiandou City and Wuhun City. Since the participating members are riding horse-drawn carriages, it takes at least twenty days to travel.

The wealthy Tiandou Empire specially built fifteen giant carriages that were like small houses, specifically for the participating team members to ride and rest. Because these carriages use some of Douluo Continent's remaining ordinary soul guidance technology, their shock absorption performance is excellent, and living on them is as stable as a real house.

Ten days later, halfway through the journey, when the convoy stopped for repairs, Yu Tianming took this opportunity to come to the carriage of Tianshui College.

However, as soon as he approached the carriage, he was stopped by a teacher from Tianshui College.

"My lord, please stop. The people sitting in this carriage are all women. If you have anything to say to me, I will inform the students in the carriage." The teacher who knew Yu Tianming's identity, although his face was full of respect, did not say anything. Stopping him mercilessly in front of the carriage.

Naturally, Yu Tianming would not embarrass such a conscientious teacher. He looked at Shui Yue'er who slowly poked his head out of the car window, and said gently to the teacher: "I want to find Shui Bing'er, please let the teacher know."

The teacher from Tianshui Academy took a deep look at Yu Tianming, who was dressed in luxurious robes, then turned around and walked towards the luxurious carriage equipped by the Tiandou Empire.

"My lord, I wonder what you have to do with my sister?" Before the teacher could enter the carriage, an excited Shui Yue'er pulled Shui Bing'er out of the carriage and came to Yu Tianming.

Although Shui Bingyue and Shui Bingyue are half-sisters, their personalities are very different. Shui Bing'er, who has the top beast martial soul, the ice crystal phoenix, is as arrogant and indifferent as a flower on the high mountain, but her martial soul is that of a dolphin. Shui Yue'er's personality is just the opposite of hers. Not only is she very lively, but she is also extremely nymphomaniac. When she sees a handsome guy, she is so fascinated that she can't walk.

"Both of them are extremely talented water attribute soul masters. Have you ever heard of Poseidon Island?" Yu Tianming took a step forward and approached these two beautiful women.

"Poseidon Island? This is the holy land of all sea soul masters, a place where land soul masters are not allowed to set foot. Our Tianshui Academy recruits a lot of sea soul masters every year. Naturally, we know this place. I wonder what you mean?" Shui Bing Er's voice was like ice, with a hint of coldness.

Yu Tianming did not follow them in circles, but directly stated his purpose of coming, "To be honest, when I saw two talented soul masters with water attributes, I was really in love with them, so I wanted to introduce two talented soul masters." After the competition, go to Poseidon Island to practice. When you get there, you will definitely be greatly improved."

Before Shui Bing'er could speak, Shui Yue'er frowned, "Sir, you should know that a land soul master will die if he goes to Poseidon Island. As a sea soul master, it's fine for me, but wouldn't it be fine if my sister went there? Is it the same as seeking death?”

"I am not a sea soul master, but I walked out of Poseidon Island safely. This is enough to prove that land soul masters can also pass the test of Poseidon. If you want to pursue strength far beyond others, you must have extraordinary determination. If When you decide to go to Poseidon Island, you can tell me my name."

Whether you want to join Poseidon Island is a matter of your own free will. Yu Tianming did not persuade the two of them too much. After speaking, he turned around and returned to the carriage belonging to Lanba Academy.

"Brother Tianming, are they willing to go to Poseidon Island?" Ning Rongrong, who was bored and cracking melon seeds, sat up straight and asked curiously when he saw Yu Tianming coming back.

Yu Tianming shook his head and did not mention it to Shui Bingyue and the other two. Instead, he looked at Ning Rongrong and said gently, "Rongrong, Qiluo Tulip's medicinal power has been initially absorbed. Now it's time to absorb the second one." It’s magic grass.”

"The second fairy grass?" A look of surprise appeared on Ning Rongrong's face. She stood up and hugged Yu Tianming's arm. She said with a trembling tone: "The fairy grass is so precious. I have already absorbed one. I will absorb another." Isn’t it a bit wasteful?”

Yu Tianming patted Ning Rongrong's head without saying anything. The next moment, the two of them disappeared into the room in the carriage and appeared in a wilderness full of blue silver grass.

In front of the two of them, a snow-white eight-petal orchid swayed slowly among countless blue and silver grasses. A strange fragrance spread out from the small petals, completely covering a radius of several dozen feet.

Smelling the fresh fragrance of flowers, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but take a long breath, and then said slowly: "This fairy grass smells so good, and I actually have a vague feeling of longing for it. Brother Tianming, this Is this the fairy grass you want to absorb for me?"

Yu Tianming nodded and said slowly: "This thing is called the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid. It has the softest and mellowest medicinal properties. It can make up for the slow speed of the auxiliary soul master's training. Moreover, the Qiluo Tulip and the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid are a pair of mandarin ducks. The grass jelly has complementary effects and is best for you to absorb.”

Although Oscar and Ning Rongrong are both auxiliary soul masters, one is a sausage and the other is a pagoda. In any case, they are incompatible with each other, but in the end they were able to use the martial soul fusion skill to bring back the dead. It was because of the eight-petal fairy orchid and the qiluo tulip, a pair of mandarin duck fairy grass that was as delicate as the eight-anise ice grass and the fierce apricot, that they changed the compatibility of their martial souls.

Looking at the strangely fragrant fairy grass in front of her, Ning Rongrong thought of something. She jumped up, grabbed Yu Tianming's neck with her hands, clamped her legs on his body, and kissed Yu Tianming hard. With a little pink on his face, he said cheerfully: "Brother Tianming, you are so kind to me..."

Yu Tianming patted Ning Rongrong's back and said with a smile: "Okay, Rongrong, there is no special way to eat this eight-petal fairy orchid. Just chew it and swallow it. You can come down and take the fairy grass first."

Ning Rongrong looked at Yu Tianming's handsome face, bit her lip lightly, jumped to the ground, turned around and bit off the eight-petal fairy orchid flower, then crossed her legs on the blue silver grass and slowly absorbed it.

As time gradually passed, the medicinal power of the fairy grass integrated into Ning Rongrong's body, and a faint white mist emerged from the surface of her skin, undulating around her. At this time, the vision that Ning Rongrong had when she absorbed the Qiluo Tulip also emerged. A golden light and white mist merged together, and the smells of the Qiluo Tulip and the Eight-petal Fairy Orchid began to slowly blend together to form a scent. A unique fragrance.

This shocking fragrance made Yu Tianming on the side slowly close his eyes, lie back on the blue silver grass, and enjoy this moment of tranquility.

The Qibao Glazed Pagoda is originally a top-notch gem martial spirit. After Ning Rongrong absorbed Qiluo Tulip, the precious energy in her body became as outstanding as that of a star. But now with the fusion of the eight-petal fairy orchid, the precious energy in her body Gradually it began to converge, and a bit of nobility emerged spontaneously.

The water world is quite large. Because of the difference in temperature between land and ocean between day and night, a cool and moist breeze will blow here from time to time, causing the entire wilderness to be filled with blue silver grass several inches high like waves of wheat. Smelling the fragrance of Ning Rongrong next to him, Yu Tianming lay on the blue silver grass and fell asleep comfortably.

After an unknown amount of time, the scorching fireball hanging in the sky of the water world gradually dimmed, and began to emit a faint white light like a full moon.

Ning Rongrong, who had completely absorbed the fairy grass, moved her body and lay under Yu Tianming's arms. She looked up at the 'full moon' above her head and murmured: "The scenery here is so beautiful. I really want to stay here with Brother Tianming all the time." , just lying there quietly."

"This space will be opened for Rongrong at any time. We can come here at any time." Yu Tianming hugged Ning Rongrong into his arms, buried his head in her silk fabric and took a deep breath. , said slowly: "After absorbing the eight-petal fairy orchid and the Qiluo tulip at the same time, Rongrong's body actually smelled the scent of the two kinds of fairy grass. This scent is really delicious."

Although the fragrance on Ning Rongrong's body is not as strong as when she absorbs the fairy grass, this faint smell can arouse people's desire more. Yu Tianming can't help but treat the petite Ning Rongrong like a kitten. Rubbing it into his arms, he greedily inhaled the fragrance of the two kinds of grass jelly.

Ning Rongrong also blushed, put her hands on Yu Tianming's shoulders, and let him sniff at her.

After a moment, Yu Tianming slowly released Ning Rongrong and said with a smile: "Rongrong, after absorbing the eight-petal fairy orchid, is there any new change in your Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda?"

Ning Rongrong sat up, turned her palms, and a small nine-story pagoda appeared in her hands. The shining light on it shrank, giving off a more ethereal feeling.

"Brother Tianming, although the form of my Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda has not changed drastically, its skills have undergone considerable changes."

"Oh? The original auxiliary functions of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda are unparalleled in the world. Is it possible that it has been further strengthened this time?"

Ning Rongrong nodded, holding the ethereal pagoda in his hand, and slowly introduced: "The original power of the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda was that it could ignore the level and give everyone a percentage enhancement of various attributes, but now it is In addition to the percentage bonus, it can also add fixed attributes to the soul master."

Yu Tianming's eyes flashed, and he instantly thought of the new function of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

For a soul master like Yu Tianming, who is extremely high-level and has extremely powerful attributes, the increase in fixed attributes cannot be compared with the increase in percentage attributes. But for an auxiliary soul master like Ning Rongrong who has no power, the role of increasing fixed attributes is not generally important.

If Ning Rongrong blessed herself with a certain amount of attack, defense, speed and other attributes, and then added a percentage increase to herself, then the originally weak and cute auxiliary soul master could instantly turn into the Tower King. With suitable soul bone skills, you can rely on extremely high attributes to kill for eternity.

Before Yu Tianming's surprise ended, Ning Rongrong spoke again: "The direction of my soul skill blessing has also changed. Originally, the soul skills of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda will increase in order, strength, agility, soul power, defense, and attack. , the six strongest attributes, but after absorbing the eight-petal fairy orchid, it becomes different. "

"Now I have a vague feeling in my heart. The order of increase has become, strength, agility, defense, spirit, soul strength, elemental attributes, these aspects..."

Yu Tianming took a breath of cold air. The unreasonable increase of the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda turned out to be perfect. The attack attribute that was originally useless turned into an extremely critical spiritual attribute. Moreover, the element that was originally the strongest increase suddenly turned into increasing all elements.

Yu Tianming had already embarked on the path of the Dragon God. His body gradually became extremely powerful like the Golden Dragon King, and he could control countless attributes like the Silver Dragon King. Because he had a very strong recovery ability, only the attribute soul master of the increase type was useful to him, and this change of Ning Rongrong's soul skill actually perfectly matched all aspects of him!

Yu Tianming suddenly kissed Ning Rongrong on the forehead and said excitedly: "Rongrong, the two of us are simply a match made in heaven. You are simply an assistant born for me." After that, he kissed Ning Rongrong on the forehead several times.

At this time, Ning Rongrong, who was dizzy, opened her mouth again, "Brother Tianming, I already had a soul power of level 36. I absorbed another matching fairy grass. Now I am level 40. I have to find the fourth soul ring."

Yu Tianming nodded, and then he hugged Ning Rongrong and disappeared in the water world.

When they appeared again, they had come to a cave full of colorful crystals. The temperature here was dozens of degrees higher than the outside world. It was extremely hot. From time to time, there would be a suspended crystal soul beast, emitting light, flying past them as if they didn't notice it.

This is the underground gem soul beast gathering place that Yu Tianming sensed. Because Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tower is most suitable for absorbing gem soul beasts, Yu Tianming decisively came to this deep underground where no one has ever been.

Yu Tianming waved his right hand, and a crystal soul beast that continued to emit colorful light was sucked into his palm. With a slight force on the fingertips, countless tiny cracks appeared on the surface of the crystal soul beast, and the powerful aura it emitted also dropped to the bottom in an instant, as if it would die in the next moment.

"Rongrong, kill this soul beast, it will be your fourth soul ring."

I went to the hospital today, so there is only one update.

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