The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 163 Tang San: Chrysanthemums withered and wounded all over the ground

In the crystal crypt, there is no light source, only various gemstones are shining with faint light, one tall and one short, two figures stand in front of a colorful crystal full of cracks.

Ning Rongrong looked at the dying soul beast in front of him, put one hand on his hips, and held the glazed pagoda with the other hand, and said to Yu Tianming beside him: "Brother Tianming, let's see how Rongrong does this move."

The next moment, the three soul rings under her feet flashed simultaneously, and three rays of light of various colors instantly merged into Ning Rongrong's body. The basic attributes of strength, agility, and defense were instantly enhanced several times, creating a tyrannical momentum. It diffused naturally from her body.

With a flick of her wrist, the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower landed lightly on the crystal soul beast. In an instant, the crystal that was originally full of cracks instantly shattered into countless fragments, and a purple soul ring slowly condensed among the crystal fragments. And out.

"Yes, although Rongrong is an auxiliary soul master, with this move, a kind of aura appears out of thin air that looks down on the world, quite like a fighting soul master." Yu Tianming waved his palm lightly, and the crystal fragments on the ground disappeared instantly. Once in the air, underneath the soul ring, the crystals on the uneven ground slowly rose up, forming a smooth and bright crystal futon.

Ning Rongrong showed a joyful smile. She didn't say much. She just gently pulled up her skirt, sat on the futon, and absorbed the soul ring dropped by the crystal soul beast.

Half an hour later, Ning Rongrong slowly opened her eyes. A colorful light flashed through her eyes, and the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower in front of her also flashed. "The Nine Treasures turn out to be glazed, and the Nine Treasures have names. Strength, speed, control, god.”

After using the four skills of the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda twice in a row, she looked at Yu Tianming in front of her and said nervously: "Brother Tianming, what do you think of Rongrong's current attributes? Do you have the strength to protect yourself?"

Yu Tianming lifted his chin and looked at the nervous Ning Rongrong.

Although the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda can produce two more soul rings than the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, with a 20% increase in the later stage, the auxiliary values ​​of the two martial arts are calculated in the same way, which is (number of soul rings * 10 + 10) % , Ning Rongrong, who now has four soul rings, can already use 50% increase.

After Ning Rongrong absorbed the Eight-petal Immortal Orchid, although the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda did not push the increase to the next level, it was able to add another layer of fixed increase while increasing the percentage. If the target of the fixed increase is an ordinary battle soul master of the same level as Ning Rongrong, the increase intensity will be about 50%, but if the target is Dai Mubai, the increase in attributes will only be 20%.

Yu Tianming raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the girl in front of him meaningfully: "Rongrong, the strength of your fixed increase is related to your level. Now that you are only level 40, you can obtain half of the attributes of a battle spirit master of the same level. If When you reach the realm of level 90 Titled Douluo, you will be able to obtain the same attributes as a soul master of the same level..."

"Doesn't that mean that when I reach the Titled Douluo stage, I can increase myself into an Attack Douluo without any attack soul skills? If I add another layer of percentage increase, then I will have more than twice the strength of an Attack Douluo. Attributes?" Ning Rongrong interrupted Yu Tianming excitedly and cheered excitedly.

Yu Tianming nodded and said slowly: "Rong Rong, don't get too excited first. Take Dai Mubai, a high-level martial soul, his attributes are close to twice those of a soul master of the same level. The superposition of two amplification skills can also increase the strength by about 200%. In this way, he has 400% of the attributes of an ordinary soul master. In this way, even if you spend a lot of soul power to give yourself two layers of amplification, It is also far inferior to the powerful fighting spirit master."

Hearing this, the excitement in Ning Rongrong's eyes immediately disappeared, and she lowered her head in disappointment.

Seeing this, Yu Tianming rubbed her head and comforted her softly: "Rong Rong, don't be disappointed. If you get a few soul bones with powerful attributes, Rongrong will not be as powerful as Dai Mubai." The powerful attacking soul master..."

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up, she stood on the crystal futon, held up her Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda again, and said confidently: "Why don't I, Ning Rongrong, not want to become a great fighting soul master?"

Looking at Ning Rongrong's cute appearance, Yu Tianming chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, the two of them disappeared in the crystal crypt.

At this time, Douluo Continent was approaching midnight.

A group of people from Lanba Academy were sitting together making tea around the stove. They were suddenly shocked when they saw Ning Rongrong and Yu Tianming appearing out of thin air, but then they all noticed the fourth soul ring at Ning Rongrong's feet, as well as her The body becomes ethereal.

"Rong Rong, you actually have a forty-level soul power. The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda gives me a different feeling. It used to be jewel-like and graceful, but now it's a little more fairy-like and elegant..." Zhu Zhuqing's face was filled with emotion. He looked at the four soul rings at Ning Rongrong's feet in shock, his eyes filled with envy.

Sitting in the corner, the tip of Tang San's nose twitched slightly, and he thought to himself: There is also a strange fragrance. Could it be that he used heavenly materials and earthly treasures to cut off the hair and cleanse the marrow?

Yu Tianming didn't say much, just patted Ning Rongrong on the shoulder, left the Lanba Academy carriage and walked to the front of the motorcade.

Looking at Ning Rongrong, whose face was filled with his own, and Yu Tianming's retreating back, Oscar felt an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart, and thought to himself: I am an ordinary auxiliary soul master with neither strength nor background, nor... Only a strong man like Yu Tianming could be worthy of Rongrong.


In the middle of the night, on the lonely official road, the strong winds from the mountains on both sides were howling constantly. The convoys from the Tiandou Empire raised dozens of bonfires, forming a bright straight line, giving this cold and lonely night It adds a touch of warmth.

After Yu Tianming left Team Lan Ba's carriage, he walked forward and slowly came to the carriage of Prince Tiandou, standing quietly in the shadows.

A moment later, Qian Renxue, dressed in royal attire, hurriedly stepped out of the carriage, walked into the shadows not far away, and plunged into Yu Tianming's arms.

Qian Renxue stood up on tiptoes and pecked Yu Tianming's face. Then, while gently sliding her index finger on his solid chest muscles, she whispered expectantly, "You're calling me out so late. Come and find me." what's the matter?"

Yu Tianming stroked Qian Renxue's cheek, thinking of a fairy grass in the space, and smiled slightly, "Prince Tiandou kept saying there was a treasure for me in front of the secret room last time, but in the end he only drank two drinks with me. "Jiu, now I also have a treasure to give to the prince, what do you think?"

Qian Renxue looked at Yu Tianming's smiling eyes and pursed her lips, "I want to see what treasure Tianming brought me." After saying that, a blush appeared on her face.

When Yu Tianming was about to speak, a cold breath suddenly came from the hillside not far away. Yu Tianming could only shake his head helplessly and said slowly: "I didn't expect to launch a surprise attack at this time, Xue'er, Now we must first kill off the ambushers sent by Wuhun Palace and shine on the bright sun..."

The fifth soul ring at Yu Tianming's feet began to flash, and a scorching ball of light suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. As it gradually grew larger, it slowly floated into the dark night sky. In just a few breaths, a huge " The sun appeared above the convoy, illuminating all the darkness around it.

Before he finished speaking, the members of the Tiandou Royal Knights who were keeping watch at the end of the convoy suddenly shouted, "Everyone is on alert, there is a situation."

At this moment, countless huge rockfalls rolled down from the hills on both sides like raindrops. Although these rockfalls were extremely huge and could not be blocked by the trees in their path, they appeared very suddenly and rolled from the hills in an instant. Falling.

When several soul master teams in the team saw this situation, various soul power lights flashed rapidly. Some teams stepped forward to resist the falling rocks, while other teams hurriedly rushed out of the convoy. The orderly convoy There was a moment of chaos.

Seeing this, an earthy yellow light flashed under Yu Tianming's feet, and the control of the earth element from the soul bone of the Mountain Dragon King was instantly activated. These rolling boulders were instantly integrated into the earth as if they were stuck in a quagmire, without even injuring anyone.

This was something to be thankful for, but the next scene made the hearts of many soul masters sink to the bottom. Thousands of bandits dressed in black poured out from behind the boulders, and each bandit exuded... The aura of soul power is not weak, and there are at least thirty soul masters above level 50 among them.

What does level fifty mean? Not only did the title become Soul King, it also meant that he could obtain the first ten thousand year soul ring.

How many soul masters are there in this world? The total number does not exceed one hundred thousand, and the Soul King does not exceed five thousand. Five thousand sounds like a lot, but if distributed across the entire continent, it is pitifully small. It is almost unimaginable that a group of bandits can launch attacks in such an organized manner and have so many high-level soul masters.

Before these soul masters could rush in front of the convoy, two haloes of light appeared under Yu Tianming's feet, one blue and one cyan. One was the magic-forbidden light wave skill obtained from Hai Long, and the other was obtained from the Azure Bull Python. area of ​​sluggishness.

These soul masters who charged forward were only soul saints at the highest level. After being baptized by Yu Tianming's two light waves, the soul power in their bodies instantly stagnated, and their movement speed also became as slow as a crawl, and their combat effectiveness was almost nonexistent.

"Humph, what a trick." A feminine voice came from a distance, but before the words could be heard, a masked man in white flew in front of the convoy, "Your Excellency can stop them, but I wonder if you can stop me? "

Seeing this lofty and empty man in white, many soul masters in the team stared at each other and secretly said: "Title Douluo!!!"

But just as everyone was sighing, a tiptoeing figure had already walked out of the convoy, and whispered bitterly: "Damn it, there is a titled Douluo coming to ambush, Xiao Wu, why don't you come with me? ? But don’t worry, I will definitely avenge you after I become a Titled Douluo.”

Just as he finished speaking, he heard a soft sigh from the distance: "Now that I'm here, no one can get out. The ninth soul skill, the chrysanthemums are left all over the ground, and the flowers fall and the heart is broken!!"

The huge velvet-toothed chrysanthemum in the hand of the man in white shattered instantly and turned into countless fist-sized petals, covering the entire convoy. Each petal continued to rotate like a sharp crescent blade, and these countless petals formed a The huge golden tornado shrank toward the convoy from outside to inside.

Seeing this scene, Tang San immediately jumped up and returned to the convoy following the ghostly footsteps.

But no matter how powerful Guiying Mi Zongbu was, Tang San was just a small soul sect. How could his speed avoid Ju Douluo's ninth soul skill?

The next moment, countless petals came behind Tang San. The Qirong Sky Chrysanthemum was regarded as an immortal product, and its ambition was as strong as the Yang. These petals looked weak, but in fact they were comparable to the hardest iron spirit. As soon as they touched Tang San, A ball of blood the size of a fist exploded behind him, turning into a ball of blood mist that dispersed in the air.

Sensing that Tang San was injured, Yu Tianming waved his right hand and used the skill of his external soul bone: Drawing the Wind and the Xia.

Countless transparent threads emitting colorful halos instantly extended from behind him, instantly filling a space of dozens of miles in radius.

Qian Renxue, Ning Rongrong and others only felt a colorful halo spreading around them, and the surroundings became as blurry as a dream, but they could move freely and did not feel the slightest obstruction from the surrounding space.

However, Ju Douluo's feeling was completely different. The moment the light appeared, he felt that countless steel wires passed through his body, constantly destroying his nerves like a thousand knives, and even when he released The endless petals were also fixed in mid-air, forcing him to release his martial spirit.

Tang San, who luckily escaped with his life, breathed a long sigh of relief, and quickly took out the Tang Sect's secret golden sore medicine from Twenty-Four Bridge on a bright moonlit night, sprinkled it all behind him, and then said bitterly: "The chrysanthemum is broken, The ground is covered with wounds, the flowers are falling, and the hearts are broken. It’s such a cruel method, I will remember this move.”

The Tang Sect's secret medicine was extremely effective. As soon as it was sprinkled, the black and red blood on the ground behind Tang San immediately stopped flowing, but a vague odor began to spread.

Tang San took a deep breath, held his knees, stood up tremblingly, turned his head and looked at the fist-sized piece of fabric missing from the back of his pants, and his bloody buttocks, the pain of a severed liver and intestines, no matter how strong he was, he could still endure it. He couldn't help but close his eyes and draped a robe haphazardly behind his back.

Having lost a piece of flesh and blood the size of his fist, Tang San thought to himself: This time the injury was so serious, I don't know if it will heal. If it is as incurable as being ambushed by Shi Nian, then I won't be able to stop peeing from now on.

While Tang San was feeling melancholy, Ju Douluo, who was sweating profusely, finally couldn't bear it any longer and shouted hoarsely at the people around him: "Old ghost, what are you waiting for? Quickly use that move without looking. I can’t hold on any longer now?”

Ju Douluo, Yue Guan, I, is the name of an author on the Qidian Chinese website

Xiao Wu, this name is also taken from the author of Qidian [Dancing]

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