The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 164 The power of the two yin and yang, the boundless universe

Ju Douluo's voice was extremely feminine, as if a female soul was living in his body. Yin alone cannot grow, and Yang alone cannot be born. Perhaps it was because of his unique conditions that he could breed the most masculine and yang-filled flower fairy, Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum.

The skill attached to Yu Tianming's external soul bone, Pulling the Wind and Inducing the Clouds, mainly controls the nearby space and restricts the enemy.

However, Yu Tianming, who is level 95, has entered the realm of God in terms of both soul power and body. Ju Douluo is only a level 94, slightly stronger Titled Douluo. Under the huge gap in strength between the two, it is because Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum is strong enough, otherwise Ju Douluo would not even have the chance to speak.

Hearing Ju Douluo's call, a black figure appeared silently beside him. What was shocking was that the figure actually wrapped Ju Douluo up like a fluid. The special nature of the ghostly martial soul allowed him to immediately get rid of some of the restrictions of Pulling the Wind and Inducing the Clouds.

Yue Guan, who had regained his mobility, had a gloomy face. Although it was only a short fight, the gap between him and Yu Tianming was already vivid.

This Title Douluo, who had been famous for many years, stared at Yu Tianming in front of him. At this moment, Ju Douluo even became cautious in breathing.

The next moment, a strange phenomenon occurred.

Ju Douluo Yue Guan, a layer of golden flames instantly rose from his body, and the shadow transformed by Ghost Douluo also ignited a brilliant silver flame. In the fusion of the golden and silver flames, the eighteen soul rings suddenly lit up, and together with the two bodies, they turned into a huge golden and silver halo and flew out quietly.

Although Yu Tianming had been prepared for a long time, when the two used their martial soul fusion skills, he only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and the world turned into golden and silver, and everything around him seemed to be completely still at this moment.

At this moment, the participating spirit masters in the team were in a mess, Tang San covered his buttocks and ran towards the team, and even Qian Renxue, who turned into Xue Qinghe beside Yu Tianming, stopped.

The two-pole static field, this classic martial soul fusion skill suddenly appeared in Yu Tianming's mind.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo have always acted together, not only because of their close relationship, but more importantly, the existence of this martial soul fusion skill. This is a big secret of the Spirit Hall. In today's continent, there are very few spirit masters who can possess martial soul fusion skills, and there are even fewer Title Douluo who have martial soul fusion skills. The skill with shining gold and silver rings in front of you is called the two static fields, which can simultaneously freeze the opponent's skills and actions.

Of course, in order to display this ability, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo have also invested all their efforts and have no hands to attack. It can be said that this spirit skill is the strongest control skill used by the two Title Douluo with all their heart and soul, and it can even be said that this is the strongest control that ordinary people in Douluo Continent can use.

Although the bipolar static field is powerful, it can only slow down Yu Tianming, who has stepped into the realm of gods.

"The boundless universe."

Feeling that he is still affected, Yu Tianming frowned slightly, and the ninth golden soul ring under his feet began to flicker. The next moment, he moved freely when everyone was in a state of stillness.

The golden soul ring left by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who has also stepped into the realm of gods, brought two soul skills to Yu Tianming. The first is the "Return to the Origin of the Realm" that controls space, and the other is the "Boundless Universe" that affects time. Although this move cannot make time go back, it can speed up, slow down, and even stop time, perfectly filling the gap in his space-time ability.

"Interesting, this is not the ability to stop time, this is the fusion of the extreme yin and the extreme yang, this is the power of the two yin and yang, and the status is far higher than the time ability." Yu Tianming, who has already entered the time field, instantly saw the essence of the fusion skills of the two titled Douluo.

Although the time ability is rare in Douluo Continent, it is by no means rare. Even Dugu Bo's eighth soul skill can involve time. However, the bipolar static field is a fusion of the extreme yin and extreme yang, the extreme hardness and the extreme softness, which has already involved the superficial power of the two yin and yang, and it is definitely not something that ordinary time abilities can touch.

Unfortunately, they are just mortals, and the restrictions they can put on Yu Tianming are minimal.

At this point, even if Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo are loyal to the Spirit Hall, they know that they can't compete with Yu Tianming at all. The gold and silver haloes that the two people turned into instantly collapsed into a head full of starlight, and then the figures of the two people turned into a shadow and disappeared without a trace in the night.

"The extreme hardness and yang, the extreme yin and the extreme softness, the power of the two yin and yang? It's really interesting. After I gather the five elements, I will find you." Yu Tianming did not chase the two titled Douluo, but looked at the night sky filled with endless darkness in the distance, stunned.

At this time, Yu Tianming also released the slow field and forbidden magic field that he had released at the beginning. Thousands of black-clothed soul masters immediately scattered and fled to the mountains. These soul masters all belonged to the Spirit Hall and would be inherited by Qian Renxue sooner or later. Whether it was the guards of the Tiandou Empire or the attackers of the Spirit Hall, they had long been regarded as his own property by Yu Tianming. No matter which side had casualties, it was his loss.

The sudden crisis was suddenly resolved within a few breaths. Although the specific situation was not clear, the huge convoy composed of 15 teams in the Tiandou competition area also became boiling.

Huo Wu, standing surrounded by the members of the Blazing Fire Team, tied up her messy fiery red hair casually, looked at the enemy attack that had disappeared, and murmured to Huo Wushuang beside her: "How could these attacking enemies suddenly retreat? Could it be..."

Huo Wushuang nodded, pointed at the golden-red light ball that disappeared in the sky, and said slowly: "There is not much information leaked about cousin Tianming, but I am sure that the huge fireball that just appeared is his fifth soul skill."

Huo Wu took a breath of cold air, "The fifth soul skill is so powerful? It seems that it is true as he said, he already has the strength of a titled Douluo before he is 20 years old."

The Lan Ba ​​team formed a group back to back. They looked at the fluctuations of soul power coming from the direction where Yu Tianming left, and they had some vague guesses in their hearts. Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, the fat man next to him, looked at each other and saw the envy in the other's eyes. They said in unison: "Is this the real strong man?"

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong with a smile on his face, and Xiao Wu looked at the direction Tang San was going, feeling unspeakable pain in his heart.

"Okay, it's over. Let's go to bed quickly. We have to continue traveling tomorrow." Flanders looked at the team members who had their own concerns, waved his hand, and drove the members of the Lanba team back to the carriage.

In the dark night, looking at the direction in which the two titled Douluo were leaving, he was speechless.

Like the Dragon God, he cultivates the body on the one hand and the elements on the other. However, inspired by the two great Douluo of Chrysanthemum and Ghost, he has thought of a more suitable path for himself: perhaps after completing the five elements, he can then control the two Yi, using this to control the evolution of the world inside the body and enhance oneself, is also a broad road.

"Tianming, although I have an angel martial spirit, and the pope of this term is my mother, but..." Qian Renxue looked at Yu Tianming, silent for a moment, and then continued: "But the relationship between us is not Well, I didn’t expect this attack either…”

Yu Tianming came back to his senses, turned to look at Qian Renxue who was looking uneasy next to him, showed a gentle smile, and said slowly: "Xue'er, these are small things, I'm not blaming you, I just thought I was just in a trance about some cultivation matters.”

He looked at the noisy motorcade, pulled Qian Renxue into his arms, patted her shoulder, and said softly: "You are the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, the leader of the 15 teams in the Tiandou Division. Now you deserve Went to maintain order in the convoy."

Feeling the kindness in Yu Tianming's words, Qian Renxue said nothing, but couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, turned around and walked towards the brightly lit motorcade.

When everything was over, the lights of the entire motorcade gradually went out. Tang San, who had been waiting for a long time, gently opened Jiangzhu's door.

"'s so late, what do you want to see me for now?" Jiangzhu poked his head out of the door and looked at the pale Tang San and said slowly.

Tang San said the lines he had prepared long ago: "Jiangzhu, when the attack just happened, I ran out of the convoy to fight with the man in black, but I didn't expect to be injured by the petals all over the sky, so I wanted to look for you. , can it be treated..."

"Ah, captain, please come in quickly and let me see if your injury is serious." Jiangzhu let out the door and welcomed the hunched-over Tang San into his room.

The room on the carriage was not big, with only one bed and an aisle that could only accommodate one person. When the two of them entered the room, Jiangzhu immediately noticed Tang San's bright red robe wrapped around his waist.

", what's wrong with you? How did you get hurt here?" Jiangzhu covered her mouth and said with surprise on her face. Tang San's recovery ability is extremely strong, and he can heal minor injuries on his own. He only sought Jiangzhu's help twice, but each time he was seriously injured, and the injuries were to parts that were unimaginable to ordinary people.

Tang San didn't answer her question, but suppressed the shame in his heart, slowly exhaled a breath, pulled off the gown around his waist, turned around and said, "Jiangzhu, look at my injuries. Can you treat it?"

At this time, a layer of black and red blood scab appeared on Tang San's wound. It seemed that because the location of the injury was too precise, the blood scab also connected the two halves of the buttocks together, which looked weird and disgusting.

Jiangzhu looked at the tragic scene in front of him and froze on the spot, dumbfounded and said: "Captain, your injury is too deep. You can stop the bleeding on your own after such a serious injury. It's really not something ordinary people can do." Than... However, I can treat this injury, but it will take a lot of time. After all, you are missing a piece of flesh the size of your fist, and I am only a small Soul Lord. If I treat it too quickly, I am afraid something will go wrong. "

"It's okay. Just give me treatment. No matter how long it takes, I can wait." Hearing Jiangzhu's affirmative reply, Tang San breathed a long sigh of relief. If this injury cannot be cured, he will have to wear diapers for the rest of his life. .

Jiangzhu summoned her martial spirit, the healing scepter, and the green light began to flicker in the small room. While she was healing, she said: "Captain, we are less than a month away from the martial spirit city. Why don't you let me I’ll give you conservative treatment first, and then you can go see Ye Lingling, which will be safer.”

Tang San nodded, "I understand, what happened today..."

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for the captain..."


Early the next morning, in Wuhun City.

The master who set off at the end of the promotion round of the Soul Master Competition has arrived in the meeting hall of the Pope's Palace, quietly drinking the fine tea. He looked at the tea in front of him with dull eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. .

"You guys are waiting outside. No one is allowed to disturb you without my order."


It was not until the three-meter-high archway on one side of the hall opened and a soft voice sounded outside the door that the master came to his senses and silently moved his eyes away from the fragrant tea.

A woman met the master's sight and slowly walked forward. She was wearing a luxurious black robe with gold patterns, a nine-curved purple gold crown on her head, and a scepter about two meters long inlaid with countless gems in her hand. She exuded an invisible noble aura that made people want to worship her.

Looking at this beautiful woman, the master's dull eyes gradually became complicated, with apologies, memories, and more regrets.

Bibi Dong looked at the decadent middle-aged man in front of her, and her eyes gradually became complicated. Although she looked young and beautiful, she was actually one year older than the master, but her powerful cultivation concealed the traces of time.

The scepter fell to the ground, making a ding sound, and then Bibi Dong's soft and pleasant voice slowly rang out in the hall, "Xiaogang, after twenty years, you are finally here."

The master timidly avoided the other's gaze and said with a difficult tone, "I haven't seen you for so many years, are you okay?"

"What's wrong with being above ten thousand people? As the ruler of the Spirit Hall, even the emperors of the two empires are polite to me. But you, you haven't heard from me for so many years, why did you go to Lanba Academy to clean the toilet?"

The master's eyes stagnated, and his tone became anxious, "Bibi Dong, don't you know..."

"Please call me Pope, or call me Your Majesty." Bibi Dong interrupted Yu Xiaogang's explanation.

The master's pupils shrank a little, and he buried his head in his chest in humiliation. He had always been very proud, and he never thought that his scandal would be heard by Bibi Dong. In an instant, his momentum withered, and he whispered: "Yes, Your Holiness."

"What do you want to see me for? We haven't seen each other for twenty years."

"Your Holiness, I came here to ask for something."

"Oh?" The Pope looked at the master in surprise, "You actually begged me? It seems that your temper has changed a lot. No wonder you swept the Blue Tyrant Academy..."

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