The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 166: The ruthless Tang San castrates himself

Everyone in Lanba Academy had long been accustomed to Yu Tianming's elusive spatial ability. When he saw Xiao Wu in his arms, Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank, and another heartbreaking pain came from his heart.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just going to help Xiao Wu hunt for the fourth soul ring."

Yu Tianming handed the huge soft-bone rabbit he was holding to Flanders, "The finals of the Soul Master Competition are about to begin. This is the 4000-year-old soft-bone rabbit I encountered in the forest. Please deal with it. , cook some dishes to replenish everyone’s health.”

"I have never tasted a soul beast with such an age. Such precious ingredients cannot be wasted. I will help Teacher Flender deal with it." Ma Hongjun suddenly stood up and walked to Flanders, causing his body to tremble. The fat trembled.

Ma Hongjun's excited expression caused a burst of laughter in the team.

Amidst the commotion, two figures in white walked into the carriage of Lanba Academy one after another.

"Dad, and Grandpa Gu, why are you here?" Ning Rongrong saw the figure of the visitor clearly, and immediately stood up excitedly and threw herself into Ning Fengzhi's arms.

Ning Fengzhi raised the tip of his nose slightly, looked at Sword Douluo behind him, then hugged Ning Rongrong and laughed: "Rongrong, is your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda one step closer?"

"Dad, I didn't even show my martial spirit. How did you see the change in my martial spirit?"

"Hahaha, when the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda evolved last time, Rongrong had a strange fragrance on his body. Unexpectedly, after a few days, the fragrance on Rongrong changed again. I guessed that Rongrong had taken another step. ”

The gentle and elegant Ning Fengzhi did not hide the joy in her heart at this moment, and said hurriedly: "Rong Rong, show dad quickly, what has become of your Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda? Is there an extra layer?"

At this time, everyone looked at Ning Rongrong with either envy or joy, as if they were wondering, Qibao Glazed Pagoda is the best auxiliary martial spirit in the world, why can your martial spirit be strengthened one after another?

Seeing this, Ning Rongrong proudly spread her white right hand, and an ethereal nine-story colored glazed tower appeared in her palm.

"Okay, okay, my good daughter, your martial soul potential has exceeded the limit of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. Maybe, you can take that step in the future..." Others may not be able to sense Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. Powerful, but Ning Fengzhi had the same origin as the Qibao Glazed Pagoda, and instantly realized that the gap between the two of them was as big as Luo Sanpao and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.

Because he would have to use his soul skills in the continent-wide competition sooner or later, and he was surrounded by a group of titled Douluo to protect him, Ning Rongrong had no intention of hiding his skills.

She stared at the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda in her hand, raised the corner of her mouth, and said proudly: "Now, in addition to adding a percentage increase, my Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda can also add a layer of fixed attribute increase. With me here, the soul It’s not impossible to win the division championship.”

Hearing Ning Rongrong's words, everyone present took a breath.

It turns out that Ning Rongrong's percentage increase is already powerful enough, but what about adding a layer of fixed increase? Wouldn't the attribute increase be doubled?

"Excuse me, everyone, the 4000-year-old soft-bone rabbit is ready. It is roasted in its entirety, slaughtered and eaten now. It is an absolute delicacy." While talking and laughing, Flanders had already put the prepared soft-bone rabbit on the table.

This soft-bone rabbit was huge in size. Under Ma Hongjun's cooking, which was similar to roasting a whole lamb, the whole soft-bone rabbit was served to everyone with all its beard and tail. Under the burning of the phoenix fire, the soft-bone rabbit showed a golden color, the meat was tender and juicy, and the dripping red oil tempted the appetite.

While everyone was enjoying their meal, Xiao Wu was the only one who sat there in a daze, with large beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, and his eyes were filled with fear.

Tangmen was located near Shu. Naturally, Tang San had eaten spicy rabbit heads, a famous Sichuan food. Now that he encountered such a big rabbit, he naturally didn't stop using his chopsticks. When Tang San, who was full of oil, put down the rabbit brain flower in the bowl, he noticed the pale face of Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Xiao Wu glanced at Tang San blankly, and said in a trembling tone: "Rabbit is so cute, why eat it? This is too cruel."

Before Tang San could answer, Ma Hongjun smiled broadly and said, "Xiao Wu, don't look at the scary-looking spicy rabbit head, but the meat on its cheeks is delicious and tender, the meat on its tongue is refreshing and chewy, and the brain in its skull is... The flowers are soft and delicate, and this is how Third Brother knows how to eat them!”

Hearing this, Xiao Wu couldn't hold it any longer and turned back to the room, causing everyone to look at each other in confusion.

"Ma Hongjun is right, rabbit head is a good thing. Rongrong, you should try it too."

Ignoring Xiao Wu's departure, Yu Tianming directly picked up a piece of fragrant and tender rabbit cheek meat and brought it to Ning Rongrong's bowl.


A few days later, the Tiandou convoy, which sped up, arrived at Wuhun City two heads ahead of schedule.

Compared with huge cities like Tiandou City and Soto City, Wuhun City is much smaller, not even one-tenth of the area of ​​Tiandou City. But it still shocked the soul masters a lot.

The city walls of Wuhun City, which is not large in area, are definitely built according to the standards of the main city of the capital. The city walls are 80 meters high and more than 30 meters thick. Not only do they look extremely majestic, but they are also completely repaired from granite. Even Ning Fengzhi, who has strong financial resources, couldn't help but admire Wuhun City when he saw it.

The most peculiar thing is that Wuhun City is not a quadrilateral like ordinary cities, but a hexagon, which means that it has a total of six walls, which vaguely corresponds to Qianjia's Wuhun Seraphim.

As soon as the Tiandou convoy arrived at the gate of Wuhun City, the cardinal who had been prepared for a long time rushed to greet them. Under his leadership, a group of more than two hundred soul masters slowly entered the city. , Unlike ordinary cities, the shops on the streets of Wuhun City mostly sell items that soul masters need. Even space storage soul guides are often sold, but the quality is somewhat inferior.

The participating students from the Tiandou Empire were arranged in a hotel on the west side of Wuhun City, and the participating students from the Star Luo Empire were arranged to rest on the other side of Wuhun City. Members of the two empires could only participate in the competition. meet.

As soon as Team Lan Ba ​​finished settling in, Grandmaster quickly came to the hotel where the team was staying and found his godson Tang San.

"Xiao San, are you okay?" This was the first question the master asked when he saw Tang San.

"Father, it seems you know everything." Tang San covered his butt and let out a long sigh. Although the injury had been relieved, the members of the team didn't know he was injured, so they made him eat spicy food every time and asked him to go to the toilet. It was as painful as pulling a piece of glass, "Don't worry, I'm fine. This time the ambushers in Wuhun Palace were defeated by Yu Tianming early, I only suffered a minor injury."

The master sighed, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have let you participate in this competition. You still attracted their attention."

Tang San smiled slightly and said: "Father, why do you blame yourself? I'm fine. It's just a different kind of experience. Only after experiencing a true duel between strong men can I understand how insignificant my own strength is. . I will work harder to practice in the future.”

A smile finally appeared on the master's face, "You are always so sensible. You are right, hard work is the way to go. It's just that the Pope and I haven't seen each other for twenty years. I didn't expect that she would change under the corrosion of power. So indifferent. I'm sorry, Xiaosan, I couldn't ask about the cultivation method of twin martial arts." His expression became sad.

But what the master didn't notice was that Tang San gradually lowered his head, and in the shadow formed by his scattered hair, his expression gradually began to become ferocious.

"There is no training method to obtain twin martial souls?" Tang San's fingers slowly touched the crossbow arrows hidden in his cuffs, and his voice gradually became inaudible, "Then I won't have a father in vain. What else are you doing? Xuantian Baolu General Principle, Article 3: If you are sure that your opponent is an enemy, as long as he has a way to kill you, don't show mercy, otherwise it will only add trouble to yourself. "

The master with low cultivation level still looked gloomy, just like he didn't notice that Tang San had murderous intention towards him in the Soul Hunting Forest. At this moment, he didn't sense the gradually changing atmosphere in the room, and he continued with a guilty look on his face:

"It's all my fault. I have done useless work. The Pope knows that you are a threat to the future of Wuhun Palace. How could you tell me the method of cultivating twin martial souls?" Yu Xiaogang stroked Tang San's lowered head and whispered. He comforted: "But don't worry, mistress. I spent a lot of time with the Pope when I was young, and I have vaguely guessed some methods of training twin martial arts. As long as I can get Bibi Dong to actually do it, I can confirm my thoughts."

Hearing this, Tang San's ferocious face suddenly froze.

When he looked up again, he looked like a filial son and grandson again, "Father, although we are not related by blood, we are once a teacher and a lifelong father. In my heart, you and my father are no different. Xiaosan will definitely work hard to practice. , will definitely live up to your expectations.”

Yu Xiaogang looked at the filial godson in front of him, and then thought of Liu Erlong who had never met him, and the heartless Bibi Dong. For a moment, he burst into tears and hugged Tang San.

"Xiao San, you are a filial child. I finally saw the right person this time..."


Tang San and Yu Xiao had just finished playing the role of a loving father and a filial son, and it was already dusk.

The setting sun in the sky is like blood, gradually sinking below the horizon, spreading its last brilliance to the sky. The mountains in the distance gradually become blurred under the twilight, as if covered by a layer of gauze, leaving only their outlines. The lights on both sides of the street gradually lit up, making Wuhun City at night as bright as day.

"Huh? Tang San, why are you here so late? Is there something wrong?" Yu Tianxin opened the door and welcomed Tang San into the house.

Ye Lingling, who possesses the Jiuxin Haitang martial spirit, is also in this room. Although she is the best auxiliary martial spirit in the world, tied with the Qibao Glazed Pagoda, her healing ability is useless against Yu Tianming, who can regenerate at super speed. But Yu Tianxin is different. His attack is strong, but his endurance is slightly weak. As long as he cooperates with Ye Lingling's Nine Hearts and Begonias, he can get the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Jiuxin Haitang and Yu Tianxin both have the same word for heart. Perhaps due to fate, the two naturally came together.

Sensing Tang San's unhealthy physical condition, Ye Lingling immediately stood up and frowned, "I have sensed that your life breath is somewhat damaged. Tang San, are you injured? Where are you injured? Please let me know." Let me see."

Hearing Ye Lingling's words, Tang San, a cold-blooded killer, showed an unspeakable expression at this moment. He was silent for a moment and then whispered: "Many of my tissues from Qihai Point to Qugu Point are damaged beyond recognition. The buttocks are also..."

How could Ye Lingling, a native of Douluo, know the acupuncture points on the Ren and Du meridians? Before she could finish, she put her hand on Tang San's shoulder, and in an instant, Ye Lingling knew the injuries he had suffered.

Hermaphrodite, rotten ass. Six big words instantly appeared in Ye Lingling's mind.

She took a deep breath, based on the concept of a doctor's benevolence, and forced herself to hold back the smile on her lips, and said to Tang San gently: "Your injuries in the back half of your body have been treated initially, and I can cure them now. But the injuries in the front half of your body are already chronic diseases, and the tissues on them have grown into a mass, and I really can't treat them."

As soon as the voice fell, the three soul rings under Ye Lingling's feet began to flash continuously, and the green light instantly filled the entire room.

"It's incredible. My injuries were healed in an instant." When the green light dissipated, Tang San felt the long-lost coolness on his buttocks, and realized the healing power of the Nine-Hearted Begonia. A flash of inspiration came to his mind, and then he looked at Ye Lingling with burning eyes, and asked hopefully: "For the injuries on the front half of my body, I have an idea. What do you think?"

"Go ahead." Ye Lingling showed an interested look.

"I heard that the Nine-Hearted Begonia is the most powerful healing spirit in the Douluo Continent for thousands of years, and it can even bring the dead back to life. As long as I remove all the damaged tissues, can your healing ability make my broken limbs grow back?"

Ye Lingling pondered for a moment, and then said with a gleam in her eyes: "It's a good idea, interesting, but I only have the cultivation of a Soul Master, and my healing ability is lacking, so I can't guarantee success..."

After hearing Ye Lingling's reply, Tang San seemed to have made a choice, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and slowly said: "I'll borrow your toilet for a while, and I will personally get rid of these serious illnesses."

Ye Lingling looked at Tang San with a cold light flashing in his eyes, shuddered suddenly, and quickly pointed out the toilet in the room.

Tang San didn't say much, and walked straight into the toilet. When he appeared again, his pants were soaked with blood.

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