The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 167: Similar heartbreak, proof of true love

Behind Tang San, Yu Tianxin and Ye Lingling could clearly see that the small toilet in the hotel was already full of blood. Drops of dark red blood continued to fall from Tang San's trousers, and within a few breaths, a pool of blood formed again.

No matter how strong Tang San's vitality was, after suffering such a serious injury, his legs continued to shake.

"Quickly, treat me quickly." Seeing Ye Lingling stunned on the spot, Tang San opened his pale lips slightly and hurriedly reminded him with a hoarse voice.

Only then did Ye Lingling react. As her soul power surged, a pink and white Begonia flower appeared in the palm of her hand. Green light full of life burst out from the Begonia flower stamens in an instant, pointing towards the point where she was almost exhausted. Tang San.

Under the infusion of green light, the blood on Tang San's body immediately stopped flowing, the missing muscles and organs began to gradually grow, and his pale face slowly turned rosy.

At the same time, Yu Tianming sensed Tang San's change, a white light flashed in his eyes, and he laughed softly: "Xiao San, I didn't expect you to be so cruel to me, but Brother Wei has already prepared a backup plan for you. , I don’t know if you are satisfied with this gift?”

After half a stick of incense, the light on the Nine-Hearted Begonia slowly extinguished, and Ye Lingling, who had spent a lot of soul power, breathed a sigh of relief, "Tang San, your injury has basically healed. Because the injury is too serious, it may not be the same as before. It’s different, but don’t worry, this is a normal reaction.”

"I didn't expect that such a serious injury like mine could be cured. Jiuxin Haitang is indeed the most powerful healing martial spirit. Thank you Divine Doctor Ye, I, Tang San, will be richly rewarded in the future." After hearing Ye Lingling's words, Tang San bitterly A long-lost smile appeared on Da Qiuchen's face. He turned around and walked to the toilet to watch his new little brother.

"Lingling, I didn't expect that you only have the cultivation level of Soul Lord, and you have such a strong healing ability. If your cultivation reaches a certain level, wouldn't you be able to resurrect people, flesh and white bones?" Yu Tianxinye, who had been watching for a long time, said He breathed a sigh of relief, even though it was Tang San who was injured, as a male, he felt a dull pain when he saw this scene.

Ye Lingling showed a gentle smile, supported Yu Tianxin with one hand, and said with a smile, "As long as you still have breath, I can save you. With my help, you will be an immortal warrior..."

While the two were chatting, Tang San had already walked out of the toilet.

He swept away his previous joyful look and was replaced by a gloomy look. There was a fierce light in his eyes, as if he would choose someone to devour him at any time. "Doctor Ye, are you sure you have cured me?"

"Yes, I have sensed that your wounds have all healed and your life aura has become perfect. How could something go wrong?" Ye Lingling looked confused. She couldn't figure out why the operation that was obviously successful could fail. .

Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly. Judging from his professional killer's judgment, Ye Lingling's expression didn't look like he was faking it. Could it be that something was really wrong?

After thinking about it, Tang San simply tore off the blood-stained trousers from his crotch, revealing his naked flesh in front of the two of them.

Yu Tianxin was highly cultivated and her reaction speed was extremely fast. Before Tang San could tear his pants, he covered Ye Lingling's eyes. But when he saw Tang San clearly, he silently covered his eyes. The big hand was lowered.

I saw a long crack-like depression at the end of the Ren Vein in Tang San's lower abdomen. Where the beef was supposed to grow, there was only a bean-sized meat ball. At first glance, there was no such thing at all. What a man should look like.

"Ah! How could this happen? I have clearly sensed that the treatment is complete." Ye Lingling covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes full of confusion.

The general outline of Xuantian Baolu, Article 6: Mount Tai collapses in front but remains unchanged, and the Yellow River reaches its top without being surprised. A true master of hidden weapons has a cool head at all times.

Seeing Ye Lingling's expression, Tang San already understood in his heart that no matter how angry he was, it would not help. The most important thing now was to find out the reason for the failure of the operation.

He took a long breath, barely suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked Ye Lingling again: "Because the meridians were broken, I went deep into my abdomen and dug out the end of the Ren meridian. Is that why?" Will this kind of treatment result leave such a long scar?”

Ye Langling shook his head and said in a serious tone: "Impossible. Although I don't know what Ren Vein is, my treatment will definitely treat the patient completely, and there will never be any scars due to deep wounds. But you This situation reminds me of the records in the ancient family books..."

"What exactly is recorded in the ancient books?"

"My great-grandfather once treated a patient. She showed symptoms like Tang San's. She was neither male nor female. Folks called her a stone girl. But after my great-grandfather's diagnosis, the patient was originally a male, but Because of the lack of development process, the male characteristics are lost..."

Tang San, who had encountered such a change, could not listen to Ye Lingling's long speech, and he immediately asked his own question impatiently, "Doctor Ye, how did your grandfather solve this problem?"

After hearing Tang San's words, Ye Lingling cast a look full of meaning and said slowly: "My grandfather couldn't solve it at that time, but after he reached Soul Saint, Jiuxin Haitang's healing ability was improved. Great improvement, with the blessing of powerful healing ability, Grandpa Ancestor took advantage of the opportunity and cured the patient..."

"It's good if it can be treated, it's good if it can be treated..." Hearing this, Tang San's heart finally fell to the ground, and a look of relief appeared in his eyes. He touched his waist and took out a new pair of pants from the Twenty-Four Bridges Moonlit Night.

After he put on the new pants, he asked the most important question: "Although my injury is not fatal, and it does not affect my daily life, it is not very beautiful after all. I wonder if Doctor Ye can introduce your elders to me?"

"Our Nine Heart Begonia family is a single lineage, and there can only be one successor in each generation, and there can only be two Nine Heart Begonia soul masters alive at the same time. Unfortunately, my grandfather who had the Nine Heart Begonia just passed away a few years ago, and now I am the only Nine Heart Begonia soul master."

"Ah?" Tang San looked at Ye Lingling in front of him, and was stunned in place. After a while, he slowly said: "Doesn't that mean that I can only recover after you have the Soul Saint cultivation?"

Ye Lingling didn't say much, but just nodded slowly.

For a moment, the three people in the small room fell silent.

After a while, Tang San slowly spoke: "I'm so sorry to come to you so late and make your room so messy. I'll book another room for you..."

"That's not necessary. Wuhun City has arranged a separate room for each contestant. If Lingling's room is messy, there is still my room."


When Tang San finished the treatment, Yu Tianming and Qian Renxue had already arrived in the water world inside the body.

When Douluo Continent entered the night, at the top of the water world, the fireball created by Yu Tianming's fifth soul skill also became dim, and the golden red hot sphere turned into a dim white. From the ground, it looked like a huge moon.

Qian Renxue turned into her original appearance, with blonde hair, skin as white as snow, eyes like stars, and a bright smile on her face. She hugged Yu Tianming from behind and asked with a smile: "Tianming, it's dark and windy, and we are alone. Why did you bring me here? Do you have any inappropriate thoughts?"

Qian Renxue left the Wuhun Hall when she was young and entered the Tiandou royal family to hide her identity and lurked for more than ten years.

When she showed herself as Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of Tiandou, she was gentle and elegant, elegant and easy-going, like a smaller Ning Fengzhi.

When she was with her subordinates Snake Spear Douluo and Thorny Porpoise Douluo, she was cold and serious, as if she had no feelings at all.

Only when she was with Yu Tianming, she would be unscrupulous and make moves, constantly teasing, as if the suppressed emotions for decades finally had an outlet, and all the emotions were placed on Yu Tianming.

Maybe it was because she lacked love since childhood and had always been in a dangerous environment as a spy, that in the original book, she fell in love with Tang San, whom she had only met a few times, and did unspeakable things with Tang San twice in the test of the seven emotions and six desires of the divine test, and broadcasted it live to everyone in Shrek.

But now she has been with Yu Tianming as a friend for more than ten years. When she revealed her identity as the heir of the Spirit Hall and was honest with Yu Tianming, the attachment and enthusiasm in her heart immediately spread like the blue silver grass under her feet, and spread wildly to an exaggerated degree. She was really thinking about it day and night, tossing and turning.

Yu Tianming smiled slightly, did not answer Qian Renxue's question, but pointed to a flower in front of him and said slowly: "This grass is called Acacia Heartbroken Red. It is a divine treasure among the immortal herbs. Rongrong took the immortal grass spirit to be promoted to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, but the immortal grass she took was far less powerful than this one."

Following Yu Tianming's sight, Qian Renxue looked at the peony-shaped flower standing in front of her among the blue silver grass all over the ground. This flower is white, the size of a palm, without leaves, and looks quite ordinary. Only the petals in the center are surprisingly red, giving people a thrilling feeling.

"The most precious treasure among the immortal herbs? Tianming, you want to give me this most precious immortal herb?" Qian Renxue's eyes were slightly red, and she hugged Yu Tianming tightly with emotion.

Yu Tianming looked at Qian Renxue who was moved, smiled slightly, and continued:

"It also has a legendary story. A long time ago, there was a young man who was calm by nature. He liked to plant flowers and trees the most. His garden was full of green lotus and lotus roots, and there were thousands of purple and red flowers. He usually chanted to the flowers and raised his cup to the moon. When the flowers fell, he was infinitely sad. He must sweep up the petals, dig the ground and bury them, and shed tears again and again."

"As the saying goes, love moves heaven and earth. His love for flowers moved the flower fairy in heaven. He secretly married him in the mortal world, and the joy of love was beyond words. Who knew that good times did not last long? The gods learned about it and were furious. They ordered the flower fairy to be transferred back to the divine world because immortals and mortals could not match each other. Since the young man lost his lover, he sighed all day long, was unhappy, and abandoned flower activities. As a result, the walls collapsed, the flowers and trees withered. , the garden was desolate. "

"One day, a white-haired old man came and told him that the white peony flower he loved in the garden was the incarnation of his beloved wife. He only needed to destroy the flower, and the flower fairy would lose her immortal body and be banished to the mortal world to reunite with him, but he must not destroy the flower. After saying this, he turned into a breeze and left. The young man suddenly woke up and deeply regretted that he had treated the flowers poorly. He took good care of the flowers and plants. Although he loved his wife, he could not bear to burn the peony flower, so he took better care of it. He cried to the flower day and night, his tears dried up and his heart was broken. He died of lovesickness. When he was dying, he shed blood on the petals. You can see the bright red blood stains, which are the hard work of the young man. "

After listening to this touching story, Qian Renxue's eyes became more rosy, and drops of bean-sized tears kept sliding down from the corners of her eyes.

She threw herself into Yu Tianming's arms and murmured, "I wonder if one day, we will be separated from the immortals and mortals as the story says, and we will be separated from each other forever..."

Yu Tianming patted Qian Renxue in his arms, and through the thin dress, he felt a soft and smooth feeling, "Don't worry, I have become a god, and you are the destined angel chosen by God. We are born to be immortals, how can we be separated?"



The two hugged each other for a long time. When the time was right, Yu Tianming spoke again and said slowly, "Flowers are extraordinary, they choose their masters, and when picking this Acacia Heartbroken Red, you must think in your heart Your beloved, sincere and sincere, spits out a mouthful of blood and sprinkles it on the petals. If you have a little second thought, even if you spit out blood and die, you can't pick the flower. "

"After the flower is taken, as long as it is beside this owner, it will never wither. Eating this grass can make you immortal with the heaven and earth. In addition to greatly improving your soul power, it will also have a comprehensive transformation of the body. Xue'er, you are destined to be the angel chosen by God. Ordinary immortal grasses are naturally not worthy of you, so I specially give you this Acacia Heartbroken Red, hoping that you can become a god as soon as possible. "

Hearing Yu Tianming's words, Qian Renxue gently loosened her arms, turned around, and looked at this divine immortal grass.

The soul power in her body circulated, stimulating the blood, Qian Renxue's cherry lips opened slightly, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the petals.

At the moment she spit out blood, Yu Tianming's figure was all in her mind. In her short life of less than 20 years, she was disliked by her biological mother Bibi Dong in the Wuhun Hall for the first ten years, and lived in the Tiandou Royal Family as someone else for the next ten years, being careful everywhere. Only when I am with Yu Tianming do I feel genuinely relaxed and happy.

The blood with a hint of golden light dyed all the petals of the Acacia Heartbroken Red red, and then fell quietly, landing in Qian Renxue's delicate hands.

Qian Renxue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, a smile appeared on her pretty face, and she looked at the moving flower in her hand with a dazed look, "This fairy grass witnessed the relationship between you and me. If I didn't need it to improve my soul power, I really want to keep it forever."

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