The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 173 Angel inheritance, three magical herbs

Qian Renxue stood up, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, showed a happy smile, and said excitedly: "Grandpa, don't worry, I have the support of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect this time. It won't be long." He can replace Emperor Xue Ye."

When Qian Daoliu heard this, instead of being happy, he frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Xiaoxue, do you want to rely on this guy Yu Tianming to help you?"

"Grandpa, although Tianming is the same age as me, he has stronger talents and luck than me, and he has reached the realm of gods early..."

"I know." Before Qian Renxue could finish speaking, Qian Daoliu interrupted her, "As a level 99 ultimate Douluo, the person closest to the gods on the mainland. Yu Tianming took action in Tiandou City, how could I Can’t sense his realm?”

"Then grandpa, why are you still..."

Qian Daoliu waved his hand slightly, stopping Qian Renxue from continuing to speak. He turned around and looked up at the angel statue more than ten meters high behind him, his eyes full of piety and admiration.

"Xiaoxue, you don't understand that there are differences between gods. The ancestors of our Qian family, the Angel God, is a first-level god. And in the vast world, among the countless gods, 99% are priests, third-level gods, and second-level gods. It’s considered the best.”

Having said this, Qian Daoliu turned around and looked at Qian Renxue with a serious look, "I can confirm that Yu Tianming has not accepted the inheritance of Poseidon, and I have never seen his divine aura, even though he is young. He has become a god, but most likely he is just a hairy god..."

"Grandpa, I really like him..."

"Xiaoxue, I know. I'm not against you. I just want to remind you that there may be an insurmountable gap in strength between the two of you. Xiaoxue should think more about it. If you really decide to be with him, Grandpa will also bless you."

As he spoke, Qian Daoliu looked towards the distant west, and events from a hundred years ago began to appear in his mind.

Qian Renxue followed Qian Daoliu's gaze, but only saw a patch of brilliant sunshine through the window. This dazzling light fell into the eyes of Qian Renxue, who had an angelic martial spirit, but it was the most gentle color.

Qian Renxue took out a strange-shaped fruit from her arms, handed it to Qian Daoliu, and said slowly: "Grandpa, although I like Tianming very much, I am not blinded by love. There is a love between us. Xiangyue, this fairy grass is called Xingluo Lingzhu, and it was a gift from Tianming."

The fruit of Xingluo Lingzhu is about the size of a palm, and its golden light is like a shining gem. In fact, this fruit is completely made up of thousands of golden light points, just like the light of stars compressed and solidified into a ball. .

Qian Daoliu slowly raised the Xingluo Lingzhu to his eyes and stared at it carefully, "Immortal grass? Such rich star power, it is definitely not a quality that ordinary heavenly materials and earthly treasures can possess."

"Xingluo Lingzhu has collected the power of the stars for countless years, and it is all condensed into this fruit. It is naturally not an ordinary product. In addition, Tianming also gave me a divine product from another fairy grass. It is so precious. I will give him all the training materials he wants, so what if he only gets Mao Shen’s inheritance? If he treats me sincerely, I won’t let him down.”

In fact, although Qian Renxue has a defective state of mind and is extremely love-minded, it is undeniable that she is tolerant, decisive, smart and calm enough. In the original work, although she fell in love with Tang San, whom she had only met a few times, she still stood against Tang San without hesitation, far more than Hu Liena who abandoned the Spirit Hall to support Tang San.

Qian Daoliu stared at the serious Qian Renxue and fell silent. If the two of them truly love each other, what if Yu Tianming only inherited a third-level god? Xiaoxue has lost her father since she was a child, and she has a mother like Bibi Dong. If she can find true happiness in the end, this will be the most perfect result for her...

Thinking of this, Qian Daoliu handed the Xingluo Lingzhu to Qian Renxue again and smiled gently, "Xiaoxue, grandpa is very happy to see that you can gain happiness. This fairy grass belongs to the light system, and it is quite compatible with you. That’s right, let’s absorb it early.”

Qian Renxue smiled slightly. Obviously, her relationship with Yu Tianming was supported by her relatives, which made her very happy.

Without saying much, Qian Renxue raised her head and swallowed the Starlight Twinkle Star Luo Spirit Pearl in one mouthful, like sucking jelly.

As the Xingluo Spirit Bead entered his belly, Qian Renxue also summoned his angel martial spirit. The six white wings began to slowly flap behind him. Miraculously, Qian Renxue and the elders possessed by the martial spirit were in the hall. The golden statues of the angel gods are surprisingly similar.

Standing under the statue of the angel god, the feeling of nobility and holiness on Qian Renxue's face became a little more intense, as if she was the incarnation of the angel god in the human world.

Qian Renxue is extremely talented. Although she is only 20 years old, she has already reached level 70 of cultivation. With her superb cultivation, she can absorb the fairy grass very quickly. After a while, the power of the stars contained in the Xingluo Lingzhu is Most of it was absorbed by Qian Renxue.

At this time, it seemed that a certain critical value had been reached, and a sudden change occurred.

The light that was originally diffused around Qian Renxue was as blazing as the sun, but there was a little soft starlight. The moment the two appeared at the same time, the aura emitted by Qian Renxue suddenly weakened a bit, and then the aura around him became weak. A crazy climb began.

Qian Daoliu, who was over a hundred years old, slowly narrowed his eyes, and the long, smooth black hair on the back of his head moved without any wind.

After several generations of changes, he has developed his vicious and sophisticated vision. Looking at Qian Renxue's changes, he said in a deep voice: "Seraphim combines the three attributes of light, flame, and holiness. They are extremely upright martial arts. Soul, but it is too strong and easy to break. Although Xingluo Lingzhu has some femininity, which is opposite to the attributes of Seraphim, it just makes up for the lack of femininity. Therefore, after combining the two, Xueer is not weakened, but is. The strength of the martial spirit has increased significantly."

While Qian Daoliu spoke slowly, Qian Renxue had completely absorbed the power of Xingluo Lingzhu. Although it caused a lot of noise, her divine Seraph Martial Spirit had not changed significantly. Among the large rays of light released naturally, there are actually inconspicuous dots of starlight.

With the addition of this starlight, Qian Renxue's sun-like blazing feeling not only did not weaken, but suddenly intensified. Although he had not absorbed the seventh soul ring and was still just a little soul emperor, his aura was strong. It has surpassed many Contras.

As if sensing Qian Renxue's change, the golden angel statue in the Elder's Hall also emitted a faint golden light, which looked quite shocking.

Before Qian Daoliu could speak, Qian Renxue knelt directly in front of the statue and said loudly: "Grandpa, I want to absorb the second inherited soul bone and start the divine examination of the Angel God."

"Xue'er, since you have decided, let's start now." After saying this, Qian Daoliu held his hand empty, and a golden soul bone appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Without waiting for Qian Daoliu to react, the soul bone flew up out of thin air, turned into a ray of golden light, and shot into Qian Renxue's body. In an instant, two golden soul bone outlines vaguely appeared on Qian Renxue's body. In the blink of an eye, Qian Renxue's strength seemed to have become stronger.

"Grandpa, the second inherited soul bone can be absorbed without any hindrance. Let me start the absorption of the third inherited soul bone."

Qian Renxue's soft voice came, and the speed of her absorption made Qian Daoliu raise his brows slightly in surprise.

You must know that the Angel God's inherited soul bones are different from ordinary soul bones. They must be approved by the inherited soul bones before they can be absorbed. And every time an inherited soul bone is absorbed, the next absorption will become more difficult. It can only be absorbed when it reaches level 100. The six complete soul bones are combined into the divine armor of an angel. According to this situation, is it possible to completely absorb 6 soul bones without waiting for level 100?

Half an hour later, Qian Renxue, who already had four soul bones in her body, slowly opened her eyes, and a golden light flashed between her eyebrows.

As a descendant of Qianjia, when she absorbed the second soul bone, she automatically started the inheritance of the Angel God. Next, she had to face the nine tests set by the Angel God. Because the talents are generally strong, and the Angel Divine Examination helps to improve the strength, even if they cannot reach the level of the Eight Examinations like Qian Daoliu, each generation of Qian Family can always control Wuhun Palace, the strongest force in Douluo Continent.

But Qian Renxue was different. As a destined angel god, she was not born ordinary. Once she was baptized, she embarked on the road to becoming a god.

Qian Renxue stood up and turned to look at Qian Daoliu: "Grandpa, let's start the first assessment..."


At the same time, in Lanba Academy.

Because they lost their qualifications to participate in the competition, Team Lanba has been disbanded, and several members have gone their separate ways after graduation.

In a room of Lanba Academy, the tall Yu Tianming sat lazily on a huge chair, while the equally tall brothers Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng sat next to him.

The three of them are all wearing the standard clothes of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Because they all have the same great-grandfather, the three of them look about 60 or 70% similar. The tall three of them sit side by side, like three hills. Shocking power.

Yu Tianming slowly took out two boxes, placed them on the coffee table in front of him, and said to the two people beside him: "In these two boxes are two fairy grasses. Their names are Earth Dragon Golden Melon and Crystal Dragon." Blood ginseng. Crystal dragon blood ginseng is an heirloom of the Min clan, and it has the effect of immortality. These two plants are good dragon-type immortal herbs. I will give them to you now."

When you open the lid of the box, you can see a small earth-yellow melon that is slightly larger than your fist, and a ginseng that is all blood red.

This small melon has a dark yellow color unique to the earth. It is covered with scales that are as densely packed as dragon scales. There is a turbid air of earth attribute surging around the body, giving people an unparalleled sense of weight.

The other ginseng is crystal clear blood red, and the ridges on the surface are connected to form a five-clawed dragon flying in the sky. It is ferocious and ferocious, but it does not lose its majesty and domineering appearance.

After glancing at the two brothers around him, Yu Tianming said slowly: "This Earth Dragon Golden Melon is an earth-based fairy grass. Taking it will probably increase the defense power. It may even bring new power to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus." Properties. Crystal Dragon Blood Ginseng is more of pure vitality. After taking it, you will most likely gain strong attack power.”

Hearing this, Yu Tianxin couldn't wait to say: "My usual fighting style is more offensive, and with the assistance of Lingling, I don't have to worry about injuries, so I want to choose Crystal Dragon Blood Ginseng."

Yu Tianming turned his head, looked at Yu Tianheng on the other side, and asked in a deep voice: "Tianheng, what about you?"

Yu Tianheng smiled calmly and said slowly: "Since Brother Tianxin chose Crystal Dragon Blood Ginseng, then I will choose Earth Dragon Pumpkin. After all, my fighting style is more conservative..."

Yu Tianming nodded. Although everyone with the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Martial Spirit is brave and good at fighting, there are still big differences between each individual.

Yu Tianxin's personality is similar to Yu Luomian's, with some impatience and belligerence. Crystal Dragon Blood Ginseng can just strengthen his strengths. Yu Tianheng has been highly expected by Yu Yuanzhen since he was a child. He grew up under the supervision of countless eyes. Although he is the youngest, his personality is the most stable and more suitable for the heavy earth dragon golden melon.

Yu Tianming smiled slightly and said, "In this case, then you start absorbing it."

With Yu Tianming's permission, the two of them took the fairy grass they liked without hesitation and came to the Blue Tyrannosaurus Forest to take it impatiently.

This is not the first time the two have taken the fairy grass. As early as when Yu Tianxin was eight years old and Yu Tianheng was six years old, Yu Tianming found the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire and gave the two brothers the ninth-grade dragon ganoderma to make their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex grow dragon horns.

Because they had gathered two dragon-like immortal herbs, they had the opportunity to take the immortal herbs again after more than ten years.

Because of his impatient temper, Yu Tianxin swallowed the crystal dragon blood ginseng as soon as he got it. After the martial spirit automatically possessed him, Yu Tianxin seemed to have reached a certain threshold, and it seemed that some mechanism was triggered. The original blue lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit began to slowly change.

The thick tail began to slowly become thinner, and the body gradually became slender. A few strands of red hair grew behind him. The overall image began to move closer to the five-clawed dragon on the crystal dragon blood ginseng. Even the original blue scales and the flashing electric light around the body gradually turned purple.

When the martial spirit changed, the shadow of the blue lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex could not be seen at all. Yu Tianxin, who was possessed by the martial spirit, became two points thinner. The slender tail behind him was several meters long. While swinging in the air, he subconsciously emitted a series of electric lights.

“Yes, although the physical strength has not increased, the attack power of the lightning attribute has increased a lot, and the overall focus is more on output. In addition, due to the change in body shape, the speed is estimated to have been greatly enhanced.” Yu Tianming nodded and couldn’t help but admire.

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