The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 174 Soul Emperor, Yu Tianheng's strength

Different from Yu Tianxin who transformed into an oriental dragon, Yu Tianheng's martial spirit after taking the earth dragon golden melon lay on the ground. His forelimbs began to thicken continuously, and the original fine scales also became thicker. He gradually transformed from the image of a blue electric tyrannosaur. Change to Earth Dragon.

At the same time as the image changed, the blue scales of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus began to gradually transform into indigo. Although the overall color change was not huge enough, it gave Wuhun's image a bit more depth.

When the martial spirit was transforming towards the earth dragon, two bulges suddenly appeared on Yu Tianheng's back. As the bulges gradually increased, the skin at the shoulder blades suddenly cracked, and a pair of huge dragon wings suddenly appeared on Yu Tianheng's back. Behind Tian Heng.

Yu Tianming, who had been watching for a long time, said softly: "It seems that the medicinal effects of the two immortal herbs, Jiupin Longzhi and Earth Dragon Golden Melon, stimulated Tian Heng's potential bloodline, so it took a long time to transform into Earth Dragon. Two wings appeared..."

The bloodline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is not stable. The bloodline not only contains powerful elemental abilities such as thunder, fire, and light, but also has pure physical power like the Golden Dragon King. It can be said to be a hodgepodge of many dragon bloodlines. Not only Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong, almost every Douluo has a powerful dragon-like spirit mutated from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In Yu Tianheng's case, it may be that under certain circumstances, the part of his bloodline related to wings and flying was activated, so he grew wings.

When the fairy grass was completely absorbed, Yu Tianheng's martial spirit had become an indigo-colored Western dragon. When the martial spirit possessed him, Yu Tianheng's body suddenly expanded in a circle, and the muscles were knotted. A heavy sense of power hit his face, and a pair of extremely large wings flickered gently on his back, making him look even bigger. The visual effect was comparable to that of a strong man from the Elephant Armor Sect.

Yu Tianheng stretched out his right hand, and as the indigo lightning flashed in his palm, a small piece of loess slowly condensed, "Brother Tianming, I seem to have mastered the power of the earth element. Now I have become a dual-attribute martial spirit." Already..."

"I can see that Tianheng, after absorbing the Earth Dragon Golden Melon, your physical strength and defense have been greatly enhanced. Although this new earth attribute has insufficient attack power and cannot be linked with the thunder attribute, it can be used If done properly, it can enhance defense a lot. Judging from Tianheng’s current attributes, it’s best to lean towards the defensive system in the future.”

Yu Tianheng nodded in agreement and said in a deep voice: "Besides, I have a hunch that as long as I stand on the earth, I can slowly heal myself and speed up the recovery of my soul power. With so many attributes overlapping In addition, it is most suitable for me to be an offensive soul master who prefers defense."

Without waiting for Yu Tianming to reply, he looked at the huge wings behind him and said with a bit of laughter: "Now it seems that the extra pair of wings has no effect..."

"Do you know Yu Xiaogang's martial soul fusion skills?"

"Brother Tianming is saying...the golden holy dragon? My image is indeed similar to that of my second uncle. Do you mean that I am destined to grow a pair of wings?"

Yu Tianming shook his head, "No, I mean, with wings you can not only fly, but you also look handsome..."

Having said that, Yu Tianming also activated the martial spirit possession. After a golden light flashed, Yu Tianming was suspended in the air. A pair of golden wings that were several times larger than his body suddenly appeared behind him, and the wings flapped slowly. In the meantime, two extremely slender tails behind him began to sway in mid-air.

Yu Tianxin, whose martial spirit transformed into the image of an Eastern dragon, touched the slender tail behind him and chuckled: "Interesting, although Tianheng has huge wings, they are a bit smaller than Tianming. Although I have slender wings, A long tail, but one less than Tianming..."

Yu Tianheng strode to Yu Tianxin and said in a deep voice: "I increased my physical strength, and Brother Tianxin obtained more powerful thunder and lightning, but Brother Tianming has been extremely talented in both physical and elemental aspects since he was a child. Perhaps different martial spirit forms also represent different abilities and tendencies, and Brother Tianming is far superior to ordinary people in every aspect."

After hearing Yu Tianheng's words, Yu Tianxin was stunned for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

Before absorbing the second fairy grass, the two brothers were very similar in height and figure. But after absorbing the fairy grass, Yu Tianheng, who had a calm personality, suddenly became a bit stronger, while Yu Tianxin's figure became more slender. Although the heights are still the same, the difference in stature between the two becomes extremely huge when they stand together. As long as you are a soul master, you can tell at the first sight of the two of them which of the two brothers is better at attacking and which one is better at defending.

There are obvious differences between Yu Tianming and the two brothers. He was originally taller than the two of them. After being possessed by the martial spirit, his figure became stronger. In addition, after the gift from the Dragon God, his bloodline reached its peak. He has the characteristics of the Western Dragon. It is majestic and has the elegance of an oriental dragon. It has a powerful body and still has control over the elements.

As long as he stood between the two of them, Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng, who were originally extremely powerful, became like running around with each other. These kind of shrimp soldiers and crab generals generally have no sense of existence.

"Okay, Tianxin and Tianheng, when you have adapted to the martial arts, you will participate in the decisive battle of the soul master masters. The reward of this competition is not important, but since you participate, you must show the strength of our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. The strength cannot be lost to the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.”

Yu Tianxin's eyes flashed with purple light, and he said confidently: "That's natural. We have already matched the soul bones and have such high martial soul quality. How can they follow me after I have absorbed the sixth soul ring in the past few days? beat?"

Although Yu Tianheng didn't say much, he nodded silently.


The final stage of the Soul Master Competition went very fast. In just a few days, three teams were selected to participate in the finals.

Coincidentally, the Wuhun Hall team, the Thunder Team and the Tiandou Royal Team, the three teams with Soul Kings, made it to the end. The competition between the three strong teams also brought the event to a real climax.

Early in the morning, the three teams that entered the final three appeared in front of the Pope's Palace.

The bright sunshine fell on the earth. Under the sunlight, the Pope's Palace looked even more magnificent, like a fairy's residence.

As the huge palace door slowly opened, Bibi Dong, with a solemn face, walked out of the Pope's Palace first. She was wearing a golden long dress, a purple gold Pope crown on her head, and an angel's scepter in her hand. Under the gaze of everyone, she seemed infinitely tall, making people feel worshipful.

On the left and right sides of Bibi Dong, there were two people following each.

On her left was a middle-aged man who was elegant and easy-going, and an old man in white clothes and white hair. They were Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and the 96th-level Titled Douluo, Sword Douluo Chen Xin. Only the Pope, Titled Douluo, and the elders of the Spirit Hall could enter and exit this door. Ning Fengzhi relied on his status as an elder of the Spirit Hall to come to Bibi Dong to watch the ceremony.

On Bibi Dong's right stood Yu Tianming, who represented the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect, and Ju Douluo, who had skin as delicate as a baby and a somewhat charming appearance.

After the five people walked to the front of the stage, Bibi Dong waved the scepter in her hand lightly, and three points of light instantly magnified in front of everyone and turned into three soul bones. These three soul bones were a right arm bone, a skull, and a left leg bone. They were shining with three colors of light, namely fiery red, light blue, and dark green. In the eyes of many soul masters, this ordinary three-color light was crazy beautiful.

The Pope said calmly: "The three soul bones are the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration, the right arm of exploding and burning flames, and the left leg of chasing the wind, all of which come from ten thousand year soul beasts. Among them, the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration comes from a soul beast of more than 50,000 years old, which is the best among soul bones, second only to external soul bones and top soul bones produced by hundred thousand year soul beasts."

Bibi Dong glanced at the three teams under the stage, paused for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "There is always only one winner, and the same is true for the champion. Therefore, these three soul bones will belong to the final champion team. I hope that the three colleges that have entered the top three can go all out and win this honor."

No matter what level of soul master, seeing the soul bones will not be red. What's more, there are three soul bones. As soon as Bibi Dong finished speaking, the three teams exuded a strong fighting spirit. Especially for the Spirit Hall team, these three soul bones were originally prepared by Bibi Dong for them, especially the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration, which was the top-grade soul bone prepared by Bibi Dong for her disciple Hu Liena, and it must not be given to others.

Although the others were about to be green-eyed, Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin were calm. Not only did they already have a full set of soul bones and were not interested in other soul bones, but also because they were sure of winning, and the three soul bones were already in their pockets.

Seeing that the atmosphere had been set, Bibi Dong began to explain the rules of the soul master finals:

"This morning, it will be an individual elimination match with seven people from each of your three teams. The last remaining team will take the lead. Tomorrow will directly enter the championship competition. The two losing teams will compete for another final spot in the afternoon. The team that draws the entry can send the first player to play."

As Bibi Dong's voice fell, Yu Tianheng and Yan slowly walked onto the stage and stood opposite each other.

Yan, with a nonchalant look on his face, chuckled and looked at the opposite side, "Yu Tianheng, one of the three Blue Tyrants? A genius who has reached the level of Soul King before the age of 20? I admit that you are very strong, but you have already lost this individual competition."

Unlike the calmness of the other members of the Spirit Hall team, Yan's personality has a bit of Shrek's rogue flavor.

Faced with provocation, Yu Tianheng remained silent, and didn't even blink.

"Hmph, even if the attack of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is powerful and you can defeat me, your team only has one Soul King. And our Spirit Hall team has three, and a team with only one Soul King can't win from us at all."

Yu Tianheng remained silent. He was originally more stable than his peers, and he became more silent after absorbing the Earth Dragon Golden Gourd.

"Do you look down on..."

"The contestants release their spirits, and the game is ready to start." Seeing that Yan's expression management was about to get out of control, the referee didn't hesitate and directly announced the start of the game.

Following the referee's order, Yan, whose martial soul was the Lord of Flame, suddenly had dark red flames rising from his body, and then his muscles and skin turned into red rocks. His martial soul, the Lord of Flame, possessed the two attributes of earth and fire, and was an extremely rare ancient martial soul.

Because Yan was a strong attacking soul master who was more defensive, his body was extremely huge compared to ordinary soul masters, and after the martial soul was possessed, he looked as terrifying as a magma giant.

Opposite Yan, Yu Tianheng also instantly entered the state of martial soul possession, and when his muscles bulged, his body suddenly rose a section. Unlike ordinary blue lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, he not only had curved and ferocious horns behind his head, but also had huge indigo wings behind his back.

Compared to Yan, the dragon-like Yu Tianheng was even more powerful.

The martial soul possession of the two announced the official start of the competition.

But seeing the change in Yu Tianheng, Yan not only did not launch an attack, but widened his eyes in surprise, and said in disbelief: "Aren't you the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit? How did you become like this?"

"My martial spirit is in..."

"How do you have the sixth soul ring? You are less than 20 years old, how can you become a soul emperor!!!" Before Yu Tianheng finished speaking, Yan noticed the sixth soul ring flashing with black light under his feet. Yan, who had a relatively deep voice, immediately made a sharp explosion.

"Thunderstorm flash."

Yu Tianheng, who was speechless, did not answer Yan's doubts, but silently used his own advance soul skill, turned into an indigo lightning, and instantly rushed in front of the opponent, condensing countless lightning fists and smashing the opponent fiercely.

Although Yu Tianheng was not fast, his speed was far faster than Yan, a pure meat warrior. Seeing the attack coming, Yan only had time to put on two defensive soul skills before he met the fist full of lightning. In an instant, violent electric current covered the entire ring.

Boom——, a heavy bang came between the dazzling light. When the light faded, Yan had already fallen heavily into the stone wall at the edge of the ring.

Yu Tianheng's whole body of soul bones from the Dragon Valley gave him a powerful body comparable to that of a Titled Douluo. Even without the enhancement of the Earth Dragon Golden Gourd, he could easily defeat Yan, who specialized in defense, with his many amplification skills and huge soul power gap.

"I didn't kill him, he just fainted temporarily." With the blessing of soul power, Yu Tianheng's deep and heavy voice spread around the ring.

Seeing Yan's miserable state, Hu Liena and Xie Yue looked at each other and swallowed their saliva. The two siblings saw an unparalleled sense of crisis in each other's eyes.

As Yan was taken out of the ring, Hu Liena, who was full of charm, slowly walked onto the ring and stood in front of Yu Tianheng. She laughed softly. Her smiles seemed to have great charm. If it were an ordinary person, she would have lost most of her fighting power before the battle began.

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