Qu Yi galloped his horse for a few miles and turned his head to look at Qing He City under the sunlight. When Guo Tu said that Gongsun Xu would challenge him with a challenge, and with the same number of people challenging him, he was immediately enraged. How could a mere brat have the ability to challenge him! He did not go to request for a battle with Yuan Shao and only asked for Guo Tu's help to inform him before leaving the Qing He City to prepare to head to the Xiao Qinghe to kill Gongsun Xu.

"General, where are we going?" Seeing that Qu Yi's expression had eased up, his trusted aide Sun Yong spurred his horse over and asked in a light voice. The entire campground could be said to be Qu Yi's private army, and everyone treated him with both respect and fear. That was why Sun Yong had followed him out of the city, but Sun Yong didn't know what to do.

"It's that yellow mouth prick!" Qu Yi coldly snorted: "That brat actually dared to send a challenge to this general, claiming that he wants to kill this general in a situation where there are equal numbers of people, truly arrogant to the point of not knowing if he's dead or alive! This general will definitely chop off that brat's head and use it as a drinking vessel! "

"General" Sun Yong said carefully, "Is this a trap? That Gongsun Xu is extremely famous recently, he wouldn't do such a foolish thing, right? "

"Stupid thing? Haha "Qu Yi laughed:" Good use of that word! Don't you know that when Gongsun Xu just arrived at Bo Ling, he had already caused a huge humiliation? He wanted to save face so badly, that's why he came to find this general to fight. This general will use the truth to tell him that if he dares to find this general, he'll just have to wait to go to hell! "

Sun Yong frowned, and asked: "General, then what happened to Gongsun Xu?"

"Gongsun kid originally wanted to show off his martial arts during Zhang Yan's training. He didn't expect that among his subordinates, the White Horse Camp would look useless, and actually fall into chaos before the training even starts. It's said that dozens of people were stomped to death on the spot. "Haha!"

"General, a few days ago, a distant relative of mine came from Youzhou. According to him, Gongsun Xu's White Horse Camp is extremely strict in training, and Gongsun Xu's own martial arts are also very good. Is there any conspiracy? "

"Why do you care?" Qu Yi strongly waved his hand, and laughed confidently: "Even if Gongsun kid had any tricks, how could this general be afraid? As long as I get to camp first, this general will not be afraid of anyone! "

Sun Yong hesitated, "General, this lowly one is worried that someone will …"

"Alright, alright!" Qu Yi impatiently interrupted Sun Yong's words, "The long talk has really troubled this general's heart! No matter what tricks he has up his sleeve, this general will destroy them all! Even if the enemy army attacks us, who can stop us from escaping? Increase your speed, let's go to Xiao Qinghe! "

"Here!" Sun Yong sighed, he could only keep the words that were about to leave his mouth, and followed Qu Yi as he sprinted towards the north.

Guo Tu stood on top of the city and watched as they left the camp. He turned around and smiled to a person next to him: "In another hour, General Chunyu will be leading the troops out."

This man was tall and fat, with a comical mustache, and looked extremely happy. He was Yuan Shao's subordinate, General Chunyu Qiong. In the original history, when Chunyu Qiong watched over Yuan Shao hoarding the Dark Nest, he was surprised to be ambushed and killed by Cao Cao. Not only was he killed by Cao Cao, the military food was even turned into nothing and caused Yuan Shao to lose. He was extremely loyal to Yuan Shao and his martial arts were also not bad.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gong Ze. This lowly general will definitely not let you down." Chunyu Qiong bowed and replied, his face revealing a smile of schadenfreude.

Originally, the important generals under Yuan Shao's command had been Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He, Gao Lan and the other five Chunyu Qiong. After Qu Yi's arrival, the limelight had quickly suppressed the five people, and they had even engaged in bickering with Yan Liang and Wen Chou many times. Therefore, when Chunyu Qiong found out that Yuan Shao had abandoned Qu Yi and ordered him to deal with this "fellow disciple" Qu Yi, he did not feel the slightest bit of guilt, but only excitement and happiness.

"This matter has spread to our lord's bad reputation. General, please forbid your men to discuss about it!" Guo Tu said solemnly as he quickly descended the city walls and mounted his horse to ride towards prefecture chief mansion.

"Heh heh." Chunyu Qiong laughed coldly and muttered: "Dog. Mother. nurture. "Qu Yi, this official will definitely take your life!" A mere outsider dared to offend so many people? He should have died a long time ago! Someone come! "

"What is the general's command?"

"Have our brothers gather together and prepare to leave the city!"


Qu Yi's speed was extremely fast, and in about an hour's time, he arrived at the southern shore. This river had the word 'small' in its name, but because it was the spring flood season, the flow of the river was not small at all. The river surface was seven to eight zhang wide, but the river surface was very gentle. On the surface of the river, there was a wooden bridge that was less than ten feet wide. Several bluestone piers were deeply buried in the river, and the river water was less than a foot away from the bridge.

Sun Yong stepped forward and asked, "General, do we cross the river from here?"

"No!" Qu Yi shook his head: "This bridge is too narrow, it can only last two or three people at a time. We have over eight hundred people, and all of us will be crossing the bridge now! "Go upstream and cross the river on a pontoon bridge."

"General, please wait!" Sun Yong asked: "I wonder if Gongsun Xu's written challenge stated when and where to fight?"

"Noon, upstream on the northern shore."

"General, since Gongsun Xu has set the location of the battle on the northern shore, perhaps there will be an ambush nearby the pontoon bridge. Although it was a bit slow, it would definitely catch the opponent off guard. Please reconsider! "

"Heh." Qu Yi was greatly dissatisfied, he raised his head and looked at the position of the sun, and stared: "If crossing the river would cause you to be late, wouldn't the Gongsun kid be laughing? There was no need to use any tricks to deal with that kind of perverted prick! Go, let's go upstream. We still have dozens of miles to go! "

Sun Yong did not dare to persuade her again, and could only shake his head and sigh.

"Is it about time?" At this time, in the forest forty to fifty kilometers upstream of Xiao Qinghe, Gongsun Xu also looked at the position of the sun, and asked Wang Wei who was beside him.

Wang Wei nodded his head: "It's indeed about time, I should speed up my journey now."

"Be careful!" Gongsun Xu warned again, "If you are discovered by Qu Yi, immediately retreat. Even if you circle around Xiao Qinghe, you cannot fight him!"

"General, don't worry. This general will definitely be careful." Wang Wei nodded in agreement easily. What he wanted to do was very simple, it looked like there was no danger at all.


"Here!" This general shall take his leave! " Wang Wei brought a hundred people out of the forest, and quickly galloped towards Xiao Qinghe.

Gongsun Xu then instructed Gongsun Jia: "Bring the guide to Shan Meng, and have him prepare to attack him at any time."

Last night, when Zhang Yan brought the Flying Swallow Camp to patrol the city walls, he had secretly let Shan Meng and the two thousand White Horse Camp's cavalry out of the city. Under the guidance of the guide, Shan Meng went to the concealed areas upstream of the Xiao Qinghe overnight.

Gongsun Jia promised and left the forest together with the guide.

After Gongsun Jia's figure disappeared into the forest, Gongsun Xu turned his head and said to Zhao Yun: "Zi Long, let's go as well."

"General will now instruct our brothers to move out." After Zhao Yun walked a few steps, he turned his head and smiled: "I have long heard of Qu Yi's unparalleled bravery, I have always wanted to spar with him! If we can successfully meet Qu Yi this time, I hope that you will not fight with me over this! "

Gongsun Xu smiled as he shook his head and said, "Since Zi Long has that intention, I naturally won't argue with you. It's just that you said it yourself, Qu Yi is brave and fierce.

"This lowly general understands. Thank you for your reminder, my lord." Zhao Yun cupped his hands in thanks, and turned to shout for the soldiers to prepare to continue their journey.

Just as the sun rose, Wang Wei and his group arrived at the upper reaches of Xiao Qinghe, and a wide floating bridge appeared before their eyes. This floating bridge was three to four zhang wide, and the piers were also made of bluestone. Thick wooden planks were laid on them, and they were firmly tied together with wire as thick as chopsticks. This pontoon had been built for dozens of years. Yuan Shao wanted to enlist troops from this place, so he reinforced the abutment and replaced the deck.

Wang Wei looked ahead with his hands under the shade, but he did not see any traces of the enemy. He pointed to one person and instructed, "Go and test if the bridge is sturdy."

The man jumped off his horse and ran to the pontoon bridge. He drew his knife and stabbed it into the wood.

Wang Wei asked: "How is it?"

"Very strong!"

"Is the deck dry?"

"It's very dry and can be ignited easily."

"Alright!" Wang Wei nodded and waved: "Quickly, cross the river! "Faster!"

In less than the time it took for an incense stick to burn, all 101 of them had already crossed the floating bridge and continued swimming upstream.

In less than the time it takes to drink a cup of tea after Wang Wei's group had disappeared, the sound of horses galloping came from the downstream. In a short moment, Qu Yi and the others had arrived near the pontoon bridge.

Qu Yi looked at the sky and asked Sun Yong: "About what time is it now?"

"Should be." Sun Yong estimated for a bit, then replied: "It's almost noon."

"Cross the river, look for Gongsun kid!" Qu Yi gave the order and stepped onto the floating bridge first.

Sun Yong looked around and asked: "General, do you want to leave some people here to guard the floating bridge?"

"No need." Qu Yi originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking for a while, he nodded his head: "Then we will leave fifty people behind, just in case Gongsun kid sends people to quietly burn the pontoon bridge.

Sun Yong heaved a sigh of relief. General Qu Yi had finally listened to him once, just as he was about to say that fifty people seemed to be too few. Qu Yi had already rushed to the other side and impatiently ordered everyone to quickly follow. Sun Yong was helpless, he had no choice but to personally choose fifty of the most powerful soldiers, and ordered them to guard the floating bridge with their lives, he himself and the others quickly crossed it.

Qu Yi ordered: Sun Yong, send five groups of ten to search for Gongsun Xu's men.

Sun Yong immediately ordered five groups of people to search the area within a thirty mile radius. He also ordered them to search especially the woods and mountain slopes, they had to go in more seriously to prevent any enemies from ambushing them.

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