Sun Yong was extremely cautious in his actions. He brought along five small teams and sprinted forward four to five miles, ordering them to scatter along the main road. Each team was separated by two to three miles, and Sun Yong himself led ten people forward along the main road. Sun Yong walked forward for more than half a kilometer. Other than a few refugees heading towards the Qinghe County, he did not see the shadow of an enemy.

"Could it be that Gongsun Xu isn't here at all? It's already noon! ' Sun Yong thought to himself, and prepared to return after walking another seven to eight kilometers.

"Quickly retreat!" Sun Yong shouted and took the lead to turn his warhorse and run backwards.

The others quickly caught up. They were indeed the elites of the first to go into camp. Even when facing ten times the enemy's strength, they didn't panic when running away. They held their bows as they looked back, ready to shoot at the pursuing enemy at any time. The strange thing was that Gongsun Xu did not give the order to kill them.

"What the hell is Gongsun Xu doing?" Sun Yong was very suspicious, but it was a good thing that the enemy did not come chasing after him, so he calmed down.

Zhao Yun pointed at Sun Yong who was wearing black armor and guessed: "Master, that person seems to be the leader who went to camp first. Do you want to keep him? "

"Forget it." Gongsun Xu shook his head: "If we kill them, Qu Yi will inevitably stop looking down on us, and let them go back."

Zhao Yun looked at Sun Yong's group who were getting further and further away, and solemnly asked: "The enemy army is really fast, I wonder if Academy Officer managed to cross the river successfully?"

"Logically speaking, they should have crossed the river! If he were to face off head on and get up to camp first, he would definitely not use an egg to hit a rock. Instead, he would rush back to report. " After Gongsun Xu finished speaking, he waved his arms and shouted: "Let's go to the front of the camp. Brothers, get ready for battle."

The thousand men answered in unison and began to inspect their weapons and equipment, preparing for the final battle.

After an hour, when he was about seven to eight kilometers away from the Xiao Qinghe's riverside, Sun Yong met with Qu Yi's group who had just arrived at the campsite. He quickly called out, "General, we've already discovered Gongsun Xu's whereabouts from the front!"

"How many are there on Gongsun Xu's side?" Qu Yi hadn't even finished speaking before he stopped in his tracks because he had already seen the White Horse Camp s several kilometers away.

"Heh heh." Qu Yi laughed coldly, "Gongsun kid is indeed arrogant, to actually only bring this few people with him! Since you want to throw your life away, how can this general be inferior to you? Set up an attack formation and prepare to attack! "

The eight hundred cavalrymen who were the first to enter the camp heard the commotion and moved, quickly forming a charging formation.

Sun Yong turned his head to look at the forest upstream and asked, "General, do you want to dispatch a small team to patrol from the back to prevent the enemies from burying their troops behind us?"

Qu Yi nodded: "Alright! "Just send a group of people."

Sun Yong immediately ordered the group of people he brought with him to patrol upstream, ordering them to travel at least five kilometers ahead.

Zhao Yun looked at the formation on the other side of the camp and said in a deep voice: "Master, Qu Yi seems to want to give the order to charge, should we fight and also set up an offensive formation?"

Gongsun Xu laughed: "Qu Yi is too arrogant and conceited, if I were to suggest fighting generals, do you think he would agree?"

"Master, are you trying to stall for time and wait for Shan Meng's army to arrive?"

"That is only one reason. Zi Long, didn't you just say that you want to fight Qu Yi alone? "I think that as long as we agitate him a bit, he will definitely agree to fight."

"Thank you, my lord!" Zhao Yun thanked him happily.

Gongsun Xu smiled and said: "Zi Long, I firmly believe that Qu Yi is not your match.

Gongsun Xu felt extremely guilty. Ever since this exceptional general had pledged his allegiance to him, he had never had the chance to make a name for himself. He had always done some very important things, but never got the attention of everyone. For example, killing Qiu Liju or the War of Tanhan Mount, Zhao Yun had played a big role, but other than them, outsiders would rarely hear of Zhao Yun's name, but even so, Zhao Yun never complained, and would do whatever Gongsun Xu wanted to do. In this battle, Gongsun Xu had claimed that he was the strongest general under Yuan Shao's command, and Gongsun Xu was prepared to create a chance for Zhao Yun to fight Qu Yi one on one. If he could kill Qu Yi, Zhao Yun's name would be known by the entire world.

Zhao Yun cupped his hands and said solemnly: "Master, don't worry, I will present Qu Yi's head to you!"

"Zi Long, wait for me to come closer, I will go up and challenge you, if Qu Yi agrees to fight you, you must be careful."

Zhao Yun nodded, and clenched the bright silver gun on the horse tightly.

The two parties were quickly nearing a distance of two to three kilometers. Just as Qu Yi was about to give the order to attack, he suddenly saw a rider coming out of the battle formation and shouted towards him: "Is this General Qu Yi who went to camp first? General Gongsun Xu has something to say with him! "

Qu Yi was startled, he raised his hand to signal his soldiers to be patient, and shouted: "Gongsun kid has something to say, quickly say it, otherwise, when my head falls on the ground, I won't have a chance to say it anymore!"

Gongsun Xu spurred his horse forward, and cupped his hands as he said: "I heard that General Qu Yi likes to be straightforward, to see you today is indeed worthy of your reputation! General Qu, everyone says that you are the strongest general under Yuan Shao's command, and the general under this general's command, Zhao Yun, would like to ask for your advice in a few moves, do you dare to accept?

"Haha!" Qu Yi laughed at the sky. This general has never heard of it! How could a mere nobody have the ability to fight against this general! Gongsun Xu, if you want to fight a general, do you dare to come up yourself? "

"Qu Yi!" Zhao Yun took a few dozen steps forward, and said loudly: "I am a dignified Academy Officer, your title of general is actually praised by others, to put it bluntly, you are just a head of the army! This general has thought highly of an ignorant brute like you when fighting one on one with you! "If you are brave enough, come and fight me to the death. If you are scared, get off your horse and surrender. You might be able to save your dog life!"

"Bah!" Qu Yi spat forward, and shouted angrily: "Since you want to die, I shall grant your wish! If I cannot let you die a miserable death, this general will reverse his name! Come and die quickly! " With that said, he raised the big blade in his hand and spurred it towards Zhao Yun.

Sun Yong was afraid that Qu Yi would make a mistake, hence he quickly led his men to follow along.

Qu Yi turned his head and shouted: "Sun Yong, stop! Wait until this general takes Gongsun Xu's and Zhao Yun's heads, then you all can go and kill him! "

Sun Yong could only order everyone to stop at their original places and watch as Qu Yi increased his speed and rushed forward.

Zhao Yun held onto his spear, and with the help of his warhorse, he rushed towards Qu Yi.

The two of them were both horses, so they were able to reach within ten steps very quickly.

Qu Yi raised his big blade up high, preparing to cut Zhao Yun's spear into two in one move.

Zhao Yun raised the bright silver gun's spear tip and stared intently at the location of Qu Yi's throat.

Ten steps passed in the blink of an eye. Under the watchful gazes of the warriors from both sides, the two of them quickly charged toward each other.

The moment the war horse got hit, Qu Yi swung his blade fiercely at Zhao Yun's neck.

The long spear in Zhao Yun's hand was even faster, like lightning he thrusted out the spear, aiming straight for Qu Yi's throat.

Qu Yi was shocked, he never thought that this "nameless newbie" would make his move so quickly! Seeing that he could not dodge in time, he quickly retracted his blade and dodged. A metal bridge was placed on the back of the warhorse.

"Chi!" Zhao Yun's spear tip grazed past Qu Yi's helmet, not only did it leave a deep scratch on his temple, it also sent a strand of red tassel flying off Qu Yi's helmet!

Gongsun Xu and the warriors of the White Horse Camp all cheered at the same time, but Sun Yong and the one who had come to camp first turned pale with fright, not expecting that after just one exchange, the invincible Qu Yi in their hearts would actually suffer a small loss.

He turned his horse and looked at Zhao Yun, the expression in his eyes had become serious. Since the moment he had become Yuan Shao's subordinate, he had fought with others many times, but they were never as dangerous as before. No wonder the Gongsun kid made Zhao Yun fight with him, just based on his speed, he was a formidable opponent. Qu Yi withdrew his contempt and roared as he rushed towards Zhao Yun once again.

Zhao Yun had already turned his horse, holding up his spear, he rushed towards Qu Yi.

When they made contact this time, Qu Yi did not dare to be careless like before, the long blade in his hand still slashed towards Zhao Yun's neck, but his speed was still around one fold faster.

Zhao Yun bellowed, he wanted to test Qu Yi's strength, so he did not dodge or evade, he held onto the spear shaft with both hands.

The two of them trembled violently, their weapons almost falling out of their hands. At the same time, they cried out in their hearts, 'Good strength!'

turned his horse around and laughed: "Haha, this general will take back what I said just now. Zhao Yun, you are qualified to be my serious opponent! Come, come, come.

"I won't let you down!" Zhao Yun shouted coldly, raising his spear and charging forward.

This time, the two of them slowed down simultaneously. It was obvious that they knew it was impossible to kill the other party by making use of the wrong timing. They were prepared to engage in a showdown to determine the victor.

When the two sides got close for the third time, they didn't pass each other like before. Instead, they urged their war horses to kill each other in a small area. Bladelight, spear shadows flickered, and clanging sounds could be heard.

"How dare he be so brave?" Sun Yong was dumbstruck and muttered to himself in disbelief.

Gongsun Xu sighed softly: "This Qu Yi is indeed worthy of his reputation. Zi Long's spear arts have already reached perfection, I never thought that he could only fight Qu Yi to a draw! But Zi Long's techniques are clearly more profound, if time is slow, I will definitely find a chance to defeat Qu Yi! "

In just the time it took to boil a cup of tea, Qu Yi and Zhao Yun had already exchanged over thirty moves. Most of the time, the weapons would be retracted in the blink of an eye, thus, it looked like it was a lively fight, but both sides were not actually injured at all. The more Qu Yi fought, the more anxious he became. If he couldn't even deal with Zhao Yun, then wouldn't that be a joke?! His thoughts changed and he suddenly thought of something. With a thunderous shout, he slashed horizontally towards Zhao Yun's chest.

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