Qu Yi's slash was extremely ferocious, but in the middle of it, it suddenly changed directions, and the target astonishingly became the head of the horse that was below Zhao Yun. If this blade were to hit the ground, the war horse would definitely be halved, and Zhao Yun would also be in danger.

Zhao Yun's reaction was extremely fast, he did not block the blade, but chose to thrust his spear like lightning towards Qu Yi's throat.

Sun Yong turned pale with fright. Just as he was about to give the order for the entire army to attack, he suddenly heard Qu Yi's thunderous shout, and without dodging a single spear attack from Zhao Yun, he had instead used a counterattack as he flew towards Zhao Yun's head.

Zhao Yun lowered his body and dodged, the long spear in his hand had lost its aim, and with a 'seize' sound, it brushed past Qu Yi's right shoulder, and immediately brought back a bloody arrow. Zhao Yun's helmet was chopped off by Qu Yi's blade and sent flying several meters away. It landed on the ground with a bang and rolled over. The two of them were extremely shocked as they continued to fight with their swords and spears.

Zhao Yun had looked very dangerous just now, but he was actually completely unharmed. His helmet had fallen to the ground and his hair was disheveled in a sorry state. On the other hand, although the wound on Qu Yi's shoulder was not severe, it still had some effects. If it were any other ordinary opponent, Qu Yi's slowness would not have been too big of a problem, it was just that right now, he was facing a profound move and a swift Zhao Yun, so such a minor injury was extremely fatal. After exchanging more than ten moves, Qu Yi's injured shoulder was once again injured by Zhao Yun.

In this situation, Zhao Yun became braver the more he fought, but Qu Yi was busy preparing, the wound on his shoulder bleeding profusely, the previously equal fight now completely shifted towards Zhao Yun.

Qu Yi's heart was filled with shock and anger, he never thought that Gongsun Xu's underling, an unknown Academy Officer, would be able to beat him up to the point that he could only defend! He knew that he would definitely lose if this continued, and took the chance to block Zhao Yun's attack.

How could Zhao Yun be willing to let him go? The two of them were only separated by a horse's head and Zhao Yun continued to attack from behind. Qu Yi turned his body and used all his might to block the attack, he completely did not have the chance to retaliate.

Seeing that, Gongsun Xu was ecstatic, he waved his hand and ordered the entire White Horse Camp army to rush in, "Kill!"

Seeing that the situation was bad, Sun Yong also quickly ordered his men to set out, afraid that Qu Yi would be besieged.

As Zhao Yun and Qu Yi fled and chased each other, the White Horse Camp cavalry that was a hundred steps away from them were speedily chasing, while the cavalry that was in front of them that went to camp first were already seventy to eighty steps away. If Zhao Yun couldn't kill Qu Yi before he made it to the campsite, once Qu Yi charged into the camp grounds, killing him would be extremely difficult.

Zhao Yun used both of his legs to pinch the horse's abdomen, causing it to let out a painful cry. The horse charged forward even faster, and after an instant, it swept the horse away, attempting to knock Qu Yi off the horse.

Qu Yi turned pale with fright, he did not have time to think, and could only use his blade to parry.

Clang! The long spear in Zhao Yun's hand actually left his hand, spinning and flying backwards.

Seeing that, Sun Yong and the other soldiers who were going to camp were overjoyed, and started cheering.

actually revealed a faint smile. He had been sparring with Zhao Yun recently, and he was very clear that the pike in Zhao Yun's hand would definitely not slip away under such a circumstance! Zhao Yun had already unsheathed his sword just now, obviously preparing to use it to kill Qu Yi. Right now, the two horses were travelling side by side, the distance between them was not even two feet, and they had the advantage in using short weapons.

Sure enough, Qu Yi didn't even have time to be happy before he was blinded by a cold light. He saw a stern sword light rushing straight at his throat, and he was simply unable to dodge it, nor was he able to dodge it.

Pfft! After a dazzling flash of sword light, the fine iron wristguard on Qu Yi's arm was pierced by a sword. The sword tip's momentum did not slow down at all, and just happened to pierce into Qu Yi's elbow!

Qu Yi screamed as he tried to pull his arm back, but he realized that his arm was too weak to withstand the force. It was obvious that his bones and tendons had been injured by the sword. Qu Yi's heart was in shock, all these years, it was the first time he felt the cold threat of death, but he was never a person who just sat there and waited for death, taking the opportunity to slash at Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun dodged the blade with his head lowered, the sword in his hand twitching slightly!

Qu Yi let out another miserable scream. Blood was dripping from his elbow, and his bones were dense, he had been crippled for the time being.

The cavalrymen who were in charge of the first squadron were all shocked by the scene and shouted loudly, attempting to disrupt Zhao Yun's train of thought.

Qu Yi no longer had the courage to continue fighting. At this moment, the heavy sword was actually a burden, he used all of his strength to throw the blade at Zhao Yun, taking advantage of the opportunity for his opponent to hide on his horse and escape.

Zhao Yun laughed coldly, and then suddenly threw the sword in his hand, the blood stained sword shot like a meteor straight towards Qu Yi's back! His sword was made of Hundred Refinement Steel and was extremely sharp. Even if Qu Yi was wearing the Chainmail, if it was hit, it would definitely pierce through the armor.

When Qu Yi heard the sound of the wind behind him, he didn't even dare to look back as he quickly used his right hand to hold onto his horse while hiding in the stirrups, barely dodging the powerful sword strike. The long sword flew past Qu Yi's horse with a swoosh, like an arrow released by a strong bow, it rapidly flew towards the opposing riders. In an instant, it flew past dozens of steps, causing a rider who was unable to dodge in time to feel a chill in his heart!

At this moment, Qu Yi climbed up from the horse's belly, and looking up, he could not help but suck in a breath of cold air. Even at such a distance, such power, if he was struck by the sword just now, he would still be dead! Just as Qu Yi was thinking that he was lucky, a heavy bowstring suddenly sounded out from behind him, and his face immediately turned pale white.

It turned out that when Zhao Yun threw his sword, he had already picked up the strong crossbow on the horse's back. After that, he shot three arrows straight at Qu Yi's back. Under Gongsun Xu's advice and guidance, Ma Jun had created a strong crossbow that could continuously fire five arrows at a time. Moreover, the craftsmanship of this kind of crossbow was extremely complicated, if Ma Jun were to make one himself, it would take around five days or so. Thus, the officers could only prepare one, it was impossible for the entire army to produce this kind of powerful crossbow in the short term.

Gongsun Xu had a headache about the production efficiency of this kind of strong crossbow. Fortunately, Ma Jun wasn't a person who was very attached to his own making, other than passing the manufacturing technique to his son Ma Tiedan, he also took in thirty other disciples, and specially taught them how to make this kind of crossbow. Gongsun Xu was prepared to wait until Ma Jun's disciples learned most of it before using the assembly line method, which would greatly reduce the production time of the strong crossbow.

Qu Yi had just flipped over and steadied his body, he simply did not have the time to dodge the arrow. In a split-second, he made the choice he thought to be the most correct — he tightened the muscles on his back, and tried to forcefully withstand the arrow. He did not turn his head to look, and did not know that Zhao Yun was using a crossbow. He thought that Zhao Yun was using a bow and arrow to attack him, and that the might of the bow and arrow would be greatly reduced at such a close distance.

Qu Yi immediately heard the panicking shouts of the soldiers who were going to camp first, and his heart sank. Although he didn't know why his subordinates were panicking, he knew that he had made the wrong choice. At this time, the three arrows had already reached, and shot at the left, right, back, and upper part of Qu Yi's body respectively. The three arrows, without exception, had all penetrated Qu Yi's thick armor and deeply embedded into his body!

Qu Yi screamed as he opened his mouth to spurt out a mouthful of blood. The warhorse beneath him suddenly felt light on its body. It immediately let out a light cry and galloped forward. Qu Yi fell on the ground and rolled around non-stop, blood continuously gushing out from his mouth and nose.

"General!" Sun Yong and the horsemen that went to camp first were startled and furious. They tried to rush over to rescue Qu Yi with all their might.

Zhao Yun spurred his horse forward, and the strong crossbow in his hand aimed it straight at Qu Yi.

Sun Yong shouted: "Release the arrows! Quick, shoot! "

The riders who were the first to reach the campsite hurriedly took out their bows and crossbows, nocked at Zhao Yun with their arrows aimed at him.

Zhao Yun sneered, his fingers moved the crossbow, and the remaining two arrows accurately hit Qu Yi who was still rolling on the ground. One hit his chest, and the other hit his ribs.

Zhao Yun kept his crossbow, turned his horse and wanted to run, but when he reached the spear, he bent down, picked up his spear and danced quickly, knocking the incoming arrows to the ground. He then let out a long hiss and charged straight to the camp.

The riders who were going to camp first were already in a panic. They thought that the invincible General Qu Yi had fallen to such a state, no one had thought of this before. Under Sun Yong's urging, they released a round of arrows and rushed over quickly in an attempt to save Qu Yi.

Zhao Yun rushed past the unknown Qu Yi and rushed into the group of cavalrymen who were at the front lines. With a wave of the pike in his hand, every attack would take a life, and it was as if there was no one around, causing the elite cavalrymen who were at the front lines to be unable to withstand a single blow. Qu Yi's martial arts were outstanding. When he was around, his fighting prowess would increase by several folds, but once he lost Qu Yi, they would lose their backbone and would no longer be as valiant and invincible as when Qu Yi was around. Furthermore, they would only want to rush up to save Qu Yi and had no intention of entangling with him.

At this time, Gongsun Xu had already led the White Horse Camp and arrived. He glanced at the unknown Qu Yi, then brandished his spear and rushed to the front of the squadron leader who was just inches away from him.

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