Starting from the day they established the camp, they were Qu Yi's private troops. Because of Qu Yi's bravery, they repeatedly won against each other, and developed a kind of arrogance that looked down on everyone else. However, this kind of team was most afraid of accidents happening to the main general, because once this kind of situation occurred, there would be no leader in the group. Thus, they would only be fit to fight under Qu Yi's lead if they entered the camp first, and no one else would be able to replace him.

If Qu Yi defeated Zhao Yun earlier, their morale would definitely rise up first, maybe they could take advantage of the situation and defeat White Horse Camp, who was around the same as them in terms of numbers. However, at this time, when Qu Yi had landed on his horse, although it looked like he was as valiant and valiant as ever, he had become a little unwarlike. All of their attention was focused on Qu Yi, and their only thought was to rush over and save him.


Sun Yong suddenly heard a thunderous shout, and in the blink of an eye, a gust of wind rushed straight towards his face. He did not even have the time to clearly see who was attacking him, as he frantically raised his weapon to block.

Clang! Sun Yong's weapon flew out of his hand, and after that, he fell off his horse while clutching his throat. The one who killed him was shockingly the Gongsun Xu who had galloped his horse all the way to where he currently stood.

Gongsun Xu had long noticed Sun Yong, after killing him, he pulled back his spear, cutting through the enemy troops like vegetables. Seeing that Gongsun Xu was abnormally fierce, the other soldiers who were going to get up first continued to charge towards Qu Yi. However, they were stopped by the soldiers of the White Horse Camp behind Gongsun Xu, and were subsequently beaten until they retreated step by step.

Just then, Zhao Yun had already turned his head around, and attacked from behind once again, all alone, and wherever he went, all the defenses were gone, no one could stop him. When Gongsun Xu and Zhao Yun converged at the center of the battlefield, the people who had made it to the base first were already in ruins, and the number of people who had managed to kill their way to Qu Yi were very few.

Gongsun Xu smiled at Zhao Yun: "I never thought it would be so easy. I overestimated my combat power and underestimated the usefulness of Qu Yi to this army! Zi Long, you have accomplished a great deed in this battle! "

Zhao Yun also laughed: "It's a good thing that Master was cautious, then Qu Yi would just be too arrogant and proud, and would not even put this general in his eyes, and get knocked down from the horse because of this."

"Go back and defeat them in one go!" Gongsun Xu lashed out with his spear, returning back to his original body to kill.

Zhao Yun followed closely behind, the two of them were like two ferocious tigers that left the gates, bringing their subordinates and rampaging through the enemy troops, killing only enough to cause the enemy to fall. The other riders who had managed to reach Qu Yi were blocked by their opponents, and simply did not have the chance to dismount from their horses to save Qu Yi. At this point, the people who were rushing to the camp all felt that there were enemies everywhere, and there was no longer any hope of saving Qu Yi.

There were more than a hundred people who did not give up on saving Qu Yi. They fought desperately and disregarded their own safety, and just as they were about to kill the surrounding White Horse Camp Cavalry, Gongsun Xu and Gongsun Xu suddenly arrived. Under the pincer attack from both sides, the hundred people quickly died. Seeing this scene, the soldiers who were still resisting lost all will to fight. They desperately tried to break out, but were stopped by the soldiers of the White Horse Camp.

"This lowly one is willing to surrender!" One of them suddenly threw down his weapon, raised his hands, and shouted loudly.

"This lowly one is willing to surrender!"

"We are willing to surrender! "We are willing to surrender!"

Some of them took the lead and surrendered, while the rest followed suit. After Gongsun Xu and Zhao Yun killed the last few people who refused to surrender, other than the two hundred who were running away, no one else dared to resist.

"Gongsun Jia, gather them all together and guard them! Zi Long, let's go, let's see if Qu Yi is still alive. " Seeing that the situation had been settled, Gongsun Xu gave some instructions before jumping off the horse and walked over to Qu Yi.

Zhao Yun immediately dismounted, holding onto his sword, he quickly followed.

When he got closer, he saw that two of the crossbow bolts in Qu Yi's body had been broken, and blood was continuously flowing out from the wounds.

"His aura is like wisps of silk. If Chan'er's grandfather was here, perhaps he could be saved!" Zhao Yun cautiously extended his hand towards Qu Yi's nose. After testing his breath, he regretfully shook his head and sighed: "This person is also a great general, he should have been merciful just now. If Master can take back this person, then I think that he has a better chance of winning this war."

Gongsun Xu shook his head: "Although he is not as brave and fierce as Zi Long, I do not have my eyes on him! Insolent arrogance I can tolerate, but not his infidelity! This person was originally a great general under the previous Magistrate of Ji Han Fu. Han Fu could be said to be deeply indebted to him, yet he betrayed Han Fu and her colluding, and ultimately caused Han Fu to die in a foreign land. Even if we temporarily tame this person, it would be hard to prevent him from betraying us again. Don't Zi Long feel that he looks like a person? "

Gongsun Xu didn't have the confidence to take back such a capricious person like him. Although he felt that it was a bit of a pity, he would only be at ease if he killed him.

"Lv Bu!" Zhao Yun blurted out.

"That's right!" Gongsun Xu said as he nodded his head, "Qu Yi is the same as Lv Bu, wild and untamed and fickle. Leaving such a person by his side is a hidden danger sooner or later! Let's see if we can awaken him! "

Zhao Yun nodded, he extended his hand and pressed a few acupuncture points on Qu Yi's face.

Qu Yi moaned. He roared and slowly opened his eyes, only returning to his senses after a long while had passed. He looked at Gongsun Xu and Zhao Yun in front of him, his mouth moving but unable to say anything.

Gongsun Xu frowned: "Bring a few people over, and ask them what Qu Yi is saying."

Someone brought a few prisoners over immediately. Gongsun Xu ordered them to listen to what Qu Yi was saying.

"General, General Qu Yi said to save him, he is willing to surrender to the general!"

Immediately, three people quietly reported to Gongsun Xu. Their faces looked much more relaxed, even the most respected General Qu Yi was preparing to surrender to Gongsun Xu, the guilt in their hearts was immediately reduced by half.

Gongsun Xu smiled indifferently, turned and walked to the side.

Zhao Yun hesitated and sighed, then turned and left the place.

The light in Qu Yi's eyes dimmed. He wanted to shout a few times, but he was unable to, he coughed with difficulty, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

"General!" The few people who had been brought here before immediately started crying loudly. The spoils of war that Qu Yi had gotten were distributed to everyone and they were usually very protective of him.

"Take them away!" Gongsun Jia waved his hand and these people were dragged to the side.

Gongsun Jia walked in front of Qu Yi, lowered his head and looked down at the number one general of Hebei and sighed, the ring head knife in his hand suddenly slashed down!

With a pfft sound, Qu Yi's head was chopped off. Both of his eyes were still as wide as ever, as if he could not believe that his head was separated from his body, and yet, he could not believe that Gongsun Xu would actually reject him.

Gongsun Jia reached out and rubbed Qu Yi's eyelids, and after wiping his eyes, he walked in front of Gongsun Xu and asked him what to do with Qu Yi's corpse.

"Bury the body on the spot, and the head will be here for now." After a moment, Gongsun Xu pointed to the forest not far away, "Let's bury him there, he can be considered a good person, after this battle, we can go and bury him."

Gongsun Jia bowed in agreement, then led two people to carry Qu Yi's corpse towards the forest.

Zhao Yun sighed: "Seems like Qu Yi is really ambitious!"

"It's fine if you don't want the morale!" Gongsun Xu shook his head: "I've heard some things about Qu Yi from the General Zhang. This person has indeed treated his subordinates quite well, but it was built on the tyranny of others. Lust. After being kidnapped, the loot would be distributed to the subordinates. It was no wonder why they would first enter the camp with such strong fighting strength, and even listen to Qu Yi's orders. However, this kind of army has no bottom line. Sooner or later, they will become a group of bloodthirsty wild beasts! "

Zhao Yun bowed and said: "Master is right, the people of this world are already miserable, if there were more generals like Qu Yi, I would really not dare to imagine!"

"Xing, the people are suffering, dying, the people are suffering!" Gongsun Xu could not help but exclaim out loud, then quickly started to walk towards his horse, "Come, let's go to the river side to stop them, so that they won't be defeated and run downstream."

There were about two hundred and seventy people who were the first to get out of the camp. Seeing that the enemy was not chasing them, they heaved a sigh of relief and continued to flee towards Xiao Qinghe. When they were only five or six kilometers away from reaching Xiao Qinghe, a large cavalry unit appeared at the back of the hill in front of them. They were dressed exactly like the enemies they had just met.

"What should we do? It would be better to just go all out and charge at them! "

"No!" There are at least two thousand people on the other side, we can't even get past them! It would be better for us to flee downstream, only by escaping to the vicinity of the wooden bridge downstream can we escape into the sky! "

"I agree with that!" But who will stay behind to cut off the rear? "

"Break my ass!" Escape, whoever gets caught is unlucky! I hope Gongsun Xu did not go and stop them! "

After a brief discussion, they turned their horses and started running downstream, with Shan Meng and his army following closely behind.

The first to enter the camp was defeated less than five kilometers away. In front of them, the flag of the White Horse Camp suddenly appeared, and near the flag stood a spear, with Qu Yi's head impressively stabbed into it.

"General Qu Yi is dead!" The crowd immediately fell into chaos.

At this time, a person ran out from the other side, and shouted loudly: "General Gongsun has decreed that we should surrender and avoid death, and kill those who resist stubbornly!"

The soldiers looked at each other for a while, then dropped their weapons and jumped off their horses.

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