Wang Wei stood on top of a high slope, his hands continuously rubbed at the ground, staring at the south with an anxious expression. According to the original plan, he should have brought these hundred people to burn the floating bridge, but the people he sent out to investigate had not come back yet. He did not know if something was wrong and thus did not dare to bring his men to the floating bridge.

After the time needed to boil a kettle of tea had passed, just when Wang Wei was prepared to stop waiting for news and directly bring his group to the floating bridge, the two scouts finally appeared in front of him.

"Forty to fifty people!" Wang Wei pondered for a moment, then jumped onto his horse and shouted: "All troops on horseback, prepare to attack!"

The ninety-eight people resting at the back of the mountain all heard the noise and mounted their horses, following Wang Wei as they ran towards the south.

On the south side of the pontoon bridge, the military officer Deng San raised his head and looked at the position of the sun. He yawned out of boredom and laid on the ground, ready to sleep. From his point of view, guarding the pontoon bridge was a hard work, if he could follow General Qu Yi to war, it would definitely be better than doing nothing.

One of the people by the side asked: "General, do you think that the general has already started fighting with the White Horse Camp?"

Deng San did not even open his eyes, and said coldly: "Isn't it simple if you want to know? Just go and take a look for yourself. "

"But Academy Officer Sun Yong's order is to stare unwaveringly at this floating bridge."

Deng San scolded: "That's really a stubborn brain! What does it matter if you're alone? "

"Alright!" I will go and inquire for more information! " The man scratched his head, jumped on his horse, and galloped across the river.

"This is so boring," Deng San murmured softly. He only felt drowsy.

After an unknown period of time, Deng San suddenly heard someone shouting in his ear: "General! General! Get up! The enemy is coming! The enemy is here! "

"Where is the enemy?" Deng San rolled over and crawled up.

"Over there!"

Deng San turned his head to look, only to see a group of 100 over armored riders rushing over, from their attire, they seemed to be Youzhou Army.

He shouted, "Get on your horse and prepare for battle!"

In less than half an incense worth of time, Wang Wei had already led his troops and rushed several tens of steps forward. Seeing that there were still people rushing to get on the horses, he was overjoyed and shouted out loud: "Kill!"

"Kill!" A hundred men responded in unison as they took off their crossbows, shooting with killing intent towards the bridgehead.

Deng San had just unsheathed his weapon, and a rain of arrows came flying over. He tried his best to dodge but he was still hit by seven or eight arrows. Just then, Wang Wei took the lead and rushed forward, with a loud shout, he chopped down with his blade, Deng San's gigantic head flew high up into the sky, with a 'pu tong' sound, he fell into the water, and disappeared without a trace.

Deng San's subordinates were caught off guard, the bridge's terrain was narrow and unavoidable. More than thirty people were killed on the spot by this wave of rain of arrows, and the remaining ten-odd people struggled to resist. Although they had killed seven or eight White Horse Camp's cavalry, they were also killed on the spot.

Wang Wei killed the last enemy and shouted with a wave of his hand: "Quick! Take off the thing that ignited the fire on the horse and prepare to light the floating bridge! " He heard the muffled sound of hooves coming from downstream. The sound became clearer and clearer. After a hundred breaths, a team of four or five hundred cavalrymen appeared about three or four miles away at the corner of the woods.

Wang Wei shouted loudly: "The enemy is here to assist us! Leave a few people to pile the things that ignited the fire onto the bridge, while the others prepare to meet the enemy! "

The soldiers who were untying the flaming object from their horses stopped in their tracks and jumped on their horses, surrounding Wang Wei.

A Superintendent Zhao said softly, "Lord Commander, how about we retreat to the river and burn the pontoon bridge?"

"No!" If we retreat now, the enemy will definitely take the opportunity to kill our way across the river, and then it will be too late to burn the pontoon bridge. " As Wang Wei spoke, he turned around to look at the tens of people who were piling up on the bridge while holding onto the objects that had attracted the fire, and said resolutely: "We can only fight with our lives on the line to buy time for them to burn the floating bridge."

Zhao Da was shocked and asked: "Lord Commander, if we burn the floating bridge down here, how are we going to get back?"

Wang Wei said in a deep voice, "General Gongsun's order is that we must burn the floating bridges. Even if all of us are to die here, we must complete his order! After the floating bridge is destroyed, we will immediately escape upstream! " It was a pity that he did not know that the first to set foot in the camp had been completely annihilated. Otherwise, he would not have given such an almost suicidal order.

"That's the only way!" Ever since Gongsun Xu changed the military system, all the soldiers in White Horse Camp benefited greatly, as almost everyone was willing to die for Gongsun Xu.

Chunyu Qiong used her hands as a shield to look at the pontoon bridge, and asked in shock: "What are the enemies planning to do?"

"General, they seem to want to burn the pontoon bridge!"

"Haha" Chunyu Qiong laughed: "What a coincidence! If I knew that Gongsun Xu had already arranged for people to burn the pontoon bridge, why would I have come here for nothing? "

"General, are we going to leave like this?"

"Bullshit!" Chunyu Qiong stared at him and bellowed: "How can this general not accept the merits that you have obtained? We have five hundred people, do you think we can just watch these enemies escape? "My sons, go and kill this general! Every head will be rewarded with two thousand gold coins!"

Seeing that the enemy army had started to charge, Wang Wei turned his head and shouted anxiously: "Quick! "Hurry up!"

Even in his wildest dreams, Wang Wei would never have thought that Chunyu Qiong had come here for the sake of burning the floating bridge. In his opinion, the enemy troops must have come to protect the floating bridge, so he had missed his last chance to escape back to the north shore of the bridge.

The dozen or so people who were stacking objects for igniting the fire on the bridge also became anxious. They randomly piled firewood, kerosene, sulfur and other things on the bridge and began to beat the fire piston in a flurry.

When the enemy army was close to twenty steps away, Wang Wei shouted loudly, "Crossbow arrows, release!"

The hundred men that were led by Wang Wei were all equipped with crossbow s, and had just released a round of arrows. As soon as they heard the order, over eighty people began to pull the crossbow, and four times in a row! In the blink of an eye, more than three hundred crossbow bolts whizzed towards the enemy who was charging at them. As more than a hundred people were shot in front of them, their bodies tripped the people behind them and they fell into a mess.

"Why are there so many arrows!" Chunyu Qiong turned pale with fright, and inwardly rejoiced that she did not rush up ahead, or else she would be the one to die. He stared at the crossbow in the hands of the enemies and thought: "It seems to be a new type of strong crossbow! Weird, this kind of strong crossbow can be continuously launched. If I can get a few of them back, my lord would definitely be overjoyed. "

"Drop the crossbow!" Wang Wei seemed to have heard Chunyu Qiong's thoughts. After firing all the crossbow bolts, he threw the crossbow in his hand far into the river.

The others followed suit, and the sound of the crossbow dropping into the water sounded out one after another.

"Attack and snatch the strong crossbow!" Chunyu Qiong was enraged, she brandished her blade and roared.

Wang Wei raised his spear high up and shouted: "Kill!" He then rode his horse over to the dead body and started to kill the enemy. Wang Wei knew that he could only take the initiative to attack and stop them. Otherwise, the moment he was surrounded and attacked, everything would be over. The eighty plus people followed closely behind, silently attacking the enemies who were several times stronger than them. Not a single one of them dared to retreat.

At this moment, the people on the bridge finally ignited the thing that was used to ignite the flames. Smoke immediately began to billow from the bridge's surface, and flames shot up into the sky. Throwing away their matches, they raced to the end of the bridge, jumped on their horses, and galloped after the others.

Just now, they had personally seen their opponent lose the strong crossbow, causing Chunyu Qiong's subordinates to quickly calm down. Relying on their numbers, they formed a semicircle attack formation and rushed over, attempting to annihilate the hundred people led by Wang Wei.

Although Chunyu Qiong's men were all elites under her command, most of them were wearing leather armour or half-body armor, so how could they be compared to the cavalry of White Horse Camp who were wearing sturdy armor? The moment they came into contact with each other, dozens of them were killed by Wang Wei and his men.

"Surround them and kill them!" Chunyu Qiong roared, he raised her long blade and spurred her horse forward to fight Wang Wei.

Just as Wang Wei knocked a person off his horse, he suddenly realised that there was a flash of a blade at his side, and he quickly raised his spear to block with all his might.

Crack! Chunyu Qiong's slash was extremely powerful and actually cut the spear in Wang Wei's hands into two.

Wang Wei turned pale with fright, hastily throwing the broken spear towards Chunyu Qiong, pulling the ring head knife out from his waist and chopping it down right on top of his head.

Chunyu Qiong dodged the broken spear from the side, the long blade blocked Wang Wei's attacks, and then continued to slash at Wang Wei. In that moment, the blade light flashed, Wang Wei's martial arts was very ordinary, he only had the power to resist, and did not have any strength to fight back.

Seeing that, the people around him shouted: "Academy Officer, the floating bridge has been ignited, quickly break out!"

Wang Wei was busy fighting back, he did not have the time to speak. The floating bridge had just been ignited, if they were to escape now, the enemy could easily extinguish the fire. Therefore, he did not escape, but mustered his strength to fight Chunyu Qiong.

The more Chunyu Qiong fought, the more courageous she became. She suddenly roared loudly, and with a blur of his blade, the blade slashed horizontally across Wang Wei's throat. If this blade hit, Wang Wei would definitely lose his life on the spot.

Wang Wei was shocked, his right hand held onto the handle of the blade tightly, his left hand supported the back of the blade, using all of his strength to block.

Clang! The ring head knife in Wang Wei's hand flew off and spun several meters away before landing.

"Die!" Chunyu Qiong bellowed, and slashed towards Wang Wei's head.

Wang Wei quickly dodged, and taking the chance that the opponent had not retracted his blade, he leaped forward, and threw himself onto the ground while holding Chunyu Qiong.

"Academy Officer!"


Both sides cried out in alarm at the same time as they rushed forward to help their leader.

Bang! When Chunyu Qiong was caught off guard and fell to the ground, he threw her big blade away, and the moment he landed, he immediately and fiercely punched Wang Wei in the eyes.

cried out in pain, at this time, he was holding Chunyu Qiong with both hands, unable to attack the other party. He suddenly raised his head, and ruthlessly smashed his head into Chunyu Qiong's chin.

Chunyu Qiong cried out, her chin was cut by the sharp helmet, and immediately she was bleeding profusely. He was shocked and angry at the same time. As she struggled to break free, she attacked Wang Wei with all his might.

Wang Wei knew that his strength and martial arts were greatly inferior to his opponent and he was already determined to die. He only wanted to hug Chunyu Qiong tightly so that he wouldn't let him struggle free and try to buy more time to completely burn the floating bridge.

"Academy Officer!" The soldiers under Wang Wei's command saw the situation and became anxious. However, they were entangled tightly by the enemies and could not rush over to save him.

Wang Wei mustered up the strength to look back, only to realize that the pontoon bridge had been completely burnt to pieces. A look of gratification appeared in his eyes, and he howled: "Go! "All of you, hurry up and leave!"

After roaring, he fiercely bit onto Chunyu Qiong's face!

Chunyu Qiong was startled and angry, she was unable to struggle free after a few moments, and easily pulled out the dagger at her waist, and fiercely stabbed it into Wang Wei's heart.

Wang Wei's body kept on twitching, but he did not let go of Chunyu Qiong at all. He was still screaming hoarsely, "Go! "Quick, run!"

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