The sky had just revealed the white of a fish's belly, and Cao Cao Cao, who was dressed in black clothes, came to Yanzhou's garden. He bathed in the slightly moist and fresh air, and began the morning sword dance that happened every day. Cao Cao, who had been practicing his swordsmanship all these years for the sake of attacking the enemy, was now practicing in order to strengthen his body. After all, he rarely stepped into the fray himself.

Cao Cao had a short and sturdy build, dark skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and three strands of beard. He looked very ordinary, but his eyes were as sharp as a falcon's. This year, Cao Cao Cao, forty years old, was in his prime, whether it was the physical or mental, at his peak. Ever since he defeated Lv Bu and completely seized back the Yanzhou a few months ago, his mood had always been very good. Yuan Shao's important advisor, Shen Pei, had come to ask for help, which brought him a lot of bad news. If the situation continued to develop like this, Cao Cao Cao knew that once Yuan Shao lost the battle, the Yanzhou would definitely become the army of Youzhou's next target.

Right now, Cao Cao Cao had a wife and several concubines, with Ding Furen, the main wife, as his son, the son of the deceased concubine, the Liu Family, they had a very deep relationship. In the original history, three years later when Cao Cao Cao had recruited Zhang Xiu, the latter had already surrendered. Unexpectedly, Cao Cao Cao had forcefully taken Zhang Xiu's aunt as a concubine, which caused Zhang Xiu to rebel once again in a fit of anger. Cao Ang and Cao Cao Cao's subordinates fiercely killed Dian Wei in that battle.

This woman was originally a kabuki, and was later taken into her room by Cao Cao. Now, she had already given Cao Cao Cao three sons, one for a seven-year-old Cao Pi, one for a three-year-old Cao Zhi, and one for a baby Cao Zhang. If Gongsun Xu did not appear and change the trajectory of history, then when Ding Furen and Cao Cao divorced, Madam Biao would become the mistress of Cao's backyard. In the end, Cao Pi became the Queen Wei Wuxuan after usurping Han, and her status was incomparably revered.

However, Ding Furen and Madam Biao who were waiting in the side hall for Cao Cao to eat were only two ordinary rich girls.

"Why are Zi Xiu (Cao Ang) and Zi Huan (Cao Pi) not seeing each other?" When Cao Cao walked into the side hall, he saw that only Ding Furen and Madam Biao were waiting there.

Cao Cao Cao and Gongsun Zan both valued kinship greatly, so they would gather together with their families during meals. Usually, Cao Ang and Cao Pi would eat together with them at this time.

Ding Furen laughed: "Zi Xiu ordered a sword from the blacksmith's shop for Zi Huan to be his birthday present. I heard that it will be done today, Zi Huan grabbed Zi Xiu's sword and left early in the morning."

Ding Furen looked heroic, with just a glance, he could tell that she was a valiant looking woman.

Cao Cao laughed, "These two have a deep affection for each other. Are Zi Jian (Cao Zhi) and Zi Wen (Cao Zhang) still sleeping? "

"Yes." Mrs. Bian nodded. She was very beautiful, very gentle, and very quiet.

"Sit down and eat." Cao Cao smiled and waved his hand, taking the lead to walk to the main seat and sit down.

Ding Furen and Madam Biao also sat down. The three of them all ate plain porridge and pasta cake s, with pickled vegetables and a few small plates of pickled vegetables. In the past year, he had engaged in fierce battle with Lv Bu, so the treasury of the Yanzhou had long since become empty. If it wasn't for the marriage relationship Xiahou Yuan (Xiahou Yuan's wife was Ding Furen's little sister), his younger brother Cao Ren and the others, Cao Cao Cao wouldn't have been able to afford the porridge and pasta cake.

"Ai." Cao Cao, who was about halfway through a bowl of porridge, suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Why did Darling suddenly sigh? "But what is the problem?" Ding Furen put down his bowl and asked in shock.

Mrs. Bian put down her bowl and looked at Cao Cao with concern.

"Madam, you are overthinking it. I don't have any worries." Cao Cao Cao shook his head: "I just thought of Gongsun Zan and was emotional about it! That Gongsun Zan was also extremely distressed a few years ago. According to what I know, he often owed a lot of debts and thus, had no choice but to abuse the commoners more often. At that time, I even laughed at him with Yuan Benchu. Who would have thought that his good son, Gongsun Xu, would suddenly appear out of nowhere? Not only was this child courageous and battle-ready, he had also grasped the secret to refining sea salt and fine steel. Being a child is as good as Gongsun Xu! "

"I am also very envious of Madam Hou Yue!" Ding Furen also sighed: "Then I've often heard of Gongsun Xu's name, and can be said to be the pillar of Gongsun Zan and his wife, if only Zi Xiu had half of Gongsun Xu's ability, then it would be great, but also be able to share some of my husband's burden! It is said that Gongsun Xu had to encounter the help of ghosts and gods before being suddenly enlightened.

Cao Cao picked up the bowl and drank a few mouthfuls of porridge, frowned and said, "This time it's spread very widely, so it shouldn't be an empty air! Furthermore, the people that I have sent out are very clear that Gongsun Xu was just a mediocre person two years ago. If one were to say that he did not have the help of the gods and spirits, it would be hard to believe that a mediocre person would suddenly amaze everyone with a single brilliant feat! "

"Husband!" Ding Furen's face was filled with worry as he softly said, "Since that Gongsun Xu is someone that the ghosts and gods take good care of, is it appropriate to make an enemy of Gongsun Zan?"

Ding Furen knew that Yuan Shao had sent messengers to seek help, she never expressed her opinion on these matters, but when she thought about how Gongsun Xu was blessed by the gods and ghosts, she felt a tinge of fear, afraid that she would offend the ghosts and deities.

Cao Cao Cao gently wiped his mouth, his face became extremely determined, and his tone became even more heroic: "Even if Gongsun Xu had the help of a ghost or god, what is there to be afraid of? [I am determined to be in the world and am not afraid of any ghosts or gods!] If a ghost dares to stop this old man, he can just chop them down with one saber strike! If we just sit and watch Yuan Benchu die, I'm afraid that Gongsun Zan's next target will be me! "

Ding Furen laughed when she heard it. Back then when she insisted on marrying Cao Cao, she valued this kind of towering heroic spirit!

Mrs. Bian said nothing, but her eyes were full of adoration and admiration.

Just as he was about to finish his meal, a rough voice came from outside the door, "Master, Mr. Xin Pi requests an audience."

"Dian Wei, bring Mr. Xin Pi to the living room and wait for a moment, I will be there shortly." Cao Cao Cao ordered from the door, quickly eating the remaining pasta cake in his hand, then quickly left.

Ding Furen sighed, "Seems like Darling is determined to send troops to help Yuan Benchu. I wonder if this will be a blessing or a curse!"

"Sister, you don't need to worry. Yuan Benchu has over a hundred thousand elite soldiers under his command. Although my husband doesn't have many soldiers, the number of powerful generals are as numerous as the clouds. Once the two sides join forces, they will definitely be able to defeat Youzhou Army!"

"I hope so." Ding Furen forced a smile, but the worry in his eyes could not be removed.

When Cao Cao arrived outside the living room, a nine feet long ferocious man wearing a set of black armor stepped forward to welcome him. It was Cao Cao's guard leader, Dian Wei.

"Go gather everyone here for a discussion." Cao Cao said to Dian Wei in a low voice as he walked into the living room.

A handsome middle-aged scholar dressed in green was sitting upright on the ground. When he saw Cao Cao Cao, he quickly stood up and greeted him, "Xin Pi greets Envoy Cao."

This green-robed scholar was called Xin Pi, he was Xin Ping's younger brother, and was also the envoy that Yuan Shao had once again sent.

"Mister Jorge (Xin Pi) doesn't need to be so courteous, please take a seat." Cao Cao Cao smilingly walked over to help Xin Pi up, then walked over to the main seat and sat down.

"I wonder when Envoy Cao will send out his troops?" Xin Pi didn't bother with pleasantries after sitting down, and directly asked.

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said in a deep voice, "Today!"

Xin Pi was immediately overjoyed, he had thought that he would need to spend a lot of effort to persuade Cao Cao Cao, he did not expect that Cao Cao would actually agree so easily, he immediately cupped his hands and thanked: "Thank you Envoy Cao! My patriarch and the citizens of Jizhou will never forget the great kindness Envoy Cao has shown you! "

Cao Cao Cao waved his hand and laughed, "Mister Zuo Zhi, there's no need to be so polite. This old man and Ben Chu have been good friends for many years, how can he watch without doing anything? However —

Xin Pi immediately said with an obsequious smile, "If Envoy Cao has any concerns, please speak frankly. As long as I can do it, I will definitely agree to it!"

Cao Cao Cao sighed, "Ah, you don't have to be afraid of Mister's joke. This old man is broke, even the Yanzhou's treasury is able to run away with a mouse! It's definitely not a problem to send out troops today, but the money and food in this old man's possession can only be used for ten days at most! "

"So that's what happened." Xin Pi shook his head and laughed: "Envoy Cao does not need to worry, my master has already dealt with this matter! As long as the Envoy Cao army arrives at the Henei County, all of the food will be taken care of by my master. How many people there are will guarantee that they can provide enough money, they will definitely not lose a single grain of Envoy Cao! "

"Haha!" Cao Cao laughed loudly, "Since Ben Chu has made the arrangements, this old man has nothing to worry about! Sir, rest assured. At the latest, this old man will personally lead an army to save Qing He at noon! "

"Thank you, Envoy Cao!" Xin Pi cupped his hands again to express his thanks, and asked: "I wonder how many troops Envoy Cao is bringing?"

Cao Cao thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "25,000 people. This is the largest army this old man can take away."

Xin Pi could not help but be a little disappointed. Yan Liang's forty thousand strong army had all been annihilated in a single day. He hesitated for a moment, then asked with a smile: "Can Envoy Cao bring more troops?"

"I'm not willing, but I really can't!" Cao Cao Cao shook his head and explained: "This old man doesn't have as deep of a foundation as Brother Ben Chu, and in the past year, this old man has fought fiercely with Lv Bu and the old thief Tao Qian multiple times, and lost a lot of troops and horses, and even though Lv Bu left the Yanzhou, he was still eyeing them covetously. If this old man were to go all out to save Brother Ben Chu, Lv Bu would definitely attack again, and this old man needs to keep twenty thousand people to guard the Yanzhou!"

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