Xin Pi calculated in his heart, and realized that Cao Cao was not lying, with 25,000 people, it was already the maximum amount of men Cao Cao could take. He sighed lightly and thought to himself, although there are 25,000 people less, Cao Cao Cao is still a well-known duke. With this person leading a large army to rescue Yuan Shao, it can at least prove that Yuan Shao did not fight alone, but still has a strong and reliable ally! After the Yuan Cao and Cao family join forces, it should not be difficult to defend the Qing He City.

Cao Cao Cao saw the expression on Xin Pi's face, but he was unhappy in his heart. He said in a low voice: "Although this old man's strength is not great, there are many generals under me, and Xu Zhu, Dian Wei and Xiahou Dun all have courage that doesn't deserve to be called, they are not this old man's boasts, just based on the passing of strength, the two generals Yan Liangwenchou and Yan Liangwenchou are not their match! In addition to that, my disciple and the tiger leopard riding that I command (Cao Chun) are also one of the most powerful forces in the world.

He had heard of the reputations of these people before, especially the Dian Wei who brought him to this living room earlier, who was even called 'Ancient Evil' by Cao Cao. Moreover, Cao Cao Cao was prepared to bring the tiger leopard riding along. It could be seen that he sincerely wanted to help Yuan Shao, and was indeed unable to ask Cao Cao Cao to do anything more.

At this time, sounds of footsteps and noise came from outside, followed by Dian Wei bowing outside the door: "Reporting to my lord, all the generals and strategists have arrived, would you like to invite them in?"

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Let them in."

Dian Wei agreed, then turned around and conveyed Cao Cao's words to the gathered people in the courtyard.

Immediately, Cao Ren led the way as a group of people walked in.

Xin Pi quickly stood up, and greeted everyone according to Cao Cao's introduction.

Cao Ren and Xiahou Yuan were ranked in the top two, followed by Cao Hong, Xiahou Dun, Cao Chun, Xu Zhu, Xu Huang, Le Jin and the others. Since Yu Xuan and Li Dian were training the newly recruited recruits, they would not go with the army this time. Therefore, Cao Cao did not order them to come.

On the other hand, there were only three strategists: the Xun Yu brothers and Cheng Yu. Ever since Xi Zhicai died, no new strategists came to seek refuge with Cao Cao Cao. Currently, Cao Cao Cao relied on Sima Xun Yu the most, he was a schemer for internal affairs, and Cao Cao Cao listened to everything he said. Normally, when he led his troops out to war, Xun Yu would act on behalf of the prefectural governor and affectionately call him "my son".

Xun You focused on the civil and logistical aspects, taking charge of Cao Cao's food and taxes. He was also very trusted by Cao Cao.

Cheng Yu had an extraordinary reputation when he was young. He followed Cao Cao Cao and was in charge of controlling the warlords and the criminal law. He was selfless, his actions were vicious and even Cao Ren and the others revered him.

Xin Pi spoke very well. Other than the cold faced Cheng Yu and Cao Chun, he could also chat casually with the others.

Cao Cao waited for the servant to finish drinking the tea before retreating. He looked around and said solemnly: "My decision has been made. I have to send troops to help Yuan Benchu!"

Everyone looked at each other. For the past two days, they had been arguing about whether to send out their troops, most of the generals agreed to send out their troops, but the Xun Yu brothers and Cheng Yu had always strongly opposed it. ~ Could it be that Jizhou Army's situation has worsened again? When they thought about this, their gazes all landed on Xin Pi.

Cao Cao Cao made a gesture towards Xin Pi and said in a deep voice: "Please tell us more about the Jizhou's latest military news Mr. George."

Xin Pi stood up, cupped his hands in a circle, and said respectfully: "Envoy Cao, Masters, when I came, Gongsun Zan had already surrounded the city for three days. Every day, under the cover of lithograph and a large number of crossbows, he would attack the city walls ferociously, with large numbers of casualties on both sides! Although my master was well-prepared and the soldiers in the city were also going to die, Yan Liang had killed forty thousand of their elite soldiers. There is a huge disparity in the strength of both sides, so if Gongsun Zan was allowed to attack the city as he wished, it is hard to say how long my master will be able to hold on! In accordance to Yuan Shijun's orders, I have come here to seek your help, Envoy Cao and the various Monarchs. If not, once Jizhou loses, Gongsun Zan will definitely make his move on Yanzhou! "

After Xun Yu finished listening, he took the initiative to stand up and bow his hands: "Master, I know the logic behind this, but that Lv Bu thief has always been eyeing the Yanzhou covetously. Liu Bei's attitude suddenly changed after taking over the Xuzhou from that old thief Tao Qian, as if he also covets the Yanzhou.

Cao Cao Cao laughed: "Wen Ruo (Xun Yu) doesn't need to worry, this old man will not take all the troops and horses with me, I will also leave behind the capable generals to protect the Yanzhou, if I advance, it might not be enough, but it should be more than enough to protect myself."

Xun Yu frowned, and asked softly: "Since Master has made up his mind, this subordinate will no longer object! "May I ask who the Lord wants to stay behind and who he intends to bring with him?"

"Zi Xiao (Cao Ren) will temporarily take over on behalf of the prefectural governor to receive the seal! Zi Lian (Cao Hong), Zhong De (Cheng Yu) and Zhong Kang (Xu Zhu) would be there as support, while General Yu Xuan and General Li Dian would strengthen their training and become a new soldier, and would be staying in Yanzhou as well. " Cao Cao's eyes swept across the crowd one by one. Every time someone called out a name, that person would stand up and bow to receive their orders.

Cao Ren had a refined look on his face and was addressed as a scholar by Cao Cao Cao. As he had temporarily taken over the position of prefectural governor before, he did not decline and confidently took the seal from Cao Cao's hands. He then returned to his seat and bowed.

"Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Chun, Le Jin, Xu Huang!" Cao Cao called out another five names in succession, and the five people stood up in succession, cupping their fists and agreeing loudly.

"You will follow me to the Jizhou, Cao Chun will lead the troops and lead the vanguard, Xiahou Yuan will take charge of the rear, the rest will follow me to guard the middle army!"

"Here!" The five of them agreed with a loud sound. Their faces were filled with excitement.

Cao Cao Cao said as he cupped his hands towards the Xun Yu brothers, and said respectfully: "Wen Ruo, Gong Da (Xun You), Xian Kun Zhong will also be following this old man out.

The Xun Yu brothers said at the same time: "I assure you, Master, that this subordinate will do my best to help you!"

"Sit down." Cao Cao waved his hand to let everyone sit down. He looked at Cao Ren and said in a deep voice, "Zi Xiao, this old man will hand over our foundation to you. Do not act rashly! If Lv Bu the thief takes the chance to attack us, you must never leave the city to do battle.

Cao Ren cupped his hands together and said, "My lord, please be at ease. As long as this general still has a breath in me, I will definitely not lose my Yanzhou!"

Cao Cao Cao looked at Cheng Yu, smiled and said: "Zhong De, I will leave the other matters in the city to you. If there is anyone who dares to cause trouble, no matter who it is, you can behead them later!"

Cheng Yu cupped his hands: "This subordinate guarantees that no trouble will occur in the city!"

Cao Cao Cao thought for a while, but still ordered Xu Zhu to do something: "Zhong Kang, you are brave and extraordinary, just that your temper is too impulsive, this time you should guard the Yanzhou and listen to Zi Xiao's orders. If Lv Bu were to attack the city, no matter how he provoked, he would not be able to leave the city to fight! Do you understand? "

Xu Zhu cupped his fists, and said with a low voice: "My lord, please be at ease. I will definitely listen to the commands of my son, the filial general."

Cao Cao nodded and ordered Cao Chun: "Zi and (Cao Chun's word), immediately gather the tiger leopard riding and prepare to leave the city in two hours!"

"Here!" Cao Chun cupped his fists and turned to leave under the envious gazes of Xiahou Dun and Xu Huang.

"Miao Cai (" Xiahou Yuan"), you and Gong Da go together to see if the food preparation is complete. This time, our army will only bring three days' worth of food, and when we reach Henei County, Brother Ben Chu's people will help us replenish the food. " Cao Cao Cao originally wanted Xiahou Yuan to go and check on the preparation of the grains by himself, but after thinking about it, he decided to ask Xun You to go along as well. After all, the Yanzhou's grains were always under Xun You's control.

Xiahou Yuan and Xun You complied, and after bowing, they walked out in large strides.

The last person Cao Cao instructed was Xiahou Dun, "Yuan Jean (Xiahou Dun), go and gather all the soldiers in the army camp. This old man will set off for the army camp later!"

Xiahou Dun's face turned fierce, he took the command arrow from Cao Cao's hand and walked out of the living room while laughing. Xiahou Dun was also a poor guy, the only gains were from the spoils of war and Cao Cao Cao's rewards. Cao Cao Cao would always give his rewards to the general, so Xiahou Dun's favorite thing was to go to war, Le Jin, Xu Huang and the others were also like that, the moment they heard of the war, they immediately became excited, which was also one of the reasons why Cao Cao Cao could win many battles with only a small amount of manpower.

Cao Cao Cao looked at Xun Yu and asked: "Wen Ruo, do you think this old man has missed anything?"

Xun Yu bowed and said: "Master has already made all the arrangements, I have no objections."

Cao Cao smiled and was about to say something when a person barged in and shouted, "Father, your son has something to say!"

This man had red lips and white hair, he was extremely handsome, and was Cao Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang.

Cao Cao Cao's face sank, and shouted: "Zi Xiu, I am here to discuss military matters, how can you barge in?"

Cao Ang cupped his hands: "Reporting to father, this child has already grown up, and can help father share his worries. As the saying goes, father and son can step up to the battlefield, I hope that father will allow this child to follow the army and go out to war!"

"What do you think?" Cao Cao asked with a smile.

Xun You took the lead and laughed: "There is no mistake with First Young Master, we can all go with the army!"

"I second that!" Xun Yu also laughed and agreed.

"In that case, this old man shall agree to your request!" Tell your mother. "

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