When Gongsun Xu led a thousand odd cavalrymen and went around the forest on both sides of the official road to ambush them, Le Jin and his group were already four or five miles away. They did not need to use the Thousand Li Mirror, they could clearly see the 'Le' sign.

Gongsun Xu looked at the flag and thought, 'Happy? The one who was most famous under Cao Cao's command, General Le, seemed to be Le Jin. Could it be that the person who came was him? 'This person is also one of the five great generals. If only he can be captured alive! '

In that short period of time, Le Jin's group was even closer to the ambush place. In at most a hundred breaths, Gongsun Xu would give the order to attack.

Gongsun Xu raised the Thousand Li Mirror and looked at the back of the forest on Le Jin's side. He could vaguely see that there was dust flying everywhere, and it seemed that Zhao Yun had taken a detour to attack from the enemy's rear.

Le Jin was on the official road, so he could not see the dust behind the forest at all.

Gongsun Xu waved his long spear, and just as he was about to give the order to rush down, he suddenly realized that the enemy had stopped. He quickly retracted the order that was about to come out, and wondered, could it be that Le Jin had discovered the ambush? Even if Gongsun Xu found someone lying in ambush, he would not be able to escape. Even if Gongsun Xu were to charge down now, he had the utmost confidence in being able to make the other party stay, but because victory was in his grasp, he wanted to see why the other party suddenly stopped.

"Shen San, when was the last time you took this route?" Le Jin suddenly felt a trace of unease, thus he stopped to ask the guide beside him.

Shen San thought for a moment and said, "Reporting to the general, I was in the early summer of last year. I walked this road to the north about the middle of July. General, is there something wrong? "

Le Jin pointed to the forest in front of them, and asked: "Back then when you were walking on this road, did you encounter many birds and beasts?"

"A lot!" Shen San replied without even thinking: "Last year, at this time, Yuan Shijun was engaged in a fierce battle with the Army of Heishan. There were very few people on the road, and all sorts of birds and beasts could be seen along the way." As he said this, he mumbled to himself somewhat suspiciously, "Strange, just now there were still many birds and beasts crossing the river. There aren't many people coming and going here, so why aren't there any traces of birds and beasts?"

Hearing this, Le Jin's face immediately changed, and with a wave of his hand, he shouted, "All troops turn around quickly, we're returning the way we came from!"

Although everyone was stunned and confused, they still turned around and prepared to leave due to their trust and reverence for Le Jin.

Just at this moment, from a mountain a hundred steps ahead, the sound of an urgent gong rang out. Le Jin raised his head to look, and saw two armored riders, each carrying several hundred men, dashing down from the two sides of the mountain. They followed a young black-armored general and galloped their horses. The formation in front of them was still very orderly. Not a single person made a sound. The solemn atmosphere brought about by the silence became even heavier.

Le Jin's pupils suddenly shrank. He was also a cavalry general, so he naturally knew how powerful they were.

Le Jin was very clear in his heart that the cavalry in front of him was several times stronger than his own men, and their combat abilities were probably much higher than his own men. The nine most elite White Horse Camp Cavalry s! If he were to turn around and run, it would be equivalent to letting the enemy chop his back. The only outcome would be total annihilation! The best, or perhaps the only, option was to rush forward head-on. If he could defeat his opponent by a fluke, it would be for the best. Even if he could not win, he would be able to turn around and return under Shen San's leadership.

Seeing that the other party was not retreating, Gongsun Xu was both surprised and excited. To be able to make this kind of decision in such a short period of time, he must be Cao Cao Cao's best general. If there were no surprises, he should be one of the five good generals, Le Jin! Just thinking of how his first battle with Cao Cao had yielded such a huge harvest, Gongsun Xu immediately thought that his luck was not bad.

Both sides urged their horses to gallop forward. The sound of the horses' hooves shook the forest as dust and dirt flew on the four to five Zhang wide public road. If one looked from the top of the mountain, it was as if a giant yellow and a black dragon were madly galloping forward.

When both sides were about thirty steps apart, Gongsun Xu raised his spear and shouted: "Raise the crossbow, shoot three times!"

Le Jin turned pale when he heard it. The order the enemy general shouted out was' Triple Shot ', could it be that the enemy troops used crossbows that could be fired consecutively like what he had heard in Henei County? It was said that only Gongsun Xu's White Horse Camp was equipped with a large amount of crossbow. Could it be that the tall but tanned young general was actually Gongsun Xu?

"Whiz!" "Whiz!" "Whiz!"

Under Le Jin's shocked gaze, the opposing crossbow indeed shot out all at once. The first shot, the second shot, instantly sent two to three thousand arrows flying at the same time!

"My life is over!" Le Jin, who bore the brunt of the attack, could not help but let out a sorrowful cry. He struggled to brandish the long spear in his hand to prepare to block the arrow, but in his heart, he did not hold much hope, he only felt extremely aggrieved and angry. He himself was a dignified soldier under the Envoy Cao, but he did not even have the strength to retaliate! At this moment, he was extremely regretful. If he had known that the enemy's crossbow bolts were so powerful, he might have ordered his men to turn around and flee. Perhaps, some of them could have escaped!

In the time it took for a spark to fly, Le Jin's mind had already spun a few rounds, and the pitch black crossbow bolts facing him had already arrived in succession.

Le Jin brought the light cavalry this time, all of them were here to move quickly and freely, the soldiers under him only equipped a small amount of bows and arrows besides the ring head knife s and the Zhanmadao, most of them only wore leather armour and not a single shield. Against such a ferocious arrow, there was nothing else they could do other than to use their weapons to block it.

Pfft! Pfft! The crossbow arrows pierced into the flesh one after another. In that instant, miserable screams, curses, the mournful cries of war horses, and the sound of dead bodies falling to the ground rang out incessantly. The only thing that could be heard was the scattered birds and beasts that were still hiding in the nearby mountain forest.

Le Jin's spear was swung so fast that not even a drop of water could trickle through, but he quickly realised that there were no crossbow bolts flying towards him, the enemy seemed to have deliberately avoided his attack! Realizing that he was not attacked, Le Jin quickly turned his head to look. He saw that the people behind him had flipped over, and almost half of them fell off from the first wave of arrows!

Le Jin sighed in his heart, he was not rejoicing because he did not get attacked. The enemy army was already at an advantage, and now they were at least three to four times stronger, their weapons and equipment and morale were far stronger than his own side.

"Are you Le Jin?" Right at this moment, a loud shout from a few steps away woke Le Jin from his rage. It was the Gongsun Xu who had spurred his horse forward.

Le Jin also raised his spear and rushed forward, and shouted: "I am Le Jin, who are you?"

"It really is Le Jin!"

Gongsun Xu was ecstatic, and shouted loudly: "I am Gongsun Xu, look at my spear!" Finished speaking, the spear pierced straight into Le Jin's right chest.

"It really is Gongsun Xu! "This time, the odds are against us!" Le Jin was shocked, he was extremely knowledgeable about Gongsun Xu's deeds, and rumored that his opponent was a martial arts expert with great power, although he was confident in his own strength, he did not think that he would be able to defeat Wen Chou so easily! Wen Chou was also one of the top generals under Yuan Shao's command, yet he was easily defeated by Gongsun Xu. From this, it could be seen that Gongsun Xu's martial strength was very close to that of the hero Lv Bu, the weakest was comparable to Xu Zhu! Xu Zhu and Dian Wei's skills and strength were above the other two in terms of strength, and Le Jin could only hold onto them for about ten moves or so. Now that he was facing Gongsun Xu, whose fighting prowess was around the same as Xu Zhu, he had no way of winning.

However, Le Jin was after all, a veteran in the battlefield, and in the blink of an eye, he suppressed his bad mood and raised his spear to block Gongsun Xu's first strike.

Le Jin used the Damascus Steel Spear, which was not as good as Gongsun Xu's Fine Steel Spear, but it was still around 40 jin in weight, which was also a powerful weapon.


Two heavy spears weighing over a hundred jin collided with each other, emitting a loud and clear bell-like sound. It shook the ears of the surrounding people, causing an unceasing rumbling sound.

In the next moment, the long spear in Le Jin's hand flew out of his hands with a whoosh, and violently struck one of the subordinates beside him horizontally in front of his chest. That person did not even have the time to cry out before he was knocked off his horse by the spear. The long spear continued to spin backwards, passing through the body of another soldier, only stopping after it had flown twenty to thirty feet away with the unlucky ghost.

Le Jin only felt an excruciating pain all over his body, he had completely lost all feeling in his arms, the warhorse below him trembled as well, and his forelegs gave way, almost causing him to kneel on the ground.

"Come over to this one!" The moment the two horses crossed each other, Gongsun Xu let out a loud shout, turned the spear in his left hand, and stretched out his right arm. He suddenly pulled the temporarily helpless Le Jin over and placed it horizontally on his own horse, then pressed the tip of the spear on Le Jin's throat.

Le Jin struggled with all his might as Gongsun Xu's spear moved slightly. The sharp spear tip instantly pierced Le Jin's skin and fresh blood gushed out. Le Jin sighed, he knew that he could no longer struggle free. He was afraid that he would be humiliated and tortured by Gongsun Xu, but at the same time, he felt that he had shamed his trust in Cao Cao, and actually slammed his head into the tip of the spear!

Gongsun Xu turned pale with fright, unable to move the spear in time, he only felt the spear tip deeply pierce into Le Jin's throat, and blood immediately gushed out! Le Jin's body twitched for a few moments, and he raised his head with all his might, as though he wanted to take another look at Gongsun Xu, but he only raised it halfway before it drooped.

At this time, Gongsun Jia and the rest had also charged into the group of enemies, and only managed to kill them until they were utterly defeated.

"General Le Jin is dead!" "Quick, run!" At this time, when someone saw that Le Jin was dead, they immediately cried out in shock.

Gongsun Xu sighed, he bent down and gently placed Le Jin's body on the ground, then raised his spear and shouted: "Le Jin is dead, quickly dismount and surrender, this general will ensure your safety!"

When one of them heard this, he threw down his weapon and raised his hands up high, shouting, "This lowly one is willing to surrender!"

With the first surrender followed by the second, then the third, and the fourth … In a moment, the remaining hundred or so people threw away their weapons and raised their hands to surrender to Gongsun Xu.

Just then, another troop of cavalrymen rushed over from the direction that Le Jin came from. It was Zhang Yun and the rest.

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