After Zhao Yun arrived, he turned a blind eye to the many corpses and captives, and rushed to Gongsun Xu's side and cupped his fist and bowed. Looking at his corpse on the ground, he could not help but shake his head. He felt the same regret in his heart as Gongsun Xu. If he could capture Cao Cao Cao as a general alive after coming into contact with a battle for the first time, it would definitely lower the morale of the Cao Army.

Gongsun Xu casually found a few captives and inquired about Le Jin's identity and purpose of coming here.

Just then, Guo Jia, Xu You and the rest brought along their following armies and rushed over. The captives looked at the endless crowd in front of them and were all trembling with fear.

Guo Jia waited until Gongsun Xu finished asking his question, cupped his hands and laughed: "My lord, looks like Cao Cao is preparing to send troops to clear the river, but I am afraid he did not expect us to attack Henei County so quickly! We better move faster and surround Henei County before Cao Cao reacts! "

"I think so too!" Gongsun Xu nodded his head, pointing to the corpses and captives, he smiled confidently: "Cao Cao has many soldiers, and they are indeed not easy to deal with. However, their equipment is very poor, and is absolutely unable to compare with our army.

Xu You laughed: What General says is extremely correct, the position of the Henei County is relatively safer, thus Yuan Shao allowed his favorite nephew, Gao Gan, to guard this place, the city's forces are not enough to begin with, so when he was rushing over to the Qinghe County's side, he took a large portion of the people with him, although in the end, Gao Lan was able to bring over a few thousand people to the Henei County, a total of twenty to thirty thousand soldiers and horses, and most importantly, those people were all disorderly, even with Cao A and his men, he was unable to contend with the general!

Gongsun Xu thought for a while, then looked at Zhang He and asked: "General Jun Yi, how is Gao Lan?"

Zhang He had a deep relationship with Gao Lan, upon hearing these words, he immediately understood that Gongsun Xu had the intention of persuading him to surrender, and quickly cupped his fists: "This man has good martial arts, he is an extremely loyal person, and also has a good relationship with this general, if possible, I hope that Master can give this general a chance to persuade him to surrender to me!"

Gongsun Xu laughed: "This general has also heard of General Gao Lan's great name for a long time, I am truly looking forward to General Jun Yi's advice to come and seek refuge! Hebei has many talents, but it's a pity that Yuan Shao cannot know how to use them! "

Guo Jia taunted: "Yuan Shao is blind, there are many outstanding people that he cannot use, it is truly unfortunate, but to us, this is also a good thing! Mr. Zi Yuan, Mr. Yuan Hao and General Jun Yi are all top tier talents, yet they were all forced to leave.

When Zhang He heard this, he couldn't help but modesty, yet he actually cursed a few times at Yuan Shao, making him seem extremely resentful.

Gongsun Xu smiled but did not speak. After Xu You finished cursing, he asked: "General Jun Yi, how far is it from here to Henei County?"

Zhang He was from the Jizhou and was very familiar with the various places in the Jizhou. He casually replied, "Reporting to General, we are only about one hundred li away from Henei County."

"If that's the case," Gongsun Xu said as he raised his head to look at the sky, "I'm afraid that the entire army won't be able to reach the Henei County until early tomorrow morning. Zi Long, you will lead 2,000 cavalrymen as the vanguard. If you meet Cao Cao's scouts, take them all down! "

If Gongsun Xu had only brought the White Horse Camp's cavalry with him, he would be able to reach the Henei County in at most two to three hours. However, this time he had also brought the forty thousand walking soldier s and auxiliary force s, as well as the slower craftsmen s.

"Here!" Zhao Yun cupped his fists in reply. Just now, he had brought a thousand people with him when he was trying to outflank Le Jin, so he was prepared to bring these people along first.

Zhang He hesitated for a moment before suddenly opening his mouth: "Reporting to General, this general knows a small road that can allow me to travel thirty to forty Li less, but it is somewhat rugged and difficult to traverse and also require me to cross a few rivers. Would General like to try it?"

Zhang He was a general after all, and had come here for a very short period of time. He did not want to cause unnecessary trouble, but after thinking about it, he decided to stand out, and try to see if Gongsun Xu trusted him or not. And secondly, it was purely for military reasons. After all, the opponent this time was mainly Cao Cao Cao and not his former master Yuan Shao. Furthermore, he might be able to persuade his best friend Gao Lan to come and vote, so Zhang He didn't feel too burdened in his heart.

"Oh?" Gongsun Xu was startled, then said joyfully: "Why didn't General Jun Yi say earlier that he knew of a shortcut? Zi Long, hand over your thousand men to Jun Yi, and let Jun Yi lead the way for the vanguard! "

"Yes sir!" Zhao Yun cupped his fists and agreed.

"You can't!" Zhang He shook his hand repeatedly, and refused: "This general has just arrived, how could I dare to shoulder such a heavy responsibility! General Zi Long is the vanguard, I can just give you a guide! "

Guo Jia had not spoken since the beginning, and at this time, he could not help but secretly give Gongsun Xu a meaningful glance. This Zhang He had just come over, if he suddenly had a change of heart, then wouldn't that put the entire army in danger?

Gongsun Xu pretended not to see Guo Jia's expression and laughed: "Jun Yi does not need to decline, and he does not need to have any unnecessary thoughts. A general is a loyal and righteous man, how can this general not trust a general?"

Zhang He was moved and quickly cupped his fists and thanked: "Thank you for your trust, General! Rest assured General, I will definitely be the vanguard! "

"Go, this general will come later!" Gongsun Xu laughed and waved his hand.

"This general bids you farewell!" Zhang He cupped his hands and bowed, then led the thousand men to rush forward.

"Mr. Zi Yuan, I'm afraid this journey will be difficult. Please follow me and join the army." Gongsun Xu watched Zhang He and his group leave, and instructed Xu You.

As the troops at the back carried food and supplies, their speed would be slower and they would not be in danger, so Gongsun Xu's actions could be considered a form of special care for Xu You. Xu You was clear of this point, he bowed and expressed his gratitude, before urging his horse to the back.

"Son, why do you trust that Jun Yi so much? This guy first voted for Han Fu, then he changed his mind to Yuan Shao, and now he is forced to come over to join the army, how can I trust him? " Just as Xu You left, Guo Jia asked Gongsun Xu impatiently.

Gongsun Xu said in a deep voice, "Feng Xiao only needs to be at ease because he is a loyal person. The reason why he kept changing houses is because he is not valued and is repeatedly excluded. He will not go back on his word!"

"Let's hope so!" Guo Jia forced himself to nod his head, but in his heart, he did not accept Gongsun Xu's words.

Zhao Yun laughed out loud: "Brother Feng Xiao, don't worry, even if Zhang He had ulterior motives, how would he be able to order my White Horse Camp's soldiers around?"

Hearing that, Guo Jia slapped his forehead and said, "Aiya, what Zi Long said is extremely true, I am really muddled, I actually forgot about this!"

Gongsun Xu laughed mockingly, "Could it be that you secretly drank wine while you were in charge of the rear guard?"

When Guo Jia heard the word "drink", he was immediately shocked. He subconsciously looked left and right. And then he woke up with an awkward expression. In the past, Guo Jia's body was extremely weak because of his body's perverted state. Ever since he had set up an engagement with Gongsun Rui, he had been forced to stop drinking, and even more so, did not dare to enter the brothel anymore. The good thing was that his body had grown a lot stronger during the past half year under Hua Tuo's treatment. He would occasionally sneakily drink a few cups, but every time he drank, it was as if he was afraid of Gongsun Rui seeing him.

"Drink less, your body has just recovered." Gongsun Xu smiled and did not say much. If he talked too much about these kinds of things, it would inevitably arouse Guo Jia's disgust.

Guo Jia nodded, then waved goodbye to Zhao Yun and turned his horse to head towards the rear. This time, Guo Jia took the initiative to submit to him and take charge of the rear guard. It was rare for Gongsun Xu to see him act so actively, so he happily gave him thousands of auxiliary force s, artisans, and escorts, all together.

As Gongsun Xu and Zhao Yun watched him gradually disappear into the distance, they suddenly looked at each other and laughed out loud. In this way, Gongsun Rui's' driver of violence 'seemed to have succeeded.

After laughing, Gongsun Xu said: "Let Shan Meng follow Feng Xiao."

When Zhao Yun was at the vanguard, he was by Gongsun Xu's side, the young general who was most trustworthy and worthy of being nurtured. Now that Zhang He had become the vanguard, Zhao Yun would follow beside him like in the past, so Gongsun Xu sent Shan Meng to his side. After all, the officers in the rear were not able to help him, so if there were any emergencies, Shan Meng could help him deal with them.

After a while, the army of tens of thousands began to accelerate, and the official road and mountain forest gradually regained their calm.

At that time, the luxurious Henei County was brightly lit. Cao Cao was in the hall looking through some documents of the Henei County.

When Gao Qian left the Henei County, he handed over all the authority to the Madam, and handed over the defense of the city to his trusted aide, Gao Gang. When Gao Lan arrived at Henei County, his subordinate was also in Gao Gang's hands, and Gao Lan became a simple general. After Cao Cao Cao brought his army over and asked for the defense of the city, Gao Gang and Gao Qian's wives agreed after a discussion. After all, Cao Cao Cao was here to rescue Yuan Shao and had strong soldiers so it was safer for him to take over the defense.

After Cao Cao had read through a lot of documents, he raised his head and asked the guard at the entrance, "Is there still no news from Wen Qian?"

The guard bowed and said, "My lord, there is no news about General Le!"

Cao Cao Cao stood up and stretched his body, then mumbled to himself: "Strange, Wen Qian is always cautious when doing things, even if he encounters any accidents, he would promptly send a message! Tell Xiahou Yuan to come and see me! "

"Here!" "Yes," the guard replied loudly, turned around, and ran away.

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