Under the bright moonlight, a black cavalry unit rushed out from the woods like a ghost. Their black scarves were covering their faces, and their warhorses also had bamboo cages around their mouths. Besides the sound of footsteps and the clashing of armoured weapons, there was no other sound. One by one, they emerged from the woods and came to a small river. Under the moonlight, they could clearly see the rocks at the bottom of the river. It was obvious that the river was not very deep.

This was the vanguard team led by Zhang He. There were a thousand and two people, and other than the thousand elite cavalry and Zhang He, the other person was Gongsun Xu's personal guard, Gongsun Jia.

"March 16th." Gongsun Jia gave the answer in one go, and continued to cherish the words as if they were gold.

Zhang He said in a daze, "I have been so busy lately that I have almost lost my mind. I have already forgotten what day it is. "No wonder the moon is so bright tonight!"

Gongsun Jia remained silent. He did not like to chat with people, and furthermore, he was not familiar with Zhang He.

Zhang He also did not think that it was a pestle either. He pointed to the thirty to forty feet wide river and laughed: "After crossing this river, we will reach the bottom of Henei County after walking another seventy to eighty five kilometers. Guard Gongsun, after you cross the river, would you like to rest? Firstly, to recover your strength. Secondly, to wait for General Gongsun to catch up. "

Gongsun Jia looked at the lush forest on the other side of the river, and said with a muffled voice, "General, you shall be the one to make the decision."

Zhang He nodded his head, and was suddenly somewhat moved. He did not have any relationship with General Gongsun Xu, and furthermore, he had just surrendered, so he did not expect General Gongsun Xu to trust him so much! After comparing it with what Yuan Shao had done, Zhang He couldn't help but secretly make up his mind. Other than attacking Yuan Shao, he would also make up his mind to carry out all of Ji Houfuzi's orders, even if it meant going through fire and water!

This vanguard team had already walked for fifty to sixty miles on all sorts of rugged roads. At this time, they were already tired, and their mouths were dry. When they saw the river, they wished they could go up and drink a little bit and then lie on the ground to have a good rest. However, the military discipline of the White Horse Camp was strict. Before the general gave his order, no one dared to dismount from their horse and go drink.

Zhang He saw this scene, and admired Gongsun Xu even more from the bottom of his heart. Such a strict and disciplined troop, was exactly the one he wanted to lead the most! Previously, Zhang He thought that the White Horse Camp's reputation was just for show, but on the way here, he had completely believed that the rumors were not false, and was extremely glad that he had quickly pledged his allegiance to the Marquis Jin. With such a strong team, the Youzhou would definitely have a chance to accomplish great things!

Zhang He looked at the forest in front of him for a while. He did not see anything abnormal.

The soldiers were overjoyed when they heard this. They dismounted from their horses and went to the river to drink, then filled their empty water sacs. During this process, no one spoke, everything seemed silent and orderly.

Zhang He could not help but sigh to Gongsun Jia: "General Gongsun is truly an extraordinary person! "I really wonder how he managed to train such an elite martial artist!"

Gongsun Jia's stern face revealed a rare trace of a smile. The preparation and training of the White Horse Camp was personally done by Gongsun Xu, he had to put in a lot of effort as well.

After a while, the soldiers ate some rations and drank some water. Then, they also fed some food and water to their warhorses, recovering their spirits. The depth of the river had been clearly discovered. The deepest part could only reach the thigh of the horse, and he didn't even need to dismount to safely cross the river.

"Cross the river!" Zhang He waved his hand, spurring his horse to gallop towards the river.

In the depths of the forest two to three miles away from the river, there was a cavalry troop that was also dressed in black armor. Their mouths were all covered as they stared nervously at Zhang He and the rest who were crossing the river.

Less than an hour ago, the scouts that Cao Chun had sent out discovered the vanguard team led by Zhang He fifteen kilometers away. Because Zhang He never thought that the tiger leopard riding would also come out so coincidentally, he didn't send the scouts fifteen kilometers away like the tiger leopard riding did, and thus didn't even know that he had been discovered. After the scouts of the tiger leopard riding had quietly retreated and spread the news to Cao Chun, Cao Chun decided to ambush the enemy here.

Cao Chun held onto his spear, his sharp and cold eyes staring straight at the Zhang He in front of him. He had already confirmed that he was an enemy, but this team was waving the flag of the White Horse Camp, he had no way to guess Zhang He's identity.

Cao Chun saw that the enemies on the other side started to cross the river one by one and couldn't help but think to himself: "There aren't many enemies, it seems like the enemy army of the vanguard team has suddenly appeared and Wen Qian wasn't able to turn back. Could it be that it was as brother Meng De guessed, that Le Wen Qian's group had encountered an accident? 'Looks like I'll have to capture a few prisoners and interrogate them later! '

"General, do you want to take this opportunity to charge forward?" A Cao family member whispered into Cao Chun's ear, eager to give it a try.

Cao Chun shook his head. The enemy was eating and drinking on the other side of the river, and only after recovering did they begin to cross the river. From this, it could be seen that the enemy was an experienced general. If the enemy began crossing the river as soon as they arrived, he would definitely give the order to rush out. The forest where the tiger leopard riding was hiding was still two to three miles away from the river. Furthermore, the enemy had already recovered some of their strength, so fighting their way out would not be an advantage. Cao Chun decided to wait a little longer. After the enemy crosses the river and finds out that nothing abnormal has happened, they will definitely relax. At that time, it will be the best time to attack!

After crossing the river, Zhang He raised his hand to stop the procession, and started to scan the area ahead.

Cao Chun was shocked, thinking that the enemy had detected him, he quickly gestured to the people around him.

The soldiers of the tiger leopard riding all bent down, at the same time, they tried their best to calm the horses, afraid that the enemy would notice if they made any noise.

Zhang He stared wide-eyed for a long time. As the tiger leopard riding was very far away, and the forest was dense, he did not notice anything abnormal, so he waved his hand and said: "Continue!"

Cao Chun heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the enemy did not discover the tiger leopard riding, although he was confident that he could take care of this group of enemies head-on, but if he was able to suddenly ambush and fight his way out, his chances of winning would be much higher. He raised his hand and made a gesture. The tiger leopard riding cavalry quietly climbed onto their horses, ready to rush out at any time.

In truth, Zhang He was already very cautious. In the dead of night, he had not revealed the route they were traveling, so logically speaking, there shouldn't be an enemy army around. It was a pity that things didn't go smoothly in the world, but Cao Cao Cao had sent out the tiger leopard riding tonight, and the scouts of the tiger leopard riding had also discovered the whereabouts of Zhang He's group.

These two great armies could be said to be among the strongest in the world. Just like that, by coincidence, they bumped into each other.

Zhang He did not give the order to speed up, the thousand of them slowly walked along the one meter wide road, towards the location where the tiger leopard riding was lying in ambush.

Cao Chun's gaze continued to follow the other party, and when the flag of the White Horse Camp was two or three hundred steps away, he suddenly shouted explosively, "tiger leopard riding is invincible! Kill! "

With a loud shout, Cao Chun raised his spear and rushed forward.

"tiger leopard riding is invincible! Kill! " Following that, Cao Chun rushed out of the woods. The dull sound of horses' hooves and high sounds of fighting instantly broke the tranquility of the forest.

Zhang He was shocked, he never thought that he would meet enemies in this damned place, moreover it was the strongest elite tiger leopard riding under Cao Cao's command! However, at this time he did not have time to think about anything else. Raising his weapon high up in the air, he shouted loudly: "Warriors of the White Horse Camp, go kill them, defeat them!"

Compared to Zhang He's shock, the soldiers of White Horse Camp were actually more shocked, because when Gongsun Xu was practicing, he would often provoke them with some unexpected circumstances, and over time, the soldiers had become calm. Hearing Zhang He's orders, they spoke out for the first time during tonight's march.

"White Horse is invincible!" Kill! "

'It's actually the White Horse Camp! ' Cao Chun was also shocked, he never thought that he would meet the most elite White Horse Camp Cavalry here!

After he recovered from his shock, Cao Chun's heart was filled with a sense of pride, thinking that he, Cao Zi He, would like to see what the rumored extremely elite White Horse Camp has to be capable of! Let's see if White Horse Camp is powerful or if I can personally train him to be more elite!

The two strong armies charged face to face. In just a few dozen breaths of time, both sides had reached a distance of 20-30 steps away from each other.

"Arrows, shoot!" Seemingly at the same time, Cao Chun and Zhang He gave the same order.

The dull and strong sounds of the bowstring rang out continuously. The arrows were like dark clouds as they pierced through the night sky, pouring down onto each other's heads!

The tiger leopard riding was equipped with a crossbow, which was even more powerful. However, they could only fire one arrow at a time, and at such a close distance, they could only fire one arrow. On the other hand, the that they were using was slightly weaker than Zhang Gong, but they could continuously shoot crossbow. Not only did it make up for the slight deficiency in power, just from the overall strength of the crossbow arrows, the White Horse Camp held the absolute advantage. Within twenty steps, each of the tiger leopard riding s had released a crossbow arrow, while the White Horse Camp s had released three times as many. In other words, in the blink of an eye, the White Horse Camp had already released more than three thousand crossbow bolts!

In a split-second, people were thrown onto the ground as screams of agony filled the air. Countless people were shot down from their horses, and were trampled by the hooves of the horses behind them. tiger leopard riding had a large number of people, and his crossbow arrows were even stronger. Both sides lost roughly the same amount of people, with White Horse Camp losing more than 300 people in this round of crossbow arrows, and tiger leopard riding losing more than 400 people.

Zhang He brandished his weapon and shot at his crossbow arrows consecutively. Other than a few crossbow arrows that grazed past the war horses, none of them took any major damage. As the crossbow bolts fell to the ground one by one, Zhang He was already in front of Cao Chun. He did not have enough time to clearly see the opponent's appearance, and with a loud roar, he stabbed out with his spear!

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