Cao Chun's martial arts could be said to be number one in the Cao Clan. Other than Cao Hong, who could compete with him, no one else was his match. When he had picked his men, Cao Chun had displayed his strong martial power. Whether it was horse fight or foot fight, or even sparring with bows and arrows, he had completely subdued the group of thugs who refused to accept his provocation, and from then on, had smoothly controlled this wild and untamed group.

Cao Chun was proficient in several types of weapons, and the one he liked to use the most was a sixty kilogram long blade. If he were to use his full strength in one slash, he would be able to cut down a large tree that was as thick as a bowl. Usually, when a complete set of blade technique was displayed, every three to four feet, it would be enveloped in a whistling blade light. It was hard for people to believe that the violent and ferocious blade technique was executed by a handsome and refined young man.

At this time, facing Zhang He's chest stab, Cao Chun's expression did not change at all. Both of his hands wielded the long blade to block, and following a clanging sound, the broad edge of the blade accurately blocked Zhang He's spear.

The two of them had their own thoughts, but the movements of their hands were not slow at all. In the moment that they crossed each other, Zhang He's spear shot towards Cao Chun's ribs like lightning! If this spear strike landed on the ground, even if Cao Chun did not die, he would at least be heavily injured and fall.

Cao Chun's long blade was too heavy, at such a close distance, it would be difficult for him to resist in time, if he barely dodged it, he would probably be injured a little. More importantly, the pride in Cao Chun's heart did not allow him to be defeated by an unknown opponent one after the other. With a loud shout, Cao Chun swung his blade towards Zhang He's neck. Surprisingly, he used a suicidal move to deal with Zhang He's spear.

'Dog. Day. "Madman!" Zhang He cursed in his heart, he did not want to die with an unknown person for no reason at all.

Swish! Cao Chun's blade struck empty air, and the sound of the wind blowing caused the cloak on Zhang He's back to flutter for a bit.

Zhang He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat when he heard the sound of the blade slicing through the air.

Pfft! Halfway through, Cao Chun's blade coincidentally cut into the chest of a person who was rushing over. The blade easily cut through the hard armor and cut the man into two. Blood spurted out as the upper half of the body fell to the ground. The lower half was carried by the warhorse for a few steps before falling off the horse.

The White Horse Camp warriors were all shocked, the armor on their bodies were made of refined steel, it was extremely expensive, each of them could easily defend against arrows 30 to 50 steps away, but right now they were cut into two by Cao Chun, the man's strength seemed to be equal to General Gongsun Xu's! Although they were shocked, no one retreated because of it. Seven to eight people raised their ring head knife high, and rushed towards Cao Chun while shouting loudly.

Cao Chun's horse continued to rush forward. He raised his left hand to wipe off the blood on his face, and then used both hands to hold his blade, blocking all of the blades that were flying towards him. Not only did Cao Chun block his opponent's attack, he also took the opportunity to slash three times, and managed to slash three people off the horse. He continued to rush forward five or six steps before stopping.

Gongsun Jia who was following behind was enraged, he raised his spear and rushed towards Cao Chun.

On the other side, Zhang He had also encountered four people's attacks after he had charged into the group of enemies. Like a viper, he thrusted out his spear consecutively, causing two people to fall off their horses after having their throats pierced. One of the other two fell off their horses after having their ribs pierced, while the other quickly dodged Zhang He's attacks. Zhang He's right chest was cut by the blade. Fortunately, the armor was sturdy enough, and this person's strength was far from Cao Chun's. Other than a wound on his armor, he was completely unharmed.

A few steps away from Zhang He was a tiger leopard riding named Cao Meng. Seeing how fierce Zhang He was, he was also furious, he was also a Cao family member, he had always viewed the tiger leopard riding as the Cao family's private army, how could he tolerate others acting so presumptuously in front of him! With a roar, he raised his ring head knife and spurred his horse towards Zhang He.

In addition to these two small fights, White Horse Camp and the rest of the people of tiger leopard riding had already charged towards each other. Immediately, miserable screams, shouts, and angry curses could be heard.

Clang! Clang! At practically the same time, Gongsun Jia easily blocked Gongsun Jia's spear, and Cao Meng's blade that he was so determined to win was also casually blocked by Zhang He. Gongsun Jia bellowed, his spear continued to fly towards Cao Chun.

"Eh?" 'This person's spear arts seem a bit strange! ' Cao Chun was a little shocked in his heart. The spear technique in front of him seemed strong and ferocious, but it contained a kind of femininity, as though it was somewhat similar to the rumours of Gongsun Zan's' Life Bestowal Spear Art '. Could this person be one of Gongsun Zan's clansmen? Right now, Cao Chun was confident that he would win, and wanted to try a few moves, to see if there was anything else that was worthy of his attention, so he did not retaliate, and only countered with a casual move to block Gongsun Jia's attack.

Zhang He was anxious, the enemy troops were clearly superior in numbers, and their equipment and fighting strength were not inferior to the White Horse Camp. If this stalemate continued, the result would not be good, they could only lead their troops to break out of the siege as soon as possible, and wait for General Gongsun Xu's successor, the large military. Zhang He thought about this and shot three times. The first shot sent Cao Meng's weapon flying, and the second shot was blocked by Cao Meng's arm, but the third shot accurately hit Cao Meng's throat!

Cao Meng clutched at his throat as he fell to the ground. Even before his death, his eyes were still filled with shock and disbelief.

After Zhang He killed Cao Meng, he immediately turned his horse around and raised his spear as he shouted: "Brothers, follow me and kill our way out!"

The soldiers of the White Horse Camp all rushed towards Zhang He upon hearing his voice, surrounding him as they charged forward.

How could tiger leopard riding be willing to give up on the fat at the corner of his mouth?

Cao Chun easily blocked Gongsun Jia's seven to eight consecutive attacks, and already had a better understanding of Gongsun Jia's spear techniques, and was no longer interested in watching him fight any further. Coincidentally, he heard the tiger leopard riding cavalrymen behind him shouting and chasing after his opponents, so he suddenly changed his defense to attacking, and slashed three times in a row.

When Gongsun Jia tried his best to block the first slash, his arms were already numb to it; when he tried his best to block the second slash, the middle part of the spear in his hands had completely curved into an arc, his arms were already dislocated from the impact, the web between his thumb and forefinger had completely cracked, and blood was wildly spewing out of his mouth; just as the third slash was about to land on his head, Gongsun Jia was unable to block or evade in time, he suddenly roared, and used his last bit of strength to leap towards Cao Chun!

The sharp blade pierced right through Gongsun Jia's shoulder, right through his waist, almost slicing him in half!

Cao Chun already had no time to dodge or even raise his blade to send Gongsun Jia flying. He could only watch as the opponent pounced towards him with his only left arm tightly wrapped around his neck. Just as Cao Chun struggled free with all his might, Gongsun Jia suddenly bit down on his face, then shook his head hard and forcibly bit off a piece of meat the size of a baby's fist!

Cao Chun screamed miserably, feeling shocked and furious at the same time. He actually forgot to use his blade to cut off Gongsun Jia's arm, and instead used his left hand to desperately tear off Gongsun Jia's hair. Gongsun Jia's entire body was currently bathed in blood, a piece of flesh was still in his mouth, he looked as sinister and terrifying as a regional ghost. Although he was already dead, his left hand was still tightly holding onto Cao Chun's neck.

The tiger leopard riding soldiers who were rushing over were intimidated by Gongsun Jia's bravery and looked on helplessly as Cao Chun struggled with all his might. No one actually dared to help him. Cao Chun finally tore off Gongsun Jia's arm that was around his neck. He angrily threw Gongsun Jia's corpse to the side as if it was a torn cloth bag. He rubbed his neck and took deep breaths.

"Guard Gongsun!" Zhang He rushed over, upon seeing the situation, he could not help but let out a wail, and raised his spear to fight Cao Chun.

Cao Chun had just recovered from his shock and upon seeing Zhang He rushing towards him, he couldn't help but direct all of his anger onto her. He pulled himself together and fought with Zhang He. The two fought head on, exchanging seven or eight blows, but neither of them managed to gain an advantage over the other.

At this time, Zhang He saw that a majority of the White Horse Camp warriors had already rushed to his front, and suddenly swung their spears, lifted the reins and left. Cao Chun was caught off guard and he was successfully pulled out of the battle. He turned around to look at the large number of corpses of the tiger leopard riding warriors behind him, then raised his head to the sky and roared angrily as he spurred his horse to chase after them.

"Don't keep fighting, quickly retreat with me!" Zhang He shouted loudly as he escaped, calling for the White Horse Camp's soldiers to gather by his side and retreat.

This battle just now had happened in a very short time, not even one stick of incense's worth of time, but there were only five hundred or so cavalrymen from the thousand White Horse Camp left. Almost half of them were either injured or killed in that short and tragic battle! On the other hand, although the tiger leopard riding had the advantage in numbers, they had lost more than six hundred people. Most of these people died when the crossbow and arrows were fired at each other, so when the two sides were fighting, the casualties of the White Horse Camp, who lost half, were slightly more.

Ever since the establishment of these two strong cavalry squads, it was the first time that they had suffered such a heavy loss, causing Cao Chun, who had single-handedly created the tiger leopard riding, to feel extremely pained! The Yanzhou was unlike the Youzhou, who only had 20% of the annual income. Cao Cao Cao had spent tens of thousands of gold coins on tiger leopard riding, but the first battle after the expedition already ended like this, Cao Chun really did not know how to explain it to Cao Cao! The only way for Cao Cao to feel better was to destroy all the White Horse Camp Cavalry in front of him and bring back their armors and horses.

It was precisely because of this that Cao Chun decided to ignore everything and chase after him to annihilate the opponent, and was in no mood to consider whether or not he had reinforcements.

During the escape, Zhang He ordered the crossbow arrows to attack two waves of people, and once again shot another hundred tiger leopard riding soldiers off their horses. This action caused Cao Chun to be even more furious, he swore to completely annihilate this group of enemies.

Both sides fled and chased one another, and very quickly, they were already seven to eight kilometers away. tiger leopard riding also gradually caught up, and the White Horse Camp Cavalry that had fallen behind were all slashed down from their horses.

Looking at the steep slope in front of them, White Horse Camp had nowhere to run. Suddenly, a burst of drum beats could be heard from above the hill, followed by a large number of torches lighting up from all four directions, completely surrounding tiger leopard riding.

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