Seeing Cao Chun rushing over, Zhao Yun's face became serious. tiger leopard riding's fighting strength was extremely strong, but this unknown general was able to control the tiger leopard riding easily, and had even forced Zhang He to flee, even though the tiger leopard riding held the advantage in numbers, it was sufficient to prove his strength. Zhao Yun shook his spear, using all his strength to pinch his horse's stomach, preparing to rush forward, but Zhang He who was beside him rushed out first.

"General Zi Long, please let this lowly general go!"

Cao Chun had already rushed three or four steps forward, the blade in his hands raised high, Zhang He could not care less about agreeing, holding onto the spear with both of his hands, he cautiously welcomed the attack.

The two of them had battled just now, so they understood each other, and regardless of whether it was Cao Chun or the others, they hated each other to the core. The moment their enemies met, their eyes would turn red.

The dozens of people who were charging over from behind Cao Chun were already determined to die. All of them worked hard, and each one of them fought for the lead, disregarding that they were facing countless of enemies. With dozens of people fighting against two to three thousand people, the result was without any suspense. These brave soldiers of the tiger leopard riding were like pebbles thrown into the ocean, quickly submerged under the countless ring head knife. However, even with such a large difference in numbers, the explosion of these dozens of people had caused more than one hundred and thirty deaths in the White Horse Camp Cavalry. Just from this small difference in numbers, it could be said that the White Horse Camp had been utterly defeated!

From his vantage point, Zhao Yun was shocked, shocked, and angry at the same time. At the same time, he found it hard to believe that the White Horse Camp Cavalry was the strongest army in the world. If tiger leopard riding and the number of White Horse Camp were the same, he really didn't dare to imagine what would happen in the end. Just a moment ago, he was extremely dissatisfied with Zhang He for actually fleeing, and only now did he realize that he was wrong.

Although Zhao Yun was very unhappy in his heart, he did not forget his duty and ordered his soldiers to chase after the fleeing tiger leopard riding.

The two thousand over White Horse Camp Cavalry s also felt that they had lost face just now. After hearing the order, they shouted and galloped, chasing after Cao Chun.

At this time, Gongsun Xu also arrived on his horse, and when he saw this scene, he could not help but sigh: "tiger leopard riding is truly powerful! If it was a one on one fight, White Horse Camp would not be his match! "

"Now it seems that in terms of numbers, the White Horse Camp cannot compare to the tiger leopard riding!" Zhao Yun muttered: "We need to ruthlessly train our brothers. This time, they finally know what it means to have a heaven above them and a heaven above them!"

Gongsun Xu smiled as he shook his head, not a single trace of unhappiness and disappointment remained in his heart. Everyone in tiger leopard riding was an elite, and although White Horse Camp had gone through a round of screening, the selection process was definitely not as strict as tiger leopard riding's. It was only natural that the quality of their soldiers would be inferior to tiger leopard riding's. Gongsun Xu had over 40,000 trained reserve troops in the Tianjin army camp, so he could expand the White Horse Camp at any time. However, an elite army like the tiger leopard riding was not something that could be trained easily, so he did not need to be bothered about this at all.

Zhao Yun's position had been steadily rising, and now, he was only second to Gongsun Xu and Guo Jia. had single-handedly created the White Horse Camp, but after the army had gotten onto the right track, Gongsun Xu had started to give way to the army. Usually, Zhao Yun was the one who presided over the cavalry training, and many of the new recruits had received his guidance before. Sometimes, Zhao Yun would even treat the warriors of the White Horse Camp as his own disciples, thus, when faced with this kind of 'tragic failure', he was somewhat resentful and resentful.

"My lord, this general will also chase after him and take a look!" Zhao Yun looked at Cao Chun and Zhang He's battle and realized that it was difficult to differentiate between the two of them. Zhang He was not in danger in a short period of time, so he cupped his fists and urged his horse to go forward.

Although he and Zhang He were fighting intensely, everything that had happened was in his eyes. As he watched White Horse Camp's large troop of cavalry chasing after his brothers, he could not help but get angry and anxious. Cao Chun believed that the defeat that tiger leopard riding suffered today was due to his arrogance and negligence, if he died in battle, it would be considered redemption, but he didn't care if he died here. If all the good sons of tiger leopard riding died after being caught up to them, how could he live up to Brother Meng De's trust?

Cao Chun's martial arts was only slightly stronger than Zhang He's. At this time, his mind was in a mess, and the movements of his hands were unavoidably slow and messy.

Zhang He had a lot of experience in killing and killing, so he took the opportunity to launch a series of quick and fierce attacks, and actually had the upper hand for a moment.

Gongsun Xu watched coldly from the side, but his spear had always been tightly gripped in his hand, prepared to rescue Zhang He whenever he was in danger. Zhang He didn't know who his opponent was after fighting with him for half a day, but Gongsun Xu guessed that this person should be Cao Cao Cao's cousin Cao Chun. In the entire history, Cao Chun had made impressive achievements, killing Yuan Tan, capturing him, and the battle at Sakhalo had caused the names of the two girls who captured Liu Bei to change throughout the world. The reason why Cao Chun ended up being conferred the title of marquis was not because he was Cao Cao's younger brother, but because he had actual battle achievements in his hands.

The two of them exchanged a few more moves, Cao Chun had more defenses than offense, and the situation of him being at a disadvantage became more and more obvious. In his heart, he was even more anxious and angry, if he could not kill Zhang He before he died, how would he have the face to go and die generously?! At this time, Cao Chun saw Zhang He's incomparably agile spear pierce towards his left chest, he did not dodge at all, and the heavy blade in his hand suddenly slashed towards Zhang He's waist, attempting to perish together with his opponent.

Seeing that, Zhang He was overwhelmed with shock, at the moment, he was already used to using his techniques, it was definitely too late to fight back with a spear, and both sides were too close, it was difficult for him to dodge.

'Die then! "To be able to perish together with this fellow is a worthy death!" Zhang He steeled his heart, he suddenly exerted power in both of his hands, attempting to stab his opponent before the blade hits his body!

Clang! Clang!

The weapons in Cao Chun's and Zhang He's hands left each other's hands one after the other and were sent flying several meters away. A three meter long spear appeared between them and it was precisely this spear that had sent the weapons in their hands flying with lightning speed.

The owner of the spear was Gongsun Xu. Seeing that the situation was bad, he suddenly rushed forward and swiftly sent Cao Chun and his weapon flying. Normally, it would be impossible for Gongsun Xu to send these two flying with ease, but now that they were both thinking about killing each other, all of their attention was focused on their opponent, and they were not holding back in their attacks, which was why Gongsun Xu had been able to get away with it in one fell swoop.

Zhang He quickly reacted, spurring his horse to retreat a few steps, he cupped his fists and said: "Thank you General Gongsun for saving my life!"

"Jun Yi, no need to be so polite." Gongsun Xu nodded his head, after taking back his spear, he stared at Cao Chun and asked: "Are you Cao Chun Cao Zi?"

Hearing that, Cao Chun was shocked, how did Gongsun Xu recognize him? For a moment, he actually forgot to speak.

Gongsun Xu thought that Cao Chun did not hear it clearly, and asked again.

"Right now, I am considered nameless in Yanzhou. I never thought that the famous Gongsun Xu would even know my name. Sigh … Looks like it was wrong of Brother Meng De to send troops to save Yuan Shao this time. It's a pity that I can't go back to persuade him to return to the Yanzhou as soon as possible! "

Cao Chun suppressed the shock in his heart and said coldly: "I am Cao Chun, and you are Gongsun Xu?" While he was speaking, his hand slowly moved to the hilt of the blade at his waist as he tried to find an opportunity to kill Gongsun Xu.

Gongsun Xu did not seem to notice Cao Chun's little trick as he smiled and nodded: "That's right, I am Academy Officer Gongsun Xu who protected Wu Huan. I did not expect to meet the creator of the tiger leopard riding, truly an honor to me!"

"I am just a nameless person, how would I dare to be praised like that by the General Gongsun!" Although Cao Chun's mouth was humble, he suddenly pulled out his blade and roared, and slashed towards Gongsun Xu's head.

Zhang He turned pale with fright. She raised her hand with the intent to help him, but only then did she realize that her weapon had left her hand and shouted loudly, "General Gongsun, be careful!"

Gongsun Xu sneered. Actually, he had already seen Cao Chun's actions earlier, but he was very confident in himself, and wanted to test his abilities, so he didn't pay attention to it. At this moment, he saw Cao Chun's blade fall down, he quickly raised the spear in his hand and stabbed the blade of Cao Chun's blade with incomparable agility and accuracy!

Gongsun Xu's longspear weighed over fifty kilograms, and the blade at Cao Chun's waist was only four to five kilograms. Furthermore, his strength was never as good as Gongsun Xu's, so the moment the sword and spear clashed, Cao Chun felt the palm of his hand shake greatly, as the blade at his waist spun and flew very far away.

"Good spear art!" Zhang He could not help but exclaim. The power and accuracy of this strike far surpassed his, and he had finally witnessed Gongsun Xu's ability with his own eyes.

Gongsun Xu's spear trembled, the tip stopping three inches away from Cao Chun's throat as he stared at Cao Chun with a cold smile.

Cao Chun sighed, then suddenly pounced forward, attempting to smash onto Gongsun Xu's spear tip. If he were to be captured again and used by the other party to threaten brother Meng De, how would he face the Cao family's ancestor in the future?!

That day, Le Jin did not want to be captured, so he crashed into Gongsun Xu's spear and died. With Le Jin as an example, Gongsun Xu would definitely not let him succeed! He suddenly retracted his spear, and fiercely swept his spear across, hitting Cao Chun off his horse with a bang.

Cao Chun spat out blood and rolled a few rounds on the ground to stabilize his body. His helmet also fell to the ground and he wanted to sit up, but was unable to do so.

Gongsun Xu waved his hand, and Gongsun Yi jumped down from the horse. He walked up and tied Cao Chun up tightly with a rope.

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