In the prefecture chief mansion's living room, Cao Cao threw away the document in his hands, lightly rubbed his eyes, stood up and stretched. When he turned his head to look outside the window, he saw a ray of light shining in.

"It's already dawn!" With a bitter smile, he bent down and blew out the oil lamp before striding out of the room.

"It's time for the morning."

"There's no news from Wen Qian and Zi He?" Even though he knew it was impossible to get the answer he was looking forward to, Cao Cao asked subconsciously.


Cao Cao shook his head, took a few deep breaths of fresh air, then returned to his room and began to clean himself with the help of the prefecture chief mansion maids. Just as he was wiping the water off his face, Dian Wei's urgent shout came from outside the door.

"Reporting to my lord, General Xiahou Yuan has an urgent military report!"

'Could it be that there's news of Wen Qian? ' Cao Cao Cao was surprised and quickly threw away the cloth he was wiping his face with and walked out of the room.

Xiahou Yuan's men were stomping their feet and anxiously walking around the courtyard. When they saw Cao Cao, they quickly went forward to report, "Master, General Xia Hou had sent a few scouts just before dawn. They reported that tiger leopard riding had lost and returned!"

"What?!" Cao Cao's face turned pale with fright. He grabbed the messenger and shouted anxiously, "Did the scout make a mistake? Zi and last night, they just left the city, and tiger leopard riding is so strong, how can they return from such a defeat? "

"This little one does not know!" The person cried and carefully replied, "The scouts said that they found the tiger leopard riding being hunted from twenty to thirty kilometers away. They did not dare to get too close, so they came back quickly to inform us!"

"How is this possible!?" How could this be possible!? My tiger leopard riding is the strongest army in the world, how could I be defeated and chased by others? " Cao Cao Cao spoke incoherently, his eyes were red with anxiety, suddenly throwing away the messenger, he grabbed onto Dian Wei and asked in anticipation: "Dian Wei, tiger leopard riding cannot fail, right?"

Cao Cao Cao was experienced in battle and would never lose his composure like this because of an unconfirmed piece of news. Cao Cao Cao was experienced in war and would never lose his composure like this because of an unconfirmed piece of news. At the same time, he also carried with him the hope of dominating the world in the future. If he did not have this army, then it could be said that his entire Yanzhou Army would have been ripped out of his back!

Dian Wei did not say anything, and allowed Cao Cao to shake his body, after a while he gently advised: "Maybe the news is not true, I hope Master can confirm whether the news is true or false!"

"Right, right!" "You're right!" Hearing that, Cao Cao Cao's spirits were lifted, he released Dian Wei and asked the messenger: "Where is Xiahou Yuan now?"

"General Xiahou has already left for the northern part of the city."

"Prepare the horse! To the north of the city! " Cao Cao waved his hand and impatiently ran outside.

Dian Wei and the rest were shocked, and quickly followed.

On the north side of the city, Xiahou Yuan was anxiously staring at the public road. Ever since he received the report from the scout, his gaze had never left the public road. Suddenly, Xiahou Yuan heard the sound of galloping horses behind him. Turning his head around, he saw Cao Cao and Dian Wei's group rushing over, he quickly walked to the stairs to welcome them.

Cao Cao jumped down from the horse at the foot of the city wall and shouted: "Miao Cai! Miao Cai! Is there any news about Zi He? "

"Not yet!" Xiahou Yuan shook his head and advised: "Meng De does not need to worry, maybe the scouts saw wrongly!"

He knew that Xiahou Yuan had always been cautious and serious, and most of his subordinates were also like this. Since the scouts dared to report him like this, then they were definitely not spouting nonsense! He quickly ran to the top of the city wall, and without bothering to talk with Xiahou Yuan, he held onto the wall with both of his hands and looked ahead anxiously.

Xiahou Yuan waved for the few scouts to come over and report the news, and said to Cao Cao Cao: "Meng De, they are the ones that have returned to report the news."

Cao Cao suddenly turned his head, staring at those people and asked word by word, "Are you speaking the truth? [If he dares to lie to us, we will kill him for it!]

Those few people quickly kneeled on the ground and said in unison: "Reporting to my lord, the punks have personally witnessed the tiger leopard riding running away with his banner, followed by countless enemy cavalry, they definitely do not dare to lie!

Cao Cao's brain suddenly buzzed, his body shook a little before recovering his strength, and asked sternly: "Where is Zi He?" Have you seen Zi He? "

"The youngsters haven't seen General Cao. The one leading them seems to be General Cao's personal guard!"

The scouts' reply completely shattered the last shred of hope in Cao Cao's heart. Cao Chun would never abandon the team and escape on his own, the most likely possibility was that something had happened to him! He knew very well how strong Cao Chun and tiger leopard riding were, almost everyone could fight one against ten, and if tiger leopard riding risked his life to kill, it wouldn't be difficult for him to defeat the remaining twenty thousand people! Such a team was actually able to flee in defeat. Just how many enemies had they encountered? Thirty thousand or fifty thousand?

"Miao Cai" Cao Cao's face was extremely pale, he turned his head with much difficulty to look at Xiahou Yuan, "What should I do?"

Xiahou Yuan pondered for a moment, then said: "Meng De, they say that the tiger leopard riding is escaping from the Qinghe County City, and should appear in the near future.

Cao Cao Cao was at a loss for what to do, he could only nod his head to agree to Xiahou Yuan's suggestion, anxiously walking up and down the city walls, his eyes staring at the public road in the distance.

Who was the enemy tiger leopard riding met? Cao Cao Cao suddenly thought of a question. He glared at Xiahou Yuan in dissatisfaction and asked the few scouts who were still kneeling on the ground.

"This little guy doesn't dare to come close. All he sees is that it's a large troop of cavalry. I'm afraid there's at least five or six thousand of them!"

Xiahou Yuan sighed to himself, he had already asked this question just now, which was why he did not report it to Cao Cao Cao.

"A bunch of idiots!" Cao Cao immediately shifted his anger onto these scouts. He stomped his feet and shouted, "You are scouts, but you are afraid of death. What are you waiting for? Come, let's drag it down and cut it! "

Dian Wei brought a few guards and walked over, about to cut him down.

"My lord, please spare us!" My lord, please spare my life! " A few scouts were scared out of their wits and quickly kowtowed to beg for mercy.

"Hold on!" Xiahou Yuan stopped Dian Wei, cupped his hands, and advised Cao Cao Cao: "Calm down Meng De, why not wait for the tiger leopard riding's exact information before deciding?"

Xiahou Yuan did not dare to persuade Cao Cao to forgive these scouts, so he could only use this method to temporarily protect their lives. After all, they were the most elite scouts in his possession.

Cao Cao Cao groaned, but still gave Xiahou Yuan face, and waved his hand for Dian Wei to let go of him.

The few scouts escaped death and quickly kowtowed to Cao Cao and Xiahou Yuan to thank them.

Cao Cao's mind was filled with anger and irritation. He shouted for his guards to lead them to the side and wait for their orders. He then continued to look at the road outside the city.

"He's here!" At this time, Dian Wei suddenly called out, and pointed at a small forest path in the northwest direction.

Cao Cao Cao and Xiahou Yuan immediately looked towards where Dian Wei was pointing, only to see the big banner of the tiger leopard riding appearing from the forest, followed by a group of blood-soaked tiger leopard riding soldiers riding their horses out. They quickly rushed towards the city, and from their numbers, there were probably only 300-400 people. After they ran for four or five miles, a huge flag appeared behind them. Soon, one black armored cavalrymen after another emerged from the ground and chased after them.

Xiahou Yuan looked at the banner and could not help but shout: "It's White Horse Camp!"

Only then did Cao Cao realize that there was a strange white flying horse embroidered on the banner. It was the symbol of the White Horse Camp!

Xiahou Yuan said in shock: "So it turns out to be Gongsun Xu's child's White Horse Camp. It seems like there are still many people, no wonder tiger leopard riding returned with a crushing defeat!

Cao Cao Cao's heart couldn't help but feel like it was being slashed by knives when he saw the 300 to 400 tiger leopard riding soldiers. The veins on his hands that were supporting the city wall protruded, he wanted to personally go up and kill Gongsun Xu and the White Horse Camp. Looks like tiger leopard riding is really finished, hateful! A strong army that had spent a lot of money and effort was gone without a trace. Was it because the heavens didn't bless me, Cao Cao?

Xiahou Yuan saw that Cao Cao Cao's expression was blank, he did not ask for his instructions, but waved his hand: "Archers, prepare to shoot!"

Xiahou Yuan absolutely did not dare to open the gate, he could only allow the archers to cover him, allowing tiger leopard riding to escape around the city before making any plans.

Cao Qiang and Cao Hao were at the very front. When they arrived a mile away from the city wall, they saw that the city gate was still not open and their faces were filled with despair. If they could not escape into the city, they, the handicapped veterans, would definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the enemy cavalry!

"All of you, hurry up and escape around the city!" At this time, Xiahou Yuan shouted from the top of the city walls, his right hand waved down heavily, "Release the arrows!"

The spirit of the people of tiger leopard riding were startled, they quickly turned their horses and rushed towards the west. The Yanzhou was just at the west side, so they subconsciously chose this direction to escape in. They had only run for a few steps when an arrow, which looked like a dark cloud, came from the top of the city wall, flying towards the enemy troops who were chasing after them.

At this time, White Horse Camp was in the vanguard position and Gongsun Xu letting Zhang He be the vanguard once again was to pacify the other party. It was in order to prevent Zhang He from feeling guilty because of his defeat. With regards to this one of the five great generals in history, Gongsun Xu still held great expectations.

Seeing the rain of arrows, Zhang He immediately raised his spear and shouted: "Stop!"

However, they had been in too much of a hurry just now. The few hundred people at the front had already entered the range of the archers on the city walls. They didn't have enough time to stop and immediately fell head first into the rain of arrows.

"Alright!" Cao Cao grit his teeth and shouted, "Good!" Even if this round of rain of arrows could only kill a few hundred people, it would at least slightly quell the anger in his heart.

There was a series of "ding dang dang" sounds. Only a few arrows penetrated through the armor, but most of them were broken off and fell to the ground. When Zhang He led the group and quickly retreated to a distance of one hundred and fifty steps away, there were only twenty to thirty White Horse Camp Cavalry's corpses on the ground.

"How could this be?" Seeing that, Cao Cao Cao and Xiahou Yuan turned pale with fright, just what kind of armor was the enemy wearing, to actually have such hardness!

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