At the beginning of the year, the sky had already darkened. The curved moon had just risen not long ago, and the moonlight was slightly dim. It was as if a thin layer of white gauze had covered the land.

Gongsun Xu stood outside the big tent and looked ahead. He realized that everything twenty to thirty steps away was a blur, he could only see vague shadows of tents, flagpoles, fences, deer skin, etc. A cool breeze blew across the air, bringing a hint of coldness to the spring night. Gongsun Xu rubbed his hands, casually tightened his clothes, and cast his gaze onto the city walls in the distance. There were many torches and lanterns there, and from afar, they looked like flickering red fireflies.

When he got near, Zhao Yun bowed respectfully as usual: "Greetings, Master!"

"Forget it, let's go in!" Gongsun Xu supported Zhao Yun's wrist for a bit, then turned and walked into the big tent.

Zhao Yun supported his helmet and followed suit.

Gongsun Yi's figure flashed and disappeared into the shadows of the big tent.

Guo Jia was seated at the first seat on the left, holding a wine cup in his hand. Upon seeing Zhao Yun, he raised his cup with a smile: "Zi Long, you're here, do you want to drink a cup?"

Zhao Yun looked at the orange-yellow wine in his cup, laughed and shook his head: "No need, this general doesn't like this sort of soft fruit wine."

Gongsun Xu smiled in schadenfreude. He glanced at the wine cup in Guo Jia's hands and walked to the main seat to sit down.

Guo Jia was originally addicted to alcohol. After getting to know Gongsun Rui, he was forced to change his bad habit, but he would secretly drink a few cups when he had the chance. After Hua Tuo entered the Ji County, Gongsun Xu asked him to inspect his body. Hua Tuo said that Guo Jia's wild drinking of the past few years had severely damaged his body, and if he still dared to wild drinking, he definitely wouldn't live to thirty-five! Gongsun Rui panicked when she heard this. She forced Guo Jia to promise not to drink anymore, and the two of them got into an unpleasant situation.

In the end, it was Gongsun Xu who stepped in to smooth things over. He promised Gongsun Rui that he would watch as Guo Jia did not allow him to drink freely, but he also made Gongsun Rui agree that Guo Jia could drink some fruit wine or medicinal wine appropriately. Gongsun Xu felt that being unable to drink strong alcohol was a very serious punishment towards an alcoholic. Hence, every time he saw Guo Jia drink the 'soft fruit wine' that he had mentioned just now, he felt it to be very funny.

Guo Jia's face immediately fell, his finger pointing at Zhao Yun, he sighed: "Zi Long, Zi Long, I originally thought you were a kind person, but I didn't think you would also be one to add insult to injury! It's fine if you said that I drank fruit wine, but why did you purposefully add the word 'soft'? "

Zhao Yun shook his head, walked to the first seat on the right, and sat down. He pointed at the wine cup in Guo Jia's hands and laughed: "Feng Xiao, you are accusing me wrongly! There are three different flavors to the fruit wine. At that time, Hua Mu wanted to give Feng Xiao the lightest taste, but I spoke out too much and gave the fruit wine with the densest taste to Feng Xiao. Not only is Feng Xiao not grateful, he even spoke ill words, and those are not the actions of a gentleman! "

"Really?" Guo Jia immediately opened his eyes wide.

Zhao Yun nodded his head, "I am not lying!"

Guo Jia blinked his eyes and asked urgently: "Brother Zi Long, can you tell my wife to help you brew an even stronger fruit wine? "It would be great if the alcohol could be compared with the millet wine!"

Zhao Yun laughed, and glanced at Gongsun Xu.

Guo Jia immediately reacted and put on a pitiful look. He leaned forward and looked at Gongsun Xu, and 'begged' him: "My people, please don't tell Rui Er about this, okay?"

"Stop putting on an act in front of me!" Gongsun Xu unhappily waved his hand, as if he was shooing away flies, "Unless Godly Doctor Hua says that your body is completely recovered, there's no way to discuss this matter!"

"Bah!" Guo Jia pretended to be angry and spat, the grievances on his face immediately turned into rage, "You two are ungrateful bastards!"

"Alright, alright!" Gongsun Xu waved his hands once again, and said in a heavy voice: "Let's talk about the matter of drinking wine later. Let's get down to business first!"

Guo Jia's face suddenly became serious, and said respectfully: "Cao Cao looks like you really want to run, in case there are too many troubles, we should quickly speed up our plan to seize the city."

"That's what I meant too!" Gongsun Xu laughed, took out a thick scroll from his sleeve and threw it to Guo Jia, "This is a letter that Bingmei sent out an hour ago.

He saw that Mo Bingmei had explained in detail the cause of the huge fire in the granary in his letter. He had said that she had met with Sima Yi and Gao Tie once, and was preparing to raise the fire to open the city gates for Gongsun Xu to quickly prepare. The second reason was because Gongsun Xu had expressed in front of everyone that he would give way and let Cao Cao go. If Gongsun Xu did not keep his promise tomorrow, his reputation would definitely be tarnished, and if he suddenly made a move tonight, and it was a gate opened by a 'spy' within the city, Gongsun Xu would not have to keep his promise at all.

After Guo Jia finished reading the letter, he handed it over to Zhao Yun and sighed, "Mo Niangzi has been very considerate towards this citizen! He never thought that Mo Sect, who looked so cold at first sight, would actually change so much once he truly likes a person! "Son, you're right, a girl will change her beloved one!"

Gongsun Xu chuckled gently. He agreed with what Guo Jia had said and lamented the good fortune the heavens had given him even more. In his previous life, even though he was a mercenary, finding a woman with good traits like Er Yu, Liu Ninger and Mo Bingmei was simply a pipe dream.

"Sigh." Guo Jia sighed, and muttered: "Why can't Rui Er be more gentle?"

Gongsun Xu glared at Guo Jia. Gong Sun Rui was indeed a little unruly at times, but her heart was extremely kind. Furthermore, all of her actions were for Guo Jia's health. This fellow often spoke nonsense. If he didn't know that this fellow was just speaking, he would definitely teach him a lesson!

After Zhao Yun finished reading the letter, he walked over and handed both of his hands over to Gongsun Xu, then cupped his fists: "Master, this general is already ready, we can move anytime!"

Gongsun Xu asked: Zi Long, how many people are you planning to use to take over the city gate?

"Three thousand people is enough!" Zhao Yun confidently reported a number, and continued: "However, after this general controls the city gate, I would like to request Master to send the army as soon as possible, at the same time prevent Cao Cao from breaking through the encirclement."

Gongsun Xu said solemnly: "As long as Zi Long leads the troops to control the city gates, I will personally lead twenty thousand troops to slaughter their way into the city! Feng Xiao, you stay here and guard the troops.

Guo Jia restrained the laziness on his face and cupped his hands respectfully: "My lord, please be at ease. This subordinate will do his best to prevent Cao Cao from breaking out of the encirclement!"

"It's still not right!" Gongsun Xu suddenly shook his head and explained: "The only capable fighters I have are Zi Long and General Zhang He. The subordinates of Cao Cao, Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun and the rest all have astonishing courage, so if he is determined to break out of the encirclement, doesn't that mean that no one can stop Dian Wei and the others' attacks? Zi Long, I have decided to keep you and Feng Xiao in the camp! With you here, Dian Wei and the rest are not to be feared! "

Zhao Yun said in surprise: "Master, you mean to let General Zhang He lead troops to seize the city gates? When General Zhang He came rushing over, didn't Master agree to let him lead troops and fight against Yuan Shao's subordinates? "

Gongsun Xu laughed: "The people in the city are mainly Cao Cao's team, if I do this, it doesn't count as a violation of my promise right? Someone come! "

Gongsun Yi's voice immediately came from outside the tent, "Sir, please give your instructions!"

"Go and ask General Zhang He to come over for a discussion!"


After a while, Zhang He quickly walked into the big tent and cupped his fists and bowed to Gongsun Xu.

Gongsun Xu pointed to his seat with a smile: "Jun Yi, please sit and talk."

Zhang He answered as he walked to Zhao Yun's side and sat down, his expression respectful.

Gongsun Xu asked straightforwardly: "General Jun Yi, this general is going to seize the city tonight. There are people inside the city who are working together to open the city gate, allowing this general's three thousand elite soldiers to go and seize the city gate.

When Zhang He heard the words' there are people in the city who are working together with each other to open the city gates', he was immediately shocked and thought to himself that it was no wonder General Gongsun Xu had suddenly stopped his assault on the city today. From the tone of General Gongsun Xu's voice just now, it seemed as if he was certain that he could take over the city gates. Seems like the people who were with them in the city were not low in status, could they be good friends Gao Lan? Zhang He could not help but shake his head, Gao Lan was not trusted by Yuan Shao, Cao Cao Cao would definitely not trust him either, he definitely did not have the ability to open the city gates, and was working with him from the outside.

Seeing Zhang He muttering to himself and thinking that he was not willing to do this, Gongsun Xu couldn't help but frown and said solemnly: "If General Jun Yi is unwilling to go, then this general will not force you!"

Zhang He shook his head, and said apologetically: "Reporting to General, I was only thinking about who was in cahoots with them, and was not unwilling to lead the troops to seize the city gate. Now that the authority in the city is in Cao Mengde's hands, even if this general leads the troops to seize the city gates, it cannot be considered as making Yuan Shijun an enemy, but this general wishes to seek the consent of the general for two matters. "

Gongsun Xu said solemnly: "General Jun Yi, just tell us what you have to say. As long as this general is able to do it, he will not falsely decline!"

"Thank you, General!" Zhang He cupped his fists in thanks, and said solemnly: "I would like to request that you General take over the city to restrain your soldiers, and not kill the citizens carelessly! Other than that, I would also like to ask General Gao Lan to pardon me. I will definitely persuade him to join General! "

"Just these two things?" Gongsun Xu asked, amused.

Zhang He nodded. "Yes! "Please grant this lowly general's request!"

"Haha" Gongsun Xu, Guo Jia and Zhao Yun all started to laugh at the same time. Guo Jia even pointed at Zhang He and shook his head repeatedly.

Zhang He was stunned: "Did I say something wrong?"

"General Zhang, you really don't understand this subject at all!" Guo Jia sighed: "This citizen has always doted on the common people, how can I just randomly kill? As for the matter with General Gao Lan, it is not worth mentioning. If I were to meet General Gao Lan, I'm afraid that I would be unable to do anything about it! "

Gongsun Xu laughed and nodded: "Feng Xiao's words fit my wishes! General Jun Yi can be at ease, I guarantee you this, I will definitely not kill Chinese people recklessly! "

Zhang He cupped his fists: "General's heart is as wild as the ocean, I am extremely impressed! General, please give the order. This lowly general will definitely listen to your orders and take over the city gate in one fell swoop! "

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