Dong, dong, dong!

In the middle of the night (around 11 PM), a grey robed man walked past the Henei County's door on time and reported the time as he knocked the door, and then shouted the words that he would repeat every night.

Cao Cao Cao waited for the sound to fade away before lightly coughing and said in a deep voice, "The reason this old man has summoned all the Lords here tonight is to tell you one thing — I have made up my mind. I will break out of the encirclement and return to the Yanzhou tonight!"

Xun Yu and Xun You's nephew had already discussed this with Cao Cao Cao before, thus their expressions were calm, and they quietly waited for Cao Cao Cao to continue. Cao Ang, Cao Chun, Xu Huang, Xu Huang and Dian Wei were not aware of this, but they were a little surprised and confused, but due to Cao Cao Cao's imposing manner, they did not ask, but instead looked at Cao Cao with suspicion.

Cao Cao's eyes swept across the surroundings, then looked at Xun Yu and instructed: "Wen Ruo, tell everyone here, why did you decide to withdraw tonight?"

"As the lord commands!" Xun Yu replied as he stood up and cupped his hands towards Cao Cao, his gaze calm as he looked at the crowd, and said softly, "Masters, the reason why Master decided to withdraw tonight, is because of the following reasons: Firstly, Gongsun Xu has ill intentions, and does not truly intend to let us return to the Yanzhou. Today, he has publicly promised to withdraw by dusk, and his real intention is to cooperate with outsiders to break the city apart, if he is allowed to do this, we will all surrender!"

Xun Yu paused here, and looked at Cao Chun and the others, waiting for them to ask a question so he could explain. This was also the style that Cao Cao Cao usually used when he was in a meeting with a large audience. Cao Cao Cao would suggest his decision, and then Xun Yu, Xun You, Cheng Yu and the others would explain the reason why they were doing so, and answer everyone's questions.

As Cao Chun had released Cao Chun after capturing him, he had a good impression of him. After hearing Xun Yu's words, he could not help but stand up and clasp his fists as he asked, "If Gongsun Xu really plans to let us go back to the Yanzhou, wouldn't it be a waste of our time to suddenly slaughter our way out of the city? Mr. Wen Ruo said that Gongsun Xu had evil intentions, and retreating fifteen kilometers was a lie. Attempting to cooperate and break into the city is his real intention, what kind of proof do you have? "

Xun Yu smiled indifferently: "Your subjects and generals don't have to worry. What this old man has said has already been proven! Please calm down, son and general, someone will prove that Gongsun Xu is an extremely cunning and ambitious person! Are there any other questions the Lords would like to ask? "

Cao Chun frowned, he nodded his head at Xun Yu to show his understanding, then turned and sat down.

Cao Ang stood up and bowed respectfully to Xun Yu, then said in a deep voice, "Mr. Wen Ruo just said that he was prepared to cooperate with both the outsiders and the city walls.

Xun Yu nodded his head in approval, and smiled: "First Young Master's words are true! That's right, Gongsun Xu is indeed prepared to secretly attack from the west tonight to take the city, which is one of the reasons why Master is planning to retreat tonight. Since Gongsun Xu wants to scheme, let's do it and take advantage of the chaos to get out of the city! "

Cao Ang's eyes lit up, and anxiously asked: How do I settle this?

Xun Yu laughed and waved his hand: "This matter will be brought up later. Young master, please take a seat!"

Cao Ang sat down, full of doubts. He couldn't help but think about how could his father make the best of him?

Xun Yu looked at Xu Huang, Xiahou Dun and the others, and realized that they did not have any intentions to inquire further, thus he continued to talk about the second reason for breaking through the encirclement tonight.

Second, there's something strange about the big fire at the granary today. Someone wanted to drag us all into the city so that Gongsun Xu could come in and capture us all! Master already knows the truth behind the fire. Earlier, when Sima Yi and Gao Tie claimed that they were spies of the Youzhou, the truth was that things were completely different. In a while, someone would carefully describe the inner workings of the fire for everyone. One of these two reasons will be explained and verified later by me, so I will not mention it any further, and you don't have to question this question! "

"Thirdly, Master and I agree that there is an eighty percent chance that the Jizhou Cauldron that was unearthed from the Qinghe County is real. Since Gongsun Zan has the upper hand and he is about to fill up the moat of the Qinghe County City, he shouldn't fake his name on something that can be easily exposed. Yuan Benchu had always been at a disadvantage, and now that Gongsun Zan had obtained the Jizhou Cauldron, it was like adding wings to a tiger. We had previously discussed this matter, and only by returning to the Yanzhou and the Liu Bei Alliance as soon as possible and then joining forces to attack the Qinghe County City, would we be able to save Yuan Benchu! I will stay here for one more day, and Qinghe County will be in danger one more day, so I have to return to Yanzhou as soon as possible! Actually, the third reason is not very important. With the first two reasons, my lord has no choice but to withdraw his troops tonight! "

It was just as Xun Yu had said. The existence of the Jizhou Cauldron was no longer the main reason for the retreat of the troops, but since Gongsun Zan had the Jizhou Cauldron, even if he could kill his way back to the Yanzhou and then smoothly ally with Liu Bei, could he really defeat Gongsun Zan again? But now, thinking about this meaningless question, the most important thing right now was to fight his way back to Yanzhou! Cao Chun and the rest suppressed their dejection with difficulty, and looked at Xun Yu, waiting for him to continue.

Xun Yu looked around, and then asked solemnly: "I have already explained the reason for the withdrawal of the army, do you all have any other doubts?"

"No!" Everyone answered in unison.

"Since that's the case, then let me tell you about the plan that the lord has set for you!" Xun Yu looked at Cao Cao Cao, who nodded his head, Xun Yu continued to speak: "Tonight, the spies in the city will open the west gate, welcoming Gongsun Xu's army to enter the city. Thus, Master decided to ambush the army at the west gate and try his best to eat a large portion of Gongsun Xu's troops, then the army will take advantage of the chaos to rush out of the east side of the city, and travel all the way back to Yanzhou!"

As soon as Xun Yu finished speaking, Cao Ang asked angrily: Mr. Wen Ruo, may I ask, who is the spy in the city?

Cao Chun and the others all stared at Xun Yu, waiting for his answer. All of them were gnashing their teeth, wishing that they could capture that spy the moment they heard his name.

Xun Yu lowered his voice, and used a voice that the crowd could barely hear to say a person's name.

"How could it be him?" When Cao Ang heard the name of the spy, he couldn't help but be alarmed and furious. He slapped the table and shouted: "This brat actually dares to betray us, he really deserves to die a thousand times! Father, please give me the order to tear that fellow into ten thousand pieces! "

Cao Cao Cao pressed his hands together and said indifferently: "My son, don't be impatient. Didn't you hear what Mr. Wen Ruo said just now? If we capture a spy, wouldn't that mean we are telling Gongsun Xu and the others that we are ready? "

Cao Ang immediately reacted after hearing what he said, but his expression was still very ugly. He cupped his hands and said angrily: "Father, please give me a horse, I will take care of that spy at the right time!"

Cao Cao Cao ignored Cao Ang, looked at him and shouted: "Dian Wei! Xiahou Dun! "

"This lowly general is here!" Dian Wei and Xiahou Dun stood up one after another, walked to Cao Cao's side in large steps, bowed and waited for his orders.

"Xiahou Yuan has already set up an ambush. The two of you should rush to the west of the city to meet up with the ambush. Once you discover Gongsun Xu's troops entering the city, immediately kill them!"

Xiahou Dun cupped his fist and replied loudly: "Please do not worry, Master, I will definitely tell that Youzhou to not return!"

Dian Wei agreed with a murderous look on his face.

Cao Cao Cao said: "Gongsun Xu will most likely send Zhao Yun to seize the city gates tonight. That Zhao Yun is very brave, if he comes, the two of you must attack him together! Remember, during this critical moment, you must not fight Zhao Yun one-on-one for the sake of your own reputation. The harder you fight, the more relaxed the enemies in the east side of the city will be. As soon as possible, you must annihilate or defeat the enemy forces that have entered the city, and then immediately rush to the east side of the city to kill all of us.

Dian Wei and Xiahou Dun looked at each other, then cupped their fists: "We will follow Master's orders!"

Cao Cao Cao nodded, waved his hand to let Dian Wei and Xiahou Dun go back to sit, and then called out to Cao Ang: "Zi Xiu!"

Cao Ang quickly stood up and cupped his fists: "Please give the order, Father!"

"I will give you two thousand elite soldiers as reinforcements. When the battle at the west gate begins, rush out once you discover that Dian Wei and Dian Wei are at a disadvantage. You must ensure that the incoming enemy forces are annihilated.

Originally, he thought that Cao Cao would give him a difficult mission, but he did not expect that he would only be used as reinforcements for Dian Wei and Xiahou Dun. He had always seen how brave and fierce these two generals were, he did not think that there would be anyone who could survive under the pincer attack of these two. Cao Ang did not know that his negligent thoughts would bring about serious consequences tonight. When he finally regained his senses, it was already too late for regret.

Cao Cao shouted out Cao Chun's name: "Zi He!"

Cao Chun stood up and cupped his fists: "Please give the order, Master!"

Cao Cao Cao said solemnly: "Now that there are only three hundred people left in tiger leopard riding, I will transfer another two thousand elite soldiers to you. Later when we break out from the east side of the city, you will be the vanguard. "Zi He must remember that this troop of yours is the key to us successfully getting out of this encirclement!"

Cao Chun said in a firm tone, "My lord, please be at ease. Even if we have to fight to the last soldier, this lowly general will carve a path of blood for himself!"

"Very good!" Cao Cao cheerfully nodded his head, took out a token and threw it over, "Take this! Miao Cai has already transferred 2,000 elite soldiers, go and quickly prepare in the army camp! "

Cao Chun took the order badge, bowed once, and then turned to leave.

"Hey, wait a moment!" Cao Cao suddenly called out to Cao Chun.

Cao Chun turned his head and looked at Cao Cao Cao suspiciously.

"We'll meet a person first before leaving!" Cao Cao said as he clapped his hands.

The curtain that led to the back room was suddenly lifted, and a person strode in.

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