In a few minutes, a team of two hundred over Cao Army soldiers carried torches and passed through the streets to the west of the city, arriving at the main road near the city gate.

"Who is it?" Gao Tie stood on top of the city walls and shouted loudly when he saw people coming over.

Under the firelight, he could see a tall and thin man with a handsome face. It was Cao Ang.

Cao Ang replied loudly: "I am Cao Ang, under my father's orders, I am to bring people to patrol the city. May I ask Commander Gao if there is anything abnormal happening?"

"So it's Young Master Cao!" Gao Tie seemed to be shocked, and quickly ran up to Cao Ang and cupped his fists: "This general greets Young Noble Cao!"

"Commander Gao, no need to be so courteous!" Cao Ang cupped his fists in return, and asked for the second time: "Commander Gao, is there anything wrong?"

Gao Tie said in a deep voice, "Please respond to Envoy Cao, everything here is normal!"

"Very good!" Cao Ang laughed: "The Youzhou spy in the city actually dares to burn down the granary, and might even have the intention of targeting the city gates. Father would like Commander Gao to take note, to prevent the spies from coveting the city gates!"

Gao Tie's heart trembled when he heard this, and thought, could it be that Cao Cao Cao knew of his plan? But thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible. If Cao Cao Cao knew the truth, then the one who came would not be Cao Ang, but rather a powerful general like Dian Wei. Maybe Cao Cao had only heard some rumors, or maybe Cao Ang was just testing him out!

Gao Tie forced himself to calm down as he thought of this, and said with a calm tone: "Sir, please report to Envoy Cao.

"Commander Gao has an outstanding reputation in the city. With you here, you will definitely be able to intimidate the small fries in the city!" Cao Ang praised, he cupped his hands and said: "Since that is the case, then I will take my leave, I still need to visit other places."

Gao Tie cupped his fists and said: "Young Master Cao, please do as you wish, this general will not send you off!"

Cao Ang smiled and nodded. He seemed to have inadvertently looked at the dozens of Cao Army s around the city gate and brought them to the south side of the city. The dozens of Cao Army soldiers cupped their fists as they saw them out, but the surrounding county soldier s who were several times better than them remained silent.

Gao Tie frowned as he watched Cao Ang leave. After standing there and pondering for a while, he turned back and returned to the top of the city wall.

A black-robed guard quickly walked to Gao Tie's side and asked softly: "Could it be that Cao Mengde has detected some clues?" The voice of this person was none other than Sima Yi.

Gao Tie laughed coldly: "If Cao Mengde had sensed our movements, then the one who came just now would not have been Cao Ang, but instead a troop led by either Dian Wei or Dian Wei!"

Sima Yi pondered for a moment before shaking his head. "Something's wrong!"

Gao Tie was startled, and asked softly: "What's wrong with it?"

Sima Yi said softly, "Cao Mengde has always been the most suspicious, even the slightest trace of trouble would cause him to suspect us for no reason. If he really didn't suspect us, why did he let Cao Ang lead an army to patrol the city and even say a few words about it? In my opinion, Cao Mengde is definitely suspicious of the Commander Gao, that's why he asked Cao Ang to come over and give a few words of warning to him. His motive is to show that he has noticed you, and not dare to act recklessly! "

Gao Tie was still skeptical, but suddenly asked: "If it's really like that, why didn't Cao Mengde just take action to take us down? At this moment, all of the authority in the city is in his hands, and we are relying on the county soldier and our servants to stop him from attacking us! "

Sima Yi said with a cold smile, "Cao Mengde is in a hurry to withdraw to the Yanzhou at this moment and there are still many places where he can rely on others to command his brothers. How could he dare attack you without any evidence? He must have thought that Gongsun Xu would make way for him tomorrow, and only needed to stabilize for a day, which was why he did not decisively make a move! Oh yes, I have something to ask you, and I hope that Commander Gao can tell me the truth! "

Gao Tie slowly nodded as he coldly stared at Sima Yi, waiting to be interrogated.

"Cao Mengde's intention to retreat is very clear. Even if your brother is slightly weaker than your brother's, it is impossible for him to not think of such a simple question. How did Cao Mengde explain this to your brother?"

Gao Tie laughed coldly, and said with a disdainful tone: "Cao Mengde treats my brother as though he's a fool! He said agreeing to Gongsun Xu's request was just a stopgap measure. His real goal was to take advantage of Gongsun Xu's withdrawal to rush out of the city, and then quickly march to Qinghe County to meet up with Yuan Shijun! "

Sima Yi's face was filled with astonishment as he asked in shock, "The majority of Cao Army s are walking soldier s and their movements are extremely slow. If they were to turn around and head towards the Qinghe County, they will definitely be chased down by Gongsun Xu's large group of cavalrymen. How could your brother believe such a lie? "

Once again, Gao Tie sneered: "My brother is honest, ever since Cao Mengde came, he had always worked wholeheartedly for him, I am afraid that in Cao Mengde's heart, my brother is just a big fool, he did not even think of using a suitable excuse to explain everything!"

Sima Yi said indifferently, "Perhaps Cao Mengde is no longer afraid of letting your brother know his true intentions! The reason he had found an excuse was probably because he wanted to make the last batch of food and money! If not for the fire that Commander Gao set in the afternoon, once Cao Mengde received enough money, he might have led his troops to break out of the encirclement tonight! "

Gao Tie waved his hands and coldly said: "There's no need to continue discussing this topic! In any case, there are still four more hours before we will have to do it, so it doesn't matter even if Cao Mengde has other plans! "

"That's true!" Sima Yi nodded his head, looked at the fifty Cao Army s near the city gate and asked in a low voice, "Commander Gao, who should take care of those fifty?"

Gao Tie lightly glanced at the Cao Army's soldiers and softly said: "This one will personally lead people to kill them, and then quickly open the city gate! When the time comes, I ask Sima Xiansheng to raise fire as a signal, and at the same time cut off the ropes and place the suspension bridge down, so that General Gongsun Xu's army can enter the city in time! "

Sima Yi smiled confidently as he said, "Don't worry. Nothing will go wrong!"

"What time is it?" Gao Tie suddenly raised his head to look at the night sky.

Sima Yi raised his head to look at the moon before saying in a low voice, "It's about time!"

Gao Tie looked at the silent camp outside the city, his right hand slowly stroking the handle of his blade a few times, and said solemnly: "I'll go and prepare now, Sima Xiansheng, I'll leave this to you!"

"Please do, Commander Gao!"

Gao Tie turned around and quickly walked down the city walls.

Sima Yi looked at the campsite outside the city and thought about the first step he would take tonight to seize control of the city. His heart was filled with excitement and anticipation. Although the Sima Family had an extraordinary background, their influence was limited to the side of the Henei County, and there was still a huge gap between them and true great clans. Now that they were in a chaotic world, the only way to make Sima Family one of the top families in the world was to rely on experts, and even become a great contributor to the dragon race. And Gongsun Xu was obviously the most suitable candidate at the moment.

Sima Yi stared outside the city for a very long time before discovering nothing amiss. He could not help but mutter under his breath, "Gongsun Xu, ah Gongsun Xu, when will you signal this?"

At this time, in a house that was Qian Bu Dian away, Dian Wei was asking Xiahou Dun, "General Xia Hou, why is there no movement?"

"What's the rush?" I've already asked about it seven or eight times in this short amount of time! " Xiahou Dun stared at Dian Wei impatiently, he walked to the window and looked out, then suddenly said in a low voice, "Zi Xiu is here!"

Dian Wei also hurriedly moved closer to the window and looked. Sure enough, he discovered that Cao Ang was currently bringing a group of soldiers over.

The surrounding hundreds of houses were filled with the elite soldiers of the Cao Army. In order to make these people hide in this place without making a sound, Xiahou Yuan spent a lot of effort — — After nightfall, he had these elite soldiers disguise as a team of patrolling soldiers, taking the opportunity to sneak into the house while patrolling. After Cao Cao had entered the city, in order to promptly reinforce the city walls, in order to prevent the spies from causing trouble, he had expropriated four houses near the city gates early in the morning. With Xiahou Yuan personally overseeing the operation, all those who attempted to get close to the city were quickly dispersed, allowing these elite soldiers to hide quietly from Sima Yi and the rest.

When Cao Ang led the team to the outside of the house Dian Wei and Xiahou Dun were hiding in, he softly instructed the people around him. The few torches around him were suddenly extinguished, and he took this chance to quickly enter the house. At this moment, someone among the patrolling team cursed, "This dog." Day. Why is the wind so strong? milk. "Hurry up and light the torches!" The torches were quickly reignited and the team continued to move forward. Everything seemed to be normal. If there was someone watching from a distance, it would be difficult to notice that there was one less person in the team.

After the patrolling party left, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the roof of a teahouse on the side of the street. Using the cover of the large shadow on the roof, he quietly arrived above the house that Dian Wei and Dian Wei were hiding in, and listened attentively. Under the dim moonlight, he had a slim figure, with a treasure sword on his back, and a pair of eyes as bright as spring water. It was the son of the Mo family, Mo Bingmei.

After Cao Ang entered the house, he greeted Dian Wei and Xiahou Dun in a low voice.

Xiahou Dun lowered his voice and asked: "Zi Xiu, Meng De asked you to come here right now, do you have any other instructions?"

Cao Ang said softly, "Father told my nephew to inform the two uncles that Sima Yi might still have another unit under his command. When the two uncles make their move in the future, they must kill Sima Yi as fast as lightning! As long as we get rid of this person, the rest are nothing to be afraid of! "

Xiahou Dun sneered: "That Sima Yi is powerless, he killed him like he was killing a chicken! That damned thing, to actually dare to collude with Gongsun Xu inside and outside, I will make him die an extremely miserable death! Those fellows Sima Yi sent over should be killed as well. I can easily kill them all! Zi Xiu can rest assured, with me here, I guarantee that there will be no mistakes! "

Dian Wei snorted coldly, as he was extremely dissatisfied with what Xiahou Dun had said.

Cao Ang laughed, then said in a low voice: "Uncle Yuan, after you finish off Sima Yi, you still have to annihilate the enemy forces that have entered the city with Uncle Dian Wei as soon as possible! The moment we take action here, my father will lead his troops out of the city through the east gate. Time is of the essence, so let us invite the two uncles to work together! "

Xiahou Dun arrogantly said: "Zi Xiu just needs to keep it in his stomach, even if Gongsun Xu personally comes here, I will make sure he will not be able to return!"

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