The moonlight was hazy, and the lights on the city walls could only add a little light. Under the dim light of the city gates, they looked like the mouth of a ferocious beast, ready to swallow any living being that entered.

Zhang He's gaze was darting around the top of the city gate and its entrance, he was extremely anxious – he had already waited there for the time it took an incense stick to burn while leading his cavalry 500 steps away from the city gate, but there was not the slightest movement behind the city gate. It was not like he dared to go too close to check on the situation, so he could only suppress his anxiety and wait there quietly.

In truth, the Cao Army was asking Gao Tie if there was anything he needed to do. This Junior head was not stupid, the moment he saw the situation with Gao Tie's men, he knew that something had happened. As a result, he continued to talk to Gao Tie while racking his brains to find a way to escape.

Facing the Cao Army's inquiry, Gao Tie said indifferently: "Young Noble Cao has sent word that the Envoy Cao is planning an important matter, and wants you to return to the military camp and await orders!"

Junior head smiled obsequiously: "General Gao, when First Young Master passed here earlier, he didn't say anything! "I've been keeping an eye on the situation, and I didn't see anyone send a message to the general!"

Gao Tie shouted coldly: "How dare you! Are you suspecting this Academy Officer? "

"This little one doesn't dare!" Junior head immediately bowed: "We are here to assist the general in guarding the city gate. Unless we receive an official order from the higher ups, we will be under martial law once we leave this place! Please forgive me, General! "

"Heh heh." Gao Tie laughed sinisterly, and shouted solemnly: "You sure have guts! Do it! " With that said, he pulled out his waist blade and fiercely stabbed into the heart of Junior head! The latter let out a muffled cry, barely able to lift her finger and point at Gao Tie, and then vomited a mouthful of blood and died.

At the same time, the people that Gao Tie brought all pulled out their weapons and started attacking as well. These Cao Army s were caught off guard, and like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, they had no chance of retaliating at all. After a dozen or so breaths, all of these Cao Army soldiers were killed. Their screams before death came from far away in the quiet night, clearly heard by Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun and the rest.

Xiahou Dun clenched his teeth and said: "Good scoundrel, you've finally made your move! General Dian, should we have the soldiers prepare for battle now? "

"No rush!" Dian Wei shook his head, and said softly: "Master has said that we must kill as many enemies as possible, we should wait for the large group of Youzhou Army s to rush in, then we can make our move!"

Xiahou Dun frowned: Will it delay the time of the battle?

Dian Wei sneered: "There is no need to worry too much. This matter, your father has other arrangements, so we will do as you say!"

"Another arrangement?" Xiahou Dun was startled, and said with a little anger: "Why is this one not aware?"

Dian Wei laughed awkwardly, you can't possibly say that everyone knows that you have a big mouth, right? But now, there was nothing left to hide, so he went close to Xiahou Dun's ear and whispered a few words.

Xiahou Dun immediately revealed an expression of pleasant surprise, he stomped his feet and sighed: "So it's like that! If I knew Meng De was planning this, I wouldn't have worried! "

Dian Wei said in a low voice: "Yuanyu, lower your voice!"

"Oh, oh, got it!" Xiahou Dun suppressed his voice and replied, moving closer to the door and listening for any movements at the city gate.

Just then, Gao Tie, who was behind the city gate, forcefully pulled back his blade, raised it high up and shouted: "Sima Zhongda, what are you waiting for!"

Sima Yi had been keeping a close eye on the situation over here the entire time. Upon hearing Gao Tie's shout, he immediately threw the torch in his hand towards the bundles of firewood. In an instant, flames arose and he could see everything clearly in the White Horse Camp army camp far away outside the city.

"Quick, open the city!" Gao Tie bellowed, and personally went up to pull the door's latch.

's janissaries all stepped forward to help, and the city gates issued out a sound that could make one's teeth clattering as they slowly opened up a path for them.

Gao Tie grabbed a torch and swung it three times.

"Attack!" When the fire started at the top of the city gate, Zhang He tensed up, and upon seeing the signal from the city gate, he immediately gave the order, and immediately took the lead to rush towards the city gate.

The White Horse Camp Cavalry that Zhang He had brought with him followed him silently. Due to the thick strips of cloth on the hooves of the horses, the sound of the horses' hooves was greatly reduced. From afar, it sounded like there were only a few hundred people charging.

When Gao Tie heard the sound of horse hooves, for some reason, he suddenly frowned. He put his blade back into his scabbard, pulled his horse from the side, and jumped onto it.

A distance of several hundred steps was just a short amount of time for a war horse charging at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang He had already charged out of the city gate. He quickly slowed down the speed of his warhorses, and loudly asked the inside of the city gate: "Where should we go inside?"

"Sima Zhongda is here!" Sima Yi, who was on the city wall, replied excitedly. He waved his hand and shouted, "General only cares about entering the city. This place is all within our grasp!"

Seeing that it was Sima Yi, Zhang He no longer held any doubt in his heart. He shouted with a wave of his hand, "Follow me and charge in!"

The White Horse Camp Cavalry s behind Zhang He all agreed, and then followed Zhang He into the city.

After rushing in, Zhang He saw Gao Tie in armor, so he raised the weapon in his hand and asked loudly: "Who are you?"

Gao Tie cupped his fists respectfully: "I am Gao Tie, may I know General Gao's name?"

"This general is Zhang He!" Zhang He reported his name, pointing towards the surrounding county soldier, he asked loudly: "General Gao, are these your subordinates?"

Gao Tie replied: "That's right! These are all trustworthy Henei County soldiers, General just need to be at ease and go control the nearby streets, just in case Cao Army suddenly pounced, leave this place to us! "

Sima Yi also shouted from the top of the city, "Cao Cao will send an army to reinforce you at any time. General Zhang, please control the nearby streets so that we can respond to your attacks! If you pass this side of the city gate to me and to Academy Officer Gao Tie, there will definitely be no problems! "

"Good!" I'll be counting on the two of you at the city gate! The successor army will arrive shortly. Please restrain your subordinates and do not have any misunderstandings! " After Zhang He finished speaking, he waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go!"

The soldiers of the White Horse Camp quickly followed Zhang He and rushed to the streets hundreds of steps away.

On the top of the city wall, Si Ma Yi saw that the situation was about to come to an end. He felt extremely pleased with himself and could not help but burst out laughing.

Gao Tie laughed coldly, raised his head and called out: "General Gongsun Xu might be coming personally, why don't you come down and welcome him?"

Sima Yi repeatedly nodded his head upon hearing this. He had done so many things and had finally made a great contribution. Naturally, he had to report his achievement to Gongsun Xu as soon as possible! He looked back at the brightly lit barracks outside the city and found that a large number of people were gathering inside. His mind became completely calm and he started to run down the stairs towards the city.

Zhang He led the group of people and sprinted forward for around seven to eight hundred steps before arriving at the biggest street in front of the city gate. After carefully inspecting the surrounding terrain, he methodically began to divide the troops and order for the few streets to be completely sealed off from the city gate.

Just as Zhang He had sealed the entrance to the street, he heard the sound of people shouting from the inside of the city. It was obvious that Cao Cao Cao had already knew that a large group of people had entered the city and were gathering to either take back the city gates or to fight their way out. Zhang He was feeling relaxed at the moment. He only wanted to control the place, and did not care about Cao Cao Cao's ability to rush out of the city — — Zhao Yun was leading the large group of cavalrymen to the outskirts of the city. Even if Cao Cao was able to rush out of the walking soldier's blockade, it would be difficult for him to escape from the horde of cavalrymen.

Sima Yi ran with large strides to the bottom of the city gate. He looked carefully ahead, but other than a hazy shadow, he could see nothing else. He shook his head, and cupped his fists at Gao Tie: "Commander Gao, please give me a war horse!"

Gao Tie waved his hand, and someone immediately brought a war horse over to give it to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi mounted his horse and raised his eyes to look forward once more. Sure enough, he could vaguely make out the figures of people moving about within the military camps of the White Horse Camp in the distance. At this moment, the clamor within the army camp outside the city grew even louder, and Sima Yi could vaguely hear the shouts of someone shouting 'Get on your horse! Quickly rush to the city gates!'

After waiting for quite some time for the reinforcements to disappear, Sima Yi couldn't help but furrow his brows and mutter to himself, "Why aren't you here yet?"

Gao Tie asked coldly: "Sima Xiansheng seems to be in a hurry?"

"Of course! Haha … "Sima Yi laughed heartily and asked without even turning his head," Seeing that the great deed is about to be accomplished, can it be that General Gao isn't excited?

Gao Tie laughed sinisterly, but did not answer Sima Yi's question.

After approximately half an incense's time, Sima Yi finally saw a large group of mounted soldiers charging over with torches. They were waving the great banner of the White Horse Camp and the strange flying horse that was galloping between them seemed as though it could soar into the sky at any moment.

Sima Yi laughed loudly. "He's finally here!" "Haha!"

"I wonder who it is?" Gao Tie suddenly asked.

Sima Yi said with an excited smile, "That's the banner of the White Horse Camp. It's very likely that General Gongsun Xu has personally come!"

"Has General Gongsun Xu come personally?" Gao Tie muttered, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The large group of White Horse Camp cavalrymen that were charging over got closer and closer, quickly arriving outside the city gates.

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