When Shan Meng rushed to the front of the city gate, he used the reins to slow down his speed. Staring at the opened gate a few steps away, he couldn't help but feel excited and excited — — Ever since he followed Gongsun Xu to the White Horse Camp, this was the first time he led a team that exceeded four thousand. Even though this team was only a small part of the reinforcements, it was already an unprecedented important responsibility for him.

Charging from the camp to the city gate was only about four kilometers, but in this short period of time, Shan Meng had already thought of those words Gongsun Xu had said several times.

"I will follow General Zi Long's footsteps and advance. I can't screw up such a simple reinforcement mission!" Shan Meng took a deep breath and rode his horse into the city.

When Sima Yi saw a high-ranking officer rushing over, although he didn't know who this person was, he hurriedly cupped his hands together and asked, "May I know this general's name?"

Shan Meng cupped his fists and answered loudly: I am General Gongsun Xu's vanguard Shan Meng! Are you Mr. Sima Zhongda? "

"I am Sima Yi!" Sima Yi nodded in agreement before recovering from his shock and said, "So the little general is the son of a great general. I apologize for my disrespect!"

He already felt somewhat displeased towards Sima Yi in his heart. He really didn't like others saying 'This is the son of a great general', and he even more wanted to hear words like 'This is the General Shan Meng of the White Horse Camp'. But now was not the time to care about this. Shan Meng quickly controlled his emotions, and raised his head to look at the distant street in front of him.

Because the distance between them was too far, Shan Meng could only see the shadows of people in front of him moving about. Battle cries, miserable cries, curses, shouts and all sorts of other noises continuously echoed, making it impossible for him to clearly see what was happening there. He shook his head and asked Sima Yi about the situation on the street ahead.

Sima Yi said in a low voice, "General Dan, General Zhang He has brought some men to seal the exit to prevent the Cao Army from rushing over to take back the city gates. It might be that the reinforcements from the Cao Army have already started fighting with General Zhang He's forces!"

"Someone, come!" Shan Meng immediately shouted after hearing this.

"General Dan, please give your instructions!" One of the family generals brought by Shan Meng quickly spurred his horse forward.

Shan Meng raised his hand and drew a circle before him, and said loudly in high spirits: "Go report to General Gongsun Xu, tell him that the city gates have been controlled by this general, and that the successive armies will enter the city quickly!"

The general answered and turned his horse to gallop away.

It was only then that Gao Tie had the chance to speak, he galloped his horse forward two steps, and cupped his fists: "This humble one, Gao Tie, greets General Dan!"

"Nice to meet you!" Even though Shan Meng's mouth was polite, in his heart, he was extremely curious about who this person was.

Sima Yi was very close, and as he borrowed the light of the flames to clearly see the doubt on Solitary Longing's face, he said in a low voice, "General Gao Tie has played a great role in successfully seizing the city gates this time. It's impossible for a single person to accomplish this alone."

"So that's how it is!" Shan Meng nodded his head, looked at Gao Tie and smiled: "General Gao has done a great deed this time, General Gongsun will definitely not treat you unfairly!"

Gao Tie cupped his fists respectfully: "Thank you, General! In the future, we would like to invite the General to represent us in front of the General Gongsun! "

"Haha, General Gao is too polite! From now on, he was going to be a fellow brother, so why should he mention it? My White Horse Camp only cares about fairness and fairness, if there are merits, there will be a reward, if there is a penalty, then there is one thing that the general will contribute greatly, so there is a high chance that he will be able to lead an army like General Zhang He! " Shan Meng laughed heartily and said these words. Without waiting for Gao Tie to open his mouth to express his thanks, he pointed to the surrounding Henei County and asked softly: "These are all reliable people right?"

Gao Tie replied: "General Dan, don't worry, these are all absolutely reliable people!"

Shan Meng looked at Sima Yi and the latter nodded slightly. Instantly, Shan Meng's heart became assured. Now, seeing that there was nothing wrong with the city gate, he immediately left more than twenty people behind to look at the city gate with Gao Tie as a signal. He himself waved and shouted orders as he led the group of people towards the street in front of them.

Gao Tie watched as the cavalrymen from the White Horse Camp flew away, then suddenly said respectfully: "Sima Xiansheng, the army that follows after the General Gongsun has arrived in an instant. It is impossible for anything to happen to the city gate, but General Zhang He and General Shan Meng on the other hand, who do not understand the situation in the city, might actually suffer a huge loss under the counterattack from the Cao Army! Might as well ask Mister to guard the city gate here, and I'll help them out? "

Sima Yi thought about it and was about to agree to Gao Tie's suggestion, but then he suddenly realized that the city gate was already completely under his control. Rather than staying here to welcome Gongsun Xu's successor, he might as well follow Shan Meng over to Zhang He's side. I am not familiar with them, I still request General Shan Meng to command them to watch over the city gate from here, I will rush over to help General Zhang He and General Shan Meng! "What do you think, General?"

Gao Tie sighed, "I've long heard of General Zhang He's great name, and I wanted to experience his ferocity! Since Sima Xiansheng has said it like that, then please Mister go and help them, this general will welcome the General Gongsun's army into the city!

"Very good!" Sima Yi was extremely happy as he cupped his hands together, "General Gao, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Gao Tie said in a deep voice, "Please rest assured Sima Xiansheng, nothing will happen to you!"

Sima Yi laughed heartily as he turned the horse around with the reins, bringing a group of robust men that he had borrowed from a variety of great clans to follow Shan Meng.

Just as Sima Yi's figure disappeared, Gao Tie's expression turned cold. He suddenly raised his greatsword and ruthlessly slashed at the nearest White Horse Camp soldier.

That soldier was looking at the street in front of him, and simply didn't react to Gao Tie's sudden slash at all. His head was chopped off by Gao Tie, and the headless corpse collapsed onto the ground, spurting blood from his mouth.

Gao Tie's blade was the signal, his personal guards quickly charged forward, and before the other party could react, he killed all of the remaining White Horse Camp soldiers.

All of the surrounding county soldier s were immediately dumbstruck. Gao Tie had been extremely respectful to Zhang He and Shan Meng, but who would have thought that he would kill them in the blink of an eye! There were already six to seven thousand White Horse Camp s in the city. If they discovered the abnormality of the city gate, they only needed to charge in order to solve it.

"What are you still standing there for?" Gao Tie saw that the county soldier were all in a daze, and immediately shouted. Waving his hand, he shouted: "Quickly close the city gates!"

The county soldier s looked at each other in dismay. For a moment, no one dared to step out and close the gates.

Gao Tie was furious, he slashed his blade and killed a few county soldier s. The rest of the county soldier s went silent, and quickly listened to Gao Tie's orders to close the city gates.

The heavy city gates began to slowly close, and it would take at most another hundred breaths of time to smoothly close.

Gao Tie still despised the county soldier s being too slow, so he simply jumped off the horse and rushed up with his guards, preparing to quickly lock up the city gates and plan his next step.

Currently, Gongsun Xu and Guo Jia were waiting outside the main entrance of the White Horse Camp's camp. Both of their expressions were very calm, as if they did not care about the matter of seizing the city gate tonight. The White Horse Camp had always held the upper hand, if not for the protection of the city, he would not have been able to resist them. Now, with the help of their inner force, not to mention that Mo Bingmei was still in the city, Gongsun Xu felt that it would be a foolproof plan to seize the city gate this time.

General Dan told this lowly one to come back and report that the city gate is already under their control. General Zhang He also sealed up the various streets leading to the city gate, and asked General Zhang He to send a huge army to kill their way into the city! "

Gongsun Xu recognized that this person was Shan Meng's house general, and did not have the slightest bit of doubt or worry in his heart. He waved his hand and shouted, "Go report to Shan Meng, General Zi Long will lead a large army to rush into the city immediately!"

The person cupped his fists in response, turned his horse around, and galloped off down the road.

Guo Jia cupped his hands and smiled: "Congratulations, my people! From today onwards, who dares to say that our White Horse Camp cannot attack cities? "

Gongsun Xu laughed, and shook his head: "Speaking of which, I still have the feeling that victory is not Wu! If he didn't have the help from his wife, he would have had to spend a lot of time and effort! After this battle, it was time for Ma Jun and his son to create some new siege equipment! "Relying on the ladders and the car, the casualties are really too great!"

Guo Jia laughed: "Let's talk about this later. I will follow Zi Long to take a look, this side will be up to you. You better not be careless and let Cao Mengde go! "

Gongsun Xu laughed coldly, "As long as Cao Mengde dares to leave the city, I will definitely capture him alive!"

At this time, the depressing sounds of horse hooves and footsteps came from behind him. It turned out that Zhao Yun had brought ten thousand elite walking soldier s with him in preparation to charge into the city.

Zhao Yun walked over quickly, cupped his fists and said: "General is about to enter the city, does Master have any other orders?"

Gongsun Xu thought for a while, then said: "If we meet Cao Mengde, try your best to capture him alive!"

"Yes sir!" Zhao Yun answered loudly, waving his arms and shouting, "Brothers, let's go!"

Over ten thousand people responded in unison, their voices reaching far behind the city gate.

"Quick!" "Faster!" When Gao Tie heard the sound, he became extremely anxious and personally pushed the city gate open.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, someone asked loudly from outside the city gate.

Gao Tie raised his head and saw that the person who came was the person who Shan Meng had sent to inform him. Without saying anything further, he grabbed the bow and arrows from one of his subordinates and nocked an arrow onto the bow.

Seeing that the situation was bad, the Clan Elder immediately turned around and escaped. It was not because he was afraid of death, but because he wanted to report to Gongsun Xu as soon as possible.

Gao Tie roared out, and an arrow flew towards the back of the general.

The arrow was accurately shot. The general fell onto the horse's back in a flash, blood pouring out of his mouth. When the horse ran a dozen steps, it fell off its horse and died.

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