The Cao Army soldiers were climbing, stepping, pushing and cursing near the trench. The scene was extremely chaotic, the people who fell into the trench were in the most miserable state. Every time they wanted to climb up, there would be a few large feet on their head, extremely furious and helpless. However, when the rapid and dense arrows were shot out, the people in the trench became the lucky ones. Most of the arrows that were shot over were blocked by the people in the trench. The casualties among those in the trench were minimal.

"The Gongsun kid is actually so cunning, you really don't deserve to be called a human being!" Seeing this, Cao Cao angrily shouted. His voice sounded very hoarse, as if he had accidentally hurt his throat.

The reason why Cao Cao said it was about right was because in such a short period of time, the human and the horse's body of flesh had almost filled up the trench that was over a hundred feet long in front of them. Xu Huang raised his axe high up in the air, and the drummers behind the big flag quickly sounded their battle drums, causing the Cao Army soldiers to rush forward like a swarm of bees upon hearing the drum sounds.

Most of the people in the trench were still alive from the injuries. Those who could still move around desperately pushed the others away, trying to climb up. However, what awaited them was more trampling. When Cao Cao led a large group of people to rush across the trench, more than seventy percent of the people who had fallen into the trench were trampled to death.

Seeing that the enemy army had rushed past the moat, the White Horse Camp's army camp once again released two rounds of arrows towards them. Following which, a troop of three thousand plus heavily armored walking soldier s quickly rushed out of the camp, and started to prepare for battle.

Cao Cao pulled out his sword and pointed it at the front, shouting, "Everyone, there is only a way out if we rush over!" Kill! "

Right after Cao Cao's words, Xu Huang shouted loudly: "Brothers of the vanguard team, follow me!" As he spoke, he waved his axe and rushed out.

Over two thousand Cao Army s stepped forward after hearing the voice, and followed behind Xu Huang as they ran frantically. It was the surviving tiger leopard riding. After they returned to Henei County, they did not fight again, but now that they had reached the critical moment of breaking through the encirclement, Cao Cao Cao was once again using them as the vanguard arrow.

Dozens of steps passed in an instant. If the vanguard team led by Xu Huang was seen as an angry bull, then the three hundred plus tiger leopard riding soldiers were the sharpest horns on the bull's head. Their heads bumped into the White Horse Camp camp and they started to fight ferociously.

The walking soldier had never experienced such a cruel battle, so even though their equipment was not bad, their fighting strength was far from that of the cavalry, and they did not have any capable generals to command them. Facing the crazy attacks of the tiger leopard riding soldiers, they immediately became flustered, and were forced to retreat by Xu Huang and the tiger leopard riding. After only a hundred breaths of time, Xu Huang and tiger leopard riding actually rushed thirty to forty steps forward. As long as they could endure for a little longer, they would be able to completely pierce through White Horse Camp's obstruction.

When Cao Cao saw that the time was right, he swung his sword and shouted: "All forces attack! Kill! "

Seeing the hope of escaping, the Cao Army's soldiers immediately became enlivened. With loud shouts, they surrounded Cao Cao and rushed forward.

After the White Horse Camp's heavy armored walking soldier s had gone through the initial panic, they had gradually relied on their advantage in numbers to save the situation. Xu Huang and the tiger leopard riding's soldiers had charged forward no more than ten steps, and when they saw that they would be able to break out of the encirclement if they increased their strength, it would be extremely difficult to advance even one more step when they were heavily surrounded by enemies. Xu Huang roared again and again, waving the big axe in his hand around like a windmill, he was truly about to die, but the White Horse Camp s did not care about the lives and injuries, they surrounded him, and the moment someone fell, there would definitely be someone who would take over the position in the next second, and there would even be people who would pounce on him endlessly, trying to kill him together. No matter how brave Xu Huang was, he could not take half a step forward.

Just at this moment, Cao Cao finally led the troops and rushed over, they quickly rushed through the gap left by Xu Huang's vanguard team, the White Horse Camp's walking soldier's people did not have the advantage in numbers, they were simply unable to stop the violent attacks of the Cao Army, they could only watch as Cao Cao Cao slowly approached Xu Huang's vanguard team.

On the arrow tower in the White Horse Camp camp, a soldier stared at the battlefield and shouted towards the bottom of the arrow tower, "Those remaining tiger leopard riding s that are in front, the one wearing the red cloak is Cao Cao! Quickly send a signal to the General Zhao! "

"Yes!" Someone under the archer tower responded. Following which, a flag flower rocket shot up into the sky, exploding into a brilliant firework in the night sky.

Just as Zhao Yun and the four thousand riders arrived at the corner of the city wall, they saw fireworks exploding in the sky. and Guo Jia were also worried that Cao Cao would attack from the east, hence they had specially arranged for people who had seen Cao Cao at the arrow towers. Once they realized that Cao Cao was really doing this, they would release their Flag Flower Rocket, and Zhao Yun would only join the battle after seeing the signal.

Cao Cao heard the sound of horse hooves coming from behind him, and quickly shouted at Xu Huang: "Not good! The enemy cavalry were coming! "General Gong Ming, hurry up and charge forward. Even if the vanguard team is to be completely finished, they must still charge forward before the enemy cavalry arrives!"

Xu Huang also knew that the situation was critical. Even though his body was covered with injuries and his strength was almost depleted, he still clenched his teeth and ignored the attacks of the enemies around him. There were less than half of the three hundred odd tiger leopard riding Warriors remaining and almost all of them were heavily injured. However, like Xu Huang, they no longer blocked the attacks from their opponents and continued to follow Xu Huang and rush forward.

Seeing that he could not lose the opportunity, Cao Cao Cao personally waved his long sword and rushed forward, quickly repelling the enemy troops who were blocking him, and successfully reunited with Xu Huang's vanguard team. At this time, Cao Army had a lot more people than them, and they knew that if they could not break out, then it would be a dead end, thus everyone worked hard, all fighting to be the first to go, although the soldiers of White Horse Camp tried their best to resist, but they were still forced to retreat step by step.

Xu Huang was only concerned with waving his axe and burying his head inside as he charged forward. Suddenly, his axe cleaved empty space, he raised his head and saw a sparse forest in front of him, and it turned out that he had unknowingly charged out of the encirclement. He was overjoyed. He quickly raised his arms and shouted, "Brothers, quickly follow me!"

At this time, the remaining seventy to eighty tiger leopard riding soldiers also rushed out of the encirclement. They no longer cared about the enemies behind them as they sat on the ground and panted heavily. They were all wearing heavy armor and had been fighting in the crowd for so long, they were already exhausted.

Aside from these seventy to eighty tiger leopard riding s, the vanguard team led by Xu Huang still had around eight to nine hundred people left, and about one out of a hundred people were not injured. A total of half of them died in the chaotic battle just now, and they had only rushed forward sixty steps. The remaining vanguard troops followed the blood path that Xu Huang and the tiger leopard riding left and rushed forward desperately. Soon enough, they broke away from the encirclement of the White Horse Camp and rushed to where Xu Huang was and sat on the ground paralyzed.

Xu Huang shouted anxiously: "Get up! If you don't want to die, then hurry up and get up! "

Hearing Xu Huang's shout, they stood up, held their weapons tightly and waited for the order for the next step. Although the other Cao Army soldiers had also heard Xu Huang's shout, most of them had weak hands and feet, and could not even stand up. The legs of a few people who stood up were also trembling, it was obviously impossible to expect them to fight again in the near future.

Just then, Cao Cao finally led his army and rushed out. He also shouted at his soldiers to stand up like Xu Huang, but it was to no avail. Cao Cao Cao was very strict with his army, if he saw this situation he would usually punish them severely, but at this moment, he was very strange and did not get angry, but only said to Xu Huang in a low voice: "General Gongming, we cannot leave here. We need to quickly leave this place!"

The meaning behind Cao Cao's words was clear, he wanted to abandon the soldiers that he couldn't move and escape by himself. When he thought about abandoning his brothers who were fighting alongside him just a moment ago, Xu Huang's heart started to panic.

Cao Cao shouted in a deep voice, "General Gongming, the time is fleeting. Let's go!" With that, he raised the reins and ran towards the forest.

Xu Huang sighed, took the warhorse from his personal guard, and followed Cao Cao Cao.

The Cao Army soldiers who were still able to move used their last bit of strength to follow along. Most of the people who were unable to leave started to curse.

"Dog." Day. "F * ck Cao, we worked our hardest for him, but abandoned us and ran away instead. We truly do not respect the human world!"

"Exactly! Since Cao Cao that dog. Mother. Ever since he came to the Henei County, when did he look at us county soldier s? He only thinks of us when he needs someone to put their life on the line. He turns around and doesn't care about us at all. Mother. It's not a human! "

"His milk... milk. , those two stupid pigs, gave the most authority to ! "

"Yuan Shao is even worse off! Ever since that fellow came to the Jizhou, we people from the Jizhou have not lived a good life! If it wasn't for that thief Yuan Shao who forced the death of envoy Han and the fact that we fought against the powerful Marquis Jin for so many years, how would we have ended up like this? "

"What's the use of saying these things now! His milk … milk. I, your father will surrender to the people of White Horse Camp, if you don't want to live, then continue to resist! "

"I surrender too!"

"Surrender!" Surrender! "

When Zhao Yun led the troops to the scene, they saw the Cao Army soldiers kneeling on the ground. After he asked a few questions, his face immediately turned extremely ugly.

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