When Zhao Yun galloped his horse through the forest, he turned to look at the eastern sky. The star had already risen. The appearance of the star dispelled the thick layer of clouds, and the already tilted moon once again emitted a faint glow, allowing Zhao Yun to clearly see what was thirty to forty steps away.

Looking at the quiet wilderness in front of him, Zhao Yun suddenly felt indecisive. He didn't know whether to continue chasing or quickly turn around to avoid being hit by Cao Cao's plan. When he asked those surrendered Cao Army soldiers earlier, he realized that those people were not the elite of the Cao Army, but the county soldier's county soldier! Zhao Yun had already felt that something was amiss at the time. If it was really Cao Cao leading the army to break out of the encirclement, then where were the Yanzhou Army's elites? However, the White Horse Camp Warriors who were blocking the way all said the same as they saw Cao Cao with their own eyes. Furthermore, tiger leopard riding was leading the way at the front, so even though Zhao Yun had his suspicions, he still led the group to chase after Cao Cao.

"What?" Zhao Yun was surprised, and asked anxiously: "What are they doing? Did you see the flag clearly? "

"They lit torches to hasten the speed of their journey, waving the banner of Cao Cao. They even found traces of those remnant tiger leopard riding s!"

"tiger leopard riding! Could it be that I'm being overly suspicious? " Zhao Yun muttered, and made his decision after a moment of pondering, "The entire army will increase their speed, catch up!"

The four thousand riders all increased their speed and followed Zhao Yun as they ran.

The thundering sound of the horses' hooves could be heard from far away. Xu Huang, who was riding his horse madly shouted: "The enemy is chasing! I ask my lord to leave first, and to stay behind to cut off the rear! "

"There's no need to hide it anymore!" Cao Cao Cao, who was at the side, shook his head and said in a deep voice, "The one who is chasing after us now is definitely Gongsun Xu's elite cavalry. A certain sinful being was the most suitable candidate to be cut off from the rest! I hope that General Gong Ming can help me pass on a message when you meet Brother Meng De, I, Cao Zi and I let him down! " With that, he pulled open his mask. It was actually Cao Chun Cao Zi He.

Xu Huang was startled and quickly shook his head and rejected loudly, "Son and general's words are wrong. Before leaving, I made a promise to you that you would definitely ensure the safety of me and my general! If the son and general stay behind to cut off the rear, how will I have the face to see the lord? General and son, time is of the essence, please leave now.

"General Xu Huang!" Cao Chun suddenly shouted loudly.

"This lowly general is here!" His position in the army was much lower than Cao Chun's. In the beginning, he had even stayed in the tiger leopard riding for a while, so normally, when he was facing Cao Chun, he considered himself to be only as a subordinate.

Cao Chun bellowed: Leave 500 people for this general, take the others and leave quickly, this is an order, whoever disobeys it will be executed!

"General!" Xu Huang shouted anxiously.

Cao Chun did not wait for Xu Huang to finish and shouted: "Shut up! Could it be that General Xu really wants this general to carry out martial law? Run! "If you don't leave now, it will be too late!"

Xu Huang still wanted to argue, but Cao Chun suddenly stretched out his weapon and poked the back of Xu Huang's war horse. Xu Huang was caught off guard and he almost fell off his horse. He shouted loudly and anxiously to stop his war horse, but the berserk war horse completely ignored his shouts and continued to run faster and faster while carrying him.

Cao Chun randomly picked five teams of 100 people to stay behind and ordered the others to quickly chase up to Xu Huang. The soldiers did not dare disobey Cao Chun's orders, and started to follow after Xu Huang.

"General Gongming, have a safe trip!" Cao Chun muttered to himself as he stared at their backs, he then raised his arm and shouted: "Where is the tiger leopard riding!"

"We are here!" The remaining dozens of tiger leopard riding soldiers answered with a loud rumble, standing straight and waiting for Cao Chun's orders.

"Are you willing to die with this general?"

"We are willing to live and die with the general!"

"Haha …" Cao Chun laughed heartily at these words. After laughing, he said coldly, "Good! As expected, they are all my good brothers! If there is an afterlife, we can still be brothers! "

Dozens of people from the tiger leopard riding followed along and shouted loudly, "If there is an afterlife, we will follow the general and fight on the battlefield again!"

Cao Chun laughed, and with a flip of his hand, pulled down his mask, waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go! Let's kill! "

The five hundred elite Cao Army soldiers were affected by Cao Chun's and tiger leopard riding's heroic spirit, causing their morale to immediately rise as they waved their weapons, shouting and rushing after Cao Chun.

At the same time, the White Horse Camp scouts also noticed Cao Chun's group turning around and charging over, and immediately urged their horses to return to report to Zhao Yun.

"General, the enemy is in front!"

"How many?" Zhao Yun immediately asked, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a plan to lure the tiger out of the mountain, but since the enemy was in front of him, he had to go and take a look.

"Less than a thousand people!"

"This is obviously a team with a cut off rear. Could it really be Cao Cao who was in front?" Zhao Yun muttered to himself for a bit and asked: "Are those tiger leopard riding s here?"


"Charge over there and finish off all the enemies in front!" Zhao Yun immediately issued an order. Since they had already chased all the way here, they couldn't turn back just like that.

Following Zhao Yun's order, the four thousand riders started to increase their speed and rushed towards Cao Chun's group.

When the five hundred Cao Army heard the thunderous sound of the horses' hooves, and saw the overwhelming might of the Steel Cavalry, they felt as if their two great battles had their hearts in their throats. The heroic spirit that had been stirred up by Cao Chun and the tiger leopard riding was completely gone, and very quickly, there were people slowing down, preparing to turn around and flee. Everyone knew that with just five hundred walking soldier, even including Cao Chun and tiger leopard riding, there were less than six hundred people. Facing such a powerful cavalry, only death awaited them.

Cao Chun and tiger leopard riding had long set life and death on the line, and facing an enemy they definitely could not defeat, they immediately mustered their courage, and under Cao Chun's lead, they quickly rushed forward. Although Cao Chun saw this, he did not try to stop them. In any case, they were going to die generously so those cowards could just run away. Now, they could only get on their horses and run. When the two sides came close to each other, Cao Chun's side only had around three hundred people left.

Bang! Dozens of breaths later, two teams with a huge disparity in numbers crashed into each other, followed by screams and the sound of falling horses.

Four thousand against three hundred, and White Horse Camp's side had the advantage in terms of equipment and morale, the result was without any suspense. After a single exchange, Cao Chun's side only had him and a dozen or so tiger leopard riding's side left, the others were either killed on the spot or stepped off their horses and turned into mincemeat. Most of the White Horse Camp Cavalry who were able to fight these few dozen were all relying on Cao Chun's bravery, and the ones who charged at him were all cleanly chopped off by him, while he himself only suffered a few small injuries.

"Look at the spear!" With a loud shout, a spear flew towards Cao Chun.

So it was Zhao Yun who rushed over on his horse. Seeing how brave Cao Chun was, he immediately shot him dead.

Clang! As the blades and spears clashed, sparks flew everywhere. Zhao Yun and Cao Chun both felt their palm go numb as they sighed in their hearts.

Cao Chun recognized Zhao Yun, and thought that he had a point to him.

Zhao Yun didn't recognize the masked Cao Chun and couldn't help but guess who the person was.

After exchanging a few more moves, Zhao Yun took two steps back and asked loudly: "Sir, you are truly skilled in martial arts, I am extremely impressed, do you dare to say your name?"

"To be praised like this by the number one general of White Horse Camp, this one is truly honored! Haha! "Cao Chun laughed out loud and pulled down his mask, then shouted:" I am Cao Chun! General Zhao, I never thought we would meet again! "

"It's you!" Seeing that it was Cao Chun, Zhao Yun was shocked. He was Cao Cao's direct cousin, why would he do such a dangerous thing?

Cao Chun nodded and laughed, "That's right! It was indeed me, Cao! General Zhao, Brother Meng De has already left for a distance, so I am not worried at all, I just want to fight to my death, would General be able to give me a chance to fight fairly? "

If it was any other time, Zhao Yun would have agreed to it immediately, as this was the dignity of a martial general! It was just that he was very clear on Cao Chun's martial arts, without 10 or so moves, it would be difficult to determine the victor. However, he had an important mission at the moment, if he let Cao Cao escape, he would not be able to explain it to Gongsun Xu!

"I'm sorry!" Zhao Yun apologetically shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "I made a promise in front of Master that I would definitely keep Cao Mengde, so I cannot waste too much time here! General Cao, I'm sorry! If you can put down your weapon, I guarantee that I won't hurt you in the slightest, and my master definitely won't treat you unfairly! "

"Haha!" Cao Chun laughed miserably towards the sky, shaking his head repeatedly. "I've long heard that Zhao Zilong is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, it won't be too late to meet you today! I am the brother of brother Meng De, how can I rely on him? Come on, even if all of you were to come at me together, what is there for me to fear? "

Zhao Yun smiled apologetically, and said in a deep voice: "General Cao, there is no need to use such provocation. Fire the arrows! "

With the order given, Zhao Yun did not stay any longer and spurred his horse forward.

"General, be careful!" When the rest of the tiger leopard riding soldiers heard Zhao Yun's order, they all urged their horses to rush over and try to stand in front of Cao Chun.

In that instant, hundreds of crossbow arrows flew towards Cao Chun and the dozen or so tiger leopard riding Warriors.

"General Cao, have a safe trip!" Zhao Yun did not even turn his head to look back as he quietly muttered to himself.

When the soldiers of White Horse Camp stopped shooting, Cao Chun and the dozen or so soldiers of tiger leopard riding were already shot into a hedgehog. Cao Chun swayed a few times, and then fell to the ground in dejection.

"Brother Meng De, I will leave first. I hope you can return to the Yanzhou and rise again!" Before his death, Cao Chun looked at the night sky filled with stars, and made his last wish.

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