"General Zhao! General Zhao! This humble one has something important to report! "

"What is it?" Zhao Yun's speed did not slow down, he turned and asked a scout Junior head who was chasing after him.

The scout Junior head's face turned sullen as he replied in a muffled voice, "Reporting to General, this lowly one just found out …"

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, barely suppressing the anger in his heart, he knew that the scout Junior head was right, the moment Cao Chun met him, he had immediately launched a decisive charge, and usually, the scouts did not have to participate in the battle. This Junior head must have brought their scouts to wander around the edge of the battlefield, so they just found out that Cao Chun was impersonating Cao Cao Cao.

The scout Junior head saw that Zhao Yun was silent, and was extremely perturbed. Even though the army knew that the General Zhao was normally amiable, once their soldiers made a mistake, they would not stop.

"This matter was not your fault. It was this general who accidentally fell into the enemy's trap of luring the tiger out of the mountain!" Zhao Yun suddenly shook his head and shouted: "The entire army is accelerating, catch up to that Cao Army!"

"General, aren't you going back to deal with Cao Cao?"

"It must be too late to return now. Since that's the case, how can I let that Cao Army go?" Zhao Yun explained coldly. He turned around and looked in the direction of the Henei County and muttered, "I actually fell for such a simple method to lure the tiger out of the mountain. Now, it seems like Cao Mengde had broken through the encirclement from the west gate. I wonder if the warriors over there can stop him? "

Actually, Cao Cao's technique of luring the tiger out of the mountain was just as Zhao Yun had said, simple, but the effect was extremely obvious. Especially when Cao Chun appeared with the tiger leopard riding in this group, it made Zhao Yun even more confident that he could catch up.

Back then, Gongsun Zan had transferred an army from the Youzhou Army to Gongsun Xu. After the army came to the Henei County, there were more than ten thousand people stationed outside the west side of the city, so Gongsun Xu did not use them when he was attacking the city. At this time, the Cao Army's troops were already engaged in a chaotic battle with the ten thousand Youzhou Army s. The latter were being pushed back bit by bit, completely unable to defend against the ferocious attacks from the Cao Army's few generals.

"My lords, as long as we rush over, we will be able to return home! Kill! " Just as they were about to pierce through the enemy's camp, Cao Cao Cao pointed his sword at the front and shouted with all his might.

Hearing that, the Cao Army's morale rose once again, and under Xiahou Yuan's lead, they rushed forward, very quickly forming a path of blood in the Youzhou Army's camp. This group of Youzhou Army's commanders had just died in Xiahou Yuan's hands, so no one gave the order to give chase. 90% of the Youzhou Army s could only watch as Cao Cao Cao Cao's group disappeared into the distance.

Not long after Cao Cao's great army left, Zhang He led his army and rushed over. After knowing that Cao Cao had already fought his way out, he quickly led his troops to chase after them.

The large group of Cao Army continued to rush forward until they arrived near a dense forest. Only then did Cao Cao give the order to slow down and rode his horse towards a small hill.

Xiahou Yuan spurred his horse to Cao Cao's side, and asked in a low voice: "Meng De, do you want to wait for me and Dian Wei?"

Cao Cao Cao shook his head, and said dejectedly: "Yuan Zun and Dian Wei are both loyal and unparalleled, and would never betray me. They haven't come back yet, I'm afraid …"

Xiahou Yuan and Dian Wei did not seem to be able to come back. Le Jin had already been killed by Gongsun Xu, and the odds were against Cao Chun and Xu Huang, of the few generals Cao Cao had brought, only himself was left! Most of them were the descendants of the Cao Clan, and the entire Yanzhou Army had suffered heavy casualties. There were less than five elite soldiers, and even if they managed to return to the Yanzhou, would Cao Cao still be able to control the previous situation?

Cao Cao Cao sighed, and said softly: "Miao Cai, it looks like we made a mistake by sending troops to rescue Yuan Benchu! Zi Xiu, Yuanyu, Dian Wei, Zi He, Wen Qian are all unknown whether General Gong Ming is still alive or not.

Xiahou Yuan was a little surprised. Cao Cao Cao's character was very stubborn, and sometimes he was even headstrong.

Xiahou Yuan advised in a low voice: "Meng De doesn't need to be too sad, just whether Dian Wei and Yuan Su are dead or alive is unknown, the possibility of Xu Gongming and Zi He escaping is very high, maybe after a few days, they will return to Yanzhou!"

Cao Cao Cao shook his head, he raised his head and looked up to the sky, his eyes sparkling, obviously he did not believe Xiahou Yuan's words of consolation.

Just then, Xun Yu spurred his horse over, and cupped his hands: "I am still in danger, Master, please give the order to continue!"

Cao Cao dejectedly waved his hand, "Miao Cai, give the order!"

Xiahou Yuan responded as he prepared to go forward to pass down the order.

"General Xiahou, please wait!" Xun Yu suddenly called out to Xiahou Yuan.

Xiahou Yuan stopped and cupped his fists and asked: "What orders do you have for me, Mr. Wen Ruo?"

Xun Yu pointed to the nearby dense forest, and said softly: "Master, there is an eighty percent chance of the enemy army. The Nine will be coming, and our army needs a victory to boost our morale, so we propose to set up an ambush here! Our army has just been defeated, the enemy will definitely not think of us ambushing them, the probability of success is extremely high! "

"Wen Ruo's words are reasonable!" Cao Cao's eyes lit up, he nodded his head and praised. He then gritted his teeth and said: "We have suffered heavy losses. If we cannot turn the tables around, how can we face the elders in the family? Miao Cai, I will leave the rest of the few hundred cavalry with you. I will give you another six thousand elite walking soldier, as well as all of your bows and arrows. "Remember, if the enemy army is too many, do not act rashly!"

Xun Yu and Xun You who had rushed over afterwards nodded their heads at the same time. In adversity, they did not panic.

Xiahou Yuan cupped his fists and said: "Master, please be at ease, I know what to do!"

"I will go with Wen Ruo and Gong Da first. After the ambush is successful, we must not keep fighting and immediately retreat!"


After a while, Cao Cao and Xun Yu led a few thousand Cao Army s to continue their journey, while Xiahou Yuan led less than seven thousand men to ambush them in the forest, waiting for a possible pursuer.

At this time, on the run-down official road that was five to six miles away from the dense forest, Zhang He raised his head and looked at the sky, turning to ask: "How long has it been since the enemy last?"

A person at the side answered, "Reporting to the general, it has been about half an hour!"

Zhang He muttered to himself for a while, then decisively said: "Cao Army is mostly walking soldier, a mere hour isn't too far away, he's definitely not far ahead! Pass down the order, we have to speed up and catch up! "

Zhang He's order was immediately given, and the three thousand odd cavalry soldiers rushed forward one after another.

In the forest where Xiahou Yuan was hiding, a few people were lying on the ground and listening to his movements.

Suddenly, a person jumped up and rushed to Xiahou Yuan's front, and said in a low voice: "Reporting to General, there's the sound of horses' hooves!"

"He really came!" Xiahou Yuan who was leaning against a big tree with his eyes closed suddenly stood up, and asked with a deep voice: "Can you hear how many people there are?"

Another man came over quickly and said in a deep voice, "General, there are about three to four thousand men!"

"Three to four thousand people against one!" Xiahou Yuan pondered for a moment, then smashed his right fist fiercely into his left palm and said: "I did it! Get your brothers ready and wait for this general's order! "

The six thousand men led by Xiahou Yuan were the last elites of Cao Army, furthermore, Cao Cao Cao had kept his bow and arrow, Xiahou Yuan had at least four thousand longbows in his hands, which meant that he had four thousand archers to use. Furthermore, the official road here was even more dilapidated and narrow, with the dense forest concealing his movements, and the three to four thousand people chasing him, Xiahou Yuan was extremely confident that he could obtain a huge victory!

In less than ten minutes, Zhang He had followed the tracks left behind by the Cao Army all the way to the front of the forest. He stopped and raised his head to look at the forest in front of him.

Xiahou Yuan was still about three or four hundred steps away from the dense forest. At this distance, the arrows released no attack, and if the enemy general were to see through the ambush, the battle would become a hard battle. By then, the losses would definitely not be small.

Zhang He stared into the forest for a while but did not find anything abnormal, furthermore, the broken official road ahead was filled with the remnants of the Cao Army, no matter how he looked at it, they were all fleeing in panic. But out of caution, Zhang He ordered a few men to close in and release a few arrows into the forest. This action caused Xiahou Yuan's heart to leap up to his throat, perhaps his bad luck had already run out. Cao Army was currently quite lucky, not a single person was shot, and thus did not make any sound.

"Chase after him!" Seeing that there was no ambush, Zhang He waved his hand and took the lead to rush forward.

Seeing that Zhang He was moving forward again, Xiahou Yuan heaved a sigh of relief, nervously staring at the approaching enemy, ready to give the order to attack at any time.

This dense forest was on the left side of the main road, and was only twenty to thirty steps away from the main road. If it was during the day, the traces left behind when the Cao Army entered the forest would definitely be discovered by Zhang He, but unfortunately, it was already at dawn, and the light was becoming increasingly dim. Furthermore, he was anxiously chasing after Cao Cao Cao, he never expected that Cao, who had just been defeated, would actually set up ambush here.

Just as Zhang He's group of three thousand all stepped onto the public road near the forest, a burst of drumbeats suddenly sounded out from the forest, followed by a large black mass of arrows flying over!

Zhang He was shocked, he immediately raised his weapon to block the arrow and shouted: "Retreat! "Hurry and retreat!"

Zhang He was leading the elite cavalry, and most of them were personally trained by Zhao Yun. At this time, they were suddenly attacked by a large number of arrows, but they did not panic nor flee, but all of them used their weapons to fire at the enemy, and at the same time, turned their horses around to flee. It was a pity that there were too many archers in Cao Army and the official road was very narrow. It would be difficult to escape in a hurry!

Waves after waves of arrows rapidly approached them. Countless of White Horse Camp's cavalry soldiers were shot to death and fell to the ground, their falls severely obstructing the other people's horses, causing the scene to immediately become chaotic.

"Kill!" Seeing that the time had come, Xiahou Yuan rushed out of the forest and rushed towards Zhang He.

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