The weather was cold in spring and the night was dark. The two Army of Heishan Warriors on night watch carried their knees as they hid in a corner and dozed off. Two lanterns hung from the eaves of the thatched hut. The oil inside the lanterns seemed to be running out, and the light was even dimmer. Ever since the siege of the Qinghe County City, the Yuan Shao Army had been afraid to leave the city to fight. Even the night security of the Youzhou Army was very relaxed, not to mention these Army of Heishan s who had neglected such drills.

In the grass some thirty to forty steps away from the army camp, Gao Qian crouched down, his gaze shifting from the arrow tower to Da Menfujin who was in the camp.

In the forest two to three miles away from the Army of Heishan's camp, Xin Ping was pacing back and forth non-stop, anxiously staring at the direction of the Army of Heishan's camp. After a while, just as Xin Ping was unable to hold back the anxiousness in his heart and was preparing to bring the few people to take a look, Gao Qian finally came back.

"Yuan Cai, how is it?" Xin Ping exhaled lightly and quickly walked over to inquire.

Gao Qian chuckled and said confidently, "The enemy's defense is very lax. We'll definitely win this time!"

"Very good!" When Xin Ping heard it, he was extremely happy. He raised his head and looked at the crescent moon, and anxiously said, "It's about time, should we make a move now?"

"That's right!" Gao Qian nodded his head and said solemnly: "Brother Zhong Zhi, in a while, I will lead my troops to rush into the camp and start a fire. Brother, do not act rashly.

"I will remember this in my heart!" Xin Ping nodded in agreement before bowing respectfully, "I wish General Yuan Cai complete victory. I hope that you will be careful and do not neglect your own safety."

Thank you, Brother Zhong Zhi! I'll be leaving first. Farewell! " Gao Qian returned the salute, turned around and walked away.

A moment later, under the lead of Gao Qian, the five thousand elite walking soldier s quietly crept into the underbrush forty to fifty steps away from the camp.

Gao Qian observed the situation once more and found that it was similar to when he came over just now. Moreover, the two Army of Heishan Warriors on duty were leaning against each other without moving. It was obvious that they had entered into a deep sleep. He raised his hand and beckoned forward. Then, he crouched down and approached the figure.

Five thousand elite soldiers followed close behind, quietly approaching the camp's gate.

When they were about ten steps away from the entrance, Gao Qian waved his hand and stopped the group. He gently drew his bow, took out an arrow from his quiver, and nocked it onto the bowstring. Then, he gave a signal to a person behind him.

This person didn't wear any armor, instead, he was wearing a black outfit. He nodded his head, striding forward with light steps, and soon arrived in front of the camp's gate. He raised his head to look at the tall gate and then suddenly jumped over the fence. He climbed up like a leopard and in the blink of an eye he was over the gate. With a few jumps he was under the archer tower.

Gao Qian's breathing immediately became hurried. This man was a travelling adventurer from the Henei County, his skills were not bad, and he was good at stealing from chickens and dogs. If this person could smoothly kill the two Army of Heishan Warriors on night watch without alerting anyone, the possibility of winning would increase greatly.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the ranger climbed the stairs of the tower and jumped onto the tower in the time it took to take a few breaths. He did not disturb the two Army of Heishan soldiers at all. He took out a sharp blade from his waist, and bent down to reach out for the necks of the two Army of Heishan Warriors.

Seeing this, Gao Qian was overjoyed. He had only wanted to take this man in as a subordinate for a short while, but he hadn't expected him to not disappoint him.

Pfft! After a barely audible slicing sound, the neck of the Army of Heishan soldier on the left was cut open. Warm blood gushed out, sprinkling onto the face of the other Army of Heishan soldier!

The man woke up from his dream and saw a black shadow standing in front of him. He was so scared that he wanted to scream. The travelling adventurer did not expect this person to wake up so quickly. He did not know how to react as his hands slowed down a bit. Before he could cut his opponent's neck with his sharp blade, the other party would surely be able to shout out.

"Whiz!" Just then, a sharp arrow shot out like lightning, striking right at the man's throat. It was Gao Gan, who had been paying attention to the situation on the tower, who had shot this arrow.

The ranger wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, turned around, and cupped his fists in thanks to Gao Gan. He then leapt down from the tower, and quickly opened the door.

Gao Gan suppressed his excited heartbeat, stood up, raised his ring head knife and rushed out with big strides.

The five thousand elite warriors leapt up from the grass and rushed into the gate right after Gao Qian.

No one noticed Gao Gan and the others along the way, so naturally, no one stopped them. It was only when Gao Gan ordered the burning of firewood bundles all around, did the Army of Montenegro in the camp wake up.

Originally, the commander of this group of Army of Heishan, Du Chang, had followed Zhang Yan's orders and returned to Bo Ling. However, Zhang Yan had already decided to integrate the Army of Heishan into the Youzhou Army, and had already deliberately weakened his influence on the Army of Heishan. Therefore, he spent the majority of the time waiting at the Youzhou Army's camp. Sun Qing was originally only a Junior Qu General and was extremely loyal to Zhang Yan. As Zhang Yan currently had no other generals, he was able to promote Sun Qing to the Great Qu General, which barely qualified him to be the commander of this army.

Sun Qing was just like Gui Gu who was killed by Wen Chou, who fought ferociously, but he did not have much strategy behind it either. Furthermore, he was usually greedy for the last thing in the cup, so Zhang Yan had always used him as a fierce general that charged in battle, never letting him lead an army alone. Firstly, Du Chang and Bai Rao had returned to the Boiling Stone Summit to guard against Tao Sheng secretly, and Zhang Yan temporarily did not have any other influential generals capable of commanding a single troop. Secondly, they had the absolute advantage on the battlefield this time, and the Army of Heishan was not the main force in the siege, so Zhang Yan did not think that Sun Qing would make any big mistakes.

Three days ago, Gongsun Xu returned with great victory, no matter if it was Youzhou Army or himself, they were both elated. Many people thought that Yuan Shao's destruction was just around the corner, and couldn't help but relax their hearts. Sun Qing was no exception. The day before yesterday, he gave all the generals some good wine, and last night he drank a huge jar of wine all by himself.

Just as Sun Qing was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard someone shout in his ear.

"General!" General! Wake up! Wake up! The enemy army has come in! "

Sun Qing waved his hands as if he was swatting flies, turned his body, and continued sleeping.

"What should we do?" A few Army of Heishan s looked at each other, not knowing how to wake Gui Gu up.

One of them gritted his teeth as he lifted a bucket of cold water from the side and splashed it onto Gui Gu's body. After that, he hurriedly retreated.

The others gasped, and quickly retreated before Gui Gu could wake up.

"Which son of a bitch dares to splash me with cold water?" Sun Qing roared and sat up, he shook his head, he stared at the people outside, and then heard the sounds of fighting coming from outside, his black face immediately changed, he asked what had happened, and jumped out of the bed hurriedly putting on his boots.

"General, the enemy has arrived!"

Sun Qing quickly donned the armor and asked angrily: Is it Yuan Shao's troops?

"That's right!"

"Yuan Shao dares to send troops out of the city to fight?" Sun Qing was surprised, but he was not afraid, and asked: "How many people?"

"The enemy is setting fire everywhere, I don't know how many troops there are, but the camp is currently in chaos. General, please give the order to retreat!"

"What?" Sun Qing immediately turned pale with fright. If the enemy just rushed in to kill them, he would not be afraid, and only need to gather his forces to annihilate or drive them out. However, once the enemy set fire to all directions, causing the entire army camp to be engulfed in a sea of flames, this would be a very serious matter! had just transferred over a large amount of rations the day before yesterday, and Marshal Zhang Yan had repeatedly reminded him to be careful. If he were to be burnt to ashes, how would he have the face to see the marshal again? Furthermore, the soldiers could kill each other due to the chaos, resulting in huge casualties. Even if the marshal were to let them off the hook for the sake of his old friendship, how could he continue living on in this world?


Sun Qing shook his head hard, raised his blade and roared: "Let's go, everyone go kill those reckless dogs! This general will make them all die here, not a single one will be left alive! "

"Leave no one alive!" A few Academy Officer s roared, they picked up their weapons and followed Sun Qing out of the tent.

Some of them were shouting and hugging their heads and scurrying away while others loudly shouted for their comrades to fight the enemy together with them. The entire army camp was like a pot of porridge that was being boiled, and everyone was in a mess.

When Sun Qing saw this scene, his face turned ashen. No matter if he could exterminate the enemy army that entered tonight, he could already predict just how furious General Zhang Yan would be!

Gao Qian spurred his horse and rushed to the front, thrusting the spear in his hand continuously, causing the panicking Army of Heishan soldiers to be unable to stop him at all, allowing him to rush freely in the army camp.

The soldiers of the Yuan Shao Army were also fighting bravely, all of them fighting for the lead, rushing back and forth along with Gao Gan. The soldiers of the Army of Heishan were battered and exhausted, not to mention that they were surrounded on all sides by raging flames, they could not form an effective resistance, they could only watch as the enemy army rampaged through the camp.

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