"How dare you be so arrogant!" Seeing Gao Qian in the camp as if he was in a place devoid of people, Sun Qing was immediately enraged. He roared madly and jumped on his horse, rushing towards Gao Gan.

Gao Qian bravely rushed forward to kill for a while, but he was not even a hundred steps away from Sun Qing's big tent. With a spear thrust, he sent a person flying, and in his haste, he turned his head to look outside the camp door, only to discover that Xin Ping had already rushed over under the protection of a hundred elite cavalry guards. He had already discovered the banner of the Army of Heishan, so it was likely that the tent near the banner was where the Army of Heishan Commander was. Maybe it was Zhang Yan himself who was there, so he wanted to rush over and kill the enemy general in one go.

Sun Qing's appearance caused the panicking Army of Heishan soldiers to have a backbone. They quickly moved towards Sun Qing's direction and started to counter with a certain degree of force, no longer scattering sand like before.

At the same time, in the military camp of White Horse Camp in the west of the city, Guo Jia rushed into Gongsun Xu's tent and shouted loudly: "Children, children, Army of Heishan in the south of the city has been ambushed by enemy troops, eh, you already know about this?"

"I heard the commotion over there!" Gongsun Xu who was already fully armored replied casually as he put on his helmet.

"My lord, I, Zhao Yun, seek an audience!" At this time, Zhao Yun's voice came out of the tent.

"Zi Long doesn't need to come in, I'll go out right now!" Gongsun Xu shouted to the outside as he adjusted his helmet and walked out.

Zhao Yun was also dressed neatly and was anxiously stamping his feet as he looked at the light of the fire in the military camp south of the city. When he saw Gongsun Xu coming out, he immediately cupped his fists and said: "Master, would you like to send troops to help?"

"You can't!" Before Gongsun Xu could reply, Guo Jia, who had followed closely behind, flatly rejected the idea, "It's impossible for Yuan Shao to send a large number of soldiers to steal the camp. At most, he would only send around ten thousand people! There are more than 40,000 Army of Heishan s in the military camp in the south of the city, and most of them have followed their foster father (Zhang Yan) to battle for many years, and although they are not as elite as our White Horse Camp, they are still considered elite soldiers, so dealing with 10,000 enemies shouldn't be a problem, if we were to rashly send troops to rescue them, it would cause even more chaos! It would be better to ask Zi Long to lead the three thousand elite soldiers to ambush them outside the Army of Heishan camp.

Gongsun Xu laughed indifferently: "That's right! Zi Long will do as Feng Xiao says! "

Zhao Yun replied, then turned and left.

Guo Jia laughed a little gloomily, and said softly: "If tens of thousands of Army of Heishan s are unable to withstand the assault of thousands of enemy troops, and instead need me to go and rescue them, foster father, he won't be doing so with a lot of face! Furthermore, the Army of Heishan has a mix of good and bad situation, there are too many of them, so even though I have given them all my support, I am still not suitable for the future integration, and should take the chance to eliminate some of them, so that Zi Long can go and ambush outside the Army of Heishan camp. No matter if Sun Qing wins or loses in this battle, as long as we leave behind the enemy troops, I will have an explanation in front of my foster father! "

After hearing these words, Gongsun Xu's face darkened. After muttering to himself for a while, he tacitly agreed to Guo Jia's words, and said in a heavy voice, "Don't do such a thing ever again! Let's go, the two of us will personally report this to father and foster father. "

Guo Jia pretended to be stern and replied as he hopped on his horse and rushed to Gongsun Zan's camp on the east side of the city.

"Kill!" Inside the Army of Heishan's camp, Gao Qian and Sun Qing had already rushed towards each other. Both of them shouted at the same time as they raised their weapons and sabers to attack the other party.


As the sword and spear clashed, Gao Gan felt an excruciating pain coming from his palm. He couldn't help but curse in his heart. This Black Mountain Bandit's strength was actually as great as a Ye!

Sun Qing saw that his opponent's strength was weaker than his, so he laughed out loud, and slashed his blade towards Gao Gan's head.

Gao Qian did not dare to block, and immediately dodged to the side, then thrusted his spear towards Sun Qing's ribs.

Sun Qing blocked with his blade, and took the chance to slash towards Gao Gan's neck.

Gao Qian raised his fine iron spear to block the blade. Using the spear as a stick, he swung it towards Sun Qing.

Sun Qing used his blade to block once again, clashing with Gao Gan like a clap of thunder, causing the two to fight to the point that they were unable to determine one from the other.

Gao Qian was on par with Sun Qing, and was in a slightly disadvantageous position, so he could not help his subordinates. On the Army of Heishan's side, other than Sun Qing, there were a few other courageous Academy Officer s. Under their lead, the Army of Heishan gradually calmed down, part of them trying to block the enemy's charge, while the other part grabbed hold of the time to save the fire. In this situation, the advantage that Yuan Shao Army had previously begun to lose, while the Army of Heishan began to reverse the situation.

Gao Qian and Sun Qing had fought for more than ten rounds, but he had already given up on trying to kill his opponent. By now, Xin Ping should have already broken out of the encirclement, so there was no point in continuing to stay and fight with the enemy. Thus, he used his spear to force Sun Qing to retreat, and turned his horse to prepare to retreat.

Sun Qing's eyes were already red from killing, how could he let Gao Qian go so easily? He roared and raised the reins to catch up, and then slashed towards the back of Gao Gan's neck!

When Gao Qian heard the sound of wind, he immediately lowered his body, dodging the blade by a hair's breadth. Seeing that Sun Qing was about to rush up to stall him, he suddenly calculated something, pretended to be defeated and spurred his horse forward, and while Sun Qing was anxiously chasing after him, he suddenly thrust his spear backwards towards the front of his opponent's chest!

Caught off guard, Sun Qing's spear struck right at his left chest, causing him to let out a blood-curdling scream as he fell off his horse. Fortunately, he was wearing fine armor forged by the White Horse Camp s, and the toughness and toughness of his armor was more than just average armor. After the sharp spear pierced through the armor, it did not stop for long, and even then, there was still a small hole as thick as a teacup in his chest, causing blood to immediately gush out.

Seeing that he had succeeded, Gao Qian was overjoyed. He reined his horse and shouted, "The enemy general is dead. Brothers, quickly follow me and kill our way out!"

When Yuan Shao's army heard this, their morale were greatly boosted. They shouted and rushed to Gao Gan's side.

Army of Heishan looked over, and realized that Sun Qing had indeed fallen off his horse, and immediately became terrified, even though the Academy Officer were shouting out loud that this was a scheme of the enemy, they were unable to reverse the decline in their morale.

After Sun Qing fell off his horse, he rolled a few times to stabilize his body. At this time, he was dizzy from the fall, and the wound on his chest was extremely painful.

Gao Gan originally wanted to leave, but seeing this scene, he was overjoyed. He turned his horse and charged towards Sun Qing.

Seeing that, Sun Qing's personal guards rushed forward, trying to stop Gao Qian from killing his own general.

Bang! Bang bang! The janissaries who were charging at the front spat out blood as they were sent flying by the impact from Gao Gan's war horse. The other janissaries were also knocked to the ground by Gao Gan's spear.

Sun Qing had already regained his senses and was about to stand up to retrieve his blade, when he saw a cold light rushing straight towards his throat! Sun Qing quickly dodged, but it was not convenient for him to move right now, and with the impact from his horse,'s speed increased by more than a level, in the blink of an eye, he had pierced through his opponent's throat!

Gao Gan pulled back his spear, and a stream of blood spurted out of it.

Sun Qing held onto his throat as he sobbed, falling to the ground and dying.

Gao Gan bent over and picked up Sun Qing's blade from the ground. He spurred his horse forward and rushed to the front of the tent, then ruthlessly chopped Army of Heishan's banner in half. The huge black flag fluttered a few times in the air before falling to the ground in front of the war horse. He reached out his long spear and lifted it on the spear's tip, then raised his head and let out a long roar towards the sky.

"The mighty General Gao! General Gao is mighty! " Seeing this, the soldiers of Yuan Jun excitedly shouted.

"Hurry and retreat!" Gao Qian, however, was not blinded by his victory. Once again, he gave the order to retreat, leading his men to charge towards the camp's main gate.

Sun Qing was already dead, and the Army of Heishan was once again trapped in a situation where they had no leader. It was completely unable to stop Gao Gan and his subordinates' charge, and also had to allocate a lot of manpower to extinguish the flames, so he could only allow them to approach the camp's main entrance.

Gao Gan and his group smoothly approached Da Menfujin, and in another thirty to forty steps, they would be able to rush out of the army camp. Right at this moment, the travelling adventurer suddenly galloped over on his horse, and shouted loudly: "General! General! I found the enemy's grain! "

"The enemy's grain!" When Gao Gan heard this, he was both happy and worried, happy that he could burn down the enemy's grain, the assault camp this time would be a true victory, worried that Gongsun Zanfuzi would send reinforcements to rescue them, if he delayed because of the burning of the grain, he would be surrounded and trapped by the reinforcements sent by Gongsun Zanfuzi.

"General!" Seeing the hesitation in Gao Gan's eyes, the ranger cupped his fists and shouted, "Please give this little one a hundred men. This little one will risk my life to burn the enemy's grain!"

"Good!" It's like being a righteous man! " Gao Qian was overjoyed, and said respectfully: "Li Jun, if you return successfully, this general will make you a Academy Officer!"

"Thank you, General!" "Please hurry back to the city and I will catch up after burning the food!" The errand boy called Li Jun cupped his fists and bowed. He then ordered over a hundred people to turn around and run back.

"There are many rangers in the Pingchun area (Xinyang, Henan Province). Li is actually one of the best! I only hope that he can return after burning the enemy's grain! " Gao Qian watched as Li Jun and the others left. He sighed with emotion before raising his arms and shouting, "Brothers, go back home and collect your reward!"

When the Yuan Shao Army soldiers heard this, they all started to laugh out loud, praising Gao Qian at the same time and only bragging that he was the world's fiercest general.

The surrounding Army of Heishan soldiers were enraged, immediately hundreds of them shouted and pounced towards Gao Gan. However, at the moment, there was no one commanding the Army of Heishan and the morale of the Yuan Shao Army was high, these few hundred people were completely destroyed by Gao Gan's charge. The rest of the people quickly avoided them, no longer daring to come forward to stop them.

After Gao Qian ran out of the camp, he pointed his spear at the camp and laughed: "Army of Heishan's name shakes the north, I didn't expect it to be so weak! This general will definitely take your head in the future! "

At that moment, the Army of Heishan's camp was on fire. About sixty to seventy percent of the tents had been burnt.

After Gao Qian laughed at them, he left with the remaining four thousand people, leaving behind the vicious curses of countless Army of Heishan.

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