"General, why didn't you go back to the Qinghe County?" Just then, when they galloped in, Hou Yong asked Gongsun Xu in a low voice.

Gongsun Xu raised his head to look at the dancing 'Lu' sign above the city, and smiled faintly as he spurred his horse forward, but he did not answer Hou Yong's question.

The Xuzhou was a place for four battles. In recent years, many forces had been fighting here, and every two or three years, a large battle would take place between the yellow-robed army, Cao Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Yuan Shu, and every Xuzhou would take the brunt of it. Xiao Pei, who was the gateway to the Xuzhou, would bear the brunt of the battle.

Gongsun Xu followed Lv Bu into the city. What they saw were messy streets, dilapidated houses, a desolate market as well as poor citizens in ragged clothing who avoided the army the moment they saw them coming over. Gongsun Xu was used to seeing the flourishing and flourishing Ji County s, so when he suddenly saw such a run-down and dilapidated little county, he couldn't help but gently shake his head. His face was filled with pity and lament.

Lv Bu was just about to turn around and talk to Gongsun Xu, but when he saw the expression on the other party's face, he could not help but be taken aback. When I came to this place on that day, the city was already like that, I originally wanted to fix it properly, but was unable to recruit enough servants, although Liu Xuande agreed to help, in the end he only sent a few hundred of them, I can only let this matter go! "

Gongsun Xu smiled and said: "Xiao Pei has experienced many wars in these past few years, and Wen Hou is an outsider, so no matter what he does, he will be restricted by others. So even if this place is old and dilapidated, what does it have to do with Wen Hou?"

In fact, Gongsun Xu knew that Lv Bu was only saying that he wanted to repair the city because of his pride. Even if he could recruit enough commoners, without any benefits in exchange, Lv Bu would definitely not seriously fix the city, because it was a thankless task for him. After all, the Xiao Pei was not his territory, it was only a temporary place for him to stay.

Lv Bu was very happy to hear Gongsun Xu's words. He felt that the other party could completely understand his difficulties, and was even more satisfied with this newly allied ally of his.

Last night on the platform in the abandoned military camp, Gongsun Xu relied on his exquisite Taiji Fist Technique and some of the moves he comprehended from the Karma Spear Technique to compete against Lv Bu who was stronger than him by a grade in terms of strength. Only after both parties were exhausted did he stop. The biggest benefit of this spar was the change in Lv Bu's attitude towards Gongsun Xu. Lv Bu no longer thought that he was famous because of his name and strength, and had completely placed Gongsun Xu on the same level as himself. Lv Bu had also placed more emphasis on the alliance between the two parties, so Lv Bu had decided at that time that he definitely would not take the initiative to destroy the alliance with Gongsun Xu.

This was one of the reasons why he agreed to let Lv Bu stay in the Xiao Pei for two days. It was because he was very clear that once the arrogant Lv Bu acknowledged him, if there were no major changes, the alliance between the two parties would not be broken. Furthermore, Gongsun Xu had used the position of Japan's King to 'bribe' Lv Bu. If the desperate Lv Bu wasn't hopelessly muddled to the point where he was beyond hope, he definitely wouldn't have given up the chance to conquer the Japan and become the emperor himself.

In fact, before Gongsun Xu came to the Xiao Pei this time to meet Lv Bu, the opinions of Gongsun Zan, Zhang Yan, Zhao Yun, Guo Jia and the rest were entirely different. Gongsun Zan, Zhang Yan and Zhao Yun all thought that Lv Bu was capricious and unpredictable, and if Gongsun Xu suddenly met Lv Bu face to face, then it was possible that something unfathomable would happen. With Guo Jia's guarantee and with Gongsun Xu's own perseverance, he was able to bring over a thousand riders to meet Lv Bu quietly.

"Brother Zimin knows my heart very well!" Lv Bu cupped his hands in gratitude to Gongsun Xu, and then, he raised his head and pointed towards the rundown city and spoke in a low voice: "It's fine for Liu Xuande to pass such a shabby little city into a certain hand, but to let a certain guard do the job, but there are also constraints everywhere. Take the rations as an example, he only sends over one month's worth of rations every time, he doesn't trust me, Lv Fengxian! [I am the most powerful general in the world, yet he forced me to be the guard dog. How can I tolerate such humiliation?]

After last night's sparring, Lv Bu and Gongsun Xu were close, so at night, Lv Bu did not rush back to Xiao Pei. Instead, they chatted for a long time, until now, the two of them started to call each other brothers.

Gongsun Xu sneered: "Liu Bei is cunning, how can Feng Xianxiong be his opponent? But Feng Xianxiong does not need to care about this matter, in this chaotic world, everything has to be said with fists, what use is there if he only knows how to scheme? "

"That's right!" Lv Bu clapped his hands and shouted, "Brother Zimin is right. When I become the master of a Japan, let's see what kind of situation Liu Xuande is in!"

Gongsun Xu laughed, and thought that this Lv Fengxian was indeed not as lacking ambition as he said, and was only forced to hide her ambitions. Fortunately, he had already reached an agreement with Lv Bu. The more ambitious was, the better it would be for him. Gongsun Xu did not feel that there was anything wrong with Lv Bu's mockery of him. His sudden appearance had already changed the trajectory of many people.

At this time, Lv Bu pointed at the rundown county magistrate, and laughed: "Brother Zimin, in front of us is the county Ya! "Brother Xian, please enter with me to meet with my two wives."

Letting Gongsun Xu meet his own wife meant that Lv Bu already treated Gongsun Xu as his own person, and it would be impossible for him to do so unless they had a good relationship.

Hearing that, Gongsun Xu's eyes lit up, it was not that he had any malicious intentions towards Lv Bu's wife, he just wanted to meet Diao Chan who was known to everyone in the future because of the beauty trap. He cupped his fists and said: "This little brother has no reason to reject Feng Xianxiong's gracious invitation. It's just that I came in a hurry, and didn't bring the two ladies the appropriate gift.

Lv Bu laughed: "Brother Zimin words are wrong! Little Brother has already promised that in the future, this one will become the King of Japan and the two wives of this one will become the noble wangfei. To them, this is the most precious gift! "

While they were talking, their group had already reached the streets outside the county magistrate city. Lv Bu asked Gao Shun to lead the White Horse Camp's cavalry to the barracks to settle down there.

When they were seven or eight steps away from the county magistrate city, a few people suddenly walked out from inside the town's gate. One of them was swearing, and the one who was swearing was Lv Bu.

"Brother, that servant with the three surnames is too rude. He has been waiting all morning and yet, he hasn't even seen that brat's face!" When we look back and see that fellow, we must let him have a taste of our might! "

Gongsun Xu raised his head to look, and saw three people walking out of the main entrance of the county magistrate court in succession. The person in front was dressed in a green robe, with a long beard reaching to his chest, and red cheeks. Guan Yu raised his head and saw Lv Bu. Immediately, he had an awkward expression as he cupped his fist and bowed towards Lv Bu.

The person behind Guan Yu was dressed in a black robe, he looked extremely ferocious, his entire body overflowing with wildness and ferocity, it was Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei was blocked by Guan Yu's body, and did not see Lv Bu, so he kept scolding himself, and the more he scolded, the more unpleasant the curses became.

Lv Bu was so angry that his face turned white, he humiliated himself in front of Gongsun Xu. If the timing wasn't right, he would have rushed up to the Ringeye Man and knocked him down to the ground, then ruthlessly trampled on him a few times.

Guan Yu's expression became even more awkward and immediately scolded: "Third brother, shut up!"

"Brother, that servant with three surnames is a dog that has lost his family, if not for brother taking him in, he would have long been a withered corpse in the grave, and yet this fellow is so arrogant and conceited, I cannot …" When Zhang Fei said till here, he suddenly saw Lv Bu, and his voice suddenly stopped, and an unnatural expression appeared on his black face, as he quickly turned his head to not look at Lv Bu.

Jian Yong who was at the back sighed, he apologised and smiled, then bowed, clearly showing that he was apologizing for Zhang Fei.

Gongsun Xu could not help but snicker when he saw this scene. This Zhang Fei was indeed a reckless person, but now, Liu Bei had deliberately wanted to have Lv Bu accompany him on this expedition to Qing He, and even made the most trusted Guan Yu personally come over to persuade him. This Zhang Fei had actually offended Lv Bu time and time again, so even if he did not come, Lv Bu would probably plan otherwise. Back when Liu Bei had gone to look for him, 'Gongsun Xu' had actually met him in Marquis of Ji's Mansion, but at that time, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and the others had always been staying in the camp outside of Ji County. They had also quickly followed Liu Bei to the south, and as a result, 'Gongsun Xu' had never met them.

Lv Bu's face was filled with anger, he did not bother to greet Gongsun Xu, and walked over with big strides with his hand on his sword hilt.

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