Seeing Lv Bu walking over aggressively, Jian Yong anxiously walked over with a smile to advise him. The three of them were originally prepared to return to the Xuzhou once they saw Lv Bu. If the two sides were to fight before they left because of Zhang Fei's words, it was very possible that Lv Bu would delay or even refuse to follow Liu Bei and join the army of the Qinghe County. Once things got to that point, Liu Bei might not punish the two of them, but Jian Yong would definitely be punished.

Lv Bu turned a deaf ear to Jian Yong's persuasion, he only extended his hand and pushed Jian Yong to the side, and continued to walk towards Zhang Fei. The current Lv Bu's face was sinister, the right hand holding onto the sword hilt had gone pale from using too much force, no one would suspect that he was planning to kill Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei had actually already regretted it in his heart. This was precisely his fiery temper, and the moment his temper rose, he would disregard everything and vent out everything. He would often recognize his own mistakes after his anger has dissipated, however, he rarely took the initiative to admit his mistakes. This time, after hearing Guan Yu's reprimand, he knew that he had done something dishonest. He hurriedly cupped his hands towards Lv Bu and apologetically apologized.

Lv Bu did not care about Zhang Fei at all, and only sneered at Guan Yu: "Xuan Dexiong often boasts of being a modest gentleman, and Zhang Yide is his sworn brother. His actions are so crude and rude; Since this general has an unshakeable relationship with Xuan Dexiong, how can I just sit by and watch Zhang Yide tarnish Xuan Dexiong's reputation? Guan Yunchang, today General Japan will definitely teach this insolent fellow a lesson. If you want to stop him, then you might as well do it together! " As he spoke, he retreated two steps and assumed a stance as if he was ready to attack at any moment.

Guan Yu sighed, he had already ordered Zhang Fei to apologize to Lv Bu earlier, although Zhang Fei's attitude was very perfunctory, but in the end, it was still according to his own meaning, if he ordered Zhang Fei to apologize to Lv Bu again, Zhang Fei would lose face in front of everyone, and would affect the relationship between the two brothers. It was just that Guan Yu did not want to fight with Lv Bu over a few words, so everyone could tell that Lv Bu was extremely angry, and once he fights with Lv Bu, he would not be as restrained as he was the day before.

"Calm down, Wen Hou! Wen Hou, calm your anger! It was just a few words, why would Wen Hou be so angry? Once we return to the Xuzhou, Master will definitely punish General Zhang heavily. At that time, Master will personally apologize to Wen Hou! " Jian Yong could not be afraid of the thick killing intent being emitted from Lv Bu's body.

Lv Bu snorted, he slanted his eyes and glanced at Jian Yong, and completely ignored Jian Yong's words. His actions clearly conveyed a message to the latter: Who do you think you are? He even dared to stand in front of a certain body! Today, I will teach Zhang Yide a good lesson no matter what!

Jian Yong stomped his feet and anxiously called out to Zhang Fei: "General Zhang, it's just a small matter, why do you have to make such a big fuss over it? At this critical moment when the two families were joining forces, if the lord knew about this, he would be furious! There was something wrong with the general just now. How about we sincerely apologize to Wen Hou and resolve this dispute together? "

If it was Liu Bei's case, even if he was unhappy about it, Zhang Fei would have agreed to it. He would put down his pride and apologize to Lv Bu. However, Jian Yong was still just a subordinate of Liu Bei after all, so he wasn't restricted by the rules in the slightest. After hearing what Jian Yong said, not only did Zhang Fei not apologize, he instead glared at him while holding back his neck, as if he had not heard anything.

Lv Bu was so angry that he laughed instead, and after he laughed, he took off his sword and threw it at the guards, and bellowed: Guan Yunchang, Ringeye Man, You two come at me together! For Xuan Dexiong's sake, I will not harm your life! "

Guan Yu secretly sighed, he did not want to fight with Lv Bu at this time, but Lv Bu had already raised the title of his elder brother, if he gave in now, what would be disgraced would not be him and Zhang Fei's face, but his elder brother Liu Bei's face! He tied the hem of his robes onto his belt, cupped his fists towards Lv Bu, and nodded his head at Zhang Fei, agreeing to Lv Bu's disgraceful 'one on one' proposal. If it was anyone else, Guan Yu would definitely not have joined hands with Zhang Fei, but he had already seen Lv Bu's bravery, and knew that if it was him alone, no matter if it was him or Zhang Fei, they would not be a match for Lv Bu.

Jian Yong was so anxious that he was like an ant on a hot pan, he stomped his feet and turned non-stop, he was the person Liu Bei had sent to Xiao Pei to discuss the matter with Lv Bu, if something were to happen to Guan Yu and, how would he explain it to Liu Bei after going back?

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Jian Yong did not care about his own strength, clenched his teeth and rushed forward to stand between the two, shouting: "Wen Hou, General Guan, General Zhang, if the three of you insist on going all out, I have no way of stopping you! But before leaving the Xuzhou, Master had warned me time and time again that nothing could go wrong, how could I ignore Master's orders? If the three of you insist on fighting, then please step over my body! "

'This person is able to do his job dutifully in front of Lv Bu, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he is a pretty good person, I just wonder which one of Liu Bei's strategists he is? ' Gongsun Xu who was watching from the sidelines saw Jian Yong speak with confidence and confidence, and praised him in his heart.

Hearing Jian Yong's words, Lv Bu frowned slightly. He still had a good impression of Jian Yong, and since the other party was not a general fighting in the battlefield, he simply couldn't be bothered to attack Jian Yong.

Zhang Fei glared at Jian Yong unhappily, thinking that Jian Yong's actions were too weak. Those words did not suit him, but to let Jian Yong say it wasn't wrong at all. If Lv Bu agreed to drop the matter at this point, he would definitely give Jian Yong a good speech in front of his elder brother when he got back.

At this time, Gongsun Xu walked over quickly, cupped his fists and said with a smile: "Wen Hou, Generals, I have seen everything clearly, it is only a small matter, why must you two fight to the death? "Why don't we just leave it at that and find a place to have a drink?"

Although Lv Bu was unhappy that Gongsun Xu came out to persuade him otherwise, he still nodded his head and put away his hostile stance.

Guan Yu and Jian Yong looked at Gongsun Xu in shock. Previously, they were only concerned with dealing with Lv Bu, and did not notice Gongsun Xu who was spectating by the side. They suddenly realised, this man was actually wearing the uniform of Yuan Shao's army, could it be that he was sent by Yuan Benchu?

Zhang Fei was startled, and shouted unhappily: Who are you? How dare you interfere with my fight with Lv Bu? "

Gongsun Xu said solemnly: "This one is Yuan Shijun's nephew, General Gao Qian's younger brother, Gao Yuan. The reason I came to the Xuzhou under the orders of my lord is to ask the Envoy Liu to send troops to save Qing He! Is the general a great general under the command of the Envoy Liu? "

"That's right!" Zhang Fei nodded his head, and laughed: "You have good eyes, I am Zhang Fei, the Xuzhou is my sworn brother!"

Gongsun Xu pretended to be surprised and cupped his fists: "So it was General Zhang Yide in front of me, I apologize! I have long heard that there are two generals under the command of the Envoy Liu, Guan Yunchang and Zhang Yide. They both have the courage of ten thousand men. These last words were asked while looking at Guan Yu.

Guan Yu nodded his head slightly. His expression was cold, and even carried a trace of hostility. Back then, when they were trying to suppress Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo had beheaded several of the allied army generals. At that time, Guan Yu, who was still a nobody, volunteered to fight against Hua Xiong, but was ridiculed by Yuan Shao and the others. Fortunately, Cao Cao Cao strongly supported him, so Guan Yu was able to get on stage and easily decapitate Hua Xiong. From then on, Guan Yu was extremely dissatisfied with Yuan Shao, since he was trapped in the Qinghe County City and had to send people over to ask for help when he had nothing to do, how could Guan Yu give this' Yuan Shao Army General 'a good face?

"So it really is the General Guan!" Gongsun Xu's face revealed a look of admiration, he gave a thumbs up and said: "General Guan originally chopped Hua Xiong down with a cup of warm water and wine, becoming famous in one battle, is truly worthy of respect! "When I saw the general today, he was indeed valiant and his bearing was extraordinary!"

Guan Yu snorted from his nose, he did not seem to care about the praise of 'Gao Yuan', but his expression quickly eased up.

Gongsun Xu turned to look at Jian Yong, cupped his hands, and asked: "May I ask who you are, Sir?"

Seeing that Gao Yuan had stopped the fight, Jian Yong had a good impression of him, and felt very grateful in his heart.

"So it's Mister Jane! I've heard a lot about you!" Gongsun Xu praised, he turned and smiled at Lv Bu: "Wen Hou, it is said that meeting by chance is better than meeting by chance, today meeting the two generals and Mister Jian, is indeed my honor, I wonder if Wen Hou can arrange a good place, I would like to have a feast to discuss with everyone, would that be acceptable to Wen Hou?"

Jian Yong and Guan Yu could not help but nod their heads when they heard him. This Gao Yuan fellow was truly worthy of being a capable brother.

"Sure!" Lv Bu slowly nodded and agreed.

"You're not bad!" Haha "Zhang Fei also laughed as he praised.

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