In the afternoon, the Xiao Pei City's army camp suddenly became lively. Accompanied by Gao Shun, Gongsun Xu saw the two thousand horses that Lv Bu had left behind in the city, as well as a few important leaders such as Song Xian, Wei Xu, Hou Cheng, Cao Xing and the others.

Lv Bu did not reveal Gongsun Xu's identity to anyone else, so they did not know Gongsun Xu's true identity, and thought that he was truly a dried up clansman, so their expressions were cold. Only when they saw the equipment that Gongsun Xu had brought along, did Song Xian and the others reveal burning passion in their eyes. After Lv Bu left the Luoyang, he had been repeatedly defeated. Now that he had placed himself in someone else's shoes, the equipment under his command were all simple and crude. It was difficult to find a complete set of armor within a hundred people.

When the drum rang for a while, Song Xian looked at the well-equipped 'Yuan Shao Cavalry' at the side of the drill grounds and could not help but ask: "General Gao, would it be possible for us to purchase some weapons and armor from Yuan Shijun?"

Gongsun Xu smiled, "General Song, you still don't know, right? I have already discussed a few things with Wen Hou, when the time comes, I will give him a large amount of equipment. Although I can't get a set for everyone, but for generals like General Song and the General Wei, I can definitely get them all! "

Song Xian's and Wei Xu's eyes lit up as they looked towards Gao Shun at the same time, wanting to confirm from him whether what he said was true or not.

Gao Shun laughed and slowly nodded.

"Thank you General Gao for your consent!" Song Xian and Wei Xu were overjoyed, and immediately cupped their fists and thanked. Their tone of voice was even more intimate than before.

Gongsun Xu waved his hand: "Generals, there is no need to be so courteous. Since we have already allied ourselves, giving our allies some weapons and armors is something that should be done!"

Song Xian and Wei Xu looked at each other, and both became suspicious of Gongsun Xu's identity. The other party was just a high ranking brother in the clan, and their official position was only that of a Academy Officer. Since Lv Bu did not announce his true identity, they could only pretend to be confused. However, in their hearts, they were constantly guessing who exactly this' General Gao Yuan 'was.

After the sound of the drum, two thousand Bingzhou Army s formed two small phalanx formations on the drill grounds. The one on the left had a bit more people, around thirteen hundred to four hundred of them being led by Hou Cheng, and the one on the right, which was a few hundred steps away, had six to seven hundred people led by Cao Xing. Although this small phalanx had a lot less people, its equipment and aura were far superior to the people led by Hou Cheng.

Gongsun Xu pointed to the direction and asked Gao Shun: "General Gao, is that the xianzhen camp?"

Lv Bu was good at training his commander-in-chief, and this troop was made up of elite walking soldier, it was very possible that they were that famous xianzhen camp.

Sure enough, Gao Shun nodded his head, his tone filled with pride: "Not bad! That is the xianzhen camp! There were only seven hundred and fifty people. However, each and every one of them was a veteran of hundreds of battles who had been personally selected by Ye Xiwen. It was enough for them to fight one versus ten on the battlefield! It is said that the General Gao that Ju Yi went to camp first is an elite walking soldier.

Song Xian and Wei Xu looked at Gao Shun in shock. The news of Ju Yi being the first to be annihilated by Gongsun Xu had already reached the Xuzhou, and that was not a glorious matter.

"It's hard to say!" Gongsun Xu shook his head: "I have seen people going into battle first, but I have never seen how General Gao's people attack. How about I first watch and then comment on it?"

"Alright then!" Gao Shun nodded his head in acknowledgement confidently as he raised a flag embroidered with a fierce tiger and waved it around a few times.

Seeing Gao Shun waving his flag, Cao Xing immediately waved his arms and shouted, taking the lead to rush towards the group led by Hou Cheng.

The seven hundred and fifty xianzhen camp Soldiers started to follow Cao Xing and charged forward. Their formation was neat, and when they charged, they remained silent.

Seeing that, Gongsun Xu nodded his head, although he was still an elite walking soldier, he placed importance on individual bravery, and did not place importance on the overall formation. Therefore, after Ju Yi died, the camp became a mess. Everyone fought on their own, and in the end, they were split up and annihilated by Zhao Yun. On the other hand, this xianzhen camp looked more like one that he had personally trained himself. Even when charging, he still maintained a neat and orderly formation.

A distance of a few hundred steps was not a problem for these elite old soldiers. After a few dozen breaths, Cao Xing brought xianzhen camp and rushed to the front of the group led by Hou Cheng. Hou Cheng probably knew about the power of xianzhen camp, hence he gathered his shield in front of him in an attempt to block the first few waves of the xianzhen camp's charge.

"Divide!" Cao Xing suddenly raised his spear and roared.

The xianzhen camp was quickly split into two, and like two pincers, they went around the shield array in front of them. Separated by twenty to thirty steps, they surrounded the shield array from both wings, and from the looks of it, the xianzhen camp was actually prepared to encircle and attack twice as many opponents as himself!

Gongsun Xu was slightly surprised. Disregarding the battle power of xianzhen camp, just this courage alone was already extremely difficult, and was not one bit inferior to the elite warriors of White Horse Camp. However, the elites of the White Horse Camp were all equipped with fine equipment and were holding a huge sum of money. They had completely left the farmland and could be considered the first 'professional army' of this era, so it was natural for them to have a good performance. This treatment of the xianzhen camp was obviously incomparable to that of the White Horse Camp, but they had such excellent performance.

The soldiers of xianzhen camp were all holding heavy wooden sabers and spears, and Hou Cheng's men were all doing the same. In the blink of an eye, the two squads clashed. As the xianzhen camp was splitting up the troops very quickly, the shield array Hou Cheng laid down was completely useless.'s soldiers rushed in from the two wings, causing the formation to become extremely chaotic.

Wei Xu sighed: "He lost once again from the beginning!"

Song Xian also praised, "That's right! General Gao's training skills can be said to be peerless in this world! "

Gao Shun looked at Gongsun Xu, and shook his head: "My two brothers, you flatter me. Actually, this one is only good at training in the walking soldier, if it were any other cavalry, this one would not be as good as Wen Hou! The White Horse Camp under his command was well-equipped, and had extraordinary fighting strength. Just like Ju Yi and the powerful general who had gone up to camp first, they were all annihilated by him. Although I am proud, I am unable to ensure my victory over the White Horse Camp in a situation with an equal number of men! General Gongsun Xu's training skills far surpasses mine! "

"General Gao is too humble!" Gongsun Xu laughed and shook his head: "According to what I know, White Horse Camp is mainly about cavalry, Gongsun Xu and his subordinate, Zhao Yun, are also more adept at training in cavalry.

"General, you flatter me. I do not deserve it!" Gao Shun grinned, his expression was full of joy. To be able to receive praise from this person, could be said to be the best praise possible.

As he spoke, the xianzhen camp already had the upper hand. The two squads continuously attacked from Hou Cheng's camp, causing the other party's formation to be thrown into disarray. They did not have much strength to fight back. The reason he came here with Gao Shun was because he wanted to see how strong the fighting strength of the xianzhen camp was. It was in order to build a strong, heavily armored walking soldier in the future at a suitable time.

"Let them stop!" Gao Shun saw through Gongsun Xu's thoughts and turned to instruct Wei Xu.

Wei Xu complied, and quickly ran down the platform.

Gao Shun looked at Gongsun Xu, and asked sternly: "General thinks that if these seven hundred and fifty people of the xianzhen camp are prepared, how many people would be able to block the attack of the White Horse Camp?"

Gongsun Xu hesitated, not sure if he should speak the truth.

Gao Shun cupped his fists and said: "General, please tell me the truth!"

Gongsun Xu said in a heavy voice: "If we were in a flat area, the three hundred cavalrymen from the White Horse Camp would be enough to defeat this group of xianzhen camp! If it were in some other complex terrain, such as forests or mountains, it would require a thousand White Horse Camp soldiers to defeat the xianzhen camp! After all, the White Horse Camp s are mainly cavalry, they pay attention to dense arrow rain, and are not good at fighting on foot! "

Gao Shun was not convinced after hearing what he said. He looked at the cavalry from the White Horse Camp and asked, "Are you willing to ask the general's subordinates to demonstrate?"

"Sure!" Gongsun Xu nodded and waved at Hou Yong.

Hou Yong quickly rode over, and under the podium, he cupped his fists and asked: "General, what orders do you have?"

Gongsun Xu pointed to Bingzhou Army who was about to leave and said loudly: "Wait until they give up the field, let's demonstrate cavalry charge! Just three waves of rain of arrows! "

"Here!" Hou Yong loudly replied as he rode his horse back to start his preparations.

After the time it took for an incense to burn, Hou Cheng and Cao Xing respectively brought their teams to leave the drill grounds' center area. Furthermore, at Gongsun Xu's request, three to four hundred scarecrows were erected on the drill grounds.

"General, everything is ready. Can we begin the drill?" Hou Yong rushed over once again and cupped his fists and asked loudly.

"Let's begin!" Gongsun Xu nodded indifferently. This level of training simply did not interest him, and the only reason he agreed to Gao Shun's request was to slightly intimidate these Bingzhou Army s. After all, if nothing unexpected happened, the two sides would work together for a period of time in the future. As the dominant power, the White Horse Camp could not be shaken.

Hou Yong rushed back to the formation, raised his spear and gave the order to charge. In an instant, the sound of hooves trampling was like thunder, and arrows rained down like rain.

Gao Shun, Song Xian and the rest all opened their eyes wide, breathing in cold air. They had never seen this kind of cavalry battle before.

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