When Gongsun Xu sent Gao Shun out of the door, he raised his head and saw that it was already dusk. After watching xianzhen camp's drills in the afternoon, Gongsun Xu was extremely interested in the heavily armored walking soldier, so he invited Gao Shun to come over and discuss with him. They were prepared to go back and build a group of heavily armored walking soldier s as well.

After Gao Shun walked out of the door, he turned around and cupped his fists towards Gongsun Xu: "General, please wait! "It's getting late. General, you should get some rest. How about leaving the night patrol to this lowly general?"

Gao Shun also laughed: "This general is willing to accompany you anytime! General, please rest in bed. With General Mu here, nothing unexpected will happen! "Farewell!"

"Take care, farewell!"

After Gao Shun left, Gongsun Xu brought the thirty guards to the temporary military camp where Hou Yong and the others were stationed. The place was originally the grain depot of the Xiao Pei City, and was only about 3000 steps away from the county magistrate court. It could easily accommodate about 3000 people, but because the food supplies sent from the Xuzhou City were only enough for the current month, they were usually stored in the district's grain depot, thus the grain depot had been abandoned and not used for a few months. As Lv Bu and Gongsun Xu didn't want more people to know about their secret alliance, the thousand men that Gongsun Xu brought were placed here, afraid that the soldiers of both sides who were stationed together would expose the identities of the White Horse Camp's cavalry.

"What's wrong?" Upon entering the gates of the army camp, Gongsun Xu discovered that Hou Yong was standing on a makeshift watchtower and peeking outside, hence he asked with surprise.

"The general is here!" Hou Yong called out, he quickly walked down the watchtower and cupped his fists: "Reporting to the general, this subordinate just noticed that someone was spying on the army camp, and this subordinate was about to take a closer look at that person's appearance, but he suddenly left."

"Did anyone spy on the barracks?" Gongsun Xu laughed coldly, and muttered softly, "It is impossible for Lv Fengxian's people to do such a thing, then peeping that person must definitely be a spy for Liu Bei! However, logically speaking, Liu Bei should be paying attention to Lv Fengxian's men the most, why did he send people to watch over my men? Could it be that Liu Bei had some sort of scheme? Hou Yong, what do you think? "

Hou Yong scratched his head, and after a moment of hesitation, he replied, "Reporting to General, this subordinate feels that the number of troops in the city is not many, with General Gao Shun's assistance, the General can easily control the Xiao Pei City, and even if Liu Bei has any schemes or tricks, I have nothing to be afraid of!"

Gongsun Xu smiled indifferently, although he could tell that the city was severely lacking in manpower, allowing him to barely control the entire situation, the power in his hands was relatively weak. Liu Bei was very scheming, and if there really was a trick, it would be difficult for the people in the city to resist it. However, Gongsun Xu was not very worried. Liu Bei had already brought the army and went to the Suqian with Lv Bu, so it was impossible for them to personally go up to battle and unleash schemes and tricks. Furthermore, Lv Bu had been in the Xiao Pei City for a long time, so at the very least, he could ensure that there would not be any chaos within the city. Furthermore, even if something strange were to happen, for example, if the city were to be breached, Gongsun Xu was confident that he could bring Lv Bu's family members and escape from the encirclement.

"Prepare the night watch, don't slack off in the slightest!" If anything happens, report it to this general immediately! " Gongsun Xu took a look around the camp, and realised that the morale of the soldiers were high, and there was nothing much to remind them of, thus he gave a few orders to Hou Yong before he left.

Hou Yong bowed: "Please rest assured General, this subordinate will bring people with me to patrol without interruption at night, I ensure that nothing unexpected will happen!"

Gongsun Xu brought the guards back to his residence. The sky had already darkened, he washed himself simply and took out a history book from his backpack, then started to read it under the oil lamp with difficulty. When Gongsun Xu first came to this world, he felt that he was no different from a 'semi illiterate'. Forget about those obscure and difficult paragraphs that didn't have any punctuation marks, just those calligraphy characters and small charms that were greatly different from the simplified characters were enough to give him a headache. After finishing the matters of the Tanhan Shan, he had a short period of free time, so whenever he had free time, he would ask Er Yu or Liu Ninger for guidance. Now, he could just barely read the history books, but as for the so-called 'saint's classics', he did not understand them at all.

Last time, Gongsun Xu read more than half of "Chen Xian Shi Family". This time, he only spent about an hour to finish reading this article. He closed the scroll and gently shook his head. Not to mention the right and wrong of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang when they attacked, the original intention of these two people was just for the saying, 'A duke will be together soon.' To put it bluntly, they wanted to be emperors, but they did not have any clear political goals. There were many examples of this in the future, the process and results of the military operation were exactly the same as Chen Sheng's and Wu Guang's, they were all defeated in the political platform. There were even many who did not have any political platform after the military operation and only knew how to kill and rob. Thinking about the ending of these people, Gongsun Xu could not help but become more vigilant. No matter what, he could not step onto these people's old path!

"General, you always turn on the lights to read at night whenever you have free time. Truly admirable!"

Suddenly, a clear and melodious female voice sounded, startling Gongsun Xu. He raised his head and saw that Diao Chan, who was dressed in a plain white dress, was pulling Lv Linger along as they stood outside the door. The little girl was looking at Gongsun Xu with her bright eyes, as if she was afraid to come over.

Gongsun Xu stood up and cupped his fists: "So it's sister-in-law and Ling'er who has come. I was too engrossed in my reading to notice it, I am truly sorry!"

Diao Chan withdrew his bow and saluted, and said softly: "General is too courteous! This humble one has hastily come and disturbed the general's interest in reading. Please forgive me, General! "

"There's no need for sister-in-law to be so courteous, please get up!" Gongsun Xu supported her up and when Diao Chan stood up, he asked with a smile: "Is there something important for my sister-in-law to be here today?"

Diao Chan rubbed the back of Lv Linger's head, pursed his lips and laughed: "I don't have anything else, it's just that Ling'er wants to meet the general!"

"Is that so? So it was Ling'er who wanted to see me? " Gongsun Xu was a little shocked as he smiled and waved towards Lv Linger. "Ling'er, come here, I'll give you something fun to play with."

Lv Linger agreed as he walked in front of Gongsun Xu and raised his head to look at him with an expectant gaze.

Gongsun Xu took out something from his bag and held it in his hand, but he did not immediately hand it over to Lv Linger, instead he squatted down and smiled to the little girl: "This is a good thing! Can you tell me why you suddenly want to meet your foster father? "

Lv Linger nervously pinched the corner of his shirt, lowering his head and replying, "Father said that Ling'er will be living in my house in the future, so I wanted to get closer to my father."

Gongsun Xu sighed, and said with a solemn expression: "Ling'er, you are my adopted daughter, so foster father only hopes that you can happily grow up, and not carry those things that you should not bear!"

Lv Linger was confused by his words. He turned and looked at Diao Chan.

"Thank you, General!" Diao Chan did not explain anything to Lv Linger and thanked him sternly. She could tell with a glance that Gongsun Xu genuinely wished for Lv Linger to grow up happily and not mix in any benefits.

"Sister-in-law, there's no need to be so formal, quickly get rid of the formalities!" Gongsun Xu supported himself again, and then passed the thing in his hand to Lv Linger, smiling: "Ling'er, do you like this thing?"

"What is this?" Lv Linger took the round object, held it in his hand and flipped through it, immediately exclaiming: "Father, is this a mirror? Why is it so bright? Ling'er could clearly see her eyebrows! "Thank you, foster father, for your gift!" With that, she skipped to Diao Chan's side and held the small round mirror in her hands like she was offering treasures. She then called out excitedly, "Aunt, look at this too!"

Diao Chan received the mirror, and was extremely shocked. The mirror was obviously not a copper mirror, and the surface was emerald green, with a few faint black dots inside, but it was still ten times brighter than the copper mirror. It was just as Lv Linger had said just now, that he had almost completely revealed himself inside the mirror. In the past, Diao Chan had seen many rare treasures in Wang Yun's residence, but she had never seen such a unique mirror. She held up the mirror and looked at Lv Linger in it, both him and the child were extremely happy.

Gongsun Xu watched on from the side with a smile, not bothering them.

Diao Chan suddenly saw the smile on Gongsun Xu's face and hurriedly stuffed the mirror back to Lv Linger.

"No worries!" Gongsun Xu waved his hand, and asked while smiling: "Ling'er, do you like this little thing?"

"Ling'er really likes it!" "Thank you, foster father!" Lv Linger nodded his head, and spoke to Gongsun Xu with a much more intimate tone.

Gongsun Xu touched his chin in shame. He did not bring anything suitable for children to play with, so he could only use the impure glass mirror to fool around, but he did not expect it to make Lv Linger so happy. Last winter, Gongsun Xu accidentally found a small sized quartzite mine outside Ji County City and immediately thought of burning glass. However, he only knew a little about glass, so he told Ma Jun about it and had him try to make it. At that time he did not hold much hope, he did not expect that before this expedition, Ma Jun would actually offer him a few glass mirrors, but because the craftsmanship was not good, the glass that came out was green and contained impurities, but now it could already be considered a rare treasure.

Lv Linger turned the mirror over and over a few times before suddenly asking out of curiosity, "Father, what is this mirror made of?"

"This is called glass, it's made from a kind of stone …" Gongsun Xu held the shelf up and explained everything he knew about glass making.

After Diao Chan finished listening, he covered his mouth and sighed, "Such a precious and beautiful mirror, is it really made from stone? This is truly unbelievable! "

Gongsun Xu laughed: "Actually, burning this is very easy. I will give more of it to my sister-in-law when I get back."

"No need! This humble one will accept the general's good intentions! " Diao Chan immediately waved his hands, his face suddenly flushed red.

Gongsun Xu was startled for a moment before reacting. He silently cursed himself for being stupid, it was fine that he gave Lv Linger the mirror, but if he gave it to Diao Chan, wouldn't it make Lv Bu worry too much?

"Foster father!" Lv Linger suddenly raised his head and called out.

"Is something the matter, Ling'er?" Gongsun Xu asked in an amiable tone.

"Ling'er wants to …" Just as Lv Linger raised the mirror and said these few words, hurried footsteps came from outside.

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