Lv Bu patted his hands, and wiped off most of the wet mud on his hands, then bent down to wash the mud from the river, standing up with a gloomy face, he looked towards the river ahead. After he interrogated the spy, he did not manage to obtain any useful information. In order to verify Cao Xing's guess, they all sneaked over to the river side, and just as Cao Xing had said, the water level was obviously reduced by a large amount.

Chen Gong urged from behind: "Master, time is of the essence, Liu Bei can make his move at any time, we still need to make a decision quickly!"

"Oh?" Lv Bu was startled, and anxiously said: "Of course I want to teach Liu Bei a lesson! I wonder what clever plan Gong Tai has? "

Chen Gong said indifferently: "Nothing else! "Let's do as you say!"

Lv Bu cupped his fists and said: "Gong Tai, please enlighten me!"

Chen Gong said coldly: "At this point in time, Liu Xuande's intentions are already known to us, and he does not know that his plans have been exposed. Master, what do you think Liu Xuande will do after the flood? "

Lv Bu answered without hesitation: "Of course it's to lead a large army to kill their way here!"

"That's right!" Chen Gong nodded his head, pointed to the mountain range not far away, and said softly: "If we were to quickly drag it into the mountain forest, and wait for Liu Xuande's army to arrive, then suddenly rush out, how can we not win?"

Lv Bu followed Chen Gong's finger, looked at the pitch-black mountain forests, and sighed while clapping his hands: "How wonderful! Gong Tai was truly wise! Do it! "Someone, come!"

"My lord, please wait!" Chen Gong called out to Lv Bu, and said in a low voice: "Master, Liu Xuande is very cautious, before he leads the army to kill us, he will definitely send someone to investigate. If all the troops retreat into the forest, it will definitely arouse Liu Xuande's suspicions!"

"What should I do?" Lv Bu asked in shock, and then reacted and stared at Chen Gong.

Chen Gong stroked his beard calmly, he did not take Lv Bu's anger to heart, his meaning was clear, he wanted to use a part of his men to act as bait, it would be difficult for these people to survive the attack of the water, not to mention, they would also be attacked by Liu Bei's army, the people who stayed as bait were all likely to die! As intelligent as he was, how could he be willing to personally state his plan and cause the entire Bingzhou Army to hate him?

Lv Bu stared at Chen Gong for a while and shook his head helplessly. Chen Gong was his advisor, so he only needed to come up with a reasonable plan. As for whether or not he would accept it, that would be up to him. The majority of his soldiers were from his hometown in the same state as him. It would be fine if the loyal soldiers that had followed him for many years were to die on the battlefield, but if he let them be bait and die for nothing, it was very likely that they would die in vain. He really could not harden his heart.

Zhang Liao understood Lv Bu's contradictory thoughts, he did not agree with letting the soldiers be the bait, so he quickly advised: "Master, time is of the essence, why don't we quietly evacuate?"

Lv Bu sighed, looking at the Xuzhou Army army camp with eyes full of regret and reluctance, she had missed this chance, it would not be so easy to kill Liu Bei. Originally, he wanted to defeat Liu Bei so that he could obtain sufficient benefits in front of Gongsun Zan in the future. However, when he found out that Liu Bei actually wanted to flood his own army of over ten thousand, the desire to claim credit faded and was replaced by a strong desire for revenge! If it were a few years ago, he would have unhesitatingly sacrificed a portion of his soldiers in exchange for a victory over Liu Bei. But after experiencing so much these past few years, his heart had softened a lot when dealing with his own people.

"Then let's leave!" Lv Bu waved his hand in frustration and said softly: "There will always be chances to wait for Gong Tai in the future. Could it be that you have another plan?"

He was very familiar with this smile. Every time it appeared, it meant that Chen Gong already had a plan for something, which was why he quickly asked.

"My lord, time is of the essence, let's talk while we walk!" Chen Gong made a gesture, then took the lead to walk towards the river bank.

Lv Bu and Zhang Liao looked at each other and quickly followed.

"My lord, do you still remember the story of the Hanging Sheep beating the drum?" Chen Gong asked while smiling as he walked up the river.

"What Gong Tai means is that …" Lv Bu's eyes lit up, and then shook his head. "Although this plan is good, the entire camp has been quiet, so if we use this tactic, it will definitely be seen through by Liu Bei!"

Chen Gong laughed: "Master, what I mean is to use a similar method to let the war horses move around the camp and leave a small amount of water based soldiers to confuse the situation, making Liu Bei think that we are still in the camp!"

"So that's how it is," Lv Bu nodded his head in embarrassment, then turned and instructed Zhang Liao: "Wen Yuan, as Gong Tai wishes, let's quickly go and prepare!"

Zhang Liao cupped his fists and walked towards the camp.

Lv Bu and Chen Gong also quickly walked towards the camp, and just as they were about to reach the main entrance, Lv Bu suddenly frowned and asked: "Gong Tai, do you think that Xiao Pei is in danger?"

"Absolutely not!" Chen Gong said with determination: "Guan Yu's surprise attack has already failed, and I have also sustained serious injuries, so I have already lost the ability to attack the city. As long as General Gongsun Xu does not make any big mistakes, Xiao Pei will definitely be as firm as gold!"

Lv Bu's expression softened, but he asked with worry, "Will there still be traitors like Jiang Quan in the Xiao Pei City?"

"This …" Chen Gong was at a loss for words for a moment, then shook his head: "I do not dare to speak carelessly about this matter, but master, please do not worry, with this matter regarding Jiang Quan, General Gao Shun will definitely be on high alert, even if there is a second Jiang Quan, he will definitely not be able to cause any big ruckus! If they dare to make a move, they will only lose their lives! "

"Of course! With such a big war in front of me, I don't need to think about the safety of the Xiao Pei! Haha! "Lv Bu laughed, pointed to the Xuzhou Army's army camp, and said in high spirits:" Liu Xuande, tonight, you shall become my prisoner! "

"It's already been more than an hour, why hasn't the scouts returned yet?" Liu Bei did not know that Lv Bu was talking about him, and was currently asking the scout leader, Zhang Ping, inside the tent.

Zhang Ping was one of Zhang Fei's clansmen, so he was deeply trusted by Liu Bei, and let him control the most elite troops.

Then, hearing Liu Bei's question, Zhang Ping hurriedly cupped his fists and said: "Reporting to my lord, the security of the Lv Bu Army is extremely tight, it is very difficult for us brothers to quietly approach. The two people that this subordinate sent out are already the best. "Please wait, sir. This subordinate will take a look for myself!"

"Hurry and report!" Liu Bei waved his hand for Zhang Ping to retreat, and turned to ask Chen Deng: "Yuanlong, will Lv Bu capture or kill those two scouts?"

Chen Deng muttered to himself for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Master's guess is very possible! But, if those two truly land in Lv Bu's hands, it will be a good thing for us! "

Liu Bei frowned slightly, and asked in puzzlement: "Yuanlong, what do you mean by that?"

Chen Deng smiled and said: "Those two people don't know Master's true scheme. Even if it fell into Lv Bu's hands, it wouldn't matter. Does the lord think so? "

Liu Bei shook his head: "I am slightly puzzled, Yuanlong, please explain in detail!"

Chen Deng smiled slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Lv Bu has always been unruly and unruly, with no intentions of respecting the lord. If he found out that the lord had sent a scout, he would definitely take down the interrogation without hesitation. Those two scouts did not know anything, so Lv Bu would definitely not be able to obtain any useful information. But his following decisions are extremely crucial, and if he orders those two scouts to be killed, it means that he has not noticed Master's scheme, and is not afraid of enraging Master by killing the scouts. Otherwise, he would pretend to be deaf and mute, and maybe even send those two people back to numb Master! "

The moment Chen Deng had finished speaking, before he could even open his mouth to speak, Zhang Ping's hurried and furious voice came from outside: "Master! This subordinate requests an audience! "

Liu Bei quickly shouted, "Come in!"

Opening the tent flap, Zhang Ping walked in with big strides, his face filled with anger. He cupped his fists towards Liu Bei and said: "Reporting to my lord, the two people that this subordinate sent out have returned!"

Liu Bei asked solemnly: "Is he already dead?"

Zhang Ping nodded in shock, and said in a muffled voice: "Master has seen it for himself, they are all dead! When this subordinate walked to the entrance of the camp, Lv Bu sent a squadron to bring back the two bodies, and said many humiliating words. Saying so, he took out a letter from his sleeve and placed both hands on his head.

"How dare the bandits be so rampant!" Zhang Fei was furious, he walked over and snatched the letter away, and without even looking at the letter, he tore it into pieces and threw it on the ground, then turned and cupped his fists towards Liu Bei: "Brother, that Third Old Servant actually dares to humiliate us like this, you truly do not know your place! Brother, please give the order to take action! "

"Don't be impatient, third brother!" Liu Bei walked over and patted Zhang Fei's shoulder. He bent down and picked up the torn letter, then sat down and started to read it together.

Seeing that, Chen Deng could not help but nod his head, the Envoy Liu was happy and angry, but was able to allow others to admonish him, which was indeed a good master. It was a pity that the current situation in the Xuzhou was not too good. If Envoy Liu had a few years of time to silently accumulate strength, he might be able to fight the strong Gongsun Zanfuzi to the death in the future! He only hoped that he could defeat Lv Bu tonight. General Guan Yu's side could also accomplish the same in one blow and capture Gongsun Xu alive. This way, they could force Gongsun Zan to withdraw his troops.

At this time, Liu Bei had already finished reading the letter. He looked at Zhang Fei who had an anxious expression and smiled: "Lv Fengxian scolded me in the letter, and even threatened that if I were to make another hostile move, he would lead the troops back to the Xiao Pei!"

Zhang Fei scolded angrily: "Thief bird, how dare you insult your brother!"

Chen Deng actually cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations my lord, it looks like Lv Bu did not notice anything amiss! Master might as well send someone to observe Lv Bu's camp from a distance. If everything is as it should be, we can make the order to take action! "

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