On a small hill outside the Bingzhou Army's camp, a few people were crouching in the grass. Their eyes were staring at the people and horses that were constantly moving around the camp. After less than an hour, the men and horses were still patrolling back and forth without making any unusual movements. The scouting group on the mountainside finally relaxed and quickly retreated down the mountainside, disappearing into the darkness.

The leader of the Bingzhou Army, Qian Sanru, who was leading a group of ten men to and fro around the camp raised his head and looked in the direction of the mountain slope. Then, he turned his gaze back to the ten odd Knights who were walking around, and revealed a strange smile.

At this moment, a few kilometers away in the mountain forest, Lv Bu was also looking at the people walking around in the camp, a pleased expression on his face. After a while, he laughed softly: "Gong Tai's wondrous ideas, really makes people sigh in admiration!"

Zhang Liao nodded his head and said with a tone of admiration: "I originally thought that Mr. Gong Tai would cause a huge commotion, I never thought that he would be able to solve the problem with just a few nails!"

Lv Bu sighed: "To be able to obtain Gong Tai's help is my greatest fortune! If not for Gong Tai's suggestion, I might have still been fighting with Cao Cao Cao, instead of going south, I would have suffered extremely heavy losses! If it were not for Gong Tai's advice, I might not have allied with him. If that were to happen, we would have been tricked to death by the Big Ear Buster sooner or later! "

"Not bad, for us to be able to reach where we are today, Gong Tai has definitely done a great job!" Zhang Liao agreed and continued to praise Gong Tai: "Gong Tai is the peerless genius of the empire, if we really go to the Japan in the future, we will be the best candidate for the prime minister!"

At this moment, Chen Gong was walking over to him. After hearing Zhang Liao's words, he hurriedly said humbly: "General Wen Yuan is too kind, I am only slightly quick-witted, I absolutely do not deserve the title of 'peerless national warrior'!"

Lv Bu said in a low voice: "I deserve it! He deserved it! Just as Wen Yuan said, when we go to the Japan in the future, Gong Tai will be the Prime Minister! "

Chen Gong smiled indifferently, bowed and said: "Then I'll thank you in advance, my lord!"

However, since Lv Bu and his wife had an agreement, he no longer bothered about the matter of the Central Plains, and only hoped to display his talent as much as possible before crossing the ocean to the Japan. It was precisely because of this, that when Lv Bu was preparing to leave quietly, he offered up a plan to kill Liu Bei, if he succeeded in doing so, once Gongsun Zanfuzi would be in the world, even though he was already in Japan, he would still be able to leave his name, Qing Shi, in respect and admiration of his descendants.

The reason why Lv Bu insisted on meeting Gongsun Zan after defeating him was not entirely because he wanted to claim credit. In fact, it was similar to Chen Gong's idea, which was to be remembered throughout history. Of course, the prerequisite for this was that Gongsun Zanfuzi was able to successfully seize the mountains and rivers. Both Lv Bu and Chen Gong felt that the probability of this happening was extremely high, which was why they came to an agreement with Gongsun Xu so quickly.

"Gong Tai does not need to be so courteous, there will be many things to rely on in the future!" Lv Bu smiled and helped Chen Gong up, then pointed down to the Xuzhou Army camp at the bottom of the mountain, and asked softly: "Gong Tai, why is there no movement from the Big Ear Buster? Could he have sensed something? "

Chen Gong also shifted his gaze onto the Xuzhou Army camp. He stroked his beard and thought for a while, then comforted softly: "Calm down, Master! It hasn't even been an hour since the body of the scout was returned to Liu Xuande, and he will definitely send more spies to spy on us, making sure that we did not sense his conspiracy! " Saying that, he stopped for a moment, raised his head to look at the position of the moon, and smiled: "Right now it's about time to end, in another four hours it'll be daylight. If nothing goes wrong, Liu Xuande will give the order to make his move within an hour! "My lord, please have the soldiers prepare for an attack!"

"Good!" Wen Yuan, go and spread the order yourself, tell our sons not to make too much noise! " After Lv Bu finished giving his orders, he rubbed his hands together and stared at the lights in the Xuzhou Army's camp, he said in a low voice, "Big Ear Buster, ah, Big Ear Buster, tonight will be the day you die!"

"The time of the three family servants' death has come! I will tear him into a thousand pieces! Brother, please give the order! " Inside Liu Bei's big tent, Zhang Fei was cupped his fists and asked for his orders, his expression extremely excited.

Just now, the second batch of spies had already returned. They reported everything they saw to Liu Bei and solemnly guaranteed that everything in the Bingzhou Army's camp would be normal. Liu Bei was still a little worried, he secretly went over to take a look with Zhang Fei and Chen Deng, and found that it was just as the scouts had said, so he decided to take action after returning.

"Calm down, Yi De!" Liu Bei lowered his hand for Zhang Fei to sit down first, then smiled at Chen Deng: "Yuan Long, those warriors who have blocked the river are all your family's people, please pass down your orders to them!"

Chen Deng had been a standard farmer Academy Officer for many years, and was extremely proficient in water conservancy projects. Many servants in his family had learned a few skills from him, so he had handed over the task of stopping the river to Chen Deng.

"This subordinate accepts the order!" Chen Deng stood up and cupped his fists as he replied confidently: "Rest assured lord, the flood will engulf Bingzhou Army's camp in an hour at the most!"

Liu Bei nodded with a smile, "I am most assured with regards to Primordial Dragons! However, this trip is still a bit risky. Yuan Long still needs to pay attention to his own safety! "

"Thank you, my lord! This subordinate will take his leave! " Chen Deng thanked him and turned to leave the tent.

After Chen Deng left, only Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were left in the tent. At this time, Liu Bei's face revealed a pleased smile, he took a sip of tea and asked: "Yi De, have you finished preparing everything?"

Zhang Fei stroked his big beard and laughed: "Brother, don't worry. The bamboo raft and small wooden boat have already been prepared, the chosen soldiers all know how to swim, there won't be any problems! As long as the water is poured down, we can guard the outskirts of the Bingzhou Army's camp and kill them as easily as we would a fish! "

"Very good!" Liu Bei smiled and nodded, then sternly commanded: "Yi De, I know you hate Lv Fengxian, but this battle is extremely important, you must not let your emotions run wild!"

Zhang Fei stood up and cupped his fists: "I will listen to brother's orders and annihilate Bingzhou Army as the leader. I guarantee that I won't let brother down on the spur of the moment!"

Liu Bei thought for a while and instructed: "Once the battle starts, I will personally lead the rest of the troops to reinforce them. Yi De only cares that it is a great merit to trap the Bingzhou Army, you must not advance rashly!"

"Got it, brother!" This little brother will go too! " Zhang Fei was afraid that Liu Bei would nag on again, so he replied and quickly walked out.

Liu Bei rubbed between his brows and said to himself coldly: "Lv Bu, oh Lv Bu, I had wanted you to be a hunting dog for a while longer before I dealt with you, I didn't think that you would actually be courting death! In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless! "After you die, I will have your family members and generals accompany you. It can be said that they have done you a great service!"

"Feng Xian, there is movement in Xuzhou Army's camp!" At this time, on the hillside, Zhang Liao suddenly realized that there was a large group of people moving within the Xuzhou Army's camp. He hurriedly walked over to Lv Bu who was leaning against a tree and rested with his eyes closed and reported to him.

Lv Bu immediately sat up, he quickly walked to the high ground and looked, and just as Zhang Liao had said, the Xuzhou Army's camp was filled with many human figures, who could tell that they were gathering there quickly. He excitedly clenched his fists and chuckled: "Big Ear Buster has finally taken the bait! Wen Yuan, come and invite Gong Tai over to take a look! "

Chen Gong was resting against a tree seven or eight steps away from Lv Bu. After being alarmed by Zhang Liao's footsteps, he hurriedly stood up and walked over. I have already awoken! " Finished speaking, he also looked towards the Xuzhou Army's camp, and immediately smiled: "Master was right, Liu Xuande did take the bait! It seems like the water will be coming down soon! "

Lv Bu felt a burst of fear and could not help but sigh: "If not for Cao Xing finding out that the river had suddenly collapsed, we might still be in the dark! It can be seen that even the heavens do not want Big Ear Buster's scheme to succeed! "

Chen Gong laughed: "General Cao Xing is indeed a lucky man! Master, if Liu Xuande lost his life here tonight, the Xuzhou Army would certainly suffer a crushing defeat. Master could bring along a group disguised as Xuzhou Army, and even bring some captives that could travel overnight to swindle the Xuzhou City.

Lv Bu said in a deep voice, "Once the battle here is over, I will lead Wen Yuan's troops to the Xuzhou to swindle the city!"

Chen Gong asked in shock: "Why didn't you go personally? If the patriarch himself were to go, even if the entire city were to fail, it would definitely cause the wind and birds of the Xuzhou City to wail, and the power of Liu Bei would quickly fall apart! "

Lv Bu said in a deep voice, "Even though I hate the treacherous and cunning Big Ear Buster, I still have a relationship with him, so I really don't want to seize his assets with my own hands!"

Chen Gong taunted: Master's actions are only covering up your ears and stealing the bells! If Liu Xuande were to die, he would never be grateful to his master in the underworld! That's right, if we can successfully seize the Xuzhou, how do you plan on taking care of Liu Xuande's family and generals? "

I will not make things difficult for the families of the Big Ear Buster, I will give them a large sum of money and escort them back to their homes. As for those Tribe Generals, I will first take a look at their attitudes before I make any plans!

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