In the past few years that Chen Deng was the Academy Officer's teacher, he often travelled to all directions, and was extremely familiar with the surrounding terrain of the Xuzhou. Previously, he had even personally come several times to explore the area, so even though it was only by borrowing the dim moonlight, when he was riding his horse with a dozen or so guards, the rugged terrain did not trouble him too much.

Every three to four kilometers, Chen Deng would send someone to the river bank to check out the marks he had made so that he could clearly see the change in water level. After walking for about five kilometers, the guard reported that the marks he made earlier had been drowned by the water. Chen Deng's face immediately changed as he quickly gave the order to move faster. After about half an hour of time, they arrived at a canyon more than a dozen miles away.

A few tall and sturdy men came out from the forest and ran to Chen Deng to kneel before him to greet him.

Chen Deng waved his hand, and said solemnly: "Stand up! Chen Zhong, what's the situation like? "

He pointed at the dam near the entrance of the canyon, and replied with an anxious tone, "Reporting to Young Noble, a huge wooden log was suddenly washed away by the water during the night. Fortunately, the small ones desperately blocked the river water, which protected the dam from collapsing. However, more and more water is leaking out. I was just worried that if I don't act now, the dam will collapse within two hours! "

A few days ago, when Liu Bei had made his plans, he had brought his men to the east to find a suitable place to stay. In the end, they chose this valley that had gentle flowing water, and the two hundred people cut down huge trees on the spot. This dam did not completely cut off the river. About twenty to thirty percent of the river water flowed out from the cracks, and due to the constant washing of the water, the leakage of the dam kept increasing. Chen Zhong and the others reinforced the dam every two hours or so.

Chen Deng heaved a sigh of relief and replied: "There's no need to wait anymore, let's do it!"

"Here!" Chen Zhong replied, turned around and ran down the stairs.

After a moment, the ropes that held the giant trees and stones were chopped down by Chen Zhong and the others. The dam quickly collapsed and the surging river swept away the giant trees and stones, causing splashes of water several zhang high. Like a huge white dragon, the dam flew downstream with an unstoppable momentum.

Chen Deng stroked his short beard under his chin, looked downstream, and excitedly said to himself. "The water potential is great, how can Lv Fengxian avoid it? After tonight, Bingzhou Army will not exist anymore! If General Guan managed to succeed, Master's grand plan would take the most solid step! General Guan, I hope you will not disappoint our master and us! "

"He's here!" On a mountain near the Xuzhou Army's camp, Liu Bei could not help but shout out in excitement when he heard the sound of running water.

Just as Liu Bei's shout fell, a streak of silvery-white water appeared a few kilometers away. After a few breaths of time, a surging river rolled over, carrying a large amount of silt and dead trees and branches. Liu Bei and the surrounding people all took in a breath of cold air. They never thought that the water potential would be this great! From the looks of it, it was going to make the Bingzhou Army's camp empty!

"Quickly inform Yi De, tell him not to rush out to kill the enemy!" Liu Bei quickly regained his senses, and casually pulled a person over and shouted. The river was too turbulent. If Zhang Fei rushed out impatiently with his men, even if he had a small boat to carry him, he could be affected by the water. This made him want to cry.

The one being held back by Liu Bei was Zhang Ping. Only now did he suddenly come to his senses, and casually turned around and sprinted down the mountain.

Liu Bei set his gaze on the Bingzhou Army's camp, and when he saw the people in the camp fleeing in panic, he could not help but reveal a strong smile. At this time, the distance between the water and the Bingzhou Army's camp was less than five kilometers. Unless Lv Bu could grow wings, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to escape before the water arrived.

"What huge water!" At this time, in the forest on the other side, Lv Bu could not help but exclaim out loud.

Chen Gong was also shocked as he stared at the roaring water. When he came back to his senses, he said to Cao Xing in a friendly tone, "General Cao is truly a lucky general! This old man has to thank you. If not for you accidentally discovering the abnormality of the river, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to escape this calamity tonight! "

Chen Gong had a very high opinion of himself and was very proud of himself. Other than Lv Bu, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, the other people such as him did not catch his eye and he actually spoke to Cao Xing in such an amiable manner. It was truly unprecedented. That was why Cao Xing couldn't help but feel overwhelmed from the favor, and immediately replied with modesty, not daring to take credit in the slightest.

In just a short span of a few words, the surging water had already rushed into the Bingzhou Army's camp, and in an instant, the strong fences were easily broken through. The 20 foot tall watchtower collapsed without any resistance, and the large number of tents inside were uprooted, rolling and churning in the water along with the large amount of wood. The war horses that had been left in the camp were struggling desperately in the water, letting out waves of desperate hisses, as if calling for their masters to come and save them.

Qian San floated on the water with a large piece of wooden board in his arms. The back of his finger had countless cuts on it, but he didn't dare to loosen his grip because he knew very well that if he was submerged in the water, even if he was proficient in water, he would be easily dragged into the water! If he were to be hit by the various items in the water, the only result would be him drowning.

Crash! * A war horse was suddenly swept in front of Qian San by the waves, causing huge waves that were a few feet high to splash down on his head. He jumped out of his skin and quickly stepped on a piece of driftwood. Then, he quickly slid back about ten feet.

Plop! The warhorse dived into the place where Qian San was just standing. If he didn't dodge, he would have been smashed into the bottom of the lake. He wiped his face with force and struggled to raise his head to look at the mountain ridge not far away. Inwardly, he hoped that Wen Hou and General Zhang would be able to successfully reverse the situation and kill Liu Bei's main forces.

The turbulent and surging water came and went quickly. In less than half an incense worth of time, the water had already swept up a large amount of debris and was rushing downstream. After the flood, the Bingzhou Army's camp was a complete mess. The puddle was about three to four feet deep, and other than a few sturdy fences, the only thing that remained was the big flagpole buried deep in the ground. The "Lu" banner, which had once terrified the enemy, was completely soaked in water. If someone had seen this scene, they definitely would not have believed that this place was a encampment with over ten thousand people.

Even though Lv Bu was already prepared, seeing this scene, his fury soared to the skies. He clenched his teeth so hard that the veins on the back of his right hand bulged out as he held onto the sword hilt. If Liu Bei was standing in front of him right now, he would not hesitate to chop off his opponent's head!

Chen Gong glanced at Lv Bu, and smiled: "Liu Xuande has gone through so much trouble to attract so many people but all Master has lost a few dozen men, and there is a huge possibility of him obtaining a great victory, so why should you be angry?"

Lv Bu groaned, and said coldly: "All these years, this one has also suffered a few defeats, but I have never faced a camp like today that was actually razed to the ground, how can I not be angry? If I can catch Liu Xuande later, I will personally decapitate him! "

Chen Gong laughed, his gaze turned towards the Xuzhou Army's camp, stroked his beard and did not speak anymore. At this time, the eastern side was already showing the white of the fish, and the moonlight was even fainter. Even without the aid of the camp's lights, he could still barely see inside. He saw that many of the Xuzhou Army s had gathered near the fence, and their cheerful voices could be heard even from so far away, completely unaware that they were just having an empty time.

"My lord, look over there!" At this time, Cao Xing suddenly pointed at the front of the drowned camp and muttered.

Lv Bu and Chen Gong looked towards the source of the voice at the same time, only to see groups of Xuzhou Army soldiers carrying something and placing it on the water's edge, they immediately jumped in.

"It's a raft!" Chen Gong immediately understood, and said with a sneer. "Liu Xuande sure has a good plan, but unfortunately, he's destined to be sad from extreme joy!"

Lv Bu was startled for a moment, and laughed disdainfully: "Gong Tai is right, Big Ear Buster is probably looking forward to the good news of us being completely annihilated! We do not have this kind of thing and are unable to fight on the water. I wonder if Gong Tai has any countermeasures? "

Chen Gong pondered slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Subordinate originally wanted to annihilate the enemy troops who came to take advantage of the fire, but I didn't expect the water to be so vast, and only retreated half of the way now. If we were to kill our way out, we would inevitably sink into the muddy water, and the enemy army that is attacking us would actually have a large number of wooden rafts. Master could make the General Zhang continue his ambush, while Master Gong Ze himself could lead his troops to attack the Xuzhou Army's camp, if he could capture the camp in one fell swoop, it would be good. Even if he was unable to quickly break through the camp, he could still force the enemy to come back.

Hearing that, Lv Bu was extremely happy, he clapped his hands and sighed, "Gong Tai's mind is truly nimble! A brilliant plan! What a brilliant plan! I will now lead three thousand elite soldiers to attack Liu Bei, I hope that Gong Tai and the other brothers will continue to hide here, and wait for the opportunity to support me or Wen Yuan! "

Chen Gong said solemnly, "Master, you just need to rest assured that this subordinate will lead the troops out at the most opportune time!"

Lv Bu patted Chen Gong's shoulder and laughed: "I am absolutely at ease with what I do! I'll go too! "

Chen Gong bowed and said: "This subordinate wishes Master a great victory before you return!"

Lv Bu laughed, without looking back, he waved his hand and ordered three thousand elite soldiers to head down the mountain.

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