"Where is he? Where did everyone go? " Zhang Fei stood on the wooden raft and looked around everywhere, yet didn't see any trace of any Bingzhou Army. He couldn't help but yell loudly in anxiety, and a thick sense of foreboding suddenly welled up in his heart.

When the water first came to him, he had almost ordered his men to attack, but Zhang Ping, who had rushed over in time, stopped him. After the water receded slightly, he impatiently brought a large group of people to paddle the raft into the water, preparing to beat the dog that fell into the water. Unfortunately, from the time they entered the water to the time the raft arrived at the Bingzhou Army's camp, the Xuzhou Army whose morale had risen sharply didn't even detect a single enemy.

"General, look over there!" At this time, a sharp-eyed soldier behind Zhang Fei suddenly pointed ahead and shouted.

Zhang Fei stopped beating and looked towards the source of the sound. He saw that a large wooden board floated on the surface of the water about ten meters away. A Bingzhou Army Soldier was holding onto the wooden board tightly, floating along with the waves of the water. He hastily shouted, "Pass!"

The wooden raft quickly approached closer. When it was less than three meters away from the person in the water, Zhang Fei suddenly extended his spear and accurately pierced through the skin armor on the back of the person's neck.

Crash *

As the water splashed in all directions, the man was picked up and thrown onto the top of the raft. With a thump, he fell face up into the sky and crashed into the raft, causing it to sway left and right.

This person was Qian San. He opened his eyes in a daze and muttered, "Me isn't dead?"

Zhang Fei bent down, grabbed Qian San's collar and lifted him up, shouting sternly: "Where are the others? "Speak!"

"What others?" "No," Qian San answered carelessly and then came to his senses. He didn't know if he was afraid or cold, but he suddenly shivered a few times.

Pow! Zhang Fei slapped Qian San hard and said angrily, "You dare to put on an act in front of me, you are truly reckless! Speak, where is Lv Bu? "

Qian San was Zhang Liao's personal soldier and was normally very loyal to Zhang Liao. Even though he was extremely afraid of Zhang Fei, he pretended to be confused and confused as he shook his head vigorously.

"You won't tell me, right?" Zhang Fei was so angry that he laughed instead. He stopped questioning Qian San and stabbed his spear into the raft, pulling out the ring head knife at his waist. Before anyone could react, he sliced off Qian San's left arm!

That arm fell on the raft, and was immediately kicked into the water by Zhang Fei.

Qian San screamed miserably as blood gushed out like a spring from his severed arm and his body began to tremble violently.

Blood sprayed all over Zhang Fei's face, he threw Qian San aside and carelessly wiped the blood off his face, his entire face was instantly smeared with blood. Adding to his fiendish look, he looked extremely sinister and terrifying like a demon from hell. Putting aside the fear of Qian San, who had suffered a heavy injury, even the personal guards around Zhang Fei tried their best to retreat backwards. If it wasn't for the water covering all four sides, they would have definitely stayed as far away from Zhang Fei as possible.

Zhang Fei shook his ring head knife that was covered in blood, and shouted fiercely at Qian San: "If you still dare to shut your mouth, I will cut off your other arm. If you don't, then your legs will be next!"

Qian San shrunk back and said with a trembling voice, "I say! I said it! Wen Hou had long since brought his troops and left the camp, leaving us dozens of men as a cover! "

"What!?" Zhang Fei felt as if he had just heard lightning from a clear sky, and couldn't help but stare with wide eyes as he shouted, "How could this happen? Where did the three servants go? If you don't want to die, then hurry up and say it! "

Qian San cried, "This, I really don't know!" Me is just a small firecracker! "

Zhang Fei scolded loudly: "Trash! Since you don't know anything, what's the use of staying here?! " As he finished speaking, he picked up the spear and pierced Qian San's chest with lightning speed. He then threw Qian San's body into the water a few meters away.

Qian San struggled a few times and soon disappeared into the water.

Zhang Fei looked around in a daze, his heart was in panic, just where did Lv Bu lead the group of people to? No matter where Lv Bu went, one thing was certain, the vengeful Lv Bu would never secretly lead his troops back to the Xiao Pei, and would instead be plotting something! Zhang Fei was frightened when he thought of this, and immediately turned his head to look around, only to see that there was nothing else other than the vast expanse of water.

One of the guards saw that Zhang Fei was stunned and did not speak, and could not help but ask: "General, what should we do now?"

Zhang Fei quickly regained his senses, and shouted: "Retreat quickly! Hurry and return to the camp! "

At this time, Zhang Fei had already thought it through, no matter what scheme Lv Bu was plotting, he only needed to lead the troops back to the camp as soon as possible, and Lv Bu's plan would break by itself! At the same time, he also knew clearly in his heart that this was the best time for Lv Bu to attack. Whether it was to intercept him halfway or seize the opportunity to attack the encampment of the Xuzhou Army, Lv Bu's chances of winning would be very high. The only way to resolve this would be to retreat back into the encampment and reunite with his brothers before Lv Bu attacked!

How could Liu Bei not understand a problem that Zhang Fei could even think of? The scouts kept reporting back to Liu Bei. When he heard that Zhang Fei did not find any traces of the Bingzhou Army, his expression suddenly changed, and his originally carefree mood completely disappeared. He immediately ordered for Zhang Fei's men to return while he himself and a group of guards ran towards the camp.

The moment Liu Bei walked to the entrance of the encampment, he saw Chen Deng pacing back and forth. When he saw Liu Bei, he hastily went forward to salute: "Master, why are you so flustered?"

After Chen Deng ordered the destruction of the dam, he quickly urged his horse to turn back. When he returned to the camp, he found out that Zhang Fei had already led the troops to attack and that Liu Bei had gone to the high ground to watch. Out of caution, he did not go and look for Liu Bei.

Liu Bei had a worried look on her face as she softly said, "Lv Bu left with a large group of people before the arrival of the great water. We still don't know where he went!"

Chen Deng was shocked, and hurriedly lowered her voice: "Master, the situation is extremely urgent, please get General Zhang to lead the army back immediately, otherwise, it is very possible that Lv Bu will grab the opportunity and break it apart!"

Liu Bei frowned: "I have already ordered some people to send orders, I hope Third Brother can withdraw before Lv Bu takes action!"

Just as Liu Bei said that, the surrounding area became a clamor, and following that, a large group of people rushed towards the camp.


"We have defeated the Xuzhou Army and captured Liu Xuande alive!"

"Wen Hou has orders, whoever captures Liu Xuande alive will be rewarded with ten thousand gold, and the partial general will be officially sealed!"

Liu Bei turned pale with fright, and quickly ran inside with Chen Deng, shouting for the nearby Xuzhou Army soldiers to close the door.

Just as the thick and heavy camp's gate closed, a group of two to three thousand Bingzhou Army s rushed over. The one in front was Lv Bu, he raised his ancient halberd to point at the gate and laughed complacently, then shouted: "Big Ear Buster, quickly come out and surrender, I will spare your life!"

Liu Bei's face was gloomy, his heart was raging, but he did not speak. He still could not understand one thing. How did Lv Bu know his plan? Other than himself and Chen Yuanlong, only Chen Yuanlong's servants knew of this matter. It was impossible for Chen Yuanlong to reveal his secret, could it be that one of his servants had secretly pledged allegiance to Lv Bu?

Seeing that no one replied, Lv Bu became even more pleased with himself. He galloped his horse forward a few steps, raised up a 20 m long deer skin with his halberd, and ferociously smashed towards the camp's gate.

Bang! The huge wooden door shook from the impact, giving the Xuzhou Army soldiers a lot of pressure.

Lv Bu laughed at the sky, and after he finished laughing he shouted, "Big Ear Buster, if you still do not surrender after dozens of sounds, once the camp has been breached by someone, it will definitely burn away! "Ten."

Liu Bei looked at Chen Deng, and quietly asked: "Yuanlong, what should we do now?"

Chen Deng muttered to himself, and said softly: "Master must do his best to delay Lv Bu, so that he can delay the time for the attack. As long as General Zhang's men return, even if we cannot turn the situation around, we can protect ourselves from harm!"

"Five" was already half of the count for Lv Bu who was standing outside.

Liu Bei nodded, then shouted out loud: "Lv Fengxian, are you willing to talk to me in detail?"

"Haha" Lv Bu laughed loudly: "Liu Xuande, you finally stopped playing dead huh? Talk? Great! I would like to hear what you have to say! "

Liu Bei shouted: "Lv Fengxian, ever since you went to the Xuzhou, I have always viewed you as my flesh and blood brother. Why have you secretly colluded with Gongsun Xu and tried to steal my Xuzhou?!"

"Not mistreating a certain? Haha! "Lv Bu immediately laughed and leaned back, taunting:" Liu Xuande, you better ask yourself, have you ever really treated this one as your brother? This particular army that was stationed in Xiao Pei was just a dog that was guarding your home! How dare you be so shameless and call yourself a brother! If I don't guard against a hypocrite like you who is seeking fame earlier, I'm afraid I would have been burnt to ashes! Enough of your rubbish, do you want to surrender or not? "

The anger on Liu Bei's face flared up for a moment, and then he asked softly: Lv Fengxian, if I were to give up the Xuzhou, what will you do?

Lv Bu was startled, he did not expect Liu Bei to say such words, and immediately said respectfully: "The men and horses must stay, you and your family and friends can leave safely!"

"This is impossible!" Liu Bei flatly refused, and said in a stern voice: "I must bring the men, or else there is no need to say anymore, just come and fight!"

Lv Bu frowned and started to ponder, he was too proud of himself, he did not realize that Liu Bei was stalling for time, he actually took Liu Bei's words for real.

Just then, Chen Gong galloped over on his horse. When he saw Lv Bu, he asked loudly, "The fighter jet is fleeting, why do you not move?"

"Why does Gong Tai say that?" Lv Bu was stunned: "I just don't want my subordinates to suffer too much casualties, that's why I called them down! Now that Liu Xuande is like a turtle in a jar, how can you call a fighter that fleeting? "

"My lord!" Chen Gong shouted in exasperation: "Liu Xuande is only delaying! Don't forget that Zhang Yide still has another troop coming back. If General Zhang Liao is unable to stop him and let him return to the camp, will Master still be able to win? "

Lv Bu realised and was furious. He pointed his halberd at the "Liu" sign behind the door and bellowed: "Go in!"

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