"General!" General Guan! Wake up! The enemy is coming out of the city! "

The anxious shouts and forceful pushing caused Guan Yu, who was still in deep sleep, to suddenly wake up. He looked at the few guards in front of him blankly. Unexpectedly, he used too much force to pull on the wound. He took a deep breath of the cold air from the pain, but he didn't bother to check the wound as he rushed out.

Guan Yu bellowed: Hand over your blade! Quick, follow this general to stop Gongsun Xu from breaking out of the encirclement! "

Someone at the side anxiously advised: "General Guan, the enemy troops are all cavalry, we have the advantage in numbers, there is no need to fight to the death with them, how about we form a formation to stop them?"

Guan Yu originally wanted to berate this person for being cowardly and fearful of the enemy, but after thinking about it, he felt that it made sense. He had too few cavalry, so he was simply unable to fight against Gongsun Xu's elite cavalry. He restrained his anger and ordered the three thousand men outside the south gate to form a formation to meet the enemy. Then, he mounted his horse and rushed forward with his broadsword.

Guan Yu believed that Gongsun Xu wanted to break through the encirclement and escape. Thus, when he gave the order to form the formation, he had the three thousand over Xuzhou Army soldiers form a semicircle formation. They did not seek to defeat Gongsun Xu and the the the riders under his command.

Although the Xuzhou Army soldiers had gone through Liu Bei's strict drills before, they were still lacking when compared to the White Horse Camp's' professional army '. It was impossible to assemble into formation in such a hurry because of Guan Yu's plan. When Gongsun Xu's army rushed over, there were only seven to eight hundred people blocking them. Their shields were pitifully few, and could not withstand the charge of the cavalry.

Guan Yu was furious, but he knew that it was useless to rush up, so he shouted for his soldiers to quickly gather.

Gongsun Xu led his subordinates and charged forward like the wind, quickly arriving 200 steps away from Guan Yu. At the moment, the Xuzhou Army soldiers were still busy forming a formation, so once Gongsun Xu rushed into the formation, it would be very difficult for them to resist. The soldiers of the Xuzhou Army knew this, many of their faces were filled with panic, if Guan Yu did not stay behind to hold them down, some of them might have collapsed and escaped.

Seeing that the situation was bad, Guan Yu did not dare delay, and led the hundred over cavalrymen to charge, in an attempt to buy the walking soldier enough time to gather.

When the two of them were separated by about a hundred steps, Gongsun Xu raised his head to look at the rushing Guan Yu, raised his spear, and waved it towards the left.

The thousand riders turned, making a huge circle in front of Guan Yu, and rushed towards the wings of Xuzhou Army.

Guan Yu was surprised and angry at the same time, he anxiously gave the order to turn around and charge forward. Unfortunately, the cavalry techniques that he was leading were far inferior to the White Horse Camp's cavalry. Not only was they unable to change direction in time, they had also been knocked down by their companions.

After ten or so breaths, Gongsun Xu charged into the side of the Xuzhou Army, the spear in his hand danced like blossoming flowers, and every time he attacked, it would bring about a splash of blood. In the blink of an eye, eight or nine people were pierced and stabbed to death by him, the formation that was filled with loopholes immediately went into chaos. Hou Yong and the rest followed Gongsun Xu as he advanced, only killing the people of Xuzhou Army. The ones who retreated and the ones behind were pushing and shoving each other, simply unable to organize an effective defense.

Guan Yu was angered to the point that his eyes turned black, he whipped his horse and rushed forward, trying to stop Gongsun Xu before he could pierce through the crowd. Unexpectedly, when Gongsun Xu and his men rushed to the middle of the formation, they suddenly changed directions again, charging in the direction of the Xuzhou Army. Even though they had tried their best to resist, and paid a heavy price, it was a complete mess. They did not have enough weapons to defend against the cavalry, and could only be forced to retreat step by step by Gongsun Xu's troops.

When Guan Yu finally caught up, Gongsun Xu and his group had already left the Xuzhou Army's camp and were rushing towards the west side of the city. Guan Yu let out a long sigh, he hoped that the West side's subordinates would stop Gongsun Xu, and it seemed impossible, as they would stop Gongsun Xu from returning to Qinghe County. At this moment, he was blaming himself. If he had not overestimated the Xuzhou Army and underestimated the cavalry under Gongsun Xu's command, and had ordered them to gather a defensive formation at daybreak, how could Gongsun Xu travel so easily?

Guan Yu looked at the departing Gongsun Xu's group, and sighed to himself: "I have been careless and ruined Brother's plans, and I hope brother can smoothly kill Lv Bu, if not I would be an unforgivable sinner! "I hate the fact that I don't have too many cavalrymen under my command, or else I'll definitely catch up!"

Just as Guan Yu was feeling remorseful, someone at the side asked: "General, what should we do now?"

Guan Yu sighed, and dispiritedly waved his hand: "Treat the injured brothers, and transfer a thousand people to continue besieging the city gates."

Just as his voice fell, waves of clamoring and fighting sounds suddenly came from the west of the city. Guan Yu was shocked as he hurriedly turned his head, but unfortunately, his line of sight was blocked by the city walls. Just as he was about to send someone to take a look, he saw a horse galloping from the west side of the city. The rider's face was filled with panic as he shouted from afar, "Reporting to the general, Gongsun Xu has suddenly led an army to the west side of the city and attacked from the sides. We were caught off guard, and suffered heavy casualties!"

"What!? How could it be like this! " Guan Yu almost could not believe his ears. Didn't Gongsun Xu break out of the encirclement and return to the Qinghe County?

The man cupped his fists and said anxiously: "General Guan, Gongsun Xu's cavalrymen are too ferocious, we brothers are unable to resist them, please General, quickly go and save them!"

Guan Yu stroked his beard and hesitated, he could not figure out Gongsun Xu's true intentions, what if Gongsun Xu decided to go and help him, then return to kill him?

The person cried out anxiously: "General Guan, please quickly go and save us! Otherwise it will be too late! "

Guan Yu frowned: "Forget it! I will bring 500 people to reinforce them! " He was prepared to go over and take a look first, if Gongsun Xu was prepared to leave, he would ignore him, and if Gongsun Xu wanted to go back and forth between his own factions to take advantage of them, he would do whatever it took to kill him!

At this time, in the west side of the city, Gongsun Xu had already led his men to kill a few in the Xuzhou Army's camp. He stopped at a place a hundred steps away from the Xuzhou Army and turned to ask Hou Yong: "Have Guan Yu caught up?"

Hou Yong looked towards the south of the city and shook his head: "Reporting to General, Guan Yu doesn't seem to have made any movements! Would you like to continue your slaughter? "

Gongsun Xu looked ahead. In this charge just now, the unprepared Xuzhou Army had lost three to four hundred people, and the cavalry under his command had also lost thirty to forty people. At this time, the Xuzhou Army in front was already quickly gathering. Furthermore, he was not sure if Guan Yu would chase after him. If they continued to fight, there was a high chance that Guan Yu, who was in hot pursuit, would attack them from both sides.

"Retreat!" Go to the north of the city and enter! " Thinking about it here, Gongsun Xu gave the order to retreat.

Hou Yong quickly passed down the order as the remaining eight hundred plus people followed Gongsun Xu and ran towards the north of the city.

Just as Gongsun Xu and his group left the west side of the city, Guan Yu had already rushed over with his men.

"What exactly is Gongsun kid thinking? "Why do you have to be so aggressive before you leave?" Guan Yu suppressed his anger and muttered to himself.

One of the guards asked hesitantly: "General, could it be that Gongsun Xu doesn't have the intention to return to the Qinghe County at all?"

"Hmm?" Guan Yu was startled, then suddenly reacted, from Gongsun Xu's actions just now, he was not anxious to go back to Qinghe County. Could it be that the other party simply wanted to come out and kill him? Thinking of this, he shouted, "Someone come!"

"Please give me your instructions, General!"

"Catch up and see where Gongsun Xu has gone to, then come back quickly and report it!"

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