Seeing that the ambushing soldiers had rushed out, Zhang Fei also quickly turned around and charged straight towards Lv Bu.

Lv Bu was shocked, when he saw that Liu Bei was the one who killed his way out, he could not help but let out a disdainful smile. Even if the number of people outnumbered him by a hundred, what was there to be afraid of? He turned his head to look, and realized that Zhang Liao was already two to three miles away, making him even more determined. He immediately spurred his horse to charge towards Zhang Fei, attempting to kill him before Liu Bei could even rush over.

Lv Bu saw that Liu Bei had stopped moving and his heart was filled with doubts. He did not believe that Liu Bei would not care about his pride and attack him. But Zhang Liao had not rushed over yet, it was a good thing that he did not rush over to help, thus the suspicions in his mind disappeared in a moment, and he focused on fighting Zhang Fei.

On the official road, which was five to six miles away, Chen Gong and his troops were rushing there quickly.

As long as he could catch up to and kill Liu Bei, he would be able to obtain complete victory this time.

However, Chen Gong frowned, he was a little nervous in his heart. He kept having the feeling that something was amiss, but after thinking about it carefully, he could not find any clues. Under Liu Xuande's heavy defeat, he no longer had the power to launch a large-scale counterattack. Zhang Fei's ambush just now had at most stopped him for a moment, and it was simply impossible to reverse the situation.

Cao Xing ran forward a few steps, then turned his head to see Chen Gong frowning Chen Si. He could not help but laugh: "Mr. Gong Tai, Master and General Zhang have disappeared, I want to speed up!"

Chen Gong suddenly woke up and shouted: "General Cao! If you take two thousand elite soldiers with you and go first, it's very possible that the Lord will be ambushed! "

Cao Xing was shocked. He trusted Chen Gong a lot, so he did not ask for the reason after hearing what she said.

Chen Gong sighed. Although Lv Bu listened to everything he said, once they started fighting, he would not care about his own advice, he would only focus on rushing forward and fighting. If Lv Bu was just a general charging in, this method would not be inappropriate, but as the commander of the army, this was too reckless! Currently, the entire Bingzhou Army was tied to Lv Bu, if he made any mistakes, the entire army would collapse in the blink of an eye.

"I hope Liu Xuande did not set up a powerful ambush!" Chen Gong muttered to himself as he looked at Cao Xing's back, and followed closely with the rest of the army.

After Zhang Fei led his army out to attack, the few merchants who were previously forgotten in the forest untied the ropes on their feet. However, they did not dare to rashly escape. When Chen Gong led the group of people and left, they secretly heaved a sigh of relief and began to discuss softly.

"Those people from the Spirit Province have left, should we return to the Xuzhou or continue going to the Huainan?"

"Are you stupid? From the looks of it, Lv Wenhou will definitely take this opportunity to attack the Xuzhou. Wouldn't returning to the Xuzhou be courting death? "Let's go to Yangzhou!"

Brother Sun is right, little overlord Sun Ce has been very quiet lately, the Huainan is very peaceful right now. Let's temporarily settle down there and wait for Xuzhou's exact news before we make our plans!

"Sigh, the City Guard of Yangzhou are very greedy. If we want to live in the city for a while, I'm afraid we will have to spend a lot of money!"

"Who says it isn't? Huainan's Yuan Shijun rarely restricts the discipline of the military, she's a lot worse than Envoy Liu. "

"Insolent scoundrel, how dare you humiliate our master behind our backs!" Before this person could finish his words, a thunderous roar came from behind him. Following which, a large Iron Armor General came out from the forest and placed a shining saber on his neck.

Rustling and rustling sounds could be heard from the surrounding grass. Soldiers came out one after another and surrounded these traveling merchants.

They did not know who this armoured general was, but they were very familiar with these soldiers dressed in dark green clothes and khaki pants. He was the Huainan Army who was just talking about him! Not to mention that they were just a few ants doing business, even the rich and powerful merchants of Yangzhou city would often be extorted for money by the generals of Huainan Army. If they were killed by these Huainan Army soldiers, no one would even bother asking a single question.

At this time, a gentle voice came from his side: "General Chen Lan, please let this man go. This old man has something to ask them!"

One of the merchants secretly raised his head and glanced at the speaker. He was dressed in an incomparably luxurious black robe with a huge piece of white jade tied around his waist and a pair of gorgeous deerskin boots on his feet.

The travelling merchant could not help but guess in his heart: 'Rumor has it that Chen Lan is a great general under Yuan Shu's command. Anyone who can direct him must be Yuan Shu Yuewu!'

His guess was not wrong, the black robed man was the master of the Huainan, Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu took two steps forward, and asked: "Who are you? "Why are you here?"

A few merchants looked at each other, and the oldest one kowtowed: "Reporting to master, these young people are all merchants from Xuzhou, this time they all wanted to go to Yangzhou, but unexpectedly, General Zhang Yide caught them here, and when General Zhang rushed out to fight with Lv Wenhou, all of them were able to escape! "Young people are willing to offer up the possessions that they brought with them, please spare my life!"

"Don't be afraid!" Yuan Shu waved his hand, and smiled: "How could those treasures even enter my eyes? I ask you, how many people is Lv Bu? "

The senior businessman replied, "Sir, I estimate I have about twenty thousand men."

Yuan Shu frowned and asked: "Why are there so many people? Are you sure you didn't miscount? "

"Master, when I was in the Xuzhou, I had seen the Envoy Liu train their troops and horses, my estimate of the number of people should not be that much lower. Even if there were not twenty thousand people, there should be at least sixteen to seventeen thousand!"

Yuan Shu stroked his beard and thought for a while, before he continued to ask: What's the situation in Xuzhou Army?

The old merchant replied in a regretful tone, "General Zhang Yide is wounded, Xuzhou Army seems to have suffered a defeat. This humble one can vaguely hear a few words, but last night, I seemed to have lost three to four thousand people …"

Hearing this, Yuan Shu's eyes lit up, and after casually asking a few more insignificant questions, he turned and walked down the mountain.

"Sir, I have said everything, please let me leave!" The old man quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy. The other businessmen followed suit and kowtowed as well.

Yuan Shu chuckled, and continued to walk forward.

Chen Lan shouted in anger: "You all insulted my master from behind, you all deserve to be executed by your entire family! Seeing that they had responded honestly, he decided to take their lives instead. It would not harm their families! Come on, kill them all! "

"General, spare me!" Please spare me! Yuan Shijun personally promised to forgive us, but we can't go back on our words! " Seeing that the other party was not moving, he looked at Yuan Shu's back in despair and shouted: "Yuan Shijun! Yuan Shijun! Say something! Please say something! "

Yuan Shu stopped and turned his head as he laughed contemptuously: "I only said that I don't care about your possessions, when have I ever said something like 'you' and 'your life'? "A bunch of ants like you actually dared to slander this old man behind his back, and even pretended to not know this old man. You really deserve to die a thousand times for this crime!"

"Yuan Shu, you untrustworthy beast! "AHH!"

In the blink of an eye, a few businessmen died with their heads on the ground. It could be said that they died with grievances.

When Yuan Shu got down to the official road, a follower had already led a tall and big horse before him. He then crouched on the ground and waited for Yuan Shu to get on the horse.

Yuan Shu jumped onto the war horse while stepping on top of the follower's back, but did not ride the horse, instead he looked ahead and started to think.

Chen Lan who had rushed over afterwards asked softly: "Master, the Bingzhou Army has already been gone for a long time, would you like to order the entire army to gather and catch up?"

Yuan Shu nodded and asked: "How long has it been since Ji Ling left?"

"More than two hours have passed!"

muttered to himself, "If that's the case, Ji Ling's army should have already reached the border! Pass down the order, the entire army is to quickly assemble! "

Chen Lan replied as he ordered the gathering of Huainan Army soldiers.

After the time it took to make two cups of tea, nearly twenty thousand Huainan Army soldiers finally left the forest and gathered on the main road.

Yuan Shu looked at his subordinates who had bright armor and high morale, and revealed a satisfied smile.

Chen Lan spurred his horse over and asked: "Master, should we set off immediately?"

"No rush!" Hehe, Yuan Shu laughed: "General Chen, no need to be anxious, wait a little longer!"

Chen Lan looked ahead and said anxiously: "Master, if we don't catch up, we might not make it in time!"

"Why is it too late?" Yuan Shu looked at Chen Lan strangely and spoke sincerely: "General Chen, have you heard of the words' the mantis stalks the cicada, the oriole '? We are yellow sparrows, how could we have arrived earlier? "

Chen Lan scratched his head and smiled: "Master has foresight! He had heard the words before, but he had forgotten about them! Master, if we hurry over later, General Ji Ling wouldn't be in any danger, right? "

Yuan Shu asked disapprovingly: "Ji Ling is courageous and battle-ready, he is a vigilant man. He also has thirty thousand elite soldiers, what danger would there be? "After the time it takes to make a cup of tea, it's not too late for us to rush over!"

"We shall obey the orders of our lord!"

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